Tag Archives: Superintendent Jobs

SSC Phase 10 Recruitment 2022

SSC Phase 10 (X) Posts Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online

SSC Phase 10 Recruitment 2022 for multiple Group C and D vacancies. Male and female candidates from all over India are welcome to apply. This page contains detailed information about SSC Phase 10 Recruitment 2022.


Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065 Group-B Class-II / and Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted & Non-Ministerial Selection  Govt Job Vacancy Posts by 9 Regional Offices of Staff Selection Selection (SSC) situated at Kolkata (Eastern Region), Guwahati (North Eastern Region), Raipur (Madhya Pradesh Region), New Delhi (Northern Region),  Mumbai (Western Region), Allahabad (Central Region), Bangalore (Karnataka Kerala Region), Chandigarh (North Western Region), Chennai (Southern Region) for Xth (10th) edition of combined selection posts vacancy recruitment 2022. (Advt. No. Phase-X/2022/Selection Posts).

SSC Phase 10 Recruitment 2022

SSC 10th Xth Selection Posts Recruitment 2022 – Vacancies

The 10th Selection posts for the year 2022 are listed herein alphabetically ordered. Some posts are shown here combined vacancies. The recruitment for these Xth selection posts is to be done by various regional offices of SSC only. Please view the detailed advertisement for better information.

The vacancies have been advertised  for the year 2022 in the 10th Selection posts by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) as per the Indents submitted by the respective Indenting Departments/ Offices.

There may be withdrawal/ alteration of the vacancies by the Indenting Departments/ Offices.

Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post irrespective of the education level of the post.

  • 10th Selection Posts: 2065 vacancies (SC-248, ST-121, OBC-599, UR-915, ESM-50, OH-30, HH-16, VH-11,  Others-08, EWS-182) of 
    • Technical Officers, Assistants, Attendants, Clerks, Library Clerk, Pharmacist, Nurse, Nursing Officer, Executives, Driver, Radiographer, Supervisor, Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS), Superintendent, Research Associate, Research Assistant, Officer, Draftsman, Store Keeper, Chemist, Technologist, Ranger, Lady Health Visitor, Operator, Veterinary Compounder, Cook, Syce, Instructor, Section Officer, Surveyor, Photographer, Speech Therapist, Cleaner, Foreman, Statistician, Dental Technician, Accountant, Investigator, Mechanic, Inspector, Tradesman Skilled Grade, Tradesman Mate, Assistant Programmer, Chargeman, Cataloguer, ECG Technician, Stenographer, Officer etc. in 9 Regions of SSC
    • Age: 18-25, 18-27, 18-30 years
    • Pay Level: 7th CPC
    1. Pay Level-1 ₹18000-56900
    2. Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200
    3. Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100
    4. Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100
    5. Pay Level-5 ₹29200-92300
    6. Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
    7. Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400

Application Fee

The application fee for the SSC 10th Selection Posts is ₹100/- to be paid online up to 15/06/2022 through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan up to 18/06/2022. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.

SSC Xth Selection Posts 2022 Examination Pattern

There will be a Computer Based Mode of Examinations consisting of Objective/Multiple Choice Questions for SSC 10th Selection Vacancy posts in August 2022 tentatively, separately for each post with minimum Educational Qualification of Matriculation, Higher Secondary, and Graduation.

The computer-based SSC 10th Selection Posts 2022 Vacancy Exam will be held in the month of August 2022 tentatively at various test centers across India. The total duration of the exam is 60 minutes (1 hour) and the total marks of the exam are 200. There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.

  1. General Intelligence – 25 questions / 50 marks
  2. English Language (Basic Knowledge) – 25 questions / 50 marks
  3. Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) – 25 questions / 50 marks
  4. General Awareness  – 25 questions / 50 marks

How to Apply for SSC Xth 10th Selection Post Recruitment 2022? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the SSC Recruitment website at https://ssc.nic.in from 12/05/2022 to13/06/2022 only for SSC Xth 10th Selection Posts Vacancy Recruitment 2022. Window for Application Form Correction is 20/06/2022 till 24/06/2022.

