University of Kashmir Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online

Kashmir University Recruitment 2021 Apply Online for Professor and Associate Professor Job Vacancy| Last Date of Apply is 21 October 2021.

The University Of Jammu And Kashmir was Founded in the year 1948. In the year 1969 it was bifurcated into two full-fledged Universities: University of Kashmir at Srinagar and University of Jammu at Jammu. The University of Kashmir is situated at Hazratbal in Srinagar. It is flanked by the world famous Dal Lake on its eastern side and Nigeen Lake on the western side. The Main Campus of the University spread over 247 acres of land is divided into three parts – Hazratbal Campus, Naseem Bagh Campus and Mirza Bagh Campus (serving residential purpose). Additional land has been acquired at Zakura near the main campus for further expansion of the University. The tranquil ambience of the Campus provides the right kind of atmosphere for serious study and research.

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the recruitment of the following Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts on tenure and regular basis in various Campuses/ Departments/ Institutes/ Centres of the University of Kashmir Srinagar (Advertisement Notice No. 02 of 2021).

Kashmir University Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Professor: 33 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines at various campuses, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14 of 7th CPC ₹144200-218200/-
  • Associate Professor: 79 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines at various campuses, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13A of 7th CPC ₹131400-217100/-

Application Fee:

For All Candidates → INR.- 1050/- through Online mode. Check notification details

University of Kashmir Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Education Qualification :

  • Professor An eminent scholar with Ph.D. qualifications (s) in the concerned/ relevant discipline and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with a minimum of 10 research publications in the peer-reviewed UGC-listed journals. A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/ college, and/ or research experience at the equivalent level at the University/ National level institutions with evidence of having successful guided doctoral candidates. An outstanding professional having a Ph.D. degree in the relevant/applied discipline, from any academic institution (not included in A above)/ industry, who has made significant contributions to the knowledge in the concerned allied relevant discipline, supported by documentary evidence provided has ten years of experience.
  • Associate Professor → A good academic record with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned, relevant disciplines. A Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale, wherever grading system is followed) A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching and, or research in an academic, research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College or Accredited Research Institution, Industry with a minimum of seven publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC listed journals.

Age Limit :

Min 18 whereas max 35 years. Check notification for Age Limit

Selection Procedure:

Academic assessment + interview

How to Apply for University of Kashmir Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the Kashmir University website from 16/09/2021 to 21/10/2021 only for University of Kashmir Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Steps To Apply :

  • You need first go to University of Kashmir Official Website.
  • download Recruitment Notification PDF, You should read carefully details.
  • If you are eligible for these vacancies in the University of Kashmir . Then fill the Job Application form.
  • After Submit the All eligibility Details please cross-check once.
  • Now you can send application the following Address.

Submit a Print-Out of the Application Form Submitted Online along-with the enclosures, duly numbered at right hand top margin, as per the auto-generated serial no. against each entry, Bank pay-in-slip/Online payment Acknowledgment and one copy of latest Curriculum Vitae, duly binded, either personally or through Registered/Speed-Post to the office of the

Assistant Registrar (Recruitment), Ground Floor, New Administrative Block, University Campus, Hazratbal , Srinagar-190006, J&K, India.

Candidates sending print-out of their Application Forms by Post should ensure that the envelop containing Application Form is Super-Scribed as “Application for the post of ……………, Post ID………, Advt. Notice No……… dated ……….” reaches by or before the last date. Application recieved after the last date shall not be entertained.

Application Format and Details

Please visit  for details and the online application form for University of Kashmir Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021. Also view Official notification here. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

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