Walk-In-Interview at NCCR for Project Vacancies Recruitment
Latest Recruitment | NCCR – www.governmentrozgar.in
National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), an attached office of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), is in the process of filling up project positions through Walk-In-Interview mode (with online interview) for filling up the following project positions of Scientists, Associates, and Assistants from citizens of India, fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
Online Applications are invited by NCCR for the project job vacancies which are purely on a temporary and on contract basis for a period of 8 months or co-terminus with the project, whichever is earlier. The contract services may likely be extended based on the project requirements (Advt. No. are purely on temporary and on contract basis for a period of 8 months or co-terminus with the project, whichever is earlier. The contract services may likely be extended based on the project requirements) Published for http://www.governmentrozgar.in/

NCCR Project Job Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
- Project Scientist-II: 16 vacancies, Monthly Emoluments: ₹67000/- + HRA, Age: 40 years
- Project Scientist-I: 03 vacancies, Monthly Emoluments: ₹56000/- + HRA, Age: 35 years
- Project Associate-II: 01 vacancies, Monthly Emoluments: ₹28000/- + HRA, Age: 35 years
- Technical Assistant: 02 vacancies, Monthly Emoluments: ₹20000/- + HRA, Age: 50 years
How to Apply for NCCR Project Vacancies Recruitment 2021?
Suitable candidates should apply only on the Online prescribed format at NCCR websites from 08/07/2021 to 22/07/2021 only for Walk-In-Interview at NCCR for Project Vacancies 2021.
- View Also – Scientist Government Jobs by other organisations
Details and Online Application Format
Please visit https://www.nccr.gov.in/KRect2021/krect1.htm to view detailed information and online submission of application for Walk-In-Interview at NCCR for Project Vacancies 2021.