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RailTel Recruitment 2023 Notification Apply Online Now!!

RailTel Recruitment 2023 Notification: Apply now online!!

RailTel Recruitment 2023 – Job Vacancy Recruitment in RailTel 2023


RailTel Corporation of India Limited (RCIL), a Mini-Ratna (Category-I) Public Sector Undertaking under the Government of India, seeks dynamic professionals to join its team as Managers across various disciplines and levels. RCIL has released an official notification inviting online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of Managers in RCIL for the year 2023 (Advertisement No.: RCIL/2023/P&A/44/1&24).

Organization NameRailTel Corporation of India Limited
Post Name– Deputy Manager, Assistant Manager
– Deputy Manager, Manager, Senior Manager
No. of Posts81+21 = 102
Vacancy Notice No– RCIL/2023/P&A/44/1
– RCIL/ 2023/ P&A/ 44/ 24
Application Starting DateStarted
Application Closing Date11th November 2023
Mode of ApplicationOnline
– Offline
CategoryCentral Government Jobs
Job LocationAny Place in India
Selection Process– Online Examination, Interview, Document Verification
– Interview and/ or written exam and/ or skill test
RailTel Recruitment 2023 Notification: Apply now online!!

RailTel Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  • Vacancy Notice No. RCIL/2023/P&A/44/1 – 81 vacancies 
PositionVacanciesPay Scale
Assistant Manager (Technical)26 (UR-13, EWS-02, OBC-06, SC-02, ST-02)E-0 ₹30,000-120,000/-
Deputy Manager (Technical)27 (UR-21, EWS-05, ST-01)E-1 ₹40,000-140,000/-
Deputy Manager (Marketing)15 (UR-12, EWS-01, SC-01, ST-01)E-1 ₹40,000-140,000/-
Assistant Manager (Finance)06 (UR-05, OBC-01)E-0 ₹30,000-120,000/-
Assistant Manager (HR)07 (UR-05, OBC-01, SC-01)E-0 ₹30,000-120,000/-
  • Vacancy Notice No. RCIL/2023/P&A/44/24 – 21 vacancies
PositionVacancies (Category)Pay ScaleAgeExperience
Deputy Manager (Database Admin)01 (OBC-01)E-1 ₹40,000-1,40,00021-30 yearsMinimum 2 years
Manager (Database Admin)02 (UR-01, OBC-01)E-2 ₹50,000-1,60,00023-30 yearsMinimum 3 years
Senior Manager (Database Admin)02 (OBC-02)E-3 ₹60,000-1,80,00027-34 yearsMinimum 6 years
Deputy Manager (System Admin)05 (OBC-02, SC-01, ST-02)E-1 ₹40,000-1,40,00021-30 yearsMinimum 2 years
Manager (System Admin)02 (UR-01, OBC-01)E-2 ₹50,000-1,60,00023-30 yearsMinimum 3 years
Senior Manager (System Admin)02 (UR-01, OBC-01)E-3 ₹60,000-1,80,000
Deputy Manager (Security)02 (OBC-01, SC-01)E-1 ₹40,000-1,40,00021-30 yearsMinimum 2 years
Manager (Security)02 (UR-01, OBC-01)E-2 ₹50,000-1,60,00023-30 yearsMinimum 3 years
Senior Manager (Security)02 (OBC-02)E-3 ₹60,000-1,80,00021-30 yearsMinimum 2 years
Senior Manager (IT)01 (OBC-01)E-3 ₹60,000-1,80,00021-30 yearsMinimum 2 years

Application Fee for Railtel Corporation Of India Limited Recruitment 2023

CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC/EWS Candidates₹1200/-
SC/ST/PWD Candidates₹600/-

View –  Government Jobs for MBA Candidates

Apply Online for RailTel Recruitment 2023

Applicants meeting the required qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format exclusively through the RailTel Corporation website. The application period is from 21/10/2023 to 11/11/2023 for the recruitment of Manager job vacancies at RailTel Corporation in 2023.

Offline mode applications only will be accepted
Address: General Manager/HR, RailTel Corporation of India Ltd., Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block-II, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023

  • Go to official website.
  • Click on Careers>> Current Job Openings.
  • Find & click “Regular Recruitments in Technical / Marketing/ Finance/HR Departments of RailTel Corporation (Including Backlog Vacancies of SC/ST/OBC” and “Vacancies in Data Centre (Vacancy Notice No RCIL/2023/P&A/44/24)”
  • Notification will open, read it & check eligibility.
  • Back to the page find apply link
  • Click on the link new page will be opened
  • Fillup the form correctly the make payment
  • Now you can submit the application

View – Government Jobs in Public Sector Units (PSU)

Details and Application Format

For comprehensive information and online applications regarding the recruitment of Manager job vacancies at RailTel Corporation in 2023, kindly visit the Recruitment/Career page on the RailTel Corporation website at https://www.railtelindia.com/careers.html.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Power Grid Recruitment 2023 for Officer Trainee Finance: Apply Now Today!!

Power Grid Recruitment 2023 for Officer Trainee Finance: Apply Now Today!!

Power Grid Recruitment 2023 – PGCIL Recruitment 2023: 20 Officer Trainee Finance Vacancies Announced on Official Website – Details Inside!


The Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) has officially announced the recruitment of 20 Officer Trainee Finance positions. Aspirants can begin the online application process on the PGCIL website, with the deadline for online submissions being November 13. If you’re eligible and interested, visit official website to apply.

The selection process for these vacancies entails a written test, group discussion, and interview. For comprehensive information on age criteria, qualifications, application procedures, salary details, and eligibility, please continue reading.

Name of Recruitment OrganizationPower Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL)
Recruitment Notification No. –CC/10/2023 Date – 18/10/2023
Name of RecruitmentPGCIL Officer Trainee Recruitment 2023
Name of the ArticlePGCIL Officer Trainee Recruitment 2023 Apply Online for 20 Vacancies
Name of PostOfficer Trainee (Finance)
Total Number of Vacancies20
Type of ArticleLatest Govt Jobs
Who can ApplyIndian Citizen
Eligibility CriteriaRead the official Notification Details
Apply ModeOnline
Starting Date to Apply24/10/2023
Closing Date to Apply13/11/2023
Power Grid Recruitment 2023 for Officer Trainee Finance: Apply Now Today!!

Power Grid Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

Officer Trainee (Finance): 20 vacancies.

CategoryNumber of Posts
Total Vacancies20

Age Requirement: Applicants should be 28 years old as of 13/11/2023.

Compensation: During the training period, candidates will receive a monthly stipend of ₹40,000, inclusive of IDA, HRA, and 12% perks of the basic pay within the pay scale of ₹40,000-3%-140,000/- (IDA). Upon successful training completion, they will assume the position of Officer in the E-2 pay scale ₹50,000-3%-160,000/- (IDA).

Qualification: Candidates should have passed CA/ICWA (CMA).

Service Agreement Bond: Upon selection, candidates are obligated to sign a service agreement bond, committing to complete the required training period and subsequently serve the organization for a minimum of three years. The bond amount is INR 5,00,000/- for General/OBC (NCL)/EWS candidates, along with applicable taxes, and INR 2,50,000/- for SC/ST/PwBD candidates.

Selection Process

The selection process for the PGCIL Officer Trainee Finance Vacancy 2023 consists of the following stages:

  • Computer-Based Test (CBT)
  • Group Discussion
  • Personal Interview
  • Document Verification

Application Fee for Power Grid Officer Trainee Finance Recruitment 2023

CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC Candidates₹500/- (Online)
SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM CandidatesNo Application Fee

View –  Government Jobs for MBA Candidates

Apply Online for PGCIL Officer Trainee Finance Recruitment 2023

Eligible CA/CMA candidates are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format on the Power Grid Corporation website. The application window is open from 24/10/2023 to 13/11/2023 for Officer Trainee Finance Vacancy Recruitment in Power Grid 2023.

  • Visit the Official Website.
  • Access the Careers Section: On the homepage, click the ‘Careers’ button.
  • Complete the Application Form: Read and follow the provided instructions to fill out the application form. Upon submission, a unique application number will be generated.
  • Fee Payment: Proceed to pay the required application fees.
  • Document Your Application: Download and print a copy of your application for future reference.”

View – Government Jobs in Public Sector Units (PSU)

Details and Application Format for PGCIL Recruitment 2023

For detailed information and the online application process for the Officer Trainee Finance Vacancy Recruitment in Power Grid 2023, please visit the Power Grid website’s Recruitment/Career page at https://www.powergrid.in/job-opportunities.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

EXIM Bank Recruitment 2023 for Management Trainee: Apply now

EXIM Bank Recruitment 2023 for Management Trainee: Apply online now

Exim Bank Recruitment 2023 has been released. Exim Bank Recruitment 2023 Apply Online for 45 Vacancy will start from 21 October.


Export-Import Bank of India (India Exim Bank) is inviting online applications in the specified format from eligible candidates who meet the desired eligibility criteria for the recruitment of Management Trainees in various disciplines for the year 2023. (Advertisement no. HRM/MT/2023-24/01). Get ready to explore these government job opportunities with India Exim Bank!

OrganizationIndia Exim Bank
PostManagement Trainees
Application ModeOnline
Advt. No.HRM/MT/2023-24/01
Online Registration Date21th October to 10th November 2023
Selection ProcessOnline Test and Interview
EXIM Bank Recruitment 2023 for Management Trainee: Apply now

Exim Bank Recruitment 2023-24 Vacancies

Management Trainee (MT) Recruitment 2023: India Exim Bank has announced 45 vacancies for Management Trainees (MT) in various disciplines. Eligible candidates, aged between 21 and 28 years as of October 1, 2023, can apply. Selected candidates will receive a monthly stipend of ₹55,000. Qualification requirements vary depending on the specific discipline.

DisciplineVacanciesQualificationCategory-wise Distribution
Management Trainee (Banking Operations)35Graduation/ MBAUR-16, EWS-03, OBC-09, SC-05, ST-02, PWD-01
Management Trainee (Digital Technology)07BE/ B.Tech Degree in Computer ScienceUR-05, OBC-01, SC-01
Management Trainee (Rajbhasha)02Master DegreeUR-02
Management Trainee (Administration)01Bachelor Degree/ Master DegreeUR-01

After the successful completion of a traineeship lasting up to two years within the Bank, Management Trainees (MT) will transition to the role of Deputy Manager in Grade/Scale Junior Management (JM)-I with a salary range of ₹36,000 to ₹63,840. The current Cost to Company (CTC) for Deputy Managers is approximately ₹17 lakh per annum.

