Tag Archives: THDC India Limited Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2022

THDC Recruitment 2022

THDC Experienced Engineer Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Now

THDC India Limited Recruitment 2022 Engineer Job Vacancies Apply Online Application


THDC India Limited invites online applications in the prescribed format from experienced candidates with good academic records and experience to join us as Engineers on a fixed-term basis in different disciplines of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical & Specialized Branches (Master Degree Holders) to join THDC India Limited for its projects. (Advertisement No. 11/2022). THDC India Limited is a leading power sector and profit-making Schedule ‘A’ Mini Ratna PSU under the Ministry of Power, Government of India.

THDC Experienced Engineer Vacancy Recruitment 2022

THDC Experienced Engineer Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Experienced Engineer
    1. Civil Engineer: 33 vacancies (UR-14, EWS-02, OBC-08, SC-06, ST-03)
    2. Electrical Engineer: 38 vacancies (UR-14, EWS-04, OBC-10, SC-07, ST-03)
    3. Mechanical Engineer: 31 vacancies (UR-11, EWS-03, OBC-08, SC-06, ST-03)
  • Specialised Branch (Master Degree Holders) Engineers
    1. Engineers (Civil)-Fluid Mechanics: 01 vacancy (OBC)
    2. Engineers (Electrical)-Power Electronics: 01 vacancy (UR)
    3. Engineers (Electrical)-Electrical Machines: 01 vacancy (UR)
    4. Engineers (Electrical)-Control & Instrumentation: 01 vacancy (OBC)
    5. Engineers (Environmental): 03 vacancies (UR-02, SC-01)

Age: 32 years as on 01/08/2022

THDC India Limited Recruitment 2022 Qualification Remuneration

Fixed Consolidate honorarium of ₹60000/- per month (CTC). However, a higher consolidated honorarium (CTC) will be negotiable for deserving candidates depending on their academic qualifications and job experience.

THDC India Limited Recruitment 2022 Qualification

Full-Time regular Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (B.E/B.Tech/B.Sc) & Master’s Degree (M.E./M-Tech/MS) is the relevant discipline from a recognised University or institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority in India with not less than 60% marks. The overall percentage of marks in class Xth & XIIth Board Examination should not be less than 65% (taking the average of all subjects) for GENERAL, OBC(NCL) and EWS Category candidates and PASS MARKS (taking the average of all subjects) for SC/ST/PwBDs Category candidates.

View – All open Trainee Government Jobs

Selection Process for THDC India Limited Recruitment 2022

Candidates will be selected based on written test/personal interview/medical test/walkin interview. Once a candidate is selected they will be placed as Engineer in THDC India Limited.

Application Fee

Candidates belonging to the General/EWS/OBC Category are required to pay a non-refundable registration fee of ₹600/-. The SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-Serviceman candidates need not pay the application fee.

How to Apply for THDC Experienced Engineer Vacancies 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format available on the THDC career section web page from 20/07/2022 to 19/08/2022 only for THDC Experienced Engineer Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

  • Step 1: Visit the THDC India Limited official website
  • Step 2: On the website, look for a for THDC India Limited Recruitment 2022 notifications
  • Step 3: Before proceeding, read the notification completely
  • Step 4: Check the mode of application and then proceed further

Details and Online Submission of Application

For further details and an online application form for THDC Experienced Engineer Vacancy Recruitment 2022, please visit https://thdc.co.in/en/new-opening-job

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**