Details and Online Submission of Application 

For further details for all these 10th selection posts 2022 by 9 Regional Offices of Staff Selection Commission SSC are available at http://www.sscnr.net.in for Northern Region at Delhi,  http://www.ssc-cr.org for Central Region at Allahabad, http://www.sscer.org for Eastern Region at Kolkata, http://www.sscwr.net for Western Region at Mumbai, http://www.sscsr.gov.in for Southern Region at Chennai, http://www.sscnwr.org for North Western Region at Chandigarh, http://www.ssckkr.kar.nic.in for Kerala Karnataka Region at Bengaluru,  http://www.sscner.org.in for North Eastern Region at Guwahati, http://www.sscmpr.org for MP Chhattisgarh Region at Raipur, please see details of every region for every post, etc. by visiting the website of  that region, and apply online at https://ssc.nic.in

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

JGND PSOU Patiala Non-Teaching Vacancy recruitment 2022

JGNDU PSOU Patiala Non-Teaching Vacancy recruitment 2022 – Apply Now

Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala Recruitment 2022 – 23 Vacancy of Non-Teaching posts


Jagat Guru Nanak Dev University (JGNDU), Punjab State Open University (PSOU) at Patiala is a State University established by the Government of Punjab that invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following Non-Teaching Government Jobs in various disciplines of JGNDU PSOU Patiala (Punjab) for the year 2022. (Advertisement No. 09/2022).

JGNDU PSOU Patiala Non-Teaching Vacancy recruitment 2022

JGNDU PSOU Non-Teaching Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Controller of Examinations:  01 vacancies
  2. Deputy Registrar: 01 vacancies
  3. Superintendent: 02 vacancies
  4. Senior Assistant: 01 vacancies
  5. Technical Assistant (A) (IT): 01 vacancies
  6. Technical Assistant (B) Language: 01 vacancies
  7. Junior Technician (Multi Media Lab): 01 vacancies

Application fee  

Application fees (including GST) post at Sr. No.01 to 02 will be ₹1180/- General Category and ₹590/- for SC/ST & PWD candidates. For post at Sr. No.03 to 06 the Application fees (Including GST) will be ₹590/- for General Category and ₹295/- for SC/ST & PWD candidates.

How to Apply for PSOU Patiala Non-Teaching Vacancy 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed form format at JGNDU PSOU Patiala website from 12/04/2022 to 02/05/2022 only for Jagat Guru Nanak Dev University Non-Teaching vacancy recruitment 2022.

The last date for submitting the hard copy/printout of the online application and supporting documents is 09/05/2022 and should be sent to the Registrar, Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala (Punjab)

Details and Online submission of application

For more detailed information about JGNDU PSOU Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022 and online application format, please visit https://psou.ac.in/jobs

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

NIT Delhi Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022

NIT Delhi Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online Now

NIT Delhi has issued the latest notification for the recruitment of Teaching & Non Teaching (Professor, Assistant Professor, Executive Engineer, Medical Officer, Technical Assistant, Superintendent, Personal Assistant, Technician, Office Attendant etc. ) For more information Please take a look at this page


National Institute of Technology (NIT), Delhi NIT invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian Nationals for the recruitment of Faculty Government Jobs at the level of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Grade-I/III on direct recruitment basis and various Group-A, Group-B and Group-C category Non-Teaching Government Jobs on Deputation/Direct Recruitment basis in the various departments of NIT Delhi for the year 2022. (Advertisement No.01-02-03/2022).

NIT Delhi Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022

NIT Delhi Faculty Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Professor: 06 vacancies (UR-04, OBC-01, SC-01) in various departments, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14A as per 7th CPC ₹150100-220200/-, Age: 60 years max.  
  2. Associate Professor: 10 vacancies (UR-05, EWS-01, OBC-03, ST-01), Pay Scale: Pay level-13A2 as per 7th CPC ₹139600-211300/-
  3. Assistant Professor Grade-I: 06 vacancies (UR-02, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-01), Pay Scale:  Pay level-12 as per 7th CPC ₹101500-167400/-
  4. Assistant Professor Grade-II: 09 vacancies (UR-03, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-02, ST-01), Pay Scale:  Pay level-11 as per 7th CPC ₹67700-208700/-

NIT Delhi Non-Teaching Posts Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Group-A
    1. Executive Engineer (Civil): 01 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-
    2. Assistant Registrar: 01 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-
    3. Medical Officer: 01 vacancies on a direct basis, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-
  2. Group-B
    1. Technical Assistant (SG-I): 01 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-9 ₹53100-167800/-
    2. Technical Assistant (SG-II): 02 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-8 ₹47600-151100/-
    3. Superintendent (SG-II): 01 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-8 ₹47600-151100/-
    4. Technical Assistant: 02 vacancies on direct/deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
    5. Superintendent: 02 vacancies on direct/deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
    6. Personal Assistant: 01 vacancies on direct, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
    7. Technician (SG-I): 01 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
    8. Assistant (SG-I): 01 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
  3. Group-C
    1. Technician: 03 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-5 ₹29200-92300/-
    2. Assistant (SG-II): 03 vacancies on deputation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-5 ₹29200-92300/-
    3. Pharmacist: 01 vacancies on direct, Pay Scale: Pay Level-5 ₹29200-92300/-
    4. Senior Assistant: 01 vacancies on direct, Pay Scale: Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100/-
    5. Senior Technician: 02 vacancies on direct, Pay Scale: Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100/-
    6. Senior Technician: 01 vacancies on direct, Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100/-
    7. Office Attendant: 02 vacancies on direct, Pay Scale: Pay Level-1 ₹18000-56900/-