View – Government Jobs for MBA Graduates

Application Fee for Exim Bank Management Trainee Recruitment 2023

Application fees and intimation charges (Non-refundable) amount to ₹600 for OBC candidates, and ₹100 for SC/ST/PWD/EWS and Female candidates, which are intimation charges.

Exam Pattern

The official EXIM Bank Management Trainee Exam Pattern 2023 is available in the official notification. You can also refer to the expected EXIM Bank MT Exam Pattern 2023 below.

The exam includes a combination of objective type and descriptive type questions. Please note that there is a penalty for incorrect answers to objective type questions, with 1/4th of the marks assigned to the question being deducted for each wrong answer.

Name of TestQuestionsMax. MarksDuration
Objective Type (Qualifying Nature)
Reasoning202080 mins
English Language2020
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Financial Awareness with reference to the banking industry2020
Data Analysis & Interpretation2020
Descriptive Paper on EnglishEssay – 1
Letter Writing – 1
35 mins
Descriptive Paper on Professional KnowledgeQuestion 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
35 mins
Total200150 mins

*Note: This is the expected exam pattern.

Selection Procedure

The selection for the position of Management Trainees (MT) in EXIM Bank will involve a written examination, tentatively scheduled for December 2023, followed by personal interviews for the shortlisted candidates.

View – Trainee Government Jobs open now

How to Apply for Exim Bank Management Trainee Recruitment 2023-24?

Qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications online via the EXIM Bank website. The application window for the Exim Bank Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2023 will be open from 21/10/2023 to 10/11/2023.

  • To apply, visit the official website.
  • Navigate to the “Careers” section, and then click on “Apply Now.”
  • Register by providing an active email ID and mobile number.
  • Log in using the generated registration number and password.
  • Complete the application form by accurately entering all requested information.
  • Upload scanned copies of your photograph, signature, left thumb impression, and a handwritten declaration in the prescribed format.
  • Click “FINAL SUBMIT” to submit your application.
  • Pay the application fee online.
  • Remember to print the application form for future reference.

Details and Online application format

For comprehensive information and the online application format regarding the EXIM Bank Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2023-24, please navigate to https://www.eximbankindia.in/careers.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

NaBFID Recruitment 2023 for Officer Analyst Grade Vacancy

NaBFID Recruitment 2023 for Officer Analyst Grade Vacancy: Apply Now Today!!

The NaBFID Recruitment 2023 notification has been published on the official website, announcing 56 vacancies. Interested candidates can commence their online application process for NaBFID Recruitment starting from October 23, 2023.


National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID), established under the NaBFID Act of 2021, is welcoming online applications in the specified format from qualified candidates for the recruitment of Officers (Analyst Grade) in various disciplines for the year 2023. (Advertisement Number – NaBFID/REC/ANA/2023-24/01). Apply today to seize this opportunity.

OrganizationNational Bank For Financing Infrastructure and Development
Exam NameNABFID Exam 2023
PostsOfficers(Analyst Grade)
Notification Date23 October 2023
Application ModeOnline
Online Registration Date23 October 2023-13 November 2023
Who Can Apply?Indian citizens
Eligibility CriteriaEducational Qualification: Varies Post-Wise
Age Limit: 21-32 Years
Application FeesGeneral/ EWS/ OBC Candidates: Rs.800
SC/ST/PwBD Candidates: Rs.100
Selection ProcessOnline Written Examination & Interview
Exam DateNovember/December 2023
NaBFID Recruitment 2023 for Officer Analyst Grade Vacancy: Apply Now Today!!

NaBFID Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PostVacanciesAge (as of 01/10/2023)ExperienceRemuneration
Officer Analyst Grade5621-32 yearsPost-qualification experience of 1 year is preferred for all positions in Analyst gradeApprox. ₹14.83 lakh per annum plus performance-based bonus of up to 20% on fixed compensation.
Sr. NoDisciplineVacancies
1Lending Operations15 (UR-8, EWS-1, OBC-3, SC-2, ST-1)
2Human Resources02 (UR-2)
3Investment & Treasury04 (UR-3, OBC-1)
4Information Technology & Operations04 (UR-3, OBC-1)
5General Administration07 (UR-5, OBC-1, SC-1)
6Risk Management10 (UR-6, EWS-1, OBC-2, SC-1)
7Legal02 (UR-2)
8Internal Audit & Compliance03 (UR-3)
9Company Secretariat02 (UR-2)
10Accounts02 (UR-2)
11Strategic Development and Partnerships04 (UR-3, OBC-1)
12Economist01 (UR-1)

Educational Qualification for NaBFID Officer Recruitment 2023

PostEducational Qualification
Lending OperationsMBA (Finance)/ICWA/ CFA / CMA/CA /Post-Graduation Degree /Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
Human ResourcesPost-Graduation Degree/ Diploma in Management with Specialization in Human Resources / Industrial Relations
Investment & TreasuryMBA (Finance) / ICWA / CA / CFA/ Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance / Forex
Information Technology & OperationsMCA / MTech / M. E. / Postgraduate in Computer Science, AI & ML, Software Engineering, IT, Cyber Security from recognized University / Institution
General AdministrationPostgraduate in any discipline from a recognized University / Institution
Risk ManagementMBA (Finance) / CA / ICWA/ CFA/ Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
LegalMasters in law from a recognized University / Institution in India
Internal Audit & ComplianceMBA (Finance) / CA /ICWA / Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
Company SecretariatMember of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI)
AccountsMBA (Finance) / CA /ICWA / Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance
Strategic Development and PartnershipsPost-Graduation Degree/ Diploma in Management with Specialization in Finance, Business/ Sustainability Management, Economics, Humanities
EconomistMaster’s degree in economics with specialization in monetary economics or Econometrics or mathematical economics or equivalent from a recognized University /Institution

