Tag Archives: SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23

SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23

SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23 —> Apply Online

SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23 on regular/contract basis. Interested Candidates Can Read the full details here Before Apply Online


State Bank of India (SBI), India’s number One bank invites Online applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for selection and recruitment for engagement of various Specialist Officers on a regular/contract basis in the State Bank of India (SBI) and its offices throughout India for the year 2022-23. (Advertisement No. : CRPD/SCO/2022-23/01-02-03).

SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23

SBI Regular/contract Specialist Officer Recruitment 2022-23 Vacancies

  1. Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO/2022-23/01
    • Senior Executive (Economist): 02 vacancies (UR-01) on a contract basis, Age: 32 years as of 01/03/2022, Pay Scale: MMGS-II Scale CTC ₹18-24 lakhs p.a., Posting Place: Mumbai
  2. Advertisement No.  CRPD/SCO/2022-23/02
    • Advisor (Fraud Risk): 04 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-02) (PWD-01) on a contract basis, Age: Below 63 years of age as of 01/03/2022, Pay: TEGS-VI Scale Consolidated monthly fee of ₹100000/- and an administrative monthly expense of ₹25000/-, Posting Place: Mumbai, Vijaywada, Chennai & Kolkata
  3. Advertisement No.  CRPD/SCO/2022-23/03
    • Manager (Performance Planning & Review): 02 vacancies (UR) on regular basis, Age: 25-35 years as of 01/11/2021, Pay Scale: MMGS-III Scale ₹63840-78230/-, Posting Place: Mumbai

Application Fee

₹750/-  (No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online by General, OBC, and EWS candidates.

Selection Process

Selection for engagement of  SBI Specialist Officer Recruitment on a regular/contract basis 2022-23/01-02-03 will be based on shortlisting and interviews.

How to Apply for SBI Specialist Officer Recruitment 2022-23/01-02-03? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format for SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23/01-02-03 at the career SBI website from 08/04/2022 to 28/04/2022 only for SBI Specialist Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23/01-02-03.

Details and Application Format

For more information and the online application format for SBI Specialist Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2022-23/01-02-03, please visit the Recruitment page on the SBI website https://sbi.co.in/web/careers/current-openings and at https://bank.sbi/careers/

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

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