Tag Archives: Teaching Jobs

AIIMS Bilaspur Nursing Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022- Apply Offline Now

AIIMS Bilaspur Nursing Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022- Apply Offline Now

AIIMS, Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh given an Employment/Recruitment Notification for Faculty (Professor cum Principle, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Tutor) 14 Posts 2022. Eligible Candidates Can Read the Full Notification and Apply


All  India Institute of Medical  Sciences,  Bilaspur  (AIIMS Bilaspur) invites applications in the prescribed format from Indian Citizens for the following 14 Faculty Govt Job Vacancy posts in the College of Nursing, AIIMS Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh) on a direct recruitment/deputation/contract basis in various medical subjects/disciplines of AIIMS Bilaspur. (Advertisement No: AIIMS-BLS(B)(02)(06)/21-2133)

About AIIMS Bilaspur Nursing Faculty Recruitment 2022

All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh), an Autonomous Institute of National Importance is one of the new AIIMS is recruiting in the college of Nursing AIIMS BILASPUR (H.P.) on Direct Recruitment/Contractual/Deputation Basis in various Medical and Non-Medical subjects/disciplines for the year 2022. It is a good chance for the candidates who want to be a faculty in a prestigious institution like AIIMS Bilaspur.

AIIMS Bilaspur Nursing Faculty Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Professor cum Principal: 01 vacancies (UR) in the Pay Scale of Pay level-13 starting basic ₹123100 of the Pay Matrix, Age: 56 years
  • Associate Professor: 02 vacancies (UR)in various disciplines/ subjects in the Pay Scale of Pay Level 12 starting basic pay ₹101500/-, Age: 58 years
  • Assistant Professor: 03 vacancies (UR)in various disciplines/ subjects in the Pay Scale of Pay Level-11 starting basic pay ₹68900/-,  Age: 50 years
  • Tutor: 08 vacancies (UR-05, OBC-02, SC-01) in various disciplines/ subjects in the Pay ₹56100/- per month fixed, Age: 35 years

Education Qualifications/ Eligibility Criteria

Professor cum Principle
1. Master’s Degree in Nursing with advanced specialization in Nursing.
2. Must be registered Nurse and Midwife.
3. 10 (Ten) year’s experience in Nursing field after registration as Nurse, out which 07 (Seven) years must have been spent in nursing education or administration after obtaining the prescribe post-graduate qualification.
Associate Professor
1. Master’s Degree in Nursing from a recognised Institution/University.
2. Registered Nurse and Midwife.
3. 08 years of experience with minimum 5 years teaching experience in Nursing.
Assistant Professor
1. Master’s Degree in Nursing from a recognised Institution/University.
2. Registered Nurse and Midwife.
3. 05 years of experience with minimum 02 years teaching experience in Nursing.
1. B.Sc Nursing/Post B.Sc Nursing Degree from an Indian Nursing Council recognised Institute/ University.
2. Registered Nurse/Midwife in Nursing Council.
3. 03 years experience in a Teaching Institute.

Age Criteria :

  • For Professor cum Principle : Up to 56 Years
  • For Associate Professor : Up to 50 Years
  • For Assistant Professor : Up to 50 Years
  • For Tutor : Up to 35 Years

Application Fee 

Application fee of ₹1000/- (₹500/- for SC/ST candidates, no fee for PWD, Deputation) by way of Demand Draft in favour of Executive Director, AIIMS Bilaspur payable at Bilaspur H.P.

View – Available Government jobs in Rajasthan

How to Apply for Nursing Faculty Recruitment in AIIMS Bilaspur 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should send application in the prescribed format along with relevant documents to be send to the Deputy Director (Administration), All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bilaspur at Kothipura, District Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh) – 174001 on or before 28/02/2022 in an envelope containing the application super-scribed with “Application for the post of ….. w.r.t. Advertisement No…” only for AIIMS Bilaspur Nursing Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

See Also – Faculty vacancy recruitment in Government Universities and Institutes

Details and  Application for AIIMS Bilaspur Nursing Faculty Recruitment 2022

Please visit https://www.aiimsbilaspur.edu.in/recruitment for details and application format for AIIMS Bilaspur Nursing Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

NISM Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022 -- Apply Online

NISM Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022 — Apply Online



National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is a premier institute established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator of the securities markets in India.

