Tag Archives: Temporary and Contract Govt. Job Vacancy

IDBI Bank Recruitment 2022

IDBI Executives Assistant Manager Recruitment Manipal PGDBF 2022 – Apply Online Now

IDBI Bank is recruiting Executives and Assistant Managers through Manipal PGDBF for the year 2022. Before You Apply Online Application Form Please Read Full Details here…


The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) Bank invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible suitable applicants for the Recruitment of Executives to be filled on a contract basis at different Branches and Offices of IDBI Bank. IDBI also invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible, suitable and desirous applicants for the Recruitment of Assistant Manager Grade-A through 1-Year Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF) comprising of 9 months of classroom studies at campus and 3 months of internship at IDBI Bank’s branches for the year 2022. (Advertisement No.1/2022-23).

IDBI Executives Assistant Manager Recruitment Manipal PGDBF 2022

IDBI PGDBF Manipal Programme

IDBI Bank has entered into an MoU with Manipal Global Education Services Private Limited (Manipal), Bengaluru and Nitte Education International Private Limited [Nitte] Greater Noida to provide training in Banking and Finance to prospective candidates aspiring to join IDBI Bank as Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’.

After successful completion of the course of one year (comprising of 9 months of classroom studies at campus and 3 months of internship), the candidates will be awarded a PGDBF certificate and will be inducted into IDBI Bank as Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria. IDBI has come up for vacancies for the year 2022. Programme fees for this course will be ₹350000/- (Rs. Three Lakh Fifty Thousand only) plus GST.

IDBI Executive and Assistant Manager Recruitment 2022 vacancies

  • Executives: 1044 vacancies (UR-418, EWS-104, OBC-268, SC-175, ST-79) (PWD-41) on 3 years contract (extendable up to 5 years), Age: 20-25 years as of 01/04/2022, Remuneration: ₹29000/- per month in the first year, ₹31000/- per month in the second year and ₹34000/- per month in the third year of service, Qualification: A Graduate from a recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWD)
  • Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’: 500 seats/vacancies (UR-200, EWS-50, OBC-101, SC-121, ST-28) (PH-20), Age: 21-28 years as of 01/04/2022,  Stipend: During the Training Period (9 Months) – ₹2500/- per month and during the Internship Period (3 Months) – ₹10000/- per month. After joining the Bank’s services as Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ on successful completion of the course,  the extant basic pay applicable to Assistant Managers in Grade A is ₹36000/- per month on the pay scale of ₹36000-63840/-, Qualification: A Graduate from a recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWD)

Selection Procedure

Recruitments of Executives in IDBI Bank for the year 2022 are strictly on an All India basis by open competition tentatively on 09/07/2022 through Online Written Test.

The Recruitment Examination for IDBI Bank Assistant Manager Grade-A Manipal PGDBF 2022 will be held on 23/07/2027 through online mode at various test centres throughout India.

  1. The candidates belonging to states of Western and Southern Zones of the Bank will be inducted through Manipal, Bengaluru.
  2. The candidates from states falling under the Eastern and Northern Zones of the Bank will be inducted through Nitte, Greater Noida.
  3. The allotment of candidates will depend on the number of candidates selected from the respective states. 
  4. The allotment of candidates will be based on a best-effort basis only.
  5. The allotment would be strictly based on the state of domicile as indicated on the application form submitted by the candidate.

Selected candidates will be called for a personal interview. The final merit list will be generated based on the recruitment exam and score in the personal interview.

Application Fee

₹1000/- (₹200/- for SC/ST/PWD) to be paid online by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets by providing information as asked on the screen.

How to Apply for IDBI Bank Executives and Assistant Manager Recruitment 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates and job aspirants should Apply Online in the prescribed recruitment form at the IDBI website from 03/06/2022 to 17/06/2022 for IDBI Bank Executives and Assistant Manager through PGDBF Recruitment 2022.

Details and Online Application Format 

Kindly visit https://www.idbibank.in/idbi-bank-careers-current-openings.aspx for details for IDBI Bank Executive and Assistant Manager Recruitment 2022 and a link to the online submission of the application form.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

Recruitment in Engineering Projects India Limited 2022

Recruitment in Engineering Projects India Limited 2022 – Apply Online

Engineering Projects India Ltd Recruitment 2022 for for Engineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager.  The detailed eligibility and application process are given below.


