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Indian Navy 10+2 Technical Cadet Entry Scheme July 2022 batch —> Apply Online Now

Here in this article you get to know about Indian Navy 10+2 B.tech Entry scheme. For more information regarding Indian Navy B.tech entry scheme read the full article. The last date for submitting Indian Navy 10+2 B.Tech Entry 2022 is 8th February 2022


Online Applications on prescribed format are invited by Indian Navy from unmarried male candidates who have passed Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern) or its equivalent examination with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English (either in class Xth or class XIIth) and have appeared in JEE (Main) – 2021 to join the prestigious Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala for a four year B.Tech. degree course under the 10+2 Cadet (Technical) B.Tech. Cadet Entry Scheme into July 2022 batch, get B.Tech. degree and become Permanent Commission Officer in Indian Navy


Indian Navy 10+2 (Technical) Cadet (B.Tech.) July 2022 Entry Details

  • Vacancies: 35 posts (Education Branch-05, Executive & Technical Branch-30)
  • Age: Between 17 to 19 and 1/2 years (candidates to be born between  02 July 2001 and 01 January 2004  both dates inclusive)
  • Educational Qualifications: Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 pattern) or it’s equivalent from University/ Board with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English either in class X or class XII.
  • Physical Standards: Height and Weight: Minimum height Male – 157 cms, with correlated weight. EyeSight – The minimum acceptable standard for distant vision 6/12, 6/12 correctable to 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/night blind.
  • Starting Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹56100-11070 (Earlier ₹15600-39100 grade pay ₹5400 plus MSP ₹6000/-)

Selection Process for Indian Navy 10+2 Btech Entry 2022

Shortlisting of Applications: Indian Navy reserves the right to fix the cut off for shortlisting of applications for SSB based on JEE (Main) All India Common Rank List 2021 (for B.E./B.Tech.). All candidates are required to fill their ranks as per the Common Rank List in the application. SSB interviews for shortlisted candidates will be scheduled at Bangalore / Bhopal / Kolkata / Visakhapatnam from March – April 2022.

SSB Interview: SSB interview will be conducted in two stages. Stage I Screening test consists of Intelligence test, Picture Perception and Group Discussion. Candidates who fail to qualify in Stage I will be routed back on the same day. Stage II test comprises Psychological testing, Personal Interview and Group testing which will last for 04 days. Successful candidates will thereafter undergo Medical Examination (approx. duration 3-5 working days).

Merit List: Separate Merit List for Education Branch and Executive and Technical Branch (in combined) will be prepared based on SSB marks. Candidates declared fit in the medical examination will be appointed as per availability of vacancies in the respective branch.

How to Apply for Navy 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme July 2022 batch? 

Apply Online on prescribed form format at Indian Navy Recruitment website from 27/01/2022 to 08/02/2022 only for Indian Navy 10+2 (Technical) Cadet (B.Tech.) July 2022 Entry.

The procedure for applying online is given below:

Detailed Information and Application Submission

For further details about Indian Navy 10+2 Technical Cadet Entry Scheme July 2022 batch and apply online on the prescribed form, kindly visit  at https://www.joinindiannavy.gov.in

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

Haryana SSC Government Jobs Recruitment Vacancy Advt. No. 15/2019 - Re-Open Apply 4322 Posts

Haryana SSC Government Jobs Recruitment Vacancy Advt. No. 15/2019 – Re-Open Apply 4322 Posts

HSSC Advt 15/2019: Recruitment Notification for 4322 Various Posts. Haryana Staff Selection Commission has released the HSSC Advt 15/2019 recruitment advertisement 15/2019 of 4322 vacancies in various Departments/ Boards/ Corporations.