NISM invites online applications in the prescribed format recruitment of following Faculty and Non-Teaching Sarkari Naukri vacancy positions on contractual basis for Dean, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor for various disciplines/areas of proficiency.

NISM Faculty Non-Teaching Recruitment 2022 vacancies

  1. Faculty Vacancies
    1. Dean / Senior Professor / Professor
    2. Associate Professor
    3. Assistant Professor
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancies
    1. Deputy General Manager/General Manager (IT): 01 vacancies, Age: 55/57 years
    2. General Manager (General Stream): 01 vacancies, Age: 57 years
    3. Deputy General Manager (Marketing and Communication): 01 vacancies, Age: 55 years
    4. Assistant Manager/Manager (General Stream): 05 vacancies, Age:  35/42 years
NISM Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022

Areas/Disciplines of  Proficiency in NISM Faculty vacancy

  • Financial Markets & Securities Markets – Corporate Finance, Securities Analysis, Equity Valuation, Portfolio Management, Mergers & Acquisitions, etc.
  • Banking & International Finance – Banking, Financial Services, Treasury, Forex Markets, International Finance, etc.
  • Financial Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative Finance – General area of Financial Mathematics, Financial Statistics, Areas of Applied Mathematics including matrix analysis, numerical analysis, scientific computation, stochastic calculus, portfolio optimization, Econometrics, Computational Finance, etc. Faculty having teaching experience in the area of Data Science, Fintech, etc. would be preferred.
  • Derivatives & Risk Management – Financial Derivatives, Financial Engineering, Financial Risk, Risk Analysis, Risk Management, Risk Modelling, Commodity Derivatives, etc.
  • Legal – Law, Securities law and Regulations, Corporate Law and related laws.
  • Business Communication

How to Apply for NISM Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022?

Candidates are required to apply On-Line in the prescribed format on or before 10/02/2022 through the NISM Mumbai website for NISM Mumbai Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

Details and application format

Please visit https://www.nism.ac.in/recruitment/ for details and online application format for NISM Mumbai Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

SGPGI Lucknow Para-Medical Staff Vacancy Recruitment 2022 -- Apply Online Now

SGPGI Lucknow Para-Medical Staff Vacancy Recruitment 2022 — Apply Online Now

Para-Medical Staff Vacancy Recruitment in SGPGI Lucknow 2022. All the details related to SGPGIMS Paramedical Staff Vacancy 2022 like Notification, Eligibility, selection process etc. are given below.


SGPGIMS – The Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of following various Govt Job vacancy positions of Para-Medical Staff in various clinical departments of SGPGI, Lucknow in Group-B and Group-C category through Computer Based Through Online Medium (CRT) Exam 2021-22 (Uttar Pradesh. (Advt. No. I-50/A to E /Rectt/2021-22).

SGPGI Para-Medical Staff Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Sister Gr.II (Nurse): 252 vacancies (UR-115, EWS-14, OBC-42, SC-80, ST-01) (PWD-10), Pay Scale: Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix 
  2. Technician (Radiology): 34 vacancies (UR-14, EWS-03, OBC-10, SC-07) (PWD-01), Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
  3. Technician (Radiography)/ Radiotherapy wing: 08 vacancies (UR-04, OBC-02, SC-02), Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
  4. Medical Lab Technologist: 137 vacancies (UR-55, EWS-14, OBC-37, SC-29, ST-02) (PWD-05), Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
  5. Junior Medical Lab Technologist: 23 vacancies (UR-09, EWS-02, OBC-08, SC-04), Pay Scale: Pay Level-5 ₹29200-92300 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix

Age : 18-40 years as of 1st January, 2022.

