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ONGC Recruitment by GATE 2020 Engineer and Geo-Sciences Vacancies-Apply Online

OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED (ONGC)- Graduate Trainees in Engineering and Geo-Sciences Disciplines through GATE-2020.  Check vacancy break-up, educational qualification, age limit, selection process and other updates.


ONGC is Maharatna Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) in India which offers a remuneration package that compares with the best in the Indian Industry in Cost-to-Company terms. As ONGC grows at a fast pace, it invites you to join hands for the best PSU and Oil rig jobs in India and undertake a journey to even greater success and build a rewarding career.

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) is embarking upon a major recruitment exercise of recruiting Graduate Engineer Trainees in E1 grade in various Engineering and Geo-Science disciplines. Candidates interested in joining as Graduate Engineer Trainees through GATE-2020 test score should apply Online in the prescribed format at the ONGC website only (Advt. No. 2/2021 (R&P)).

ONGC is looking for young, promising and energetic aspirants with bright academic records to join the organization as Class-I Executives (at E1 level) in Engineering and Geo-Sciences disciplines through GATE 2020 score.

✔The notification for GATE 2022 is also out and you can get Engineering Jobs in PSU companies by GATE 2022 score.

ONGC Recruitment by GATE 2020 Engineer and Geo-Sciences Vacancies

Engineer Geo-Science Executive Vacancies in ONGC by GATE-2020

Engineer and Geo-SciencesExecutives: 313 vacancies (UR-193, OBC-48, EWS-14, SC-33, ST-24) (PWD-97) in various Engineering, Geo-Sciences and other disciplines, Age: 30 years as of 31/07/2020, Pay Scale : E-1 Scale ₹60000-180000

  1. Assistant Engineer Executive – AEE (Cementing) – Mechanical : 06 vacancies
  2. AEE (Cementing) – Petroleum : 01 vacancy
  3. AEE (Civil) : 18 vacancies
  4. AEE (Drilling) – Mechanical : 28 vacancies
  5. AEE (Electrical) : 39 vacancies
  6. AEE (Electronics) : 05 vacancies
  7. AEE (Instrumentation) : 32 vacancies
  8. AEE (Mechanical) : 31 vacancies
  9. AEE (Production) – Mechanical : 21 vacancies
  10. AEE (Production – Chemical) : 16 vacancies
  11. AEE (Production)- Petroleum : 12 vacancies
  12. AEE (Reservoir) : 07 vacancies
  13. Chemist : 15 vacancies
  14. Geologist : 19 vacancies
  15. Geophysicist (Surface) : 24 vacancies
  16. Geophysicist (Wells) : 12 vacancies
  17. Materials Management Officer : 12 vacancies
  18. Programming Officer : 05 vacancies
  19. Transport Officer : 07 vacancies
  20. AEE (Industrial Engineering) : 03 vacancies

Important Dates:

Starting Date of Online Application: 22/09/2021

Closing Date of Online Application: 12/10/2021

Application Fee :

The application fee is ₹300/- to be paid online along with the application form. No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates.

Educational Qualification: 

The GATE-2020 Score in the subject mentioned against the posts of ONGC will be considered by ONGC for shortlisting the candidates for the further selection process of Personal Interview as per the criteria decided by the ONGC Management.

Age Limit (For all above posts/discipline): 

Maximum 30 years (28 in case of AEE Drilling/Cementing) as on 31/07/2021. Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC/ST, 03 years for OBC and 10 years for PWD category. Ex-Serviceman & Others, if any — As per Govt. norms.

View – Government Jobs for Engineers

How to Apply for ONGC Executive Vacanciesby GATE-2020? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply online in the prescribed format at the ONGC Recruitment web page from 22/09/2021 to 12/10/2021 only for ONGC Engineer and Geo-Sciences Trainee Vacancy Recruitment through GATE-2020.

Upon successful submission of the online application form, the system-generated Registration/ Acknowledgement Slip will appear on the computer screen. Candidates must print out it for future correspondence. DO NOT SEND ANY PRINT-OUT/HARD COPY OR DOCUMENTS TO OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LIMITED (ONGC) AT THIS STAGE. All the verification will be done in due course.

View – Getting Engineer Jobs through GATE

Online submission of application and Detailed Information

Candidates are requested to visit the Careers/Recruitment page on the ONGC website  for information and online submission of application for ONGC Recruitment by GATE 2020 for Engineer and Geo-Sciences Vacancies.

For Advt., See the following PDF file — SEE DETAILED ADVT.

To Apply Online now, visit the following URL — VISIT THE URL

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Apply Now

Goa Police Department has announced New 55 vacancies for the post of Police Constable Drivers (Grade III). Salary up to Rs 63000 – Check eligibility, last date. Interested candidates can refer to the table illustrated below for more information.


Office of the Director General Police, Goa has invited Offline Applications in prescribed form from eligible & interested candidates (male only) for filling up Police Constable Drivers (Grade III) posts. As per the recruitment notification released on 21st September 2021 (Advertisement No. 02 Year 2021). Job Location is in Goa.

Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Vacancy Details

The vacancy details for the post of constable police driver (category-wise) are as follows:-

S No.CategoryVacancies

Out of 55 vacancies, 03 vacancies are reserved for Ex-servicemen and 5 vacancies are reserved for sportsperson.

Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Salary Details

Candidates who have been selected on the basis of merit list will undergo prescribed training for a specific period and the salary will be 19900 Rs – 63200 Rs. [Pay Matrix Level 2].

Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Important Dates

Starting Date For Submission Of Application : 21 September 2021

Last Date For Submission Of Application : 21 October 2021

Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Application Fee

The application fee is ₹200 for the General category. For SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Serviceman and EWS category, the application fee is ₹100.

Goa Police Recruitment 2021

Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Eligibility Criteria

Essential Qualifications :

police constable : The candidates applying for the post must have the following qualifications:

  • Secondary School Certificate Exam (10th) or equivalent from a recognized board/institute.
  • Valid Driving License for heavy/light vehicles.
  • 2 years of experience as a driver with a clean record.
  • Knowledge of Konkani Language must.
  • Height should be 165 cm.
  • Chest: 78.74 (unexpanded) and 83.80 (expanded).

Age Limit (as on 21/10/2021)

The age limit for the post of police constable guard (Grade III) is as follows:

  • Minimum Age: 18 years.
  • Maximum Age: 25 years.
  • Born between 22nd October 1996 and 21st October 2003.
  • Age relaxation for Government Servants is up to 5 years.

Home Guards : Eligibility Criteria for Home Guards is as follows :-

  • Secondary School Certificate Exam (10th) or equivalent from a recognized board/institute.
  • Valid Driving License for heavy/light vehicles.
  • At least 5 years of service as a Home Guard Driver.
  • Knowledge of Marathi Language.
  • Height should be 165 cm.
  • Chest: 78.74 (unexpanded) and 83.80 (expanded).

Age Limit of Home Guards (as on 21/10/2021) is as follows:

  • Minimum Age: 18 years.
  • Maximum Age: 30 years.
  • Born between 22nd October 1991 and 21st October 2003.

Age Relaxation Norms (Police Constable Driver)

S nCategoryAge Relaxation
1.ST5 years
2.ST Sportsperson10 years
3.OBC3 years
4.OBC Sportsperson8 years
5.Sportsperson5 years
6.Ex-servicemenAllowed to deduct the period of service from the actual age as on 21st October 2021.

Eligibility Criteria for Sportsperson:

  • Persons who have represented a state or the country in the National or National Competition in any of the Games/Sports.
  • Persons who have represented their university in the Inter-University Tournaments conducted by the Inter-University Sports Board.
  • Persons who have represented the State School Teams in the National Sports/Games for School conducted by the All India Schools Games Federation in any of Games/Sports prescribed in the advertisement.
  • Persons who have been awarded national awards in Physical Efficiency under National Physical Efficiency Drive.

Goa Police Recruitment 2021- Selection Process

The selection process is as follows:

  • Interested and eligible candidates have to go through Physical Measurement Test.
  • Candidates must appear for the written exam.
  • A merit list of selected candidates will be prepared on the basis of the marks scored in the written exam.
  • If two candidates scored same marks, the older candidate will be selected.
  • If the candidates have same date of birth, the candidate who has passed SSC (Secondary School Certificate earlier will be selected.
  • The decision of departmental authorities will be considered final.
  • Candidates will undergo prescribed training for a specific period.