Engineering Projects (India) Ltd. (EPI) invites online applications in the prescribed form format from suitably qualified, experienced and motivated, dynamic & self-motivated professionals with zeal to learn, contribute and grow with EPI to the following various latest Government Jobs Vacancy posts of Executives on Fixed Term employment having qualification and experience in various disciplines in EPI. (Advertisement No. HRM/REC(FT)/001/04/2022).

Engineering Projects (India) Ltd. (EPI) is a ‘Mini Ratna’ Central Public Sector Enterprise under the aegis of the Ministry of Heavy Industries, Govt. of India, engaged in the execution of a wide range of multi-facet projects on a turnkey basis in Power, Steel, Industrial, Civil & Infrastructure Sectors.

Recruitment in Engineering Projects India Limited 2022

EPI Jobs Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Engineer (Mechanical) E-0: 01 vacancies (UR), Remuneration: ₹30000/- per month + Applicable House rent allowance, Age: 30 years
  • Assistant Engineer E-1: 60 vacancies (UR-27, OBC-16, SC-08, ST-04, EWS-05), Remuneration: ₹40000/- per month + Applicable House rent allowance, Age: 32 years, Experience: 2 years
    1. Assistant Engineer (Civil Engineering): 33 vacancies 
    2. Assistant Engineer (Mechanical Engineering): 06 vacancies 
    3. Assistant Engineer (Electrical Engineering): 10 vacancies
    4. Assistant Engineer (Finance): 10 vacancies 
    5. Assistant Engineer (Legal): 01 vacancies 
  • Manager Gr.II (E-2): 26 vacancies (UR-13, OBC-07, SC-03, ST-01, EWS-02), Remuneration: ₹50000/- per month + Applicable House rent allowance, Age: 35 years, Experience: 4 years
    1. Manager Gr. II (Civil Engineering): 15 vacancies
    2. Manager Gr. II (Mechanical Engineering): 05 vacancies
    3. Manager Gr. II (Electrical Engineering): 04 vacancies
    4. Manager Gr. II (Architecture): 01 vacancies
    5. Manager Gr. II (Finance): 01 vacancies
  • Sr. Manager (E-4): 06 vacancies (UR-05, OBC-01), Remuneration: ₹70000/- per month + Applicable House rent allowance, Age: 42 years, Experience: 4 years
    1. Sr. Manager (Civil Engineering): 03 vacancies
    2. Sr. Manager (Mechanical Engineering): 01 vacancies
    3. Sr. Manager (Electrical Engineering): 01 vacancies
    4. Sr. Manager (Finance): 01 vacancies 

Detailed Eligibility:

Educational Qualification:

Engineer (Mechanical):

  • B.E. /B.Tech or AMIE or equivalent qualification in Mechanical Engg.(min 55% marks). Post qualification experience not required. However having experience in Mechanical field in PSUs /Public Limited Company will be preferred.

Assistant Manager:

  • B.E. /B.Tech or AMIE or equivalent qualification in Civil/Mech. / Elect. (min 55% marks) OR CA/ICWA/ MBA (Fin) with min. 55% marks in graduation OR LLB with Min. 55% marks. Exp. : Min. 2 yrs. Post qualification executive experience with min 1 yr. in next below grade in an organization of repute


  • B.E. /B.Tech or AMIE or equivalent qualification in Civil/Mech. / Elect. (min 55% marks) OR Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree (5 years duration) (Min. 55% marks) OR CA/ICWA/ MBA (Fin) with min. 55% marks in graduation. Exp: Min. 4 yrs. Post qualification executive experience with min 2 years in next below grade in an organization of repute

Sr. Manager:

  • B.E. /B.Tech or AMIE or equivalent qualification in Civil/Mech. (min 55% marks) Min. 9 yrs OR B.E./B.Tech. or AMIE or equivalent qualification in Electrical/Mechanical Engg. (min. 55% marks) OR CA/ICWA/ MBA (Fin) with min. 55% marks in graduation. Exp: Post qualification executive experience with min 2 years in next below grade in an organization of repute