Application Fee

₹1000/- (₹600/- for SC/ST candidates of UP domicile) plus @18% GST to be paid online.

Posts Eligibility

Post NameQualification
Sister Grade-IIGNM/ B.Sc Nursing
Radiology TechnicianDiploma/ B.Sc in Radiology/ Radiography
Radiography TechnicianDiploma/ B.Sc in Radiology/ Radiography
Medical Lab TechnologistDegree in Medical Lab Technology
Junior Medical Lab TechnologistDiploma in Medical Lab Technology

Selection Process

The Selection Process of SGPGIMS Lucknow Recruitment 2022 includes the following Stages:

How to Apply Para-Medical Job Vacancy 2022 in SGPGIMS?

Apply Online on prescribed format at SGPGI Lucknow recruitment from 25/01/2022 onward only for SGPGIMS Para-Medical Job Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

Steps To Follow

Details and Online Application format

Detailed advertisement, online application format for SGPGI Para-Medical Job Vacancy Recruitment 2022 is available at SGPGIMS Lucknow website at https://sgpgims.org.in/Home/Recruitment.html

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


GIMS Noida Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22 —> Apply Online Now

Government Institute Of Medical Sciences (GIMS) UP Recruitment 2021 – 30 Vacancy of Faculty Posts, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor. Before You Apply Online Application Form Please Read Full Notification.


Government Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS), Kasna, Greater Noida invites online application in the prescribed format for the recruitment of various Medical Faculty Govt Job vacancy positions of  Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor on contract basis in the various department in GIMS Noida. (Advt. No. GIMS/2021/Manpower/07). Last date for receipt of printout of application form is 27/01/2022 till 5:00 pm.

GIMS Noida Faculty Recruitment 2021-22 Vacancies

  • Professor: 08 vacancies (UR-02, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-02), Age: 58 years, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-14A ₹144200/- 
  • Associate Professor: 03 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01, SC-01), Age: 55 years, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-13A ₹131400/- 
  • Assistant Professor: 19 vacancies (UR-06, EWS-02, OBC-06, SC-05), Age: 50 years, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-11 ₹68900/- 

Application Fee

₹2000/- should be submitted via a demand draft/ banker’s cheque in favour of “The Director, Government Institute of Medical Sciences”, payable at Greater Noida, UP (India).

Essential Qualification & Experience As per SGPGI. Lucknow and NMC.

Post NameEligibility Criteria
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant ProfessorAspirants must have a certificate/ degree of GraduatePost Graduate or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.

How to Apply for Contract Faculty Recruitment in GIMS Noida 2021-22?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at GIMS, Noida website from 23/12/2021 to 20/02/2022 only for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in GIMS Greater Noida 2021-22.  The printout of the online filled application form along with self-attested photocopies of all documents including experience certificates should be sent by registered/speed post to The Director, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Kasna, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, UP (India) – 201310.

Details and Application Format

For more details and application format, please visit http://gims.ac.in/notice.html for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in GIMS Greater Noida 2021-22.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt. No.02/2022

UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt. No.02/2022

UPSC Recruitment 2022 Notification for various posts released as per advertisement no UPSC 02/2022. The last date for submission of the application is 10.02.2022.  Check educational qualification, experience, selection criteria and other details here. 


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi invites Online application by 10/02/2022 in the prescribed recruitment form for the recruitment of following various Government Jobs vacancy posts of Ayurveda Faculty, Officers etc. (Group-A and Group-B) in various departments/organizations of Government of India in the prescribed online format (UPSC Advt. No. 02/2022).

UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 02/2022 Vacancies

1. Post Name:- Senior Administrative Officer Grade-II

  • No of posts:- 8 (SC-01, OBC-02, UR-05)
  • Department:- Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Department of Defence Research & Development, Ministry Of Defence
  • Upper age limit:- 35 years.
  • Salary:-Pay Level- 10 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
  • Educational Qualification:- Degree of a recognized university.
  • Experience:– Three years experience in administration, establishment, and accounts work.
  • Desirable:-
  • (i) Diploma in Personnel Management or Industrial Relation from a recognized Institution.
  • (ii) Working experience in Scientific Industrial or Technical organizations or Departments.