– www.governmentrozgar.in

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC/HRYSSC) invites Online applications in the prescribed form from eligible candidates  for direct recruitment of the following 4322 latest Govt job vacancy  in various Departments/ Organizations of  Haryana Government   (Advt. No. 15/2019)

Haryana SSC Vacancy No. 15/2019 – Table of Content

Haryana SSC Govt. Job Recruitment No. 15/2019 Vacancies

  • Health Department, Haryana
    1. Dental Hygienist: 29 vacancies
    2. Laboratory Technician : 307 vacancies
    3. Laboratory Attendant: 28 vacancies
    4. MPHW(F) : 565 vacancies
    5. Pharmacist: 92 vacancies
    6. Radiographer/Ultrasound Technician: 197 vacancies
    7. T.B. Health Visitor: 08 vacancies
    8.  Ophthalmic Assistant: 66 vacancies
    9. Operation Theatre Assistant: 100 vacancies
    10.  Staff Nurse: 1584 vacancies
    11. Veterinary Livestock Development Assistant (VLDA): 546 vacancies
  • Women & Child Development
    1. Supervisor Female (Matriculate): 19 vacancies
    2. Supervisor Female (Graduate): 57 vacancies
  •  Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (UHBVNL)
    1. Junior System Engineer: 126 vacancies
  • Rajya Sainik Board 
    1. Clerk: 23 vacancies
    2.  Welfare Organiser: 77 vacancies
  • Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN)
    1. Divisional/Revenue Accountant : 42 vacancies
  • Cooperative Societies, Haryana
    1.  Sub-Inspector General: 409 vacancies
  • Employees State Insurance Health Care
    1. Staff Nurse: 24 vacancies
    2. MPHW(F) : 23 vacancies

Age Limit for HSSC Advt 15/2019

Minimum Age : 17 years as per govt. rules

Maximum Age : 45 years as per govt. rules

Haryana SSC Government Jobs Recruitment Vacancy Advt. No. 15/2019

Application Fee

₹150/- (₹70/- for Female of Haryana only, ₹35/- for SC/BC/EPBG Male, ₹18/- for SC/BC/EWS Female candidates) for some of the vacancies OR  ₹100/- (₹50/- for Female of Haryana only, ₹25/- for SC/BC/EPBG Male, ₹13/- for SC/BC/EWS Female candidates)  for other vacancies to be paid online by Net Banking or e-Challan in any branch of SBI, PNB and IDBI Bank etc.

Selection Process of HSSC Advt 15/2019

The Selection Process consists of Two Stages:-

  • Written Examination (90 Marks)
  • Documents Verification (10 marks)

Written Exam Pattern of HSSC

  • There will be 90 Marks objective type multiple choice questions Exam
  • 75% weightage for General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer,
    English, Hindi, and concerned or relevant subject, as applicable.
  • 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics,
    Environment, Culture, etc. of Haryana
  • The 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience

Socio-Economic Criteria Marks

The 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience shall be allocated as follows:-

  • if neither the applicant nor any person from among the applicant’s family viz father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son is, was or has been a regular employee in any Department/ Board/ Corporation/ Company/ Statutory Body/ Commission/ Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India. (5 marks)
  • if the applicant is:- (i) a widow; or (ii) the first or the second child and his father had died before attaining the age of 42 years: or (iii) the first or the second child and his father had died before the applicant had attained the age of 15 years,”. (5 marks)
  • If the applicant belongs to such a denotified tribe (Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic tribe of the State of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class. (5 marks)
  • Experience: One-half (=0.5) mark for each year or part thereof exceeding six months of experience, out of a maximum of sixteen years, on the same or a higher post in any Department/ Board/ Corporation/ Company/ Statutory Body/ Commission/ Authority of Government of Haryana. No marks shall be awarded for any period of fewer than six months. (A maximum of 8 marks)

Note:- No applicant shall be given more than 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience under any circumstances.

Apply HRYSSC Government Job Vacancies No. 15/2019

Apply online in the prescribed format at Haryana SSC (HSSC/HRYSSC) website from 20/09/2019 to 09/10/2019 now extended up to 06/09/2021 only for notification of Haryana SSC.   

Details of HRYSSC Advt. 15/2019 and Online Application Format 

For details and instructions etc., please visit at http://www.recruitment-portal.in/adv152019.html OR at http://www.hssc.gov.in  or at http://adv152019.hryssc.in/StaticPages/HomePage.aspx  and also at http://www.hssc.gov.in/hsscapp/uploads/advt/60926-Advetisement%2015.2019_2019.pdf  Or at https://hssc.gov.in/Advertisements for detailed information and also find the link for Online submission of application for Haryana SSC Government Jobs Vacancy Advt. No. 15/2019.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..