Age limit:

  • Engineer – 30 Years
  • Assistant Manager – 32 Years
  • Manager – 35 Years
  • Senior Manager – 42 Years

Selection Mode

The mode of selection for the executive jobs vacancies in EPI will through personal interview. The applications will be shortlisted for interview based on laid down criteria. Interview will be conducted at the Corporate Office- New Delhi / at our Regional Offices (Western regional Office Mumbai, Southern regional office- Chennai, Eastern regional office- Kolkata, North Eastern regional office Guwahati) and PCO-Bhubaneswar/Vishakhapatnam depending upon the nos. of applications received against the post for particular Region/Office.

view all Government Jobs for Engineers are available

How to Apply for EPI Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the EIL website between 22/04/2022 to 11/05/2022 for Recruitment of Executive Job Vacancy Recruitment in Engineering Projects India Limited 2022.

View – Government Jobs in Public Sector Companies

Details and Online Application

Complete details are available at https://epi.gov.in/content/innerpage/career.php along with a link to apply online on the prescribed form for Recruitment of Executives Vacancy in Engineering Projects India Limited 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

Delhi Transport Corporation Contract Jobs Recruitment 2022

Delhi Transport Corporation Contract Jobs Recruitment 2022 – Apply Now

DTC Has released the notification of Section Officer, Assistant Foremen, Assistant Fitter and Assistant Electrician Contract Based Jobs. Read the advertisement for eligibility, age limit, selection procedure, syllabus, pay scale and other information in recruitment.


Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) wishes to recruit Indian Nationals (Male & Female) who meet the requirements stipulated herein, for various government job vacancy posts to be posted at the various stations on a Fixed Term Contract basis for one year initially which may be renewed subject to their performance and the requirements of the DTC for the year 2022. Any candidate who is interested in the recruitment of Delhi and fulfills the eligibility can apply online.

Delhi Transport Corporation Contract Jobs Recruitment 2022

DTC Contract Job Recruitment 2020 Vacancies  

  • Advertisement No. 01/2022
    1. Section Officer (Civil): 08 vacancies, Pay: Consolidated ₹35400/- plus DA @31% (changes frequently) plus PF @12%, Age: 35 years, Qualification: 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering with at least one year experience or one-year training as a Diploma holder Apprentice.
  • Advertisement No. 02/2022
    1. Section Officer (Electrical): 02 vacancies, Pay: Consolidated ₹35400/- plus DA @31% (changes frequently) plus PF @12%, Age: 35 years, Qualification: 3 years Diploma in Electrical Engineering with at least one year experience of Electrical installation in building.
  • Advertisement No. PLD-IV/R&M/20221776
    1. Assistant Foreman (R&M) : 112 vacancies, Pay: Consolidated ₹46374/-, Age : 18-35 years years, Qualification: 3 years Diploma in Automobile or Mechanical or Electrical Engineering with two years experience.
    2. Assistant Fitter (R&M): 175 vacancies, Pay : Consolidated ₹17693/-, Age : 18-25 years, Should have ITI in the trade of Mechanic (MV)/Diesel/Tractor Mechanic/Automobile/Fitter OR should have 3 years apprentice in the trade of Mechanic (MV)/Diesel/Tractor Mechanic/Automobile/Fitter
    3. Assistant Electrician (R&M): 70 vacancies, Pay : Consolidated ₹17693/-, Age : 18-25 years,  Qualification: Should have ITI in the trade of Electrician (Auto)/Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics OR should have 3 years apprentice in the trade of Electrician (Auto)/Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics

Application Fee

There is no application fee for this vacancy recruitment.

How to Apply for DTC contract job vacancies 2022?

Applicants meeting the eligibility criteria should apply online in the prescribed format available at DTC recruitment website from 12/04/2022 to 11/05/2022 for the vacancies of  Section Officers and from 18/04/2022 to 04/05/2022 for other contract job vacancies recruitment 2022 in DTC.

Steps To Follow

Detailed information and application format

For detailed information and online submission of application form for various contract job vacancies in DTC 2022, please visit https://dtc-rp.com

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


PNB Chief Officers Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22 —>> Apply Online Now

PNB recruitment 2021 notification has been released for Chief Risk Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, and More Vacancies; explore all details here and apply on/before 10-01-2022.