Application Fee for NaBFID Vacancy 2023

Application fees and intimation charges (Non-refundable) for the recruitment are ₹800/- plus applicable taxes for General, EWS, and OBC candidates. SC, ST, and PWD candidates are required to pay ₹100/- plus applicable taxes, which covers only the intimation charges. Please note that the fees are non-refundable.

Selection Procedure for NaBFID Notification 2023

The selection process for this recruitment will involve an Online Exam and a Personal Interview. Candidates who perform well in the Online Exam will be shortlisted and called for the Interview. The tentative schedule for the Examination and Interview is set for November/December 2023.

Exam Pattern for NaBFID Officer Analyst Grade Vacancy Recruitment 2023

NaBFID will conduct the online examination for 56 posts of officer analyst. Let’s have a look at the exam pattern.

Sr. No.Name of the ExamNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksTime (minutes)
Section (A) Objective Type
1.Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude1515  30 Mins.
2.English Language1010
3.Data Analysis and Interpretation1515
 Subtotal – (A)4040 
Section (B) Objective
4.Professional Knowledge406030 Mins.
 Subtotal – (B)4060 
 Total (A) & (B)8010060 Mins.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) available in both English and Hindi.
  • Each question offers 5 answer options.
  • Negative Marking: 0.25 Marks deducted for each incorrect response.

How to Apply for NaBFID Officer Vacancies 2023?

Prospective candidates interested in Analyst Grade Officers positions should complete the online application form available on the NaBFID website. The application window is open from 23rd October 2023 to 13th November 2023 for NaBFID’s Analyst Grade Officers Vacancy Recruitment in 2023.

  • Visit the official NaBFID website.
  • Navigate to the “Careers” section on the website.
  • Click on “New Registration” and enter your registration details, including your name, email address, and mobile number.
  • Begin the registration process by filling out the online form with accurate information.
  • Upload your photo, signature, and thumb impression as required.
  • Double-check to ensure that all necessary details are correctly filled.
  • Make the online payment for the fees and submit the form.
  • Keep a copy of the submitted form for future reference.

Details and Online Application format 

Aspiring candidates are encouraged to access the Careers page on https://nabfid.org/careers to access detailed information and complete the online application form for the NaBFID Analyst Grade Officer Vacancy Recruitment in 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Can Fin Homes Recruitment 2023: Apply for Manager Officer Vacancies

Can Fin Homes Recruitment 2023 for Manager Officer Vacancy: Apply Now

Can Fin Homes Recruitment 2023 – Manager Officer Vacancy Recruitment in Can Fin Homes 2023


Can Fin Homes Limited (CFHL), a prominent Housing Finance Company sponsored by Canara Bank, is situated in Basavangudi, Bengaluru (Karnataka). They are welcoming eligible candidates to submit their online applications in the prescribed format. This is for the recruitment of various managerial and officer positions, including Senior Managers, Managers, Officers, and Junior Officers, across different locations in the country for the year 2023. If you’re interested in Sarkari Naukri vacancies, this is your opportunity to apply.

Can Fin Homes Recruitment 2023 for Manager Officer Vacancy: Apply Now

About Can Fin Homes Recruitment 2023

Can Fin Homes Limited is a prominent Housing Finance Company, sponsored by Canara Bank, and headquartered in Basavangudi, Bengaluru, Karnataka. This organization plays a pivotal role in providing financial solutions for housing needs. Can Fin Homes has gained recognition for its dedication to customer service and its commitment to assisting people in fulfilling their dreams of owning a home. With a broad array of financial products and services, including home loans, the company serves customers across various locations in India. Can Fin Homes continues to be a trusted name in the housing finance sector, offering opportunities for both customers and professionals looking to join its team.

Can Fin Homes Limited (CFHL) Vacancies 2023

PositionAge Limit
Manager – Internal Audit / FCUPreferably below 35 years
Officer – Internal Audit / FCUPreferably below 30 years
Manager – Corporate CommunicationPreferably below 35 years
Senior Manager – FinancePreferably below 40 years
Manager – FinancePreferably below 35 years
Senior Manager – AccountsPreferably below 40 years
Manager – AccountsPreferably below 35 years
Manager – CreditPreferably below 35 years
Officer/Junior Officer – CreditPreferably below 30 years
Manager – MarketingPreferably below 35 years

Selection Procedure for CanFin Homes Limited Recruitment 2023

  • Initial Shortlisting: Can Fin Homes Limited will carefully review all online applications submitted for specific job locations. Based on factors such as academic qualifications and relevant experience in the field, candidates will be shortlisted. Only those shortlisted individuals will advance to the Virtual Interview round.
  • Notification: Shortlisted candidates will receive a notification via email, providing essential details for the Virtual Interview. This notification will include information about the interview schedule, specifying the date, time, and a link for accessing the interview. It’s important to note that all communication related to the interview process will be exclusively conducted through email. Applicants should regularly check their email for updates as no separate communication will be sent.
  • Final Selection: The ultimate selection of candidates will be determined based on the total marks achieved during the interview and specific predetermined criteria.
  • Binding Decision: Please be aware that the Company’s decision regarding the selection of candidates is both final and binding.

