Tag Archives: Research Jobs

DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2023

DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2023: 204 Vacancies in ADA, DST, and CME

DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2023 has been released on its official website. Interested & eligible candidates can download the DRDO Scientist B notification pdf from the official website.


In light of the recent updates to age requirements for DRDO positions, coupled with the emergence of 6 job openings at the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), 11 positions within the Department of Science & Technology (DST), and an additional 6 vacancies at the College of Military Engineering (CME), there has been a comprehensive revision to Advertisement Number 145, which initially detailed 181 DRDO posts. This revised advertisement now presents the updated and consolidated overview of the 2023 Scientist Recruitment campaign, encompassing the latest vacancy distribution.

The DRDO’s Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) is actively accepting online applications, following the specified format, from both Graduate Engineers and Post Graduates in Science. This also extends to individuals currently in their final year of study, as indicated by their imminent final year examination. This application process is facilitated through the RAC website and pertains to a diverse range of disciplines. The purpose behind this recruitment drive is to fill 181 esteemed Sarkari Naukri positions for the role of Scientist ‘B’ within the Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), along with affiliated organizations such as ADA, CME, and DST. This recruitment initiative is primarily aimed at candidates who have achieved GATE qualifications for the year 2023. (Referred to as Advertisement No. 145).

Recruitment is based on the valid score of GATE score followed by a Persona Interview.

OrganizationDRDO – Recruitment & Assessment Centre (RAC)
RAC Advertisement NumberAdvt. No. 145
Type of EmploymentGovt Jobs
Total Vacancies204 posts
LocationAll India
Post NameScientist/Engineer ‘B
Last Date31-08-2023
Applying ModeOnline
DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2023: 204 Vacancies in ADA, DST, and CME

About DRDO ADA DST CME Scientist-B Recruitment 2023

The Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) under the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has launched a significant opportunity for Engineers and individuals with postgraduate qualifications in the field of science. This new recruitment drive aims to fill vacancies for the coveted Scientist-B position in 2023, marking a reprise after a year-long hiatus. This recruitment initiative has now been expanded to encompass openings not only within DRDO but also within ADA, CME, and DST. This presents a highly promising occasion for aspirants, offering the chance to join esteemed organizations and pursue a well-defined career trajectory within the scientist cadre.

DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  • Scientist ‘B’: 181 vacancies (UR-73, EWS-18, OBC-49, SC-28, ST-13) for DRDO, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹56100-177500, Age: 35 years
Engineering DisciplineTotal VacanciesBreakdown
Electronics & Communication Engineering49UR-19, EWS-05, OBC-13, SC-08, ST-04
Mechanical Engineering44UR-17, EWS-05, OBC-12, SC-07, ST-03
Computer Science & Engineering34UR-16, EWS-03, OBC-09, SC-04, ST-02
Electrical Engineering05UR-01, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01
Material Engineering/ Material Science & Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering10UR-04, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-02, ST-01
Physics10UR-05, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-01
Chemistry05UR-01, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01
Chemical Engineering13UR-05, EWS-02, OBC-03, SC-02, ