Recruitment of Junior Translation Officer in Heavy Water Board 2021
HWB JTO Recruitment 2021 –
Applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the following Government Jobs Vacancy of Junior Translation Officer (JTO) ‘Group B’ ‘Non-Gazetted’ posts in a Special Recruitment Drive to fill up SC, ST & OBC Backlog Vacancies in the Heavy Water Board (HWB) under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) located in various parts of India. (Advertisement No. HWB/1/2020)

Heavy Water Board Junior Translation Officer Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
- Junior Translation Officer (JTO): 06 vacancies (OBC-03, SC-02, ST-01), Pay: Pay Level-6 ₹ 35400/-, Age: SC/ST-33 years and OBC-31 years
How to Apply for HWB Junior Translation Officer Recruitment 2021?
Suitable candidates should send applications in the prescribed format to The Assistant Personnel Officer (R), Heavy Water Board, V.S. Bhavan, 4th floor, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai – 400094 on or before 02/08/2021 only HWB Junior Translation Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021.
Details and Application Format
Please visit for detailed advertisement and application format for HWB Junior Translation Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021.