How to Apply for Can Fin Homes Vacancies 2023?

Interested candidates who meet the qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications online through the official CanFin Homes Limited website. This is in regard to the Can Fin Homes Manager Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2023.

Details and Online Application format 

Applicants are advised to visit the official CanFin Homes Careers page at https://www.canfinhomes.com/career.aspx to access comprehensive information and complete the online application form for the Can Fin Homes Manager Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Bureau of Indian Standards Recruitment 2023 for Scientist-B Vacancy: Apply Today!!

Bureau of Indian Standards Recruitment 2023 for Scientist-B Vacancy: Apply Today!!

Bureau of Indian Standards Recruitment 2023 – Scientist-B Vacancy Recruitment in Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) 2023


Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible and qualified candidates for the recruitment of Scientist-B positions in various Engineering disciplines at the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for the year 2023, using a valid GATE score. BIS provides outstanding career prospects for bright, young, and dynamic individuals seeking the role of Scientist-‘B’ across various specified disciplines and categories in 2023. Candidates will be shortlisted for Personal Interviews based on their valid GATE scores from 2021, 2022, and 2023. (Advertisement No. 06(ScB)/2023/HRD).

BIS Recruitment 2023 Overview
OrganizationBureau of Indian Standards
Post NameScientist B
Advertisement No.06(ScB)/2023/HRD
Apply Online Begins14 October 2023
Last Date to Apply3 November 2023
Job locationAll Over India
Selection ProcessGATE 2021/2022/2023 Score
Bureau of Indian Standards Recruitment 2023 for Scientist-B Vacancy: Apply Today!!

About Bureau of Indian Standards Recruitment 2023

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), a statutory body under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India, is inviting applications for the position of Scientist-B in the 2023 batch. The selection of qualified candidates for Personal Interviews will depend on their valid GATE scores from 2021, 2022, and 2023. Join us for an exciting engineering career at BIS.

View – Engineer Jobs through GATE

BIS Scientist-B Recruitment 2023 (II) Vacancies

PositionVacanciesPay ScaleQualificationAge
Scientist-B09 vacanciesPay level-10 in 7th CPC ₹56100-177500Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (B.E.) or Bachelor’s Degree in Technology (B. Tech.) or Equivalent Degree/ Qualification to B.E or B.Tech. (as notified by Government from time to time) Or, a Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences or equivalent (for Chemistry discipline only) in relevant disciplines with 60% marks. (50% marks for SC/ ST). Having a valid GATE score of 2021/2022/2023.21-30 years as of 03/11/2023
Agriculture Science02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01)
Civil Engineering03 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01, SC-01)
Electrical Engineering03 vacancies (UR-01, EWS-01, OBC-01)
Textile Engineering01 vacancies (OBC-01)

Selection Process for BIS Recruitment 2023

The BIS Recruitment 2023 selection process includes shortlisting candidates based on their qualifications and GATE Score (2021/2022/2023). Those shortlisted will be invited for a Personal Interview to assess their interpersonal skills and other qualifications following departmental guidelines.

Application Fee for BIS Scientist B Recruitment 2023

There is no application fee required for the recruitment of Scientist-B in BIS.

See Also – Government Jobs for Engineers

How to Apply for Scientist-B Recruitment in BIS 2023?

Engineers meeting the eligibility criteria are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format on the BIS website. The application window will be open from 14/10/2023 to 03/11/2023 exclusively for the Scientist-B vacancy recruitment in BIS 2023. Make sure to apply within this timeframe.

  • The BIS Scientist B Various Post Recruitment 2023 application window is open from 14/10/2023 to 03/11/2023.
  • Candidates are advised to read the official notification carefully before applying for the BIS Latest Recruitment Online Form 2023.
  • Ensure you have collected all the necessary documents including those verifying your eligibility, ID proof, address details, and basic information.
  • Prepare scanned copies of documents like your photo, signature, and ID proof related to the recruitment form.
  • Prior to submitting the application form, thoroughly review all entries and fields to ensure accuracy.
  • If the application requires a fee, make sure to submit the required payment. Incomplete forms due to missing fees will not be considered.
  • After submitting the application, it’s a good practice to take a printout of the final submitted form for your records.

View – All Scientist Government Jobs available

Details and application format

You can find detailed information and submit your applications on the website https://www.bis.gov.in/recruitment-to-the-post-of-scientist-b-2/ for the Scientist-B vacancy recruitment in BIS 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Apply online for 51 Scientist posts at DRDO RAC in 2023

DRDO RAC Vacancy 2023: Apply Online For 51 Scientist Posts

DRDO RAC Vacancy 2023 – The DRDO Recruitment 2023 Notification is now available, announcing 51 Scientist vacancies. You can obtain the PDF of the DRDO Scientist Notification 2023 for download.


The Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) operating under the Defense Research & Development Organization (DRDO) has issued an invitation for online applications for several Scientist positions, which can be accessed on the official website.