✔ View All other Govt Jobs in Goa

Goa Police Recruitment 2021 – Syllabus

After the conduction of Physical Measurement Test, candidates have to appear for the written exam. The syllabus of the written exam is as follows:

The minimum passing marks for the written exam is 35%.

How to Apply for the Goa Police Recruitment 2021?

Eligible candidates Applying Offline for Goa Police Recruitment must read all the details before filling the application form through the Goa Police Official Website from 21st September 2021 to 21st October 2021.

Application Forms, completed in all respects along with the Application fee, can be submitted at the counter opened to accept the application forms at the postal Address “Office of the Director General of Police, Police Headquarters, Panaji, Goa – 403001. India between 10 am and 5 pm on all days except Sunday on or before October 21, 2021.

Steps to apply:

  1. Visit the official website Goa Police >>careers/ vacancy /recruitment page,>> click on Recruitment. Click on the link against Advertisement for the Post of Police Constable Driver.
  2. The notification contains application form, a form physical measurements and driving license details.. Click on Apply
  3. Read all the details carefully and scroll down to Page 5.
  4. Take a print out of the Page 5 (Application Form) and Page 6 (Physical Measurement Form and Driving License Form).
  5. Fill all the basic details (Education, contact details) for requirement of 2021 Goa Police Constable Driver vacancy, mentioned in the application form (Page 5) before the last date.
  6. Pay the fee online / Offline & Upload documents Photo, Signature, and Finalize & Confirm Government of Goa Police Constable Driver Application process.

Prescribed applicable forms are also available at Administrative Block, GRP Camp, Altinho, Panaji-Goa, Porvorim Police Station, Mapusa Police Station, Pernem Police Station, Bicholim Police Station, Valpoi Police Station, Collem Police Station, Ponda Police Station, Sanguem Police Station, Curchorem Police Station, Quepem Police Station, Canacona Police Station, Margao Town Police Station and Vasco Police Station.

Submission of Application Form and Details :

Further details and Offline application format is published on Goa Police official website and Government of Goa Portal Candidates can click on the link to download the recruitment Notification pdf and Application form.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


SSC 9th Selection Posts Vacancy Recruitment 2021 -Apply Online

SSC Has Start the Recruitment of Phase IX (9th) Selection Vacancy of Technical Operator, Canteen Attendant, and Other Posts by 9 SSC Regions…Get the full info regarding SSC Selection Posts IX 2021 Notification like Name of the Posts, Post wise vacancy, Age Criteria, Qualification, Method of Selection, Salary, etc.


Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 3261 Group-B and Group-C Selection Govt Job Vacancy Posts by 9 Regional Offices of Staff Selection Selection (SSC) situated at Kolkata (Eastern Region), Guwahati (North Eastern Region), Raipur (Madhya Pradesh Region), New Delhi (Northern Region),  Mumbai (Western Region), Allahabad (Central Region), Bangalore (Karnataka Kerala Region), Chandigarh (North Western Region,),  Chennai (Southern Region) for IXth (9th) edition of combined selection posts vacancy recruitment 2021 (Advt. No. Phase-IX/2021/Selection Posts).

SSC 9th IXth Selection Posts 2021 – Vacancy Details Region-wise:

*The 9th Selection posts are listed herein alphabetically ordered. Some posts are shown here combined vacancies. The recruitment for these 9th selection posts is to be done by various regional offices of SSC only.

**Please view the detailed advertisement for better information.

***The vacancies have been advertised in the 9th Selection posts by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) as per the Indents submitted by the respective Indenting Departments/ Offices. There may be withdrawal/ alteration of the vacancies by the Indenting Departments/ Offices. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post irrespective of the education level of the post.

SSC 9th Selection Posts Vacancy Recruitment 2021 -Apply Online
  • Central Regions CR
    1. Junior Seed Analyst: 03 vacancies
    2. Girls Cadet Instructor: 34 vacancies
    3. Chargeman (Mechanical): 03 vacancies
    4. Chargeman (Metallurgy): 02 vacancies
    5. Scientific Assistant (M&E/Metallurgy): 02 vacancies
    6. Accountant: 01 vacancies
    7. Head Clerk: 01 vacancies
    8. Rehabilitation Counsellor: 01 vacancies
    9. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade): 01 vacancies
    10. Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 01 vacancies
    11. Conservation Assistant: 01 vacancies
    12. Technical Assistant (Wildlife): 01 vacancies
    13. Research Investigator (Forestry): 01 vacancies
    14. Junior Computer: 01 vacancies
  • Eastern Region ER
    1. Sub-Editor (Hindi): 01 vacancies
    2. Sub-Editor (English): 01 vacancies
    3. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 398 vacancies
    4. Senior Scientific Assistant (Biology): 03 vacancies
    5. Senior Scientific Assistant (Physics): 01 vacancies
    6. Senior Scientific Assistant (Toxicology): 01 vacancies
    7. Senior Scientific Assistant (Chemistry): 01 vacancies
    8. Senior Zoological Assistant: 01 vacancies
    9. Laboratory Assistant: 01 vacancies
    10. Field Attendant (MTS): 03 vacancies
    11. Office Attendant (MTS): 03 vacancies
    12. Canteen Attendant: 04 vacancies
    13. Photographer Grade-III: 08 vacancies
    14. Library Information Assistant: 01 vacancies
    15. Chargeman (Mechanical): 01 vacancies
    16. Chargeman (Computer): 01 vacancies
    17. Legal Assistant: 01 vacancies
    18. Fertilizers Inspector: 01 vacancies
    19. Driller-cum-Mechanic (Master Craftsman): 19 vacancies
    20. Junior Geographical Assistant: 62 vacancies
    21. Research Assistant: 146 vacancies
    22. Personal Assistant: 01 vacancies
    23. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 06 vacancies
    24. Electric Welder: 02 vacancies
    25. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) (Technical): 78 vacancies
  • Karnataka Kerala Region KKR
    1. Deputy Ranger: 12 vacancies
    2. Fieldman: 04 vacancies
    3. Girl Cadet Instructor: 47 vacancies
    4. Technical Superintendent (Processing): 01 vacancies
    5. Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 02 vacancies
    6. Textile Designer: 01 vacancies
    7. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 02 vacancies
    8. Library and Information Assistant: 01 vacancies
    9. Scientific Assistant (Computer Science): 02 vacancies
    10. Scientific Assistant (Electrical): 01 vacancies
    11. Scientific Assistant (Electronics): 02 vacancies
    12. Assistant Welfare Administrator: 01 vacancies
    13. Junior Grade of Indian Information Service, Group-B : 40 vacancies in Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (English-17, Hindi-03, Urdu-06, Punjabi-03, Kashmiri-01, Bengali-04, Assamese-01, Oriya-01, Marathi-01, Sindhi-01, Kannada-01, Telugu-01 )
  • MP Region MPR
    1. Technical Officer (S&R): 01 vacancies
    2. Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
    3. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 01 vacancies
    4. Dietician Grade-III (Junior Dietician): 01 vacancies
    5. Chargeman (Mechanical): 03 vacancies
    6. Chargeman (Chemical): 01 vacancies
    7. Chargeman (Electronics): 01 vacancies
    8. Chargeman (Computer): 01 vacancies
    9. Draftsman: 05 vacancies
    10. Senior Draughtsman: 06 vacancies
    11. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 12 vacancies
    12. Pharmacist: 03 vacancies
    13. Pharmacist-cum-Clerk (Homeopathic): 03 vacancies
    14. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 01 vacancies
    15. Nursing Officer Jabalpur: 02 vacancies
    16. Cleaner: 01 vacancies
    17. Staff Driver (Ordinary Grade): 01 vacancies
    18. Chemical Assistant: 92 vacancies
  • North Eastern Region NER
    1. Artist: 01 vacancies
    2. Librarian: 01 vacancies
    3. Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
    4. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 01 vacancies
    5. Girl Cadet Instructor: 44 vacancies
    6. Senior Scientific Assistant (Physics): 01 vacancies
  • Northern Region NR
    1. Data Processing Assistant Grade-A: 02 vacancies
    2. Artist Retoucher: 03 vacancies
    3. Senior Geographer: 05 vacancies
    4. Girl Cadet Instructor (GCI): 38 vacancies
    5. Assistant Curator: 04 vacancies
    6. Senior Draughtsman: 09 vacancies
    7. Investigator (SS) Grade-I: 02 vacancies
    8. Canteen Attendant: 08 vacancies
    9. Wildlife Inspector: 01 vacancies
    10. Junior Technical Assistant (JTA): 08 vacancies
    11. Data Processing Assistant Grade-A: 64 vacancies
    12. Senior Translator (Hindi): 01 vacancies
    13. Assistant (Technical) (Hindi Branch): 02 vacancies
    14. Investigator (Language): 01 vacancies
    15. Senior Technical Assistant: 08 vacancies
    16. Assistant Extension Officer: 01 vacancies
    17. Documentation & Information Technology Assistant: 01 vacancies
    18. Library and Information Assistant: 02 vacancies
    19. Senior Scientific Assistant (Operational Research): 01 vacancies
    20. Assistant (Printing): 01 vacancies
    21. Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
    22. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 03 vacancies
    23. Research Associate (Linguistics): 01 vacancies
    24. Scientific Assistant (SA): 24 vacancies
    25. Mud Plaster: 01 vacancies
    26. Laboratory Attendant: 01 vacancies
    27. Painter: 01 vacancies
    28. Gallery Attendant: 04 vacancies
    29. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Armament/Ammunition: 29 vacancies
    30. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Armament/Instruments: 18 vacancies
    31. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Armament/Small Arms: 10 vacancies
    32. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Armament/Weapons: 25 vacancies
    33. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Engineering Equipment: 11 vacancies
    34. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Electronics: 24 vacancies
    35. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), M&E/Metallurgy: 02 vacancies
    36. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Vehicle: 31 vacancies
    37. Scientific Assistant, Store/Chemistry: 01 vacancies
    38. Scientific Assistant, M&E/Military Explosives: 01 vacancies
    39. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Radar & System: 15 vacancies
    40. Conservation Assistant: 02 vacancies
    41. Senior Draughtsman: 27 vacancies
    42. Data Processing Assistant Grade-A: 39 vacancies
    43. Sanitary Inspector: 01 vacancies
    44. Research Assistant: 01 vacancies
    45. Technician: 04 vacancies
    46. Laboratory Attendant: 05 vacancies
    47. Research Assistant: 01 vacancies
    48. Canteen Attendant: 02 vacancies
    49. Stockman (Junior Grade): 03 vacancies
    50. Farm Assistant: 01 vacancies
    51. Assistant Communication Officer (Cipher): 52 vacancies
    52. Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B‘: 01 vacancies
    53. Technical Clerk (Economics): 02 vacancies
    54. Clerk: 01 vacancies
    55. Canteen Attendant: 07 vacancies
    56. Accounts Clerk: 01 vacancies
    57. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade): 01 vacancies
    58. Town and Country Planning Organization, Research Assistant: 02 vacancies
    59. Nursing Officer (Allopathic): 53 vacancies
    60. Pharmacist (Ayurvedic): 15 vacancies
    61. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 21 vacancies
    62. Lady Medical Attendant: 39 vacancies
    63. Pachkarma Therapist: 93 vacancies
    64. Staff Nurse (Ayurvedic): 02 vacancies
    65. Radiographer: 02 vacancies
    66. Dental Technician: 05 vacancies
    67. Medical Attendant: 81 vacancies
    68. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 49 vacancies
    69. Pharmacist (Homeopathic): 08 vacancies
    70. ECG Technician (Junior): 02 vacancies
    71. Topass: 04 vacancies
    72. Store Keeper: 161 vacancies
    73. Crane Operator for Floating Cranes Python and Mammoth: 03 vacancies
    74. Superintendent (Store): 26 vacancies
    75. Lascar-I: 142 vacancies
    76. Fireman: 22 vacancies
    77. Exhibition Officer: 01 vacancies
    78. Programme & Public Relaxation Officer: 01 vacancies
  • North Western Region NWR
    1. Junior Technical Assistant: 03 vacancies
    2. Scientific Assistant: 31 vacancies
    3. Technical Assistant: 57 vacancies
    4. Assistant Plant Protection Officer (Chemistry): 10 vacancies
    5. Senior Technical Assistant (Geophysics): 08 vacancies
    6. Fieldman: 11 vacancies
    7. Junior Engineer: 01 vacancies
    8. Farm Assistant: 02 vacancies
    9. Stockman (Jr. Grade): 11 vacancies
    10. Driller-cum-Mechanic (Master Craftsman): 20 vacancies
    11. Deputy Ranger: 09 vacancies
    12. Draftsman: 05 vacancies
    13. Cleaner: 02 vacancies
    14. Technical Operator (Drilling): 22 vacancies
    15. Laboratory Attendant: 05 vacancies
    16. Assistant Photographer: 01 vacancies
    17. Workshop Attendant: 01 vacancies
    18. Sub-Inspector (Statistician): 01 vacancies
    19. Sub-Inspector (Draftsman): 07 vacancies
    20. Sub-Inspector (Computer): 07 vacancies
    21. Sub-Inspector (Short Hand Reporter/Hindi): 03 vacancies
    22. Assistant Sub-Inspectors (Short-Hand Reporter/Hindi): 04 vacancies
    23. Assistant Sub-Inspector (Stenographer): 26 vacancies
    24. Assistant Sub-Inspector (Radio Technician): 57 vacancies
    25. Head Constable (Store Clerk): 29 vacancies
    26. Head Constable Fitter (Battery): 05 vacancies
    27. Head Constable (Telephone Exchange Operator): 07 vacancies
    28. Head Constable (Draftsman) (Tracer): 01 vacancies
    29. Head Constable (Carpenter) (Communication): 01 vacancies
    30. Head Constable (Mast Lasker): 06 vacancies
    31. Head Constable (MT-Electrician): 02 vacancies
    32. Head Constable (Fitter Electrician): 29 vacancies
    33. Constable (Workshop Hand): 43 vacancies
    34. Constable (Photographer): 57 vacancies
    35. M.T Helper (Constable), Mechanical: 104 vacancies
    36. M.T. Storeman (Constable): 03 vacancies
    37. M.T. Helper Constable (Electrician): 09 vacancies
    38. M.T. Helper Constable (Battery Chargemen): 03 vacancies
    39. M.T. Helper Constable (Welder): 02 vacancies
    40. M.T. Helper Constable (Painter): 02 vacancies
    41. M.T. Helper Constable(Vacuum/Tyreman): 03 vacancies
    42. M.T. Helper Constable (Denter): 02 vacancies
    43. M.T. Helper Constable (Upholster): 02 vacancies
    44. M.T. Helper Constable (Blacksmith): 01 vacancies
    45. M.T. Helper Constable (Carpenter): 04 vacancies
  • Southern Region SR
    1. Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 04 vacancies
    2. Instructor (Fishing Technology): 01 vacancies
    3. Stockman (Junior Grade): 01 vacancies
    4. Laboratory Assistant: 01 vacancies
    5. Textile Designer: 03 vacancies
    6. Syce: 02 vacancies
    7. Medical Attendant: 21 vacancies
    8. Lady Medical Attendant: 14 vacancies
    9. Farm Assistant: 01 vacancies
    10. Junior Computor: 01 vacancies
    11. Girl Cadet Instructor (GCI): 76 vacancies
    12. X-Ray Technician: 01 vacancies
    13. Chargeman (Electronics): 01 vacancies
    14. Instructor (Stenography): 02 vacancies
    15. Chargeman (Chemical): 01 vacancies
    16. Investigator Grade-II: 04 vacancies
    17. Assistant Store Keeper: 03 vacancies
    18. Assistant Epigraphist (Dravidian Inscriptions): 02 vacancies
    19. Driller -cum-Mechanic (Master Craftsman): 19 vacancies
    20. Draftsman: 01 vacancies
  • Western Region WR
    1. Technical Officer: 04 vacancies
    2. Library and Information Assistant: 04 vacancies
    3. Mechanical Supervisor (Sr.): 01 vacancies
    4. Research Associate (Cultural Anthropology): 02 vacancies
    5. Rehabilitation Counselor: 01 vacancies
    6. Assistant Epigraphist (Arabic & Persian Inscriptions): 01 vacancies
    7. Conservation Assistant: 02 vacancies
    8. Stockman: 01 vacancies
    9. Accountant: 01 vacancies
    10. Research Associate (Physical Anthropology Division): 01 vacancies
    11. Stockman (Junior Grade): 01 vacancies
    12. Driller-cum-Mechanic (Master Craftsman): 19 vacancies
    13. Senior Scientific Assistant (Neutron Activation Analysis): 01 vacancies
    14. Occupational Therapist: 03 vacancies
    15. Draftsman Grade-I: 01 vacancies
    16. Library and Information Assistant: 05 vacancies
    17. Laboratory Assistant Grade-II: 12 vacancies
    18. Chargeman (Chemical): 03 vacancies
    19. Girls Cadet Instructor (GCIS) Woman Only: 28 vacancies
    20. Scientific Assistant (Computer Science): 01 vacancies
    21. Scientific Assistant (Electrical): 01 vacancies
    22. Scientific Assistant (Electronics): 01 vacancies
    23. Scientific Assistant (Mechanical): 01 vacancies
    24. Lady Health Visitor: 15 vacancies
    25. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 13 vacancies
    26. Pharmacist (Ayurvedic): 02 vacancies
    27. Pharmacist-cum-Clerk (Homoeopathic): 03 vacancies
    28. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 03 vacancies
    29. Nursing Officer: 02 vacancies
    30. Dental Technician: 02 vacancies
    31. Medical Attendant (MTS): 26 vacancies
    32. Lady Medical Attendant (MTS): 04 vacancies
    33. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 09 vacancies
    34. Pharmacist-cum-Clerk (Homoeopathic): 01 vacancies
    35. Medical Attendant (MTS): 06 vacancies
    36. Lady Medical Attendant (MTS): 01 vacancies
    37. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 06 vacancies
    38. Pharmacist-cum-Clerk (Homoeopathic): 01 vacancies
    39. Ayurvedic Pharmacist: 01 vacancies
    40. Medical Attendant (MTS): 09 vacancies
    41. Medical Laboratory Technologist: 02 vacancies
    42. Nursing Officer (Allopathy): 01 vacancies
    43. Pharmacist (Allopathic): 02 vacancies
    44. Pharmacist (Ayurvedic): 01 vacancies
    45. Medical Attendant (MTS): 05 vacancies
    46. Chargeman (AWS): 10 vacancies

Application Fee :

The application fee for the SSC 9th Selection Posts is ₹100/- to be paid online up to 28/10/2021 through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.

Important Dates for SSC Phase 9 Recruitment Post :-

Dates for submission of online applications24/09/2021 to 25/10/2021
Last date for receipt of application25-10-2021 Upto 05:00 PM Only
Last date for making online fee payment28-10-2021 (23.30 PM)
Last date for generation of offline Challan28-10-2021 (23.30 PM)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank)01-11-2021
Date of Computer Based ExaminationJanuary/February 2022

SSC Posts Phase IX Recruitment 2021 – Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit (Minimum Age)-(Maximum Age) :- 18-30 Years Post Wise as on 01/01/2021

Educational Qualification :-

  • The Educational qualification depends upon the Post you are willing to apply.
  • Candidates who have passed Graduation/ Higher Secondary (10+2), Matriculation (10th) from a recognized board/ university are eligible to apply for SSC Phase 9 Recruitment 2021.

SSC Selection Posts 2021 Examination Pattern :-

There will be a Computer Based Mode of Examinations consisting of Objective/Multiple Choice Questions for SSC 9th Selection Vacancy posts in January/February 2022 tentatively, separately for each post with minimum Educational Qualification of Matriculation, Higher Secondary, and Graduation. 

The computer-based SSC 9th Selection Posts 2021 Vacancy Exam will be held in the month of January/February 2022 tentatively at various test centers across India. The total duration of the exam is 60 minutes (1 hour) and the total marks of the exam are 200. There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer. 

  1. General Intelligence – 25 questions / 50 marks
  2. English Language (Basic Knowledge) – – 25 questions / 50 marks
  3. Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) – – 25 questions / 50 marks
  4. General Awareness  – – 25 questions / 50 marks

SSC Post 2021 Selection Process :-

  • Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit in the CBT.
  • The final selection of candidates will be based on the online test followed by a document verification round.
  • For some posts, a skill test/ computer proficiency test/ typing test will be conducted, which is qualifying nature.

Document Verification :-

If qualified in CBT, and subsequent stages of skill test if any, candidates will be shortlisted for document verification round and issued admit card by the concerned regional office.

Candidates will have to submit a print out of the online application form along with original and self-attested copies of all the documents/certificates such as :

  • Admit Card
  • 2 Passport-sized photographs
  • Matriculation/ Secondary Certificate
  • Proof of minimum educational qualification certificate
  • Experience certificates
  • Proof of category [only for candidates of SC / ST / OBC / PH(PwD) / Ex-S categories]
  • NOC if already employed

How to Apply for SSC IXth 9th Selection Post Recruitment 2021? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the SSC Recruitment website at https://ssc.nic.in from 24/09/2029 to 25/10/2021 only for SSC IXth 9th Selection Posts Vacancy Recruitment 2021.

Steps To Apply :

Part I: Online Registration

  • Open the website of SSC
  • Click on the ‘Apply’ button and then on the ‘Others
  • Click on Phase-IX/2021/Selection Posts Application Form link
  • Click on the ‘Register’ tab for ‘New Registration’ available under the section ‘Registration Part’
  • Enter and verify the name
  • Enter and verify the father’s name
  • Enter and verify the mother’s name
  • Enter and verify roll no.
  • Select and verify your date of birth
  • Select & verify gender
  • Enter the text then click on tab ‘Enter’
  • You will see a complete registration form
  • Now, fill up the basic details and contact details such as a permanent address, mobile number, email ID, etc.
  • Enter the text as shown in the box
  • Then click on tab ‘Submit
  • Upload scanned copies of your photo & signature
  • After uploading the scanned files, click on tab ‘Next’
  • Your SSC registration is completed
  • Note down the Registration ID and password
  • Use your registration ID & password to proceed to fill up the Online Application Form

Part II: Online Application Submission

  • Before filling up the Online Application Form, read the instructions carefully
  • Now, proceed to fill up the details available in the online application form
  • After performing all the necessary actions, enter the text then click on tab ‘Final Submit
  • Pay the fee online or Generate challan of SBI and submit it along with the application fee [if eligible] at any designated branch of SBI
  • After making payment online or challan of SBI, you can check your application status at https://ssc.nic.in
  • After the successful submission of the online application form, print your application form for reference.

Online Submission of Application and Details

For further details for all these selection posts 2021 by 9 Regional Offices of Staff Selection Commission SSC are available at  http://www.sscnr.net.in for Northern Region at Delhi,  http://www.ssc-cr.org for Central Region at Allahabad,  http://www.sscer.org for Eastern Region at Kolkata,  http://www.sscwr.net for Western Region at Mumbai,   http://www.sscsr.gov.in for Southern Region at Chennai,  http://www.sscnwr.org for North Western Region at Chandigarh, http://www.ssckkr.kar.nic.in for Kerala Karnataka Region at Bengaluru,  http://www.sscner.org.in for North Eastern Region at Guwahati,  http://www.sscmpr.org  for MP Chhattisgarh Region at Raipur, please see details of every region for every post, etc. by visiting the website of  that region, and apply online at https://ssc.nic.in

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

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How to fill Government Job Online Application Forms?

Government Jobs are the most sought-after career option for most young job seekers. In India, Government Jobs provide respect, long-term secured stability and career progression, and also several other benefits which can make you lead your life happier and prosperous.


India is a Developing country and the Indian economy depends on the other country’s economy. This leads to fluctuation from time to time in the Economy as well as in the country’s growth. It has a big impact on job creation for youngsters in India. Due to instability in the private job sector, most of the India job aspirants give priority to government jobs due to long-lasting assurance of job stability.

Without any doubt, government jobs are the best career choice as per the majority of job seekers.

Table of Content :-

These are steps generally involved in Government Jobs Recruitment Process in India :-

  • Government Issues Government Job notification :- Before going to apply for the government Jobs you need to read the notification carefully twice. We have mentioned the Official notification in the PDF / Docs format in every job description open it and then check the eligibility of your Age, Education qualification, Location, Nationality, Experience, Marital Status, Gender, etc.
  • Asking candidates to apply on or before the last date :- There are many ways an application process will be done to recruit the candidate it might be Online Application Process, Off-line application process, or sometimes they directly recruit the candidates through direct Face to face Interview.
  • The online application is filled in fixed dates :- When everything you are eligible go to the official website and register in that site with all your details mentioned clearly. Do not forget the Email ID, Password, and Phone number.
  • Generally, the application fee is accepted little after the last date online application submission : After done with the application process, you have to pay certain amount based on the caste category, and finish the application process.
  • You take a printout of the system generated :- Once you completed the fee, you need to download the application which mentions earlier, check all the details that you have mentioned correct as per the certificate. Check your email’s frequently or SMS you will get the alerts regarding you application status. Once it is done download the admit card and attend to the Exam / Interview.
  • You Appear in the Recruitment Examination (Preliminary and/or Main).
  • Appear for the interview :- if the written examination is cleared then other criteria also to be clear e.g. Medical-Exam, Document Verification, etc. (If Required).
  • Wait for the Result :- After appearing in all stages of the exam candidates will have to wait for the final merit list /Result. The process of making the Final Merit list also takes a lot of time due to a large number of applicants. Candidates can check their result from the official website of the exam conducting authority.
  • Join the Government Job if selected if he/she gets his/her name in the Final Merit list.

Governments in India, whether Central or State, generally, ask for applications from suitable candidates either through offline methods or by online methods.  The offline method is being used less and less nowadays and generally, all government job application processes are shifting to complete online systems.

Earlier, when the government started the online system, they have a partial online application system whereas the application form to be submitted online but needs to send its print out to the concerned department on or before the last date. In this system, application fee still being asked by bank Demand Draft and/or Indian Postal Order.

But as most job applications are now online, in which not only application is submitted instantly but the application fee is also submitted online. Moreover, there is no need to send system generated printout of the online government job application by post.

Online Recruitment Application Form Filling Process :-

*NoteNot all application process are the same. Read the Official Notification carefully and then start applying for it. Be aware of Frauds and miss-leading website. Never trap into brokers or easy paths for getting into government jobs.

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Government Job Recruitment Procedure

Getting a government job is a very long process and depends on the government organization. Some major contributors to the job creation in Indian government sectors are UPSC, SSC, Indian Railway, UGC, SBI, LIC, and Defence Sector (Army, Navy, Air Force) or Para-Military Forces (BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, Assam Rifles, ITBP) or Police OR Recruitment in Public Sector Units (PSU) or Recruitment in Indian Universities/Institutes under Central or State Government OR in Indian Courts or by IBPS for Banking Recruitment… The application process is also different for all Organizations and also varies post to post.


A simple process to get a job is given below :-

  • Search for the Government jobs
  • Apply for the government job
  • Prepare according to the syllabus and exam pattern
  • Attend the exam
  • Check the result…… You have to bear it.

Search the current job openings:- 

The first step is to search the government jobs according to the Eligibility Criteria you can apply. Generally, The eligibility Criteria includes the candidate’s Age, Educational Qualification, Nationality, Experience, Marital Status, Gender, etc. You may search govt jobs from official exams conducting authority’s websites like UPSC, SSC, SBI, IBPS, etc or you may also take the help of job portals that provide information for all the latest government jobs in India. These online job portals maintain a list of jobs according to the qualification or jobs in any specific state.

Apply for the government job:-

Once you have identifies some government job opportunities according to your qualification you can move further for the application submission process for these jobs. The application process is also not the same and depends on the government organization. These days most of the government organizations are accepting applications only in online mode. Check the job advertisement and look for the online application process. This online application process generally consists of three parts:-

   1. First-time registration.

   2. Online application form filling.

   3. Fee Payment and final submission of the application.

Therefore, It is a lengthy process and you may miss something or other in the whole process. You have to very cautious while understanding and filling the application form for a particular government job notification.

The candidates should be well aware or know all the technicalities and difficulties before apply online for any position whether it is for clerk or officer. A little mistake in the application may ruin your career and break your dream to do the job in Government Sector.

Here is the common guidelines/procedure for filling up the application form on the websites of various government recruitment agencies or on the website of the respective department/organization.

Government Job Recruitment Procedure

Following are cautious steps and approaches to fill government job application forms:-

1. Make Scanned and Photocopies of Documents Ready :

At first, before applying, candidates must ensure that they have all eligibility documents scanned in the PDF format as well as photocopies, scanned passport size photograph, and scanned copy of signature for the purpose of uploading on the official website. Also before uploading documents, kindly see the permissible type and size of the documents and photographs/images.

2. Read Government Job Advertisement Carefully :

Please read the government job vacancy advertisement carefully and understand the instructions given for requirements, the procedure of applying to it, application fee details, closing dates, etc. Also please keep safe this advertisement with you in safe custody, there may be many finer points in the advertisement which you may need to understand at a later stage.

3. Registration on the Recruitment Website :

Almost all online application form submission websites require you to first register yourself at the site. Basic information like name, email, date of birth, mobile numbers are generally required in this process. Provide all the fields and get registered.

4. Official & Valid E-mail ID/Mobile Number :

Always provide a valid mobile number and email ID on the application form for future communication because this address plays a very important role to receive your roll number, admit card, and result. The email id should be valid and active till the date of receiving admit card and final selection. Most of the agencies and Government departments send it by email.  Always check your spam mail folder for the recruitment exam notification if any is send on your valid email id.

5. Fill Application Form by Yourself :

Candidates are suggested to fill the online application form with confidence and should fill it only by the candidates him/her self as there are so many formalities and queries in the application form which the only candidate can understand.

A minor mistake could result in your application being rejected.  However, you can take the help of any of your friends, colleague, parents, etc. in understanding and completing the filling up of the application form.

6. Choose the correct category :

Make sure that you are choosing the right category and position. Sometimes application form is for various posts and positions and you should carefully select the position for which you would like to apply.

Many times candidates fill the wrong category which is difficult to change at a later stage. Also, some application forms do not provide a facility to modify the content at a later stage.

7. Filling Required & Necessary Personal details :

Fill up all the columns of the application form with the required personal details. The information which you have entered must same as in the certificates.

If there is some conflict between them then you should have proof of changing and legal compliance as required by the Government agency or department. Male/Female (sex) and the date of birth details are prone to error, therefore fill the application form very carefully.

8. Fill-out Fully correct and complete details :

Candidates must ensure that no column should be left blank. As all the columns are required to fill up by the candidates but sometimes if the column does not belong to you then write N/A. Please clearly mention all additional details like your birth date, sex, age, citizenship, education records, qualification and other specifications.

The information should be matched with your qualification certificates and other documents like Aadhar etc.

9. Take Print-out of application form :
After successfully filling in all respect, take a soft copy in PDF in your record and also take a print out of duly filled application form for sending it at the concerned offices if required and for your future references.

The print out should be taken with a good quality printer only.

10. Clarify all the doubts Before Form Filling Process :

If any types of the problem arise regarding filling any section of the application form, don’t be hesitate to ask from your seniors, teachers or friends but don’t write any meaningless entry because partially filled applications forms will be summarily rejected.

Generally in the government recruitment document, they provide details of help desk etc. to clear your doubts if any OR detailed instructions are provided along with a recruitment advertisement document.

11. Apply before the Last Date of Submission :
Most of the candidates submit the online application form on the last date of application. Never do that!

With Thousands or Lakhs of candidates applying for the same government job on the last date of submission of application brings in excessive load on a website.

At times due to this reason some technical fault occurs and it hampers the submission of application forms online.

Sometimes, you may be busy with something on the last day or you may forget to fill the application form, and then you may lose an important job.

12. Use Laptop/Desktop Only :
Never use Smart Phone for Applying: It is no always. Never use a smartphone to apply for any government job. It is advisable to use desktops or laptops for applying for any government job. Smartphones sometimes can go through technical glitches which can bring in hurdles in the way of your application process.

