NEPA Limited Recruitment 2023 – Recruitment of Job Vacancy in NEPA Limited 2023
Nepa Limited, a Pioneer Newsprint Manufacturing CPSU, under the Ministry of Heavy Industries, invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian Citizens for the recruitment of the following #GovernmentJob vacancy posts in various pay scales on a contract basis from qualified and experienced professionals, who fulfil the prescribed eligibility criteria to work for the year 2023. (Advertisement No. 01/2023).
Nepa Limited, a Pioneer Newsprint Manufacturing CPSU, under the Ministry of Heavy Industries, is situated at Nepanagar, Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh.
Table of Contents

NEPA Limited Recruitment 2023 Vacancies
- Plant Superintendent: 01 vacancies
- Paper Machine Department vacancies
- Technical Assistant-I (Winder Operator): 06 vacancies
- Technical Attendant (Winder Assistant): 04 vacancies
- Technical Assistant-I (Calendar Operator): 06 vacancies
- Technical Attendant (Calendar Assistant): 04 vacancies
- Technical Assistant-I (Wet End Operator): 06 vacancies
- Junior De–inking Plant Superintendent: 01 vacancies
- Shift Incharge (Paper Machine): 04 vacancies
- Junior Shift Incharge (Paper Machine): 04 vacancies
- Technical (Mechanical), (Electrical), (Civil) & (Instrument) vacancies
- Assistant Mechanical Engineer: 03 vacancies
- Junior Mechanical Engineer: 02 vacancies
- Assistant Electrical Engineer: 03 vacancies
- Junior Electrical Engineer: 02 vacancies
- Assistant Civil Engineer: 02 vacancies
- Junior Civil Engineer: 02 vacancies
- Assistant Instrument Engineer: 02 vacancies
- Junior Instrument Engineer: 02 vacancies
- Supervisor Instrumentation: 03 vacancies
- Commercial/Finance/Marketing/HR/IT vacancies
- Assistant Commercial Executive: 01 vacancies
- Junior Commercial Executive: 01 vacancies
- Senior Finance Superintendent: 01 vacancies
- Finance Executive: 02 vacancies
- Senior Marketing Superintendent: 01 vacancies
- Junior HR Officer: 02 vacancies
- Senior IT Officer: 01 vacancies
- Junior IT Officer: 01 vacancies
- Store/Security vacancies
- Senior Stores Superintendent: 01 vacancies
- Junior Stores Officer: 01 vacancies
- Chief Stores Officer: 01 vacancies
- Deputy Chief Stores Officer: 01 vacancies
- Technical Attendant (Paper Machine, Finishing House, Sales Godown, ET Plant): 40 vacancies
- Technical Attendant (Lifter Driver): 06 vacancies
Application Fee for NEPA Limited Job Recruitment 2023
Candidates belonging to the post of UR/OBC are required to pay an application fee of Rs 250/- (non–refundable) for each post they are applying for. Whereas, for the reserved positions, candidates applying against SC/ST posts are exempted for payment towards application fee.
How to apply for NEPA Job Vacancies 2023?
Eligible and interested candidates should Apply Online and should send their application to email Id. in the prescribed proforma and attach self-attested copies in support of their qualification and experience on or before 25/04/2023 only for Job Vacancy Recruitment NEPA Limited 2023.
Details and application format
Please visit for complete details and the online application format for Job Vacancy Recruitment NEPA Limited 2023. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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