2. Post Name:- Assistant Employment Officer

  • No of posts:- 1 (SC-01)
  • Department:- Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour & Employment
  • Upper age limit:- 35 years.
  • Salary:- Pay Level- 06 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
  • Educational Qualification:- Master’s Degree in Commerce or Social Welfare or Social Work or Economics or Statistics or Psychology or Education of a recognized university or equivalent.
  • Experience:-
  • (i) Two years experience of Socio-economic Investigation or Research preferably in relation to demography employment and unemployment or manpower problems. (ii) Knowledge of employment service work.
  • Desirable:- Experience in employment exchange operations.

3. Post Name:- Sub-Regional Employment Officer/Officer on Special Duty

  • No of posts:- 1 (UR-01)
  • Department:- Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour & Employment
  • Upper age limit:- 30 years.
  • Salary:- Pay Level- 07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
  • Educational Qualification:- Master’s Degree in Social Welfare or Social Work or Economics or Statistics or Psychology or Commerce or Education of a recognized University or equivalent.
  • Experience:-
  • (i) Three years experience in Socio-Economic Investigation or Research preferably in relation to demography, employment, and unemployment or manpower problems.
  • (ii) Knowledge of Employment Service work.
  • Desirable:– Experience in employment exchange operations.

4. Post Name:- Assistant Professor (Ayurveda) Panchkarma

  • No of posts:- 1 (EWS-01)
  • Department:- Directorate of AYUSH, Health, and Family Welfare Department, Government of NCT of Delhi
  • Upper age limit:- 45 years.
  • Salary:- Pay Level- 07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.
  • Educational Qualification:-
    (i) Degree in Ayurveda Medicine from a University established by law or statutory board/faculty/examining body of Indian Medicine or equivalent as recognized under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
    (ii) A Post Graduate Degree in the subject/specialty concerned included in the schedule of Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
    Note: In case of non-availability of post-graduate degree holder teachers in the required specialty of Ayurveda, the Doctor of Medicine in the allied disciplines will be considered. The allied subject is as follows: Kayachikitsa
  • Desirable: Reading, Writing, and Speaking knowledge of Sanskrit.

5. Post Name:- Assistant Professor (Ayurveda) Rog Nidan evum Vikriti Vigyan

  • No of posts:- 1 (UR-01)
  • Department:- Directorate of AYUSH, Health, and Family Welfare Department, Government of NCT of Delhi
  • Upper age limit:- 45 years.
  • Salary:- Pay Level- 10 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC plus NPA.
  • Educational Qualification:-
    (i) Degree in Ayurveda Medicine from a University established by law or statutory board/faculty/examining body of Indian Medicine or equivalent as recognized under Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
    (ii) A Post Graduate Degree in the subject/specialty concerned included in the schedule of Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
    Note: In case of non-availability of post-graduate degree holder teachers in the required specialty of Ayurveda, the Doctor of Medicine in the allied disciplines will be considered. The allied subject is as follows: Kayachikitsa.
  • Desirable: Reading, writing, and speaking knowledge of Sanskrit.

6. Post Name:- Assistant Professor (Ayurveda) Shalya Tantra

  • No of posts:- 1 (SC-01)
  • Department:- Directorate of AYUSH, Health, and Family Welfare Department, Government of NCT of Delhi
  • Upper age limit:- 50 years.
  • Salary:- Pay Level-10 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC plus NPA.
  • Educational Qualification:-
    (i) Degree in Ayurveda Medicine from a University established by law or statutory board/ faculty/ examining body of Indian Medicine or equivalent as recognized under Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
    (ii) A post Graduate Degree in the subject/specialty concerned included in the schedule of Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
    Note: In case of non-availability of post-graduate degree holder teachers in the required specialty of Ayurveda, the Doctor of Medicine in the allied disciplines will be considered. The allied subject is as follows: Nischetana evam Kesha-Kirana.
  • Desirable: Reading, Writing, and speaking knowledge of Sanskrit