Punjab National Bank (PNB), a Public Sector Banks invites applications in the prescribed format from Indian Citizens for the Recruitment of following various posts of Chief Officers in various functional domains of Punjab National Bank for its various offices across India for the year 2021-22 on a fixed contractual term of three years, extendable by one year at a time, subject to a maximum term of five years.

PNB Chief Officer Recruitment 2021-22 Vacancies

  1. Chief Risk Officer (CRO): 01 vacancies (UR)
  2. Chief Compliance Officer (CCO): 01 vacancies (UR)
  3. Chief Financial Officer (CFO): 01 vacancies (UR)
  4. Chief Technical Officer (CTO): 01 vacancies (UR)
  5. Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): 01 vacancies (UR)
  6. Chief Digital Officer (CDO): 01 vacancies (UR)

Educational Qualification:

The applicants are expected to have the following educational qualification with respect to the post they want to apply for.

PNB Recruitment Experience:

The aspirants who are willing to apply for this recruitment should have the experience of 05 years to 20 years in relevant field to be eligible for this recruitment.

Age Limit

The age of the applicants should between the minimum age upper age limit as mentioned on the notification. As per that, the age limit for this recruitment is 45 years to 55 years.

Remuneration: The remuneration will be on CTC based and at market-linked compensation. Compensation shall not be a limiting factor for the right candidate and will be on a case to case basis.

How to Apply for PNB Chief Officers Vacancy 2021-22?

Suitable and desirable candidates may submit applications in the prescribed format along with all the relevant documents be sent by registered/speed post in a sealed envelope on or before 10/01/2022 to The General Manager – HRMD, Punjab National Bank Human Resource Division, 1st Floor, West Wing, Corporate Office,  Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi -110075.

Details and Online submission of application

Kindly visit https://www.pnbindia.in/Recruitments.aspx for detailed information and a link for the application format for Chief Officer Vacancy Recruitment in PNB 2021-22.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

NIFT Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

NIFT Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

NIFT Faculty Recruitment 2022: For the posts of Assistant Professor on contract basis. The last date for registration of online applications is 31st January 2022.


The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian Nationals for the Recruitment of for the post of Faculty as Assistant Professors on direct recruitment (on a contract) basis for five years (with the possibility of regularization following due procedure to assess performance) at NIFT. (Advertisement No. 07/Assistant Professor/Contract/2021)

The National Institute of Fashion Technology was established by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, a premier educational institute and a premier institute of Fashion Business Education.

NIFT Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Assistant Professor: 190 vacancies (UR-77, EWS-19, OBC-53, SC-27, ST-14) (PWD-08), Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC ₹56100-177500, Age: 40 years as of 31/01/2022

Application fee

₹1000/- (plus GST ₹180 @18%) to be paid through online payment methods. SC/ST/PWD/Women and employees of NIFT (both regular and on long term contract) candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.


Educational Qualification:

✔️ Post Graduate Degree from recognized University/ Institute in any of the competencies with three years’ experience {including pre-qualification (post UG degree) experience} in teaching or research or in relevant industry in a recognized University/ Institution. (OR)
✔️ Ph.D. from recognized University/Institution in a subject relevant to any of the Competencies, with one year’s experience {including pre-qualification (post UG degree) experience} in a recognized University/ Institution in teaching or research or in relevant industry.

Age Limit:

✔️ 40 years as on 31/01/2022. 
✔️ Age Relaxation – 05 years for SC / ST, 03 years for OBC and 10 years for PWD.

Selection Process:

✔️ Comprehensive Test (Written Examination)
✔️ Presentation/ Class Room Lecture/ Demonstration (30%)
✔️ Interview

How to Apply for NIFT Assistant Professor Vacancies 2021?

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the NIFT website from 08/12/2021 to 31/01/2022 only for NIFT Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021 and send the hard copy of the system generated application to the Office of Registrar, Head Office, NIFT Campus, Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110016 on or before by 15/02/2022

Details and Online Application Form 

Please visit https://www.cmsnift.com/pages/app_asst_prof/ap_reg.aspx for more information and online application format for NIFT Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021. View Advertisement Here.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


ECIL Technical Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

ECIL Recruitment 2021 : ECIL has released notification for the recruitment of Technical Officer 300 Vacancies in EMSD and Other Divisions across India via Advt No. 39/2021.


Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) has openings for dynamic, experienced, and result-oriented personnel for Recruitment of the following Govt. Job Vacancy positions of Technical Officers in purely on a contract basis to work at Electronic Manufacturing Services Division (EMSD), other Divisions & sites across India of ECIL.  (Advt. No. 31/2021).

ECIL invites online applications in the prescribed format for these vacancy posts of  Technical Officer Jobs.

Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) is a leading and professionally managed schedule A Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the Department of Atomic Energy.

ECIL Officer Recruitment 2020 Vacancies


Important Dates

  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 11-12-2021 (14:00) Hrs
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 21-12-2021 (16:00) Hrs
  • Dates for Document Verification: Date will be hosted on Company website.

Method of selection:

The merit list will be prepared on the basis of the aggregate percentage obtained in BE/ B Tech and work experience.

80% of marks will be allotted for aggregate marks scored in BE/ B.Tech obtained in essential educational qualification.

20% marks will be allocated for work experience (5 marks for minimum stipulated work experience and additional 2.50 marks for every additional 6 months of experience up to a maximum of 20 marks).

How to Apply for ECIL Recruitment of Technical Officers 2021?

Please apply Online in the prescribed format at the ECIL recruitment website from 11/12/2021 to 21/12/2021 only for ECIL Recruitment of Technical Officer Job Vacancies 2021

View- Available Government Jobs for Engineers

Details and application submission

Details and an online application form about ECIL Technical Officer Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021 available at https://www.ecil.co.in/jobs.html. View Advertisement here

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

Bank of Baroda Relationship Manager Recruitment 2021- Apply Online

Bank of Baroda Relationship Manager Recruitment 2021- Apply Online

Bank of Baroda to recruit candidates for Relationship Manager posts. Eligible candidates can apply online till December 9, 2021.  Read below for eligibility, selection process and other details. 


Bank of Baroda (BoB), India’s International Bank, is looking for qualified and experienced Specialists Officers Professionals asSr. Relationship Manager and e- Wealth Relationship Manager in the Wealth Management Services Department of the Bank of Baroda (BoB) and hence invites online application in the prescribed format for the following 376 Relationship Management Government Job Vacancy for the year 2021 on a contract basis.

Bank of Baroda Relationship Manager Recruitment 2021

BoB Relationship Manager Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Sr. Relationship Manager: 326 Vacancies (UR-92, EWS-47, OBC-101, SC-44, ST-42) (PWD-23), Age: 24-35 years as of 01/11/2021, Experience: 2 years as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management
  2. e-Wealth Relationship Manager: 50 Vacancies (UR-19, EWS-05, OBC-14, SC-08, ST-04) (PWD-04), Age: 23-35 years as of 01/11/2021, Experience: 1.5 years as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management.


Remuneration offered will be on Fixed Salary basis depending on candidate’s qualifications, experience, overall suitability, last drawn salary of the candidate and market benchmarks for the respective posts. Apart from the Fixed Salary, selected candidate will be eligible for Performance Linked Variable Pay which will be over and above the Fixed Salary but linked to the achievement of specific targets.

Employment Type

Contractual Engagement for a period of 5 years, with a periodic performance review. The term of engagement may be extended at the option of the Bank.

Important Dates

  • Starting Date for Online Registration of Application & Payment of Fee: 19-11-2021
  • Last Date Online Registration of Application & Payment of Fee: 09-12-2021

Application  Fee

₹ 600/- (₹100/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates) to be paid online by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.

Eligibility Criteria 

A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India./Govt. bodies/AICTE. The age limit of Sr. Relationship Manager is between 24 years of age to 35 years of age and e- Wealth Relationship Manager is between 23 years of age to 35 years of age. 