These openings span across multiple disciplines, encompassing Scientist F, Scientist E, Scientist C, and Scientist B roles. Eligible and interested individuals are encouraged to submit their applications for these vacancies on or before November 17, 2023. The online application procedure will initiate on October 21, 2023, via the official website (Advertisement No. 147).

Organization NameDRDO, Recruitment Assessment Centre (RAC)
No.of Posts51
Application Starting Date21st October 2023
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Job LocationAcross India
Post NameScientist
Advt No147
Application Closing Date17th November 2023
CategoryCentral Government Jobs
DRDO RAC Vacancy 2023: Apply Online For 51 Scientist Posts

DRDO RAC Vacancy 2023: Post- wise Vacancy

Post NameVacancy
Scientist F2
Scientist E14
Scientist D8
Scientist C27

Eligibility Criteria for DRDO recruitment 2023

Post NameAge LimitMinimum Experience
Scientist F5013
Scientist E5010
Scientist D507
Scientist C403

Salary for DRDO RAC Recruitment 2023

Post NameSalary Structure (7th CPC)
Scientist FBasic Pay: 131100 (Level – 13A)
Scientist EBasic Pay: 123100 (Level – 13)
Scientist DBasic Pay: 78800 (Level – 12)
Scientist CBasic Pay: 67700 (level – 11)

Required Document

DOB proofBirth Certificate or 10th certificate
Passport size photo– Size: Less than 30KB – Resolution: 110×140
Sample signature (scanned)Scanned sample of your signature
Self-attested certificatesRelevant certificates, self-attested
Additional certificatesAdditional certificates (e.g., caste, experience, disability if applicable)

Selection Process 

The DRDO Recruitment 2023 selection process involves the following stages:

  1. Shortlisting of Applicants
  2. Personal Interview
  3. Document Verification
  4. Medical Examination

Application Fee

  • Unreserved category applicants: A fee of Rs 100 is applicable, and it must be paid online during the DRDO RAC application process. Please note that this fee is non-transferable and non-refundable.
  • SC, ST, Handicapped, and Women candidates: There is no application fee for these categories; the application process is fee-exempt for them.

How to apply DRDO RAC Scientist Recruitment 2023

To apply for DRDO RAC Recruitment 2023, eligible candidates are required to submit their online applications through the official website or by utilizing the direct link provided in this article. The online registration process for this recruitment commenced on October 21, 2023, and the deadline for applications is November 17, 2023. It is crucial to ensure your application is submitted prior to the closing date to prevent any complications. You can conveniently access the direct online application link here.

  • Visit the official RAC website.
  • Locate and click on the “DRDO RAC Scientist Recruitment 2023” link on the homepage.
  • Provide the required registration details to create your account.
  • Log in to your account and complete the application form.
  • Proceed to make the payment of application fees.
  • After filling out the form, submit it, and download a copy for your records.
  • Print a hard copy of the application form for future reference.

Details and Application Format 

For comprehensive details and the online application procedure regarding the DRDO RAC Vacancy 2023 encompassing 51 Scientist Posts, kindly refer to the Official Notification available at https://rac.gov.in/download/advt147_1310202311236591733233.pdf.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) Recruitment 2023 for Engineer Trainee posts through GATE. Apply for ET posts today!!

Powergrid Recruitment 2023: Apply for Engineer Trainee posts through GATE – Apply Today!!

Powergrid Recruitment 2023 – The official website now displays a notification for 184 Engineer Trainee positions. Find the notification PDF, eligibility criteria, and more details here.


Central Transmission Utility of India Limited (CTUIL) and Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) have exciting opportunities for Engineering Graduates. They are seeking bright, committed, and energetic candidates to join them as Engineer Trainees. Online applications are invited for the recruitment of Engineer Trainees in various disciplines, including Electrical, Civil, Electronics & Communication, and Computer Science, through GATE-2023. This opportunity is available both in Power Grid Corporation and CTUIL (Advt. No. : CC/11/2023).

PGCIL is welcoming applications in the prescribed format to fill 184 Engineer Trainee positions in Electrical, Civil, Electronics & Communication, and Computer Science Engineering disciplines for the year 2023. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this exciting journey in the power sector!

Organization    Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL)
Post Name    Engineer Trainees
Vacancies    184
Category    Govt Jobs
Job Location    All India
Opening Date for Online ApplicationOctober 20, 2023
Last Date for Online Application November 10, 2023
Mode of Apply    Online
Powergrid Recruitment 2023: Apply for Engineer Trainee posts through GATE - Apply Today!!

Powergrid Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

Engineering DisciplineTotal VacanciesDistribution
Engineer Trainee (Computer Science)6Power Grid – 6
Engineer Trainee (Electrical)144CTUIL – 16, Power Grid – 128
Engineer Trainee (Civil)28Power Grid – 28
Engineer Trainee (Electronics)6CTUIL – 4, Power Grid – 2

Age: 28 years as of 10/11/2023.

Pay Scale: During the training period, candidates will receive a monthly stipend of ₹40,000, which includes IDA, HRA, and Perks amounting to 12% of the basic pay based on the pay scale of ₹40,000-3%-140,000 (IDA). Upon successful completion of the training, candidates will be designated as Assistant Engineers with a pay scale of ₹50,000-3%-160,000 (IDA).