7. Post Name:- Assistant Professor (Ayurveda) Swasthavritta evum Yoga

  • No of posts:- 1 (OBC-01)
  • Department:- Directorate of AYUSH, Health, and Family Welfare Department, Government of NCT of Delhi
  • Upper age limit:- 48 years.
  • Salary:- Pay Level- 10 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC plus NPA
  • Educational Qualification:-
    (i) Degree in Ayurveda Medicine from a University established by law or statutory board/ faculty/ examining body of Indian Medicine or equivalent as recognized under Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970.
    (ii) A Post Graduate Degree in the subject/specialty concerned included in the schedule of Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970. Note: In case of non-availability of post-graduate degree holder teachers in the required specialty of Ayurveda, the Doctor of Medicine in the allied disciplines will be considered. The allied subject is as follows: Kayachikitsa.
  • Desirable: Reading, writing, and Speaking knowledge of Sanskrit.

Application Fee

₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI.  No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.

How to Apply for UPSC Government Jobs Advt. 02/2022 Vacancies?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed application format at UPSC Online website at https://upsconline.nic.in/ora/VacancyNoticePub.php from 22/01/2022 to 10/02/2022 for UPSC Govt Job Vacancy Advt. 02/2022.

Details and online submission of application

For Details of posts, qualifications, instructions, and online application format relating to UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt. No. 02/2022  please view https://upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Advt-02-2022-engl-210122.pdf

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022

IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 —> Apply Online Now

Faculty Recruitment job notification announced by Indian Institute of Management, Sambalpur for the Post of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor . Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Details Before Apply


The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sambalpur (IIMS), Odisha invites applications from suitable and desirable candidates for Regular Faculty Govt Job Vacancy of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors in the various subjects/disciplines under Special Recruitment Drive for Reserved Categories of SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates in IIM Sambalpur.

IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Subjects Area

  1. Finance & Accounting Management
  2. Human Resource Management / Organizational Behavior
  3. Information Systems Management
  4. Marketing Management
  5. Strategic Management
  6. Operations Management / Quantitative techniques
  7. General Management / Public Policy
  8. Economics
  9. Business Communication

IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Vacancies

  1. Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-14A ₹159100-220200
  2. Associate Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-13A2 (₹139600-211300)
  3. Assistant Professor Grade-I in the Pay Scale of  Academic Level-12 ₹101500-167400


Professor :

Essential Qualification:

Ph.D. degree or equivalent in the discipline, with a first class or equivalent at the
preceding degree with a very good academic record throughout. Minimum of 10 years teaching/research/industry
experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITS, IISc Bangalore, IIMS, NITIE
Mumbai and IISERs or in foreign university of comparable standards. Successful track record of teaching, training,
research and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals (At least 3 papers in A/A* or 6 paper in B class journals
in ABDC ranking during last 4 years).
The candidate should have guided as chair for at least 3 Ph.D. /FPM students and must have conducted at least 3
research /Consultancy projects for Large sponsored organization. Apart should have Cases published in Harvard/Ivey

Associate Professor:

Essential Qualification:

  1. Ph.D. degree or equivalent in the discipline, with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree with a very
    good academic record throughout.
  2. Minimum of 6 years Teaching/Industry/Research experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of
    Assistant Professor.
  3. Successful track record of teaching, training, research and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals (At least
    2 papers in A/A* class or 4 papers in B/C class journal in ABDC ranking during last 4 years).
    Desirable: The candidate should have guided as chair for at least 1 Ph.D. /FPM students and must have conducted at
    least 1 research Consultancy projects for Large sponsored organization. Apart should have Cases published in
    Harvard/Ivey publications.

Assistant Professor:

Essential Qualification:

  1. Ph.D. degree or equivalent in the discipline, with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree with a very
    good academic record throughout.
  2. At least 3 years industrial/research/teaching experience, excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing
    Ph.D. Fresh PhD may be considered for the position on contract basis.
  3. Successful track record of teaching, training, research and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.

