Tag Archives: SBI SO Recruitment Notification PDF


SBI Specialist Officer as Manager Recruitment 2021- Apply Online

SBI SO Recruitment 2021 for 600+ Vacancies of Specialist Cadre Posts Officer as Manager, Deputy Manager, Executive, Relationship Manager, Customer Relationship Executive, Investment Officer and Central Research Team.


State Bank of India (SBI) invites Online applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for selection and recruitment for engagement of various Specialist Officers as Managers/Executives on a contract/regular basis in the State Bank of India (SBI) and its offices through India. (Advertisement No. : CRPD/SCO/2021-22/15-16-17).

SBI Specialist Officer Manager Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO/2021-22/15
    1. Manager (Marketing): 12 vacancies, Age: 40 years, Pay Scale: MMGS-III ₹63840-78230
    2. Deputy Manager (Marketing): 26 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Pay Scale: MMGS-II ₹48170-69810
  2. Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO/2021-22/16
    1. Executive (Document Preservation-Archives): 01 vacancies on contract basis, Age: 30 years, Pay : CTC of ₹8-12 Lakh per annum (JMGS-1 Pay scale without Banks accommodation)
  3. Advertisement No. CRPD/SCO/2021-22/17
    1. Relationship Manager: 314 vacancies, Age: 23-35 years, Remuneration: CTC of Rs.6-15 Lakhs annual
    2. Relationship Manager (Team Lead): 20 vacancies, Age: 28-40 years, Remuneration: CTC of Rs.10-28 Lakhs annual
    3. Customer Relationship Executive: 217 vacancies, Age: 20-35 years, Remuneration: CTC of Rs.2-3 Lakhs per annum
    4. Investment Officer: 12 vacancies, Age: 28-40 years, Remuneration: CTC of Rs.12-18 Lakhs annual
    5. Central Research Team (Product Lead): 02 vacancies, Age: 30-45 years, Remuneration: CTC of Rs.25-45 Lakhs annual
    6. Central Research Team (Support): 02 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years, Remuneration: CTC of Rs.7-10 Lakhs annual

Application Fee :

₹750/-  (No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online by General, OBC, and EWS candidates.

Important Dates :

  1. Starting Date of Online Application – 28 September 2021
  2. Last Date of Online Application – 18 October 2021
  3. Online Exam Date – 15th November 2021 
SBI Specialist Officer as Manager Recruitment 2021

Educational Qualification :

The educational qualification for Specialist Officer and Management posts are given in the table below:

Post NameQualification
Relationship ManagerGraduates from Government recognised University or Institution
Investment OfficerGraduates / Post Graduates from Government recognised universities or institutions. Mandatory: Certification by NISM/CWM Preferred: CA/CFP (As on 01/08/2021)
Central Research Team (Product Lead)MBA/PGDM from recognised College/University or CA/CFA Preferred: NISM Investment Advisor / Research Analyst Certificate/CFP( As on 01/08/2021)
Central Research Team (Support)Graduate/Post Graduate in – Commerce/Finance/Economics/Management/Mathematics/ Statistics from Government recognized University or Institution.
Manager & Deputy ManagerFull-time MBA/ PGDBM or its equivalent with specialisation in Marketing/ Finance from Institutes recognized / approved by Govt. bodies/ AICTE/ UGC.Course completed through correspondence / part-time will not be eligible
ExecutiveM.A.(History) with one optional paper in Modern Indian History (Post 1750 period) from a recognized UniversityM.A. in other streams of social Sciences i. e. Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Linguistics from recognized UniversityM.Sc. in Applied / Physical Sciences from a recognized University
SBI SO Recruitment Notification PDF

SBI SO Post Qualification Experience

Candidates applying for SBI SO Recruitment 2021 should hold 2 Years of work experience for graduate and 1 year for Post-graduate.

Age Limit :

  • Relationship Manager – 23 to 35 years
  • Relationship Manager (Team Lead) – 28 to 40 years
  • Customer Relationship Executive – 20 to 35 years
  • Investment Officer – 28 to 40 years
  • Central Research Team (Product Lead) – 30 to 45 years
  • Central research Team (Support) – 25 to 35 years
  • Manager (Marketing) – 40 years
  • Deputy Manager (Marketing) – 35 years
  • Executive (Document Preservation-Archives) – 30 years

Selection Process :

Selection for engagement of  SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy 2021 will be based on Online Written Test (on 15/11/2021), Shortlisting and Interview..

How to Apply for SBI Specialist Officer Recruitment 2021? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format for SBI Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021 at the career SBI website from 28/09/2021 to 18/10/2021 only.

Steps To Apply :

  1. Click the given link to apply for SBI SO.
  2. As the new tab opens, Register for SBI SO by filling the following details.
  3. After SBI SO Registration, go to the Login Page
  4. Enter the credentials.
  5. Click on Login.
  6. Enter all the essential details such as Name, Date of Birth, Address for Communication, Educational Qualifications and work experience in the online application form.
  7. Save your details, click on Validate and Next.
  8. Upload your photograph, signature.
  9. Upload the required documents.
  10. Finally, make Payment to complete the online application form of SBI SO 2021.
  11. Click the Submit button to complete the SBI SO 2021 Online form.
  12. Take a printout of the application form for future reference.

Application Format and Details

For more information and online application format for SBI Specialist Officer as Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021, please visit the Recruitment page at SBI website https://www.sbi.co.in/careers/ongoing-recruitment.html and at https://bank.sbi/careers/

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***