Qualification: Candidates should possess a Full-Time B.E./B.Tech./ B.Sc.(Engg.) degree from a recognized University/Institute with a minimum of 60% marks or an equivalent CGPA. Additionally, a valid score in the GATE 2023 examination is required. It’s important to note that candidates must have appeared in the corresponding paper of GATE 2023, as GATE scores from 2022 or earlier will not be considered valid.

View – Government Jobs in Public Sector Units (PSU)

Selection Process for PGCIL Powergrid Recruitment 2023

The selection process for Engineer Trainee positions will follow these stages:

  1. Normalized marks out of 100 in the relevant GATE 2023 paper
  2. Behavioral Assessment
  3. Group Discussion
  4. Personal Interview

Candidates’ shortlisting for the Behavioral Assessment, Group Discussion, and Personal Interview will be based on their normalized GATE-2023 scores, as per management’s criteria. Additionally, candidates can choose to participate in the Group Discussion and Interview in either Hindi or English.

Application Fee for Power Grid Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2023

Application FeePayment Method
₹500/-Online Payment
SC/ST/PWD/Ex-SMExempted from Application Fee

View – Government Jobs for Engineers

Apply Online for PGCIL Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2023

Suitable and aspiring engineers with valid GATE-2023 scores are encouraged to apply online in the specified format on the Power Grid Corporation’s website. The application window is open from 20/10/2023 to 10/11/2023 for the recruitment of Engineer Trainees in Power Grid through GATE-2023.

  • Visit official website.
  • Click on the “Online Application Form” to initiate the registration process.
  • In the subsequent step, click on the “Online Application Form” link and log in.
  • Enter your personal and educational details, and upload the required documents.
  • Make the application fee payment according to your category and then submit the form.
  • Finally, don’t forget to print a copy of your completed application form for your records.

Details and Application Format PGCIL Recruitment 2023

For detailed information and the online application process for the Engineer Trainee Vacancy Recruitment in Power Grid through GATE-2023 scores, please visit the Power Grid recruitment website at https://www.powergrid.in/job-opportunities.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Indian Army TES 51 Notification 2023 for Technical Entry Scheme - Join Indian Army

Indian Army TES 51 Notification 2023 for Technical Entry Scheme – Join Indian Army

Indian Army TES 51 Notification 2023 – Permanent Commission 51st 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES) Course Commencing from July 2024 in the Indian Army


Online applications are welcome from unmarried male candidates who have successfully completed their 10+2 education with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects. Furthermore, these candidates should have appeared in the JEE (Mains) 2023 examination and meet the eligibility criteria for obtaining a Permanent Commission in the Indian Army through the 51st 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES) set to commence in July 2024.

Organized ByIndian Army
Post NameLieutenant
Vacancies 90 Post
Age Criteria16.5 year to 19.5 year
Marital StatusUnmarried
Application Process13 October 2023 to 12 November 2023
Salary 56,1000 (level 10)
Indian Army TES 51 Notification 2023 for Technical Entry Scheme - Join Indian Army

Indian Army TES 51 Notification 2023 Details

Positions: 90 openings

Eligibility: To be considered for this opportunity, candidates must have successfully passed the 10+2 examination or an equivalent qualification, securing a minimum aggregate of 60% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics from recognized educational boards.

Age: Applicants should be between 16 and a half to 19 and a half years old, meaning they must have been born between 02 July 2004 and 01 July 2007, inclusive of both dates.

Physical Standards: Candidates must meet specific physical standards, including a minimum height of 152 cm, a weight of 42 kg, with a better eye vision of 6/6 and worst eye vision of 6/18.

Type of Commission: Upon successful completion of the 4-year course, cadets will be granted a Permanent Commission in the Army, holding the rank of Lieutenant in Arms/Services, subject to the discretion of the Army Headquarters.

Stipend: During their training, gentlemen cadets will receive a stipend of ₹56,100 per month, equivalent to NDA cadets’ entitlement upon completing 3 years of training. Following their 4-year training program, they will be commissioned with the rank of Lieutenant and receive a salary as per the rank’s admissible pay scale.

Pay Scale: After completing the 4-year course, candidates will be entitled to a salary in Level-10 of the 7th CPC, which is ₹56,100-177,500, in addition to MSP (Military Service Pay) of ₹15,500 and various other allowances.

Method of Selection for Indian Army 51st 10+2 TES

Selection Criteria for 51st 10+2 Technical Entry:

To be eligible for selection in the 51st 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme, candidates are required to have appeared in the JEE (Mains) 2023 examination. Shortlisting of eligible candidates will be done based on the cutoff marks.

SSB Selection Process:

The shortlisted candidates will then proceed to the SSB (Services Selection Board) process, which includes evaluations by a Psychologist, Group Testing Officer, and Interviewing Officer. This process will take place at one of the Selection Centres, which are located in Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka), or Kapurthala (Punjab). The SSB selection is expected to occur in the months of February and March 2024.

How to Apply for Army 51st 10Plus2 TES?

To apply for the Indian Army 51st 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme, candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are advised to submit their applications online. The application window will be open from October 13, 2023, to November 12, 2023. You can access the application form on the official Indian Army website during this period. Make sure to provide all the required details and documents as specified in the prescribed format.

  1. Go to the official website.
  2. Locate and click on the “Online Application” tab available on the Indian Army website.
  3. Carefully read the provided instructions and proceed to fill out the online registration form for Army TES 51 Recruitment 2023.
  4. Complete the form with the required details and then click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.
  5. A confirmation message will appear, indicating that your form has been successfully submitted.

Details and Online Application Submission

For more comprehensive information about the Indian Army 51st 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme and to access the online application form in the required format, please visit the official Indian Army website at https://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

AIIMS Rajkot Recruitment 2023: Apply Online for Non-faculty Posts today!!

AIIMS Rajkot Recruitment 2023: Apply Online for Non-faculty Posts today!!

Submit your online application for 131 Non-faculty positions within AIIMS Rajkot Recruitment 2023. Explore insights regarding the age limit, qualifications, and fees associated with AIIMS Rajkot Recruitment 2023 in this article.


AIIMS Rajkot, situated in Gujarat, is inviting online applications for the direct recruitment of 131 various Para-Medical and Administrative Non-Teaching positions across Group-A, Group-B, and Group-C employee categories. These Sarkari Naukri vacancies are offered on a regular basis for the year 2023. AIIMS Rajkot, a significant healthcare institution of national importance, operates under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, and falls within the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY). (Advertisement No. AIIMS/Rajkot/Admin/Recruitment/NF/06/2023-24/5469).

Organization Name:All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Notification No:AIIMS/ Rajkot/ Admin/ Recruitment/ NF/ 06/2023-24/5469 Dated: 07.10.2023 
Job Category:Central Govt Jobs 
Employment Type:Regular Basis
Total No of Vacancies: 131 Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Non-Faculty Posts
Place of Posting: Rajkot
Starting Date: 07.10.2023 
Last Date: 05.11.2023 
Apply Mode:Online
AIIMS Rajkot Recruitment 2023: Apply Online for Non-faculty Posts today!!

AIIMS Rajkot Recruitment 2023 Vacancies 

  • Group-A vacancies
Sr. No.PositionVacanciesPay Scale
1Blood Transfusion Officer01 (UR)Pay Level-11 ₹67700-208700
2Clinical Psychologist01 (UR)Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500
3Medical Officer AYUSH01 (UR)Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500
4Medical Physicist01 (UR)Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500
  • Group-B Vacancies
Sr. No.PositionVacanciesPay Scale
1Assistant Nursing Superintendent03 (UR)Pay Level-9 ₹53100-167800
2Staff Nurse Grade I (Nursing Sisters)58 (UR-26, EWS-5, OBC-15, SC-8, ST-4)Pay Level-8 ₹47600-151100
3Assistant Stores Officer01 (UR)Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400
4Dietician02 (UR)Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400
5Medico Social Service Officer Grade-I02 (UR)Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400
6Private Secretary01 (UR)Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400
7Assistant Administrative Officer01 (UR)Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400
8Yoga Instructor01 (UR)Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400
9Junior Accounts Officer02 (UR)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
10Librarian Grade-III01 (UR)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
11Office Assistant (NS)05 (UR-4, OBC-1)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
12Personal Assistant02 (UR-2)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
13Physiotherapist01 (UR-2)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
14Junior Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration)01 (UR-2)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
15Junior Engineer (Civil)01 (UR-2)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
16Junior Engineer (Electrical)01 (UR-2)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
17Junior Hindi Translator01 (UR-2)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
18Speech Therapist/Technical Assistant ENT01 (UR-2)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
19Technician (Laboratory)01 (UR-2)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
20Store Keeper04 (UR-3, OBC-1)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
21Technical Officer (Dental)/ Dental Technician01 (UR-1)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
22Technical Officer (Refractionist)01 (UR)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
23Warden (Hostel Warden)02 (UR)Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400
  • Group-C Vacancies
Sr. No.PositionVacanciesPay Scale
1Junior Medical Record Officer (Receptionists)02 (UR)Pay Level-5 ₹29200-92300
2Assistant Laundry Supervisor01 (UR)Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100
3Medical Record Technician06 (UR-5, OBC-1)Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100
4Security cum Fire Jamadar01 (UR)Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100
5Stenographer06 (UR-5, OBC-1)Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100
6Upper Division Clerk (UDC)03 (UR)Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100
7Junior Warden (Housekeepers)02 (UR)Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200
8Lower Division Clerk09 (UR-6, OBC-2, SC-1)Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200

Selection Process for AIIMS Rajkot Non-Faculty Recruitment 2023

  1. Computer-Based Test
  2. Skill Test (if necessary)
  3. Interview
  4. Document Verification

Application Fee for AIIMS Recruitment 2023

CategoryApplication Fee
PWD (All Categories)No Fee

Applicants can make the payment online by following the link provided on the Institute’s website during the online application process.

How to Apply for AIIMS Rajkot Non-Faculty Recruitment 2023?

Qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to complete the online application using the specified format on the AIIMS Rajkot website. The application window is open from 07/10/2023 to 07/11/2023 exclusively for the AIIMS Rajkot Non-Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in 2023.

  • Visit the official website.
  • On the homepage, locate and click on the ‘Recruitment’ section.
  • Complete the registration process and proceed with the application.
  • Fill out the application form, upload the required documents, complete the fee payment, and submit your application.
  • After submission, download a copy of your application and remember to print it for future reference.

See Also – Faculty Vacancy in Government Universities and Institutes

Details and Application Format 

For comprehensive information and the online application format pertaining to AIIMS Rajkot Non-Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2023, kindly navigate to https://aiimsrajkot.edu.in/recruitment-new.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**