How to Apply for IIM Sambalpur Special Faculty Vacancy 2022? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the IIM Sambalpur recruitment website for IIM Sambalpur faculty special recruitment drive 2022 on or before 09/02/2022.  

Detailed vacancy information

Please visit https://www.iimsambalpur.ac.in/en/opportunity for details and submission of application for IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive Vacancy 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


IIM Udaipur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 — Apply Online Now

Faculty Recruitment job notification announced by Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, Rajasthan for the Post of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor . Before You Apply Please Read details here…


The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Udaipur (IIMU), Rajasthan invites applications from suitable and desirable candidates for Regular Faculty Govt Job Vacancy of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors in the various subjects/disciplines under Special Recruitment Drive for Reserved Categories of SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates.

IIM Udaipur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Subjects Area

  1. Business Policy and Strategy
  2. Economics  
  3. Finance and Accounting
  4. Marketing
  5. Operations Management, Quantitative Methods and Information Systems
  6. Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management

IIM Udaipur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Vacancies

  1. Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-14A ₹159100 – 220200
  2. Associate Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-13A2 (₹139600 – 211300)
  3. Assistant Professor Grade-I in the Pay Scale of  Academic Level-12 ₹101500 – 167400
  4. Assistant Professor Grade-II  in the Pay Scale of  Academic Level-10 ₹57700 – 98200 and in  Academic Level-11 ₹68900 – 117200

Qualification :- Candidate should have As per IIM Udaipur official notification. from any recognize university and Institute.

Selection Procedure :

1. Calling a candidate for interview merely indicates that it is felt that he/she with others may be suitable for the post and conveys no assurance whatsoever that he/she will be recommended or selected, or his/her conditions specified in the application will be accepted.

2. Candidates will be short-listed for Interview based on the information provided by them in their online applications.

3. They must ensure that such information is true. If at any subsequent stage or at the time of Interview any information given by them or any claim made by them in their online applications is found to be false, their candidature will be liable to be rejected.

How to Apply for IIM Udaipur Special Faculty Vacancy 2022? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the IIM Udaipur recruitment website for IIM Udaipur faculty special recruitment drive 2022 on or before 09/02/2022.

Detailed vacancy information

Please visit https://www.iimu.ac.in/media/jobs-at-iimu for details and submission of application for IIM Udaipur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive Vacancy 2022. view detailed notification here..

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

IIM Calcutta Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 --- Apply Online Now

IIM Calcutta Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 — Apply Online Now

Faculty Recruitment notification announced by IIM Calcutta for the Post of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor . Eligible candidates may apply through Email


The Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC) invites applications from suitable and desirable candidates for Regular Faculty Govt Job Vacancy of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors in the various subjects/disciplines under Special Recruitment Drive for Reserved Categories of SC/ST/OBC/EWS. The last date of application is 15 February 2022.

IIM Calcutta Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Subjects Area

  1. Business Ethics & Communications
  2. Economics
  3. Finance & Control
  4. Human Resource Management
  5. Strategic Management
  6. Marketing
  7. Management Information Systems
  8. Operations Management 
  9. Organizational Behaviour and Public Policy and Management

IIM Calcutta Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Vacancies

  1. Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-14A ₹159100 – 220200
  2. Associate Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-13A2 (₹139600 – 211300)
  3. Assistant Professor Grade-I in the Pay Scale of  Academic Level-12 ₹101500 – 167400
  4. Assistant Professor Grade-II  in the Pay Scale of  Academic Level-10 ₹57700 – 98200 and in  Academic Level-11 ₹68900 – 117200


Professor: Ph.D. with first class at the preceding degree or equivalent in the appropriate area with a very good academic record and a minimum of ten years of Teaching/Industry/Research experience of which at least four years should be at the level of Associate Professor at IIMs or other peer institutes in India/ abroad.