✔️ Senior Relationship Manager:

(1) A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognised by the Govt. of India./ Govt. bodies/ AICTE.
(2) Desirable qualification: 2 years full time Post Graduate Degree / Diploma in Management. Regulatory certifications e.g. NISM/IRDA.
(3) Minimum 2 Years of Experience as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management with Public Banks / Private Banks / Foreign Banks / Broking Firms /
Security Firms / Asset Management Companies Rich Knowledge and Experience in Mutual funds and Insurance is desirable.
(4) Proficiency/ knowledge in local language/ area/ market/ clients is desirable.

✔️ E-Wealth Relationship Manager:

(1) A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India./ Govt. bodies/ AICTE.
(2) Desirable qualification/certification: 2 years full time Post Graduate Degree / Diploma in Management. Regulatory certifications e.g. NISM/IRDA.
(3) Minimum 1.5 Years of Experience as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management with Public Banks / Private Banks / Foreign Banks / Broking Firms /
Security Firms / Asset Management Companies (OR) 1.5 years’ experience in sales/ services of High Value financial products through digital medium
(telephone/ video or web).

Selection Process

Selection will be based on short listing and subsequent round of Personal Interview and/or Group Discussion and/or any other selection method. Minimum Qualifying marks for UR/EWS Candidates shall be 60% of the Marks and for SC/ST/OBC/PWD Candidates, the same shall be 55% of the Marks.

How to Apply for BoB Relationship Manager Recruitment 2021? 

Eligible candidates are advised to Apply Online only at the Bank of Baroda (BoB) website from 19/11/2021 to 09/12/2021 only for Bank of Baroda Relationship Management Professionals Recruitment 2021.

Details and Application Format

Please visit the ‘Career=>Current Opportunities’ page at the Bank of Baroda website https://www.bankofbaroda.in/career/current-opportunities for detailed information and a link to Apply Online for Bank of Baroda Relationship Management Professionals Recruitment 2021. 

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


GMRC Technical Contract Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now !!

Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Limited Jobs 2021 Notification out  for Assistant Manager, Manager and Various job vacancies. Candidates can get full details about  GMRC Sarkari Jobs 2021 here.


Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited invites online applications from qualified and experienced candidates for appointment of the following various Technical Govt Job vacancy positions for Surat Metro Rail Project & Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-II in Project and O&M-CIVIL/TRACK Wing.  The appointments will be only on “Contract” with min.3 years to 5 years, on standard terms & conditions of the Organization. (Advertisement No. GMRC/HR/RECT/SYS. & O&M/10‐2021/01).

Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited (earlier known as Metro – Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad  Company Limited (MEGA)), jointly and equally owned by Government of India and Government of Gujarat is entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase-I, Phase-II and Surat Phase-I.

GMRC Ahmedabad and Surat Metro Rail Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Project Wing: for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase – II & Surat Metro Rail Project
    1. Assistant Manager (Rolling Stock): 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹50000-160000, Age: 32 years
    2. Assistant Manager (Signalling): 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹50000-160000, Age: 32 years
    3. Assistant Manager (L&E): 03 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹50000-160000, Age: 32 years
  2. O&M-Civil/Track Wing: for Ahmedabad Metro Rail
    1. Joint General Manager (Civil/Track (O&M)): 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹90000-240000, Age: 50 years
    2. Deputy General Manager (Civil/Track (O&M)): 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹70000-200000, Age: 45 years
    3. Manager (Civil/Track (O&M)): 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹40000-180000, Age: 40 years
    4. Assistant Manager (Civil/Track (O&M)): 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹40000-160000, Age: 32 years
    5. Senior Section Engineer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 03 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹46000-145000, Age: 30 years
    6. Section Engineer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹40000-125000, Age: 30 years
    7. Assistant Section Engineer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 04 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹35000-110000, Age: 28 years
    8. Junior Engineer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 04 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹33000-100000, Age: 28 years
    9. Maintainer (Civil/Track (O&M)): 04 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹20000-60000, Age: 28 years
GMRC Technical Contract Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Qualification Required :

