Tag Archives: Sarkari Naukri in Uttar Pradesh (UP)SSC jobs


UPSSSC Women Health Worker Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission(UPSSSC) has published a recruitment notification Advt. No. 02/Exam/2021 regarding the vacant posts of Female Health Worker. Eligible aspirants can fill the online application form before the last date of registration.


Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission  (UPSSSC) invites online applications on prescribed recruitment form from Indian Citizens for the following 9212 Govt Job vacancy posts of Women Health Worker through UPSSSC Health Worker (Women) Main Examination 2021 for Family Welfare Departments of Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) (Advt. No. 02/Exam/2021).

About UPSSSC Women Health Worker 2021

State Government of Uttar Pradesh has established Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) for recruitment of various Group-C and Group-D Government Jobs in the state of Uttar Pradesh for its various departments and organizations. Health Worker (Women) Recruitment 2021 is being conducted by UPSSSC for Health and Family Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh.

UPSSSC Women Health Worker Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Women Health Worker: 9212 vacancies (UR-4865, EWS-921, OBC-1660, SC-1346, ST-420) in the Health and Family Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Age: Age:18-40 years as on 01/07/2021
  • Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 Rs. 21700-69100/-
  • Eligibility: The candidate will be allowed to appear in the exam based on the mark obtained in the Preliminary Eligibility Test- PET-2021.
  • Qualification: Post Graduate 12th/Intermediate/10+2 and Ona and Half years/Two years course of Assistant Nurses and Midwife (ANM) and registered with UP Midwife Council.

Application Fee

₹25/- to be paid by each candidate as the processing feeto be paid online or in SBI by payment challan.

Recruitment Exam Scheme

The recruitment examination 2021 for Women Health Worker will be of two-hour duration of 100 questions and 100 marks. The questions will be of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Pattern whereas each question will have one mark for correct answer and .25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

How to Apply for UPSSSC Women Health Worker Recruitment 2021?

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the UPSSSC recruitment website from 15/12/2021 to 05/01/2022 only for UPSSSC Women Health Worker Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Steps To Apply

  1. Visit the official web portal of UPSSSC.
  2. Click on the live recruitment section.
  3. Click on Health Worker Recruitment.
  4. Fill in the required details.
  5. Verify the details before submitting.
  6. Upload mentioned documents.
  7. Then pay the registration fee.
  8. Take a printout of the application form for further use.

Details and online submission of application

Please visit the Notifications/Advertisement page at http://upsssc.gov.in for detailed information and online application format for UPSSSC Women Health Worker Vacancy 2021.

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