Indian Army Short Service Commission (SSC) in Remount Veterinary Corps 2021. Apply for various vacancies – Check eligibility, age limit, other details.
Offline Application on the prescribed format is invited from qualified male veterinary graduates for Short Service Commission (SSC) in Remount Veterinary Corps of Indian Army for the year 2021.
“The Remount and Veterinary Corps is an administrative and operational branch of the Indian Army, and one of its oldest formations. It is responsible for breeding, rearing and training of all animals used in the army“
Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
- Age: 21-32 years as on 18/11/2021
- Nationality : Applicant should be a citizen of India.
- Qualification : BVSc./BVSc. & AH degree from any recognized Indian University or equivalent.
- Pay Scale: 7th CPC Pay Matrix Pay Level-10B ₹61300/- plus Military Service Pay of ₹15500/- plus 20% NPA
- Method of Selection: shortlisting of applications will be done at Directorate General Remount Veterinary Corps, those found eligible will be called for SSB on a specified date. On arrival at the SSB, the Shortlisted candidates will be administered stage-1 of the two-stage testing procedure. Those who qualify will be detailed to undergo Group Test, Psychological Test, and Interview which will extend for a duration of 5 days.
- Medical Examination: Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers.
***Note: Candidate should have passed the Qualifying Examination with Internship at the time of submission of application. Candidates who are not in possession of Marksheets of all Years/Parts/Semesters of Qualifying Examination and Internship Completion Certificate cannot apply for this post.
Application Fee :
There is No Application Fee.
Important Dates :
Application Started : September 24, 2021
Last Date of Application Submission : 18 November 2021 (till 5 pm)

Selection Process :
- Short listing of applications
- Initial screening and shortlisting of applications will be done at Directorate General Remount Veterinary Services, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) before forwarding them to Dte Gen Recruiting of IHQ of MoD (Army). Common reasons for rejection of applications during screening are given at para 7 below.
- SSB Interview
- Candidates whose applications are found in order shall be detailed to appear for the Service Selection Board on a specified date. Detailed instructions along with date and place of SSB will be intimated directly by Dte Gen Recruiting, IHQ of MoD(Army).
- Merit list
- Merit list of the candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit will be prepared. It is to be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB interview does not confirm final selection. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate at SSBs only and as such higher educational qualifications, previous achievements have no role to play.
How to Apply for Army SSC Recruitment Remount Veterinary Corps 2020?
Apply on plain paper (21 cm x 36 cm) duly typed as per the prescribed format. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed in Red ink indicating clearly “Application for Short Service Commission in RVC“. The application should be posted by ordinary post to reach the following address by 18/11/2021.
Steps to Apply
- Visit the Official Website of Indian Army.
- Now Click on Notices For “RVC, TA & MNS Entries”.
- Now Download the Application Form.
- Take a Print out of Application.
- Now Fill the Application Form.
- Fill All the Required Details.
- Forward the Application Form accompanied with self attested enclosures to the Given Address.
Directorate General Remount Veterinary Services (RV-1)
QMG’s Branch, Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army)
West Block 3, Ground Floor, Wing No-4
RK Puram, New Delhi –110 066
Documents Required for Filling Offline Form :
Application form must be accompanied with self attested copies of:
- Original/Provisional BVSc/BVSc and AH degree along with final mark sheets.
- MVSc and PhD degree certificate (as applicable) along with marksheet.
- Internship completion certificate.
- Matriculation certificate (as proof for date of birth)
- Self attested photograph pasted on application.
- Two self addressed stamped envelopes.
Application format and Details
Further details regarding Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021 along with the application form can be seen at wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***