UPSC Notification 2023 – UPSC Releases Notification for Assistant Professor and Other Posts in Employment News (14-20 October 2023) – Check PDF and Details Here

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), headquartered at Dholpur House, New Delhi, is calling for online applications until 02/11/2023, using the provided recruitment form. This recruitment drive aims to fill various Group-A and Group-B Government Jobs across different departments and organizations of the Government of India. The available positions include Directors, Medical Faculty, Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, and more. Interested candidates can apply for these Sarkari Naukri vacancies by submitting the prescribed online application form (UPSC Advt. No. 19/2023).

ORGANISATIONUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Advertisement No.:Advertisement No. 19/2023
No. OF POSTS25 Posts
CATEGORYGovernment Job
UPSC Notification 2023: Apply Online for Assistant Professor & More Posts

UPSC Notification 2023 Vacancies

Serial No.PostVacanciesDepartment/Ministry
1Assistant Director (Communication, Navigation & Surveillance)02 (UR)Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation
2Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Endocrinology)09 (SC-02, ST-01, OBC-04, UR-02)Department of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
3Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Pulmonary Medicine)03 (OBC-02, UR-01) (PwBD-01)Department of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
4Assistant Architect01 (OBC-01)Central Public Works Department, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
5Driller-in-Charge06 (OBC-01, EWS-01, UR-04)Central Ground Water Board, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti
6Engineer & Ship Surveyor-Cum-Deputy Director General (Technical)03 (UR)Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways
7Ship Surveyor-Cum-Deputy Director General (Technical)01 (OBC)Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways

Educational Qualification for UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 19/2023

Assistant Director:

  • Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering or Technology in Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Electronics and Telecommunication, or Electronics and Electrical from a recognized University or Institution.

Assistant Professor (Endocrinology):

  • Educational Qualification:
    • A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956).
    • Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956).
    • Post-Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or super specialty mentioned in Section A of Schedule VI from a recognized Teaching Institute i.e., Doctorate of Medicine (Endocrinology); or Diplomate National Board (Endocrinology); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine/Pediatrics) with two years’ special training in Endocrinology; or Diplomate National Board (Medicine/Pediatrics) with two years’ special training in Endocrinology.

For more details regarding the educational qualifications for these positions, we recommend referring to the official notification provided in the notification link.

Selection Process

The selection for these positions will be based on either an interview or a written examination, depending on the specific requirements of each post. For certain positions, the selection process involves a Recruitment Test (RT) followed by an interview. For comprehensive information about the selection procedures for these positions, please refer to the notification link.

Application Fee

FeePayment ModeExemption Eligibility
₹25/-Cash/Online at SBISC/ST/PH/Women candidates are exempted

How to Apply for UPSC Government Jobs Advt. 19/2023 Vacancies?

Qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format through the UPSC Online website at The application window will be open from 14/10/2023 to 02/11/2023 for the recruitment of various Sarkari Naukri vacancies advertised in UPSC Recruitment Advt. 19/2023.

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. On the homepage, locate and click on the “ONLINE RECRUITMENT APPLICATION (ORA) FOR VARIOUS RECRUITMENT POSTS” link.
  3. A new page will appear on the screen.
  4. Fill out the application form and complete the payment of the application fee.
  5. Upload all the necessary documents as per the instructions.
  6. Submit the form and make sure to print the final submitted application form for future reference.

Details and online submission of the application

For detailed information about the positions, eligibility criteria, application instructions, and the online application format for UPSC Officers and Scientists Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment under Advt. No. 19/2023, please refer to the official notification available at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

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