Application Fee

Non-refundable Processing Fee of ₹1000/- for General, OBC and EWS candidates, and ₹500/- for the SC/ST should be paid online through the application portal by Net Banking/Credit/Debit Card along with the application form submission. No Fees shall be paid by the Women candidates and PWD candidates.

How to Apply for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in NIT Delhi 2020?

Interested persons may apply Online in the prescribed format at the NIT Delhi website on or before  29/04/2022 only for Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in NIT Delhi 2022.

The printout (hard copy) of the online application along with all requisite documents and annexure(s) must reach the office of  The Director, National Institute of Technology, Delhi, Plot No. FA7, Zone P1, GT Karnal Road, Delhi-110036 on or before 09/05/2022.
The envelope containing the application be super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …………….… IN THE DEPARTMENT OF……………….”.

Details and Application Format 

Please visit Recruitment Tab on the NIT Delhi website https://nitdelhi.ac.in for details and Online submission of the application for Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in NIT Delhi 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


IIT Kanpur Non-Teaching Jobs Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online

The Recruitment Department of IIT Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh  has Announced a Job -Notification for the Fresh job recruitment for (Non-Teaching Staff) Jobs vacancies on contract basis or regular basis .


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur (UP), an Institute of national importance, invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following 95 various Group-A, B and C Technical and Administrative Non-Teaching Government Jobs vacancies in IIT Kanpur for the year 2021. (Advt. No. 01/2021).

IIT Kanpur Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies 

  1. Deputy Registrar: 03 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-12 ₹78800-209200/-
  2. Assistant Registrar (P.K. Kelkar Central Library): 01 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-
  3. Assistant Registrar: 08 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-
  4. Hindi Officer: 01 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-
  5. Students’ Counselor: 01 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-
  6. Junior Technical Superintendent (Translation): 01 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
  7. Junior Technical Superintendent: 12 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
  8. Junior Superintendent (Centre for Nano Sciences): 01 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
  9. Junior Superintendent: 14 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
  10. Physical Training Instructor: 04 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
  11. Junior Technician: 17 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100/-
  12. Junior Assistant: 31 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100/-
  13. Driver Grade-II: 01 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100/-
IIT Kanpur Non-Teaching Jobs Recruitment 2021

Important Dates :

Start Date of Online Application submission :  October 15, 2021

Last Start Date of Online Application submission : November 16, 2021 up to 5:00 pm

Application Fee 

₹500/- for vacancies from serial no. 1-3 For Group A post and ₹250/- for Sl. No. 4-13  For Group B and Group C post

through the options of net banking and debit/credit cards.  SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates are exempted from the fee.

Education Qualification

Intermediate, BSc, BE/B Tech, M.Sc, Masters Degree in relevant subjects as per the posts. Must have the computer knowledge along with experience in related work.

Age Limit

Must be between 21 and 51 years old as per posts

IIT Kanpur Non Teaching Recruitment 2021 :  Selection Process

Institute reserves its rights to place a reasonable limit on total  number of candidates called for selection process based on higher parameters over and above essential qualification.

Written test and/ or seminar/presentation to an expert panel followed by an interview for shortlisted candidates for job SL. No 1 to 5. Written test and skill test/ job oriented practical test and any other selection mode for rest of the posts.

How to Apply IIT Kanpur Non-Teaching Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021?  

Application to be submitted Online at IIT Kanpur website on or before 16/11/2021 for IIT Kanpur Non-Teaching Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021.  Do not send any printout of filled-in application or other documents to the Institute.

Candidates have to make sure that they are fully eligible for any particular post they are applying for and the original certificates/documents in support of the information furnished in the online application form are to be provided at a later stage of recruitment process. No deviation, whatsoever, from the filled-in details will be entertained under any circumstances.

Details and Online Application Format

For further information and online application form for Non-Teaching Government Jobs in IIT Kanpur 2021, kindly visit https://iitk.ac.in/new/recruitment . Candidates can check the recruitment notification for more details.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***