Best Tips/Practices for Online Filling of Application Form :-

So if you follow all the above-mentioned points while filling the online application for a particular government job or in general, your application will not be rejected. Apart from it, there are some more general and special instructions for the applicant with respect to the online filling of the application form. You can call this Best practice for filling the online application form :-

  • Apply online well in advance without waiting for the last date of submission of online application form. 
  • The candidates belonging to reserved categories who wish to apply against the post meant for General Category should deposit the application fee as prescribed for General Category. They should also ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions meant for General Category candidates. 
  • Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before you start filling the Online Application Form and check all the particulars filled up in the application form after getting the printout to ensure the correctness of information. 
  • Candidates are advised to fill their application form carefully such as Name, Father’s/Mother’s name, Date of Birth and Category, Qualification, marks, obtained passing year, photo, Signature, details & fee, etc.  
  • Candidates are required to upload all documents as required. After checking and ensuring the correctness of all particulars and documents, the candidate should finally submit the application. Many a time, no application/request for change of any particular shall be entertained by the recruiting agency.
  • The candidate should fill in all details while filling the Online Application Form. 
  • Please keep in safe custody the printout of the system-generated application form at least two copies. If possible make a downloaded copy on your computer/mobile also. 
  • The Registration number and Password should also be kept in safe custody for future reference of your application status and for Re-printing of your online filled application form and e-Challan form. 
  • After successful submission of the application, candidates should take a final print out of the application form and e-Challan (if the fee is paid online).
  • Normally no request for change of any particular on the application form shall be entertained by the respective recruiting agency, therefore take utmost care while filling the application form. 

Prepare according to the syllabus and exam pattern:

  • Once you have applied for any government job. You may start your preparation. Candidates are advised to check the exam pattern given in the official advertisement. Exam Pattern will give you an idea about the Govt. Job Exam you have applied for and will help you start your exam preparation in the right direction. A typical exam pattern includes sections like General Intelligence & Reasoning, Numerical Ability, English, Current Affairs.

Attend the exam:-

  • Getting a government job in India is a very lengthy process and candidates get enough time for the preparation before the final exam. There are many stages in the selection process such as Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, Interview, Medical-Exam, Document Verification, etc. Candidates can check the different exam dates in the official advertisement and appear for all stages of the exam from time to time.

Check the final result:

  • After appearing in all stages of the exam candidates will have to wait for the final merit list. The process of making the Final Merit list also takes a lot of time due to a large number of applicants. Candidates can check their result from the official website of the exam conducting authority. If he gets his name in the Final Merit list he will get the government job.

Conclusion :

This was the basic general process for getting a government job in India. You have to very cautious while understanding and filling the application form for a particular government job notification. Candidates are advised to visit the official relevant websites for any updates from time to time. It is advisable for all the candidates to see their email inbox and spam box regularly and prepare hard for getting their desired governmentrozgar job.

UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt No.13/2021-Apply Online

UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt No.13/2021-Apply Online

UPSC Recruitment 2021 | The Union Public Service Commission has issued a formal notice of appointment for 59 various positions of Assistant Director, Assistant Engineer, Water Officer, and Other Posts. Submission of online application before 14 October 2021.


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi invites Online application on prescribed recruitment form by 14/10/2021 for recruitment of following various Govt Jobs vacancy posts of Assistant Directors, Engineers, and Officers, etc. (Group-A and Group-B) in various departments/organizations of Government of India in the prescribed online format (UPSC Advt. No. 13/2021).

UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 13/2021 Vacancies

  1. Assistant Engineer (Naval Quality Assurance) Electrical: 02 vacancies (OBC-01, UR-01) in the Directorate of Quality Assurance (Naval), DGQA, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence 
  2. Assistant Engineer (Naval Quality Assurance) Mechanical: 03 vacancies (ST-01, UR-02) in the Directorate of Quality Assurance (Naval), DGQA, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence 
  3. Civil Hydrographic Officer: 02 vacancies (OBC-01, UR-01) in the Integrated Headquarters (Navy), Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence
  4. Junior Technical Officer: 09 vacancies (OBC-02, UR-07)  in Integrated Headquarters (Navy), Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence 
  5. Principal Civil Hydrographic Officer: 01 vacancies (UR-01) in Integrated Headquarters (Navy), Directorate of Civilian Personnel, Ministry of Defence 
  6. Assistant Engineer Grade-I: 07 vacancies (SC-02, OBC-01, EWS-01, UR03) (PwBD-01) in Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines 
  7. Assistant Survey Officer: 04 vacancies (OBC-01, EWS-01, UR-02) (PwBD-01) in Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines 
  8. Stores Officer: 01 vacancies (UR-01) in Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines 
  9. Assistant Director Grade-II (Economic Investigation): 30 vacancies (SC-08, ST-03, OBC-07, EWS-03, UR-09) (PwBD-02) in Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt No.13/2021

Education Details :

Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering in appropriate teaching or a Master’s Degree in a recognized institution. Applicants must go through the Official PDF notice at the end of the article to view the qualification details for each post.

Application Fee

₹25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI.  No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.

Age Limit :

The age limit for candidates to apply for various vacancies with UPSC Recruitment 2021 is 30 years. Applicants are advised to consult the PDF of the official notice for background information regarding age limits.

Selection Process :

Candidates will be Recruited for UPSC Recruitment 2021 in a variety of positions including Assistant Engineer, Human Technology Officer, Junior Technical Officer, Principal Civil Hydrographic Officer, and others on a Merit basis followed by Discussion. Job Location is across India .

How to Apply UPSC Government Jobs Advt. 13/2021 Vacancies?

Apply Online on prescribed application format at UPSC Online website at https://upsconline.nic.in/ora/VacancyNoticePub.php from 25/09/2021 to 14/10/2021 for UPSC Govt Job Vacancy Advt. 13/2021.

Steps To Apply :

  1. Go to the official website UPSC.
  2. Click “Advertisement” to find the ad “Advertisement No 13 – 2021 (173.86 KB)”, click the ad.
  3. The notification will open it and read it and check the eligibility.
  4. Return to the home page, click “Internet Request -> Internet Employment Application (ORA) for various employment posts”.
  5. Find the link to enter the above posts above.
  6. If you are a new user, you must register otherwise you can sign in to your account and start applying.
  7. Enter your details correctly and make a payment.
  8. Finally click the submit button and download the application form.

Online submission of application and Details

For Details of posts, qualifications, instructions, and online application format relating to UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment Advt. No. 13/2021  please view https://www.upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Advt-No-13-2021-engl-240921.pdf

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

View – All Guidebooks for Government Job Competitive Recruitment Exams.

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


UPSC Geo-Scientist Recruitment Examination 2022 – Apply Online

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is conducting Combined Geo-Scientist Exam on 20 February 2022. Candidates can check vacancy break-up, educational qualification, age limit, application process, age limit and other updates.


Union Public Service Commission  (UPSC), Shahjahan Road, Dholpur House, New Delhi – 110069 will hold a Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2022 (Computer Based Test) on 20/02/2022 for selection to Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination, 2022 for recruitment to following 192 Govt Job Vacancy posts of  Geologist, Geophysicist, Chemist, and Hydrogeologists (Scientist B) in Geological Survey of India (GSI) and in Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), etc. departments of Government of India.

The recruitment examination will be held at various centres across the country. The Main
The examination will be held on 25th & 26th June 2022. (Examination Notice No. 02/2022-GEOL).

UPSC Geo-Scientist Recruitment Exam 2022 Vacancies : Total Posts – 192

Category-I: (Posts in the Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines)

  • Geologist Group ‘A‘ : 100 vacancies in Geological Survey of India 
  • Geophysicist Group ‘A‘ : 50 vacancies in Geological Survey of India 
  • Chemist Group ‘A‘ : 20 vacancies in Geological Survey of India 

Category-II: (Posts in the Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation)

  • Scientist-B Group ‘A’ (Geophysics):  01 vacancies in n Central Ground Water Board 
  • Scientist-B Group ‘A’ (Chemical):  01 vacancies in Central Ground Water Board 
  • Scientist-B Group ‘A’ (Hydrogeology):  20 vacancies in Central Ground Water Board 

**Reserved vacancies :

  • 06 vacancies of Geologist {03 vacancies for Hard of Hearing (HH)
  • 03 vacancies for Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy {OH(OA/OL)}
  • 06 vacancies of Geophysicist {03 vacancies for Hard of Hearing (HH)
  • 3 vacancies for Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy [OH(OA/OL)].
  • 01 vacancy of Chemist for Hard of Hearing (HH)

Eligibility Criteria of UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Exam 2022 :

  • Qualification: Candidate must have done post-graduation from some recognized University or institution :

# Geologist Group-A in Geological Survey of India: Master’s degree in Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or Geo- Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Engineering Geology or Marine Geology or Earth Science and Resource Management or Oceanography and Coastal Areas Studies or Petroleum Geosciences or Geochemistry.