  • Assistant Manager → B.E, B.Tech in Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Applied Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Power Electronics, Instrumentation ,Mechanical or equivalent and min 5 yrs experience.
  • Joint General Manager →  B.E,B. Tech in Civil Engineering and min 16 yrs experience.
  • Deputy General Manager → B.E,B. Tech in Civil Engineering and min 10 yrs experience.
  • Manager → B.E,B. Tech in Civil Engineering and min 9 yrs experience.
  • Assistant Manager → B.E, B. Tech in Civil Engineering and min 5 yrs experience.
  • Senior Section Engineer → B.E,B. Tech in Civil Engineering and min 4 yrs experience.
  • Section Engineer → B.E,B. Tech, Diploma in Civil Engineering and 3 yrs experience.
  • Assistant Section Engineer → Diploma in Civil Engineering and 5 yrs experience.0
  • Junior Engineer → Diploma in Civil Engineering and 3 yrs experience.
  • Maintainer → ITI or equivalent and 2 yrs experience.

Age Limit :

  • Assistant Manager, Assistant Manager → 32 years
  • Joint General Manager → 50 years
  • Deputy General Manager → 45 years
  • Manager → 40 years
  • Assistant Manager → 32 years
  • Senior Section Engineer, Section Engineer → 30 years
  • Assistant Section Engineer, Junior Engineer, Maintainer → 28 years

Selection Process :

The selection of Applicants for GMRC Job Vacancy will be made on the basis of the Interviews.

How to Apply for Contract Job Vacancy in GMRC 2021?

The eligible and willing candidates who fulfil eligibility criteria may apply online in the prescribed format at Gujarat Metro Rail (GMRC) website on or before 12/11/2021 for Contract Job vacancies in Ahmedabad and Surat Metro Rail 2021.

Steps To Apply :

  • You need first download the Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Limited Recruitment notification from the Official website of GMRC.
  • After Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Limited Recruitment Notification download PDF, You should read carefully details.
  • If you are eligible for these vacancies in the Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Limited. Then fill the Job Application form.
  • After Submit the All eligibility Details please cross-check once.

Details and Application Format

Please visit http://www.gujaratmetrorail.com/careers/ for details and online application format for Contract Technical Job vacancy in Ahmedabad and Surat Metro Rail 2021.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****

MMMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021- APPLY NOW

MMMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021- APPLY NOW

Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT) Gorakhpur Recruitment 2021: Teaching Faculty 96 Posts Vacancies. Interested candidates can apply online and offline mode before 31st October 2021


Online applications in the prescribed format are invited for the various Teaching Faculty Govt Job Vacancy posts of  Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Pay scale as per UGC/U.P. State Govt. norms) in various academic departments of Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT), Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) (Advertisement No. T/1/2021).

MMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Recruitment 2021 Positions :

  1. Faculty Vacancies on a Regular Basis
    1. Professor: 21 vacancies in various departments, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-14 Rs.144200-218200/-
    2. Associate Professor:  27 vacancies in various departments, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-13A Rs.131400-217100/-
    3. Assistant Professor:  48 vacancies in various departments, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 Rs.57700-182400/-
  2. Faculty Vacancies on a Contract Basis
    1. Associate Professor: 01 vacancies in Pharmacy discipline
    2. Assistant Professor:  05 vacancies in Department of Humanities & Management Sciences and Pharmacy
MMMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Disciplines / Areas (Regular posts) :

  • Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Humanities and Management Science (Management), Information Technology and Computer Application, Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Mechanical Engineering

Qualification Required for MMMUT Gorakhpur Vacancy 2021

  • Professor → Ph.D. degree in relevant field and 10 yrs experience
  • Associate Professor→ Ph.D. degree in relevant field and 8 yrs experience
  • Assistant Professor→ Master’s degree with 55% marks in a concerned/relevant/allied subject and NET/ SLET/SET

How to Apply for MMMUT Gorakhpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021?  

Apply Online at the MMMUT Gorakhpur website on or before 11/10/2021 Now extended up to 31/10/2021 only for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in MMMUT Gorakhpur 2021.

The printout of the application submitted along with proof of prescribed fee deposition and all necessary enclosures/ documents should be sent to the Registrar, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur – 273010 (Uttar Pradesh) through Registered/ Speed Post only so that it reaches latest by 05.00 p.m. on 21/10/2021 now extended up to 11/11/2021.

Details and application format :

Please visit http://www.mmmut.ac.in/ViewAdvertismentforvaccantposition for details and online application format for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in MMMUT Gorakhpur 2021.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****