Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University Solan 2022
DR YSP UNIVERSITY Jobs Notification 2022: Good news for all those candidates who are waiting for Guest faculty and application form. Eligible and qualified candidates will able to apply online DR YSP UNIVERSITY 2022. This is a great and wonderful career opportunity for all those Applicants who want to make a career on this sector.
Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the Recruitment of the following 29 Teaching Faculty Sarkari Naukri Vacancy of Professor, Assistant Professors and Scientist/Subject Matter Specialist in Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry (YSP UHF), Nauni (Solan) -173230, Himachal Pradesh (Advertisement No.: UHF.Regr.Rectt.2-04/2022-8737-817).

YSP UHF Faculty Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
- Professor: 01 vacancies in Biotechnology discipline, Pay Scale: ₹37400-67000 AGP ₹10000/-
- Assistant Professor: 25 vacancies on contract basis in various subjects/disciplines, Consolidated Pay : ₹15600 AGP ₹6000 + @150% of AGP
- Subject Matter Specialist: 01 vacancies in Animal Science/Live Stock Production/Veterinary Science discipline on a contract basis, Consolidated Pay: ₹15600 AGP ₹6000 + @150% of AGP
- Scientist: 01 vacancy in Entomology discipline on contract basis, Consolidated Pay : ₹15600 AGP ₹6000 + @150% of AGP
- Assistant Librarian: 01 vacancies in SNS Library, Main Campus, Consolidated Pay: ₹15600 AGP ₹6000 + @150% of AGP
How to Apply for YSP UHF Teaching Vacancies 2022?
Suitable candidates should apply in the prescribed format on or before 30/06/2022 to the Office of Registrar, Dr. YSP UHF, Nauni Solan (Himachal Pradesh) – 173230 for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in YSP UHF Solan 2022. The last date is 07/07/2022 for the candidates from far-flung areas.
How to Apply DR YSP UNIVERSITY Vacancy 2022?
- Visit the official website of DR YSP UNIVERSITY .
- Check the DR YSP UNIVERSITY Vacancy notification link.
- Click on the DR YSP UNIVERSITY Recruitment 2022 online application form link advertisement.
- Fill all the required details.
- Upload a scanned photograph and the signature.
- Candidate m have valid e-mail Address and the contact no.
- Submit their DR YSP UNIVERSITY Recruitment 2022 form after filling.
Details and application format
Please visit Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry website https://www.yspuniversity.ac.in/jobs to view the details and application form for Teaching Faculty Government Job Vacancy in YSP UHF 2022.
Note==>There is an increase in Faculty Government Jobs, view all
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