Chhattisgarh PSC Medical Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Veterinary Assistant Surgeon: 24 vacancies in Animal Husbandry/Livestock Development Department, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 ₹56100 (₹15600-39100 Grade Pay ₹5400/-), Age: 21-30 years as of 01/01/2021, Qualification: Graduate in Veterinary Science from any recognised university.
Application Fee
₹400/- for General and other state candidates and ₹300/- for SC/ ST/ Women/ OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/ PWD candidates to be paid online.
For detailed information and online submission of application on Chhattisgarh PSC website for Chhattisgarh PSC Veterinary Assistant Surgeon Recruitment 2021, please visit
Applications through online mode in the prescribed format are invited for the various Faculty Government Job Vacancy posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Payscale as per UGC/ U.P. State Govt. norms) in the various academic departments of Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJM) University, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh). (Advertisement No.: CSJMU/Gen.Admin./Fac-01/2021 ).
CSMU Kanpur Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Professor: 07 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
English and Modern European and Other Foreign Languages
Life Sciences
Business Administration
Education / Education Training
Lifelong Learning and Extension
Non Faculty Posts
Director C.D.C. (Tenure Appointment for 3 years): 01 vacancies (UR)
Deputy Librarian: 01 vacancies (UR)
Assistant Librarian: 01 vacancies (UR)
Application Fee
₹2000/- (₹1500/- for SC/ST candidates only) to be paid through online mode at the time of submitting the online application.
How to Apply CSM University Kanpur Faculty Vacancy 2021?
Suitable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at CSM University Kanpur recruitment website from 30/07/2021 to 29/08/2021 only for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in CSM University Kanpur 2021. The printout hard copy of the system general application form should reach the “The Registrar, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kalyanpur, Kanpur – 208024 (U.P.)” through Registered/Speed post on or before 06/09/2021.
Special Drive Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in AIIMS Rishikesh 2021
Recruitment/Deputation/Contractual basis at AIIMS, Rishikesh –
Director, AIIMS, Rishikesh (Uttarakhand) invites online applications in the prescribed format from suitable candidates for recruitment for filling up the following 77 Faculty Government Naukri vacancy posts Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professors in various subjects/disciplines on direct/deputation/contractual recruitment basis in Group-A employee category in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh (Uttarakhand) under Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST and in General Recruitment for OBC/UR candidates. (Advertisement No. 2020/138-168 and 2020/169-208).
Recruitment of Sportsperson as Constables (GD) in BSF 2021
BSF Sportsmen (GD) Constable Recruitment Program 2021 · Constable (GD) Under Sport Quota –
Border Security Force (BSF), a central armed police force invites applications through online mode from male and female Indian citizens meritorious sportsperson for the following 269 Group-C Non-Gazetted Ministerial Government Naukri vacancy posts of Constable (General Duty) in BSF against sports quota in various sports disciplines for the year 2021-22.
Constable (GD): 269 vacancies (Male-180, Female-89) in various sports disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹21700/-, Age: 18 to 23 years, Qualification: Matriculation / 10th class pass or its equivalent.
For more detailed information and online application form for Sports quota Constable (GD) vacancy recruitment 2021 in BSF, please visit
recruitment on a contractual basis in Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Bureau of India (PMBI) 2021 –
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Bureau of India (PMBI) invites applications from eligible candidates to fill up the following Government Naukri vacancy posts on a contractual basis for a period of 03 years, extendable subject to satisfactory performance PMBI for the year 2021. (Advertisement No. 6/2021)
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Bureau of India (PMBI) is the implementing agency of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) under the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India. PMBI is recruiting for various job vacancies in its fold at various offices for requirement for the year 2021.
The appointment is purely on contractual basis, and it is not against any permanent vacancy. This appointment will not entitle any candidate to claim for regular/ permanent employment in PMBI.