# Geophysicist Group-A in Geological Survey of India and Scientist-B (Geophysics) Group-A in C.G.W.B.: M.Sc. in Physics or Applied Physics or M.Sc. (Geophysics) or Integrated M.Sc. (Exploration Geophysics) or M.Sc (Applied Geophysics) or M.Sc. (Marine Geophysics) or M.Sc. (Tech.) (Applied Geophysics).

# Chemist Group-A in Geological Survey of India and Scientist-B (Chemical) under C.G.W.B.: M. Sc. in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry.

# Scientist-B (Hydrogeology) Group-A in C.G.W.B.: Master’s degree in Geology or Applied Geology or Marine Geology or Hydrogeology.

  • Nationality : Applicant must be an Indian citizen or else refugee from Nepal, Bhutan,  or Tibet arrived in India before 1-1-1962. Or the candidate must be of Indian origin migrated from East African countries, Pakistan, Burma, or Sri Lanka.
  • Age Limit 21 to 32 years as of 1st January 2022. Upper age relaxation will be 3 years for OBC candidates, 5 years for SC/ST candidates, and 10 years for PWD candidates.

Application Fee for Geo-Scientist  Examination 2022 :-

₹200/- to be paid either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using the Net Banking facility of State Bank of India or by using Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Female candidates.

Important Dates :

  • Commencement of submission of online application: 12 October 2021
  • Last date for submission of online application: 20 October 2021
  • UPSC Geo-Scientist Pre-Exam Date: 20 February 2022

UPSC Geo- Scientist Selection Process :

  • Stage 1: Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination (Computer Based Objective Type Papers) for the selection of candidates for Stage-II. The  Prelims exam will be of 400 Marks.
  • Stage 2: Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination (Descriptive Type Papers); and it will be 600 Marks.
  • Stage 3: The 3rd stage will be Personality Test & it will be of 200 Marks

UPSC Geo- Scientist Exam Pattern :

Preliminary Exam Pattern :

  • The Preliminary exam is conducted by online mode i.e,  (Computer Based Test).
  • The prelims exam consists of MCQ types of questions.
  • There will be negative marking in the exam
Stream-I: Geologist & Jr. HydrogeologistPaper-I: General Studies1002 Hours
Paper-II: Geology/Hydrogeology3002 Hours
Stream-II: GeophysicistPaper-I: General Studies1002 Hours
Paper-II: Geophysics3002 Hours
Stream-III: ChemistPaper-I: General Studies1002 Hours
Paper-II: Chemistry3002 Hours

Main Exam Pattern :

Below candidates can see the details of the written exam schedule for the Geophysicist,  Junior Hydro-geologist (Scientist ‘B’) and Geologist and Chemist Group ‘A’ in GSI, Group ‘A’ for Central Ground Water Board.

For all categoriesGeneral English100180 Minutes
For the post of GeologistGeology Paper I200180 Minutes
Geology Paper II200180 Minutes
Geology Paper III200180 Minutes
GeophysicistGeophysics Paper I200180 Minutes
Geophysics Paper II200180 Minutes
Geophysics Paper III200180 Minutes
ChemistChemistry Paper I200180 Minutes
Chemistry Paper II200180 Minutes
Chemistry Paper III200180 Minutes
Jr. HydrogeologistGeology Paper I200180 Minutes
Geology Paper II200180 Minutes
Hydrogeology200180 Minutes

How to Apply UPSC Geo-Scientist Recruitment Examination 2022?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at UPSC Online website at https://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php  from 22/09/2021 to 12/10/2021 for UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Recruitment Examination 2022.  The online Applications can be withdrawn from 20/10/2021 to 26/10/2021 till 06:00 P.M. 

Steps To Apply :

  • Visit the official website of UPSC
  • Once the site is visited, move onto the What’s New section available on the homepage.
  • Press the link comprised of Combined GEO-Scientist And Geologist Examination Notification.
  • Choose the option Press here’. Now, fill in important details mentioned in the Part-1 registration.
  • Ensure to upload a scanned passport-size photo along with a digital signature within the space available in the form.
  • Press the Continue button so that details that you have filled in will get saved.
  • Next, make sure to fill the part-2 Registration form.
  • Fill in all the crucial details which are the relevant formality to appear in the exam.
  • Lastly, press “Submit

View – Government Jobs Recruitment by all Public Service Commissions in India

Online submission of application and Details

For Details of posts, qualifications, instructions, and Syllabus, etc. for Combined Geo-Scientist Recruitment Examination 2022, please view details at – Guidelines to the Candidates ==> Examination Notification ==> at   https://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php  OR View details at  https://www.upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Notif-CGeoScnstP-22-engl-220921.pdf  

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


UPSC Engineering Services Examination 2022- Apply Online

UPSC will be conducting Engineering Services Examination 2022 (ESE) to select the candidates for different posts/ services in different government departments


The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Engineering Services Examination (ESE), 2022 on 20th February 2022 for recruitment of various Group-A and Group-B (approx. 247 (including PWD-08)) Govt Job Vacancy posts of Engineers in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering disciplines under Indian Engineering Service Examination 2022. (Advertisement No. . 01/2022‐ENGG.)

The Engineering Services Recruitment Examination will be held at various centers across the country. A total of 247 vacancies are available under Civil Engineering Cadre, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Categories of Engineering Service Exam Disciplines 

  1. Category I – Civil Engineering
    1. Central Engineering Service
    2. Central Engineering Service (Roads), Group-A (Civil Engineering Posts)
    3. Survey of India Group ‘A’ Service
    4. AEE (Civil) in Border Road Engineering Service
    5. Indian Defence Service of Engineers
    6. AEE (QS&C) in MES Surveyor Cadre
    7. Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service  
    8. Indian Skill Development Service
  2. Category II – Mechanical Engineering
    1. AEE in GSI Engineering Service Gr ‘A’
    2. Indian Defence Service of Engineers
    3. Indian Naval Armament Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
    4. Indian Naval Material Management Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
    5. Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service
    6. Indian Skill Development Service
    7. Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Services/SSO‐II (Mechanical)
    8. Central Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Service (Mechanical Engg.)
    9. Central Power Engineering Service Gr ‘A’ (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
    10. AEE (Electrical and Mechanical) in Border Roads Engineering Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)  
  3. Category III – Electrical Engineering
    1. Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service (Electrical Engineering Posts)
    2. Indian Defence Service of Engineers
    3. Indian Naval Material Management Service (Electrical Engineering Posts)
    4. Central Power Engineering Service Gr ‘A’ (Electrical Engineering Posts)
    5. Indian Naval Armament Service (Electrical Engineering Posts)
    6. Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO‐II (Electrical)
    7. Indian Skill Development Service 
  4. Category IV – Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
    1. Indian Radio Regulatory Service Gr ‘A’
    2. Indian Telecommunication Service Gr ‘A’
    3. Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics and Telecom Engineering Posts)
    4. Indian Naval Material Management Service (Electronics and Telecom Engineering Posts)
    5. Junior Telecom Officer Gr ‘B’
    6. Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO‐II (Electronics & Tele)
    7. Central Power Engineering Gr ‘A’ (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Posts)
    8. Indian Skill Development Service 
UPSC Engineering Services Examination 2022

Eligibility for Engineering Services Examination 2022 :

  • Age : Not less than 21 years and not more than 30 years as of 01/01/2022. The upper age is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC and certain other categories of candidates to the extent specified in the Notice.
  • Educational Qualification : Candidate must hold a degree in Engineering or equivalent OR passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of  Engineers  (India) OR passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India) OR passed Associate Membership Examination  Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India; OR passed Graduate   Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November 1959. Provided that a candidate applying for the posts of Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts) and Engineer Group A in Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing/ Monitoring Organization may possess M.Sc. Degree or it’s equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject. Candidates who qualify on the results of the written part of the examination will be summoned for a personality test.
  • Physical Standards : Candidates must be physically fit according to the Regulations given in the recruitment notice.

Application Fee :

₹200/- (excepting Female/SC/ST/PwBD who are exempted from payment of fee) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of   State Bank of India or by using any Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card.