Associate Professor: Ph.D. with first class at the preceding degree or equivalent in the appropriate area with a very good academic record throughout and a minimum of six years of Teaching/Industry/Research experience, of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant Professor at IIMs or other peer institutes in India/ abroad.

Assistant Professor: Ph.D. with first class at the preceding degree or equivalent in the appropriate area with a very good academic record throughout and at least three years of industrial/research/teaching experience is desirable, excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.

For all regular faculty positions, candidates with proven track records of publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals would be preferred. Demonstrated success in teaching is desirable.

For an appointment into a regular faculty cadre (Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor), there would be a minimum probation period of 2 years.

How to Apply for IIM Calcutta Special Faculty Vacancy 2022? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the IIM Calcutta website for IIM Calcutta faculty special recruitment drive 2022.

Applicants should submit:

  • Cover letter
  • Faculty Application in the prescribed format
  • Teaching statement
  • Research statement
  • One to three samples of research papers
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Category certificate if applicable

Candidates should send the application form along with other documents desired by email to faculty_jobs@iimcal.ac.in on or before 15/02/2022. Please mention “Application under special recruitment drive” as the subject of your job application email.

Detailed vacancy information

Please visit https://www.iimcal.ac.in/jobsiimc for details and submission of application for IIM Calcutta Faculty Special Recruitment Drive Vacancy 2022.

There are many Faculty Government Jobs open, view all

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Kumaun University Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Now

Kumaun University Recruitment 2022:- Kumaun University has been recently updated notification for Faculty Jobs. Interested Candidates can apply online.


Applications through online mode are invited in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for the following various faculty Govt Job vacancy positions of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professors in various Disciplines/ Subjects of the Kumaun University (KU), Nainital (Uttarakhand) for the year 2022. (Advt. No. 919-920-921).

Subjects/Disciplines of KU Nainital Faculty Vacancies 2022

Kumaun University Faculty Recruitment 2022 Vacancies 

  • Professor: (Advt. No. 919) vacancies in various subjects/ disciplines, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-14 ₹144200-218200 as per 7th Central Pay Commission
  • Associate Professor: (Advt. No. 920) vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-13A ₹131400-217100 as per 7th Central Pay Commission
  • Assistant Professor:  (Advt. No. 921) vacancies in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-10 ₹57700-182400 as per 7th Central Pay Commission

Application Fee

Application fee is exempted as per order of the Uttarakhand Government.

Eligibility Criteria for Kumaun University Recruitment Nainital 2022

Education Qualifications:

1. Criminology:- Master Degree in Criminology/ Sociology/ Psychology/ Clinical Psychology/ Law and Ph.D. in the relevant field.
2. Centre for Excellence In Himalayan Medicinal Plant and Nanotechnology :- Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Nanomedicine/ Ethnobotany/ Pharmacognosy/ Biotechnology and Ph.D. in the relevant field.
3. Forensic Science:- Master Degree in Forensic Science/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Biomedical Science/ Genetic Engineering/ Pharmaceutical Analysis/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Ph.D. in the relevant field.
4. Computer Application* :- Ph. D. degree in relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant branch (Computer Application/ Information Technology / Computer Science/ Cyber Security).

More details about education qualification please go to the official notification.

Age Limit:

18 To 45 Years

Selection Process:

  • Written Exam
  • Interview

How to Apply for Kumaun University Faculty Vacancy 2022? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the Kumaun University website from 07/01/2022 to 27/01/2022 only for Kumaun University Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

The last date for accepting the hardcopy of the system generated application along with the enclosures in the office of Registrar, Registration Block, Kumaun University, Sleepy Hollow, Mallital, Nainital (Uttarakhand) – 263001 via registered post/speed post is on 12/02/2022 at 5:00 pm only.

Details and Application Format 

Please visit https://kuntl.net/recruitment-2021/home for detailed information relating to qualifications, experience, etc.and online application format for Kumaun University Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

Note==>View all open Faculty Government Jobs in Universities

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***