Deputy Manager (Procurement): 01 vacancies, Age: 35 years, Pay: ₹50000/- consolidated per month plus Conveyance Allowance ₹7000/- per month and Telephone Allowance ₹1000/- per month
Senior Executive (Procurement): 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Pay: ₹30000/- consolidated per month plus Conveyance Allowance ₹6000/- per month and Telephone Allowance ₹1000/- per month
Executive (Procurement): 01 vacancies, Age: 28 years, Pay: ₹25000/- consolidated per month plus Conveyance Allowance ₹5000/- per month and Telephone Allowance ₹500/- per month
Executive (Quality Assurance): 01 vacancies, Age: 28 years, Pay: ₹25000/- consolidated per month plus Conveyance Allowance ₹5000/- per month and Telephone Allowance ₹500/- per month
Senior Executive (Sales & Marketing): 01 vacancies, Age: 28 years, Pay: ₹30000/- consolidated per month plus Conveyance Allowance ₹6000/- per month and Telephone Allowance ₹1000/- per month
Executive (Sales & Marketing): 01 vacancies, Age: 28 years, Pay: ₹25000/- consolidated per month plus Conveyance Allowance ₹5000/- per month and Telephone Allowance ₹500/- per month
Senior Executive (IT & MIS): 01 vacancies, Age: 30 years, Pay: ₹30000/- consolidated per month plus Conveyance Allowance ₹6000/- per month and Telephone Allowance ₹1000/- per month
Senior Executive (General): 01 vacancies, Age: 28 years, Pay: ₹30000/- consolidated per month plus Conveyance Allowance ₹6000/- per month and Telephone Allowance ₹1000/- per month
How to Apply for PMBI Job Vacancy Rrecruitment 2021?
Interested, eligible candidates can send their applications in the prescribed format at or can send their applications (Hard Copies) to CEO, PMBI at E-1, 8th Floor, Videocon Tower, Jhandewalan Extn., New Delhi – 110055 up to 23/08/2021 (Till 05:00 PM) by post/courier.
ICAR Administrative and Finance & Accounts Officer Recruitment Examination 2021 by ASRB
Recruitment to posts in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the ICAR –
Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) for the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Pusa, New Delhi will hold a Competitive Recruitment Examination 2021 (Tier-I or Preliminary) for recruitment to the posts of Administrative Officer and Finance & Accounts Officer for ICAR Research Institutes in Online computer-based mode on 3rd October 2021. (Advertisement No. 2(2)/2021-Exam.II )
Online applications in the prescribed format are invited by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) from Indian Citizens for Recruitment of Government Naukri Vacancy of Administrative Officer (AO) and Finance & Accounts Officer (FAO) for Agriculture Universities in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, and ICAR Research Institutes at various locations.
About ASRB ICAR Institute Officers Recruitment Examination 2021
AO and FAO Recruitment Examination 2021 is being conducted for ICAR Heaqdquarter at Delhi and its various institutes situated throughout the country. Tier-I Examination will be conducted in Online Computer Based Test (CBT) mode on 03/10/2021 at various test centres in India.
Candidates clearing the Recruitment examination will hold officer posts and will manage the administration of all ICAR institutes. This is a very good chance to get an Officer post in a large organisation like ICAR.
ASRB ICAR Officer Recruitment 2021 details
Administrative Officer (AO): 44 vacancies (UR-17, EWS-04, OBC-14, SC-07, ST-02), Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹ 56100-177500, Age: 21-30 years as of 23/08/2021, Qualification: Candidate must be a Graduate of a recognized University securing not less than 55% mark in the final degree examination or equivalent and must have working knowledge of computers.
Finance & Accounts Officer (FAO): 21 vacancies (UR-13, EWS-02, OBC-04, SC-02), Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹ 56100-181100, Age: 21-30 years as of 23/08/2021, Qualification: Candidate must be a Graduate of a recognized University securing not less than 55% mark in the final degree examination or equivalent and must have a working knowledge of computers., Desirable Qualification: Specialization in Finance/ Accounting/ Commerce as the Post Graduation level or professional qualification such as CA/ ICWA/ CS.
Application Fee
₹500/- to be paid by General, EWS, and OBC candidates and ₹20/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates. If you wish to apply for both posts then the fee will be double. The fee payment can be made through an online mode of Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI payment.
Please visit the Vacancy section at the ASRB website at for complete details and more information, as well as a link to the online application for ICAR Institute Officer Recruitment Examination 2021 by ASRB. Published for
Applications through Online mode in the prescribed proforma are invited from citizens of India, Nepal, and subject of Bhutan Male and Female citizens for recruitment and filling up of the following Group-C Government Naukri vacancy posts of Head Constables (Ministerial) in Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India 2021. (Advertisement No. 338/RC/SSB/HC(Min)/2020)
SSB Head Constable Vacancy 2021 – Table of Content
About SSB Head Constable Ministerial Recruitment 2021
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has come up with the advertisement in July 2021 for recruitment of Head Constables (Ministerial) in its rank and folds after so many years. SSB is a major Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) in the country to manage internal security in the country. For the job seekers looking to get recruitment, this is a good chance.
SSB Head Constable Ministerial Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Head Constable (Ministerial) : 115 vacancies (UR-47, EWS-11, OBC-26, SC-21, ST-10), Pay Scale: Level-4 ₹25500-81100/- in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: 18-25 years, Qualification: Intermedia or Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) examination or its equivalent from any recognised Board/Institute/University.
Application Fee
₹100/- to be paid by General and OBC candidates only (No fee by SC/ST/Ex.SM/Women candidates) through online mode of Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card only.
How to Apply for SSB Head Constable Ministerial Vacancy 2021?
Eligible and desirous candidates should send apply Online at the SSB Recruitment website in the prescribed proforma on or before 22/08/2021 only for Head Constable Ministerial Recruitment in SSB 2021.
Details and Application Format
Please visit the document for detailed information for SSB GD Sports Quota vacancies 2019.
Gujarat High Court at Ahmedabad invites online application in the prescribed format for Direct Recruitment to the Government Naukri Vacancy posts of Legal Assistant for the establishment of Gujarat High Court purely on an ad-hoc and contractual basis, initially for a period of 11 months, extendable on a periodical basis, up to a maximum period of 3 years. (Advertisement No. RC/B/1320/2021)
Gujarat High Court Legal Assistant Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Legal Assistant: 16 vacancies, Pay: fixed remuneration of ₹20000/- p.m, Age: 18-35 years as of 10/08/2021, Qualification: Law Graduate from recognized University. (ii) Basic Knowledge of Computer Application/Operation. (iii) An acquaintance of vernacular Language.
Application Fee
₹500/- to be paid by all candidates through online mode at the Gujarat High Court recruitment website only.
Please visit the Gujarat High Court website for all the details and online submission of application for High Court Gujarat Legal Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2021.
Gujarat High Court at Ahmedabad invites online application in the prescribed format for Direct Recruitment to the Government Naukri Vacancy posts of Deputy Section Officer for the establishment of Gujarat High Court. (Advertisement No. RC/B/1304/2021 (Dy.S.O.))
Gujarat High Court Deputy Section Officer Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Deputy Section Officer: 63 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Matrix of ₹39900/- plus usual allowances, Age: 18-35 years as of 06/08/2021, Qualification: Graduate from recognized University. (ii) 10th or 12th Standard Examination passed with English as one of the Subjects.
Application Fee
₹700/- (₹350/- for SC/ST/SBC/EWS/PWD/Ex.SM candidates) to be paid online at the Gujarat High Court recruitment website only.
Please visit the Gujarat High Court website for all the details and online submission of application for High Court Gujarat Deputy Section Officer Recruitment 2021.
Rajasthan High court at Jodhpur invites online application in the prescribed format Competitive Recruitment Examination 2021 for Direct Recruitment to the Government Naukri Vacancy posts of Civil Judge Judicial Magistrate for the courts in the state of Rajasthan through the establishment of Rajasthan High Court at Jodhpur. (Advertisement No. 2021/780)
Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate: 120 vacancies (UR-49, EWS-11, MBC-05, OBC-14, SC-18, ST-13) (PWD-05) (for the year 2021 – 89, for the year 2021 -31), Pay Scale: ₹27700-44770 (to be revised), Age: 21-40 years as of 01/01/2022, Qualification: Law Graduate from any recognised university. Every candidate must possess a thorough knowledge of Hindi Written in Devanagari script and Rajasthani dialects and social customs of Rajasthan.
Application Fee
₹1000/- (₹750/- for OBC/MBC/EWS candidates and ₹500/- for SC/ST candidates of Rajasthan state only) to be paid online at the Rajasthan High Court recruitment website only.
Please visit the “Recruitment” Tab of Rajasthan High Court website for all the details and online submission of application for High Court Rajasthan Civil Judge Judicial Magistrate Recruitment Examination 2021.