UPSC ESE Important Dates :

EventImportant Dates
UPSC ESE Notification Date22 September 2021
Starting Date of Online Registration22 September 2021
Last Date of Online Registration20 October 2021
UPSC ESE Prelims Exam Date20 February 2022
UPSC ESE Prelims Result DateExpected in March/April 2022
UPSC ESE Mains Exam DateTo be released

UPSC ESE Selection Process 2022:

The examination shall be conducted according to the following plan:

UPSC ESE Exam Pattern 2022:

(Preliminary/Stage‐I) Examination:

  • Mode of exam: Offline
  • Number of papers: 2
    • Paper I: General Studies and Engineering Aptitude
    • Paper II: Specific questions related to field
  • Type of questions: Objective type
  • Maximum marks: 500
  • Negative marking: For every incorrect answer, 1/3rd of the assigned marks will be deducted
SubjectDurationMarks allotted
Category 1 (Civil Engineering)
Paper I2 hours200 marks
Paper II3 hours300 marks
Category 2 (Mechanical Engineering)
Paper I2 hours200 marks
Paper II3 hours300 marks
Category 3 (Electrical Engineering)
Paper I2 hours200 marks
Paper II3 hours300 marks
Category 4 (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)
Paper I2 hours200 marks
Paper II3 hours300 marks

(Main/Stage‐II) Examination:‐

  • Mode of exam: Offline
  • Number of papers: 2- Both papers field specific
  • Type of questions: Conventional type
  • Maximum marks: 600
  • Exam duration: 3 hours (each paper)
  • Medium of paper: English only
SubjectDurationMarks allotted
Category 1 (Civil Engineering)
Paper I3 hours300 marks
Paper II3 hours300 marks
Category 2 (Mechanical Engineering)
Paper I3 hours300 marks
Paper II3 hours300 marks
Category 3 (Electrical Engineering)
Paper I3 hours300 marks
Paper II3 hours300 marks
Category 4 (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)
Paper I3 hours300 marks
Paper II3 hours300 marks

Personality test :

  • Total marks: 200

How To Apply UPSC Engineering Services Examination 2022?  

Apply Online in the prescribed format at UPSC website from 22/09/2021 to 12/10/2021 at UPSC website http://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php for UPSC Engineering Services Examination (ESE) 2022.   The online Applications can be withdrawn from 20/10/2021 to 24/10/2021 till 6.00 PM after which the link will be disabled. 

 Steps To Apply :

  • The candidates will have to fill the form by providing their basic details related to personal life, educational background, experience (if any), etc.
  • A valid email id and contact number should also be provided into the application form.
  • Scanned copies of important document (photograph and signature) and choice for exam city will also have to be provided in the form.
  • All the details must be submitted very carefully into the form and multiple applications should be avoided.
  • Once the required details are entered, the candidates can submit their form along with the desired application fee.
  • After the form is submitted successfully, the candidates should take its printout and keep it safe for future reference.

Application Format and Detailed information for ESE 2022

Candidates can obtain details of the examination and can get information about registration of their applications, venues of the examination and syllabus etc. for UPSC Engineering Services Examination 2022 at the website of the UPSC at  Guideline to the Candidates –>Examination Notification –>  http://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php

Details including Syllabus also available at https://www.upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Notif-ESEP-22-engl-220921.pdf

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in Central University of Haryana 2021- apply online

CUH Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 notification has been recently updated for 50+ Post of Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Deputy Registrar, Internal Audit Officer jobs.


Central University of Haryana is a Central University established under the Central Universities Act, 2009 of the Parliament. It is one of the 15 Central Universities established by MHRD, GoI under the XIth Five Year Plan (2007 -12). The University is fully Funded by the UGC. Permanent Campus of the University is situated in 488 acres of land at Jant-Pali Villages, Mahendergarh district of Haryana from where CUH is running its Academic Operations.

Applications through online mode in the prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment to the following various Group-A, Group-B, and Group-C Non-Teaching Govt Job vacancy posts on a regular/deputation basis in Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh, Haryana 2021 (Advertisement No. 4-5/NT/R/2021).

CUH Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Non-Teaching Vacancies 4/NT/R/2021 
    1. Group-A Posts
      1. Deputy Librarian: 01 vacancies
      2. Deputy Registrar: 01 vacancies
      3. Internal Audit Officer: 01 vacancies on deputation
      4. Chief Security Officer: 01 vacancies on deputation
      5. Executive Engineer: 01 vacancies
      6. Hindi Officer: 01 vacancies
      7. System Analyst: 01 vacancies
      8. Medical Officer: 02 vacancies (Male-1, Female-1)
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancies 5/NT/R/2021
    1. Group-B posts
      1. Security Officer: 01 vacancies
      2. Assistant Engineer: 01 vacancies
      3. Private Secretary: 02 vacancies
      4. Hindi Translator: 01 vacancies
      5. Assistant: 01 vacancies
      6. Personal Assistant: 03 vacancies
      7. Professional Assistant: 01 vacancies
      8. Senior Technical Assistant (Civil Engineering): 01 vacancies
      9. Senior Technical Assistant (Computer Science Engineering): 01 vacancies
      10. Senior Technical Assistant (Electrical Engineering): 01 vacancies
      11. Senior Technical Assistant (Printing & Packaging Technology): 01 vacancies
    2. Group-C Vacancies
      1. Statistical Assistant: 01 vacancies
      2. Security Inspector: 01 vacancies
      3. Technical Assistant (Computer): 01 vacancies for (For B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes)
      4. Technical Assistant (Civil Engineering): 01 vacancies
      5. Technical Assistant (Computer Science Engineering): 01 vacancies
      6. Technical Assistant (Electrical Engineering): 01 vacancies
      7. Technical Assistant (Printing & Packaging Technology): 01 vacancies
      8. Laboratory Assistant: 01 vacancies for B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes
      9. Laboratory Assistant (Civil Engineering): 01 vacancies
      10. Laboratory Assistant (Computer Science Engineering): 01 vacancies
      11. Laboratory Assistant (Electrical Engineering): 01 vacancies
      12. Laboratory Assistant (Printing & Packaging Technology): 01 vacancies
      13. Laboratory Assistant (Physical Sciences): 01 vacancies
      14. Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Sciences): 01 vacancies
      15. Laboratory Assistant (Biological Sciences): 02 vacancies
      16. Library Assistant: 02 vacancies
      17. Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 03 vacancies
      18. Hindi Typist: 01 vacancies
      19. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 02 vacancies
      20. Library Attendant: 02 vacancies
      21. Kitchen Attendant: 01 vacancies
      22. Laboratory Attendant: 01 vacancies (For B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes)
      23. Laboratory Attendant: 08 vacancies (Engineering /Science disciplines) 
Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in Central University of Haryana 2021

Application Fee

₹1000/- for Group-A, ₹800/- for Group-B and ₹500/- for Group-C (No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates)  be paid.

Important Dates :

Starting Date For Submission Of Application : 22 September 2021

Last Date For Submission Of Application : 19 October 2021

Eligibility :

Candidates should have passed 10th, 12th class, Graduate, Post Graduate or Equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institution.

Age Limit :

Minimum Age Limit : 18 Years

Maximum Age Limit : 35 Years

Age Relaxation : For OBC >> 03 Years | SC/ST >> 05 Years. for More age details can go to official website.

CUH Non-Teaching Job 2021 Summary :

  • Department Name : Central University of Haryana
  • Notification About : CUH Non-Teaching Job 2021
  • Selection Process : Written Exam & Interview
  • Type of Job : State Government Jobs.
  • Location : Haryana
  • Mode of Apply : Online

How to Apply for CUH Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021?   

The recruitment online application form in the prescribed format should be submitted to the CUH website on or before 21/10/2021 for Advt. No. Advertisement No. 4/NT/R/2021 for Group-A Gazetted posts and on or before 19/10/2021 for Advertisement No. 5/NT/R/2021 for Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021 in Central University of Haryana.

Steps To Apply :

  • The candidate goes to the Official website of CUH
  • Go to the Recruitment Tab given on the right side and Press new job openings.
  • Search for the latest CUH Non-Teaching Recruitment Notifications.
  • Click on apply online and fill all the basic details.
  • After filling all details then click submit.
  • Save your Registration no and password for future use.

Application Format and Details

Please visit  http://cuh.ac.in/cuh-jobs.aspx   for details and prescribed application format for Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in Central University of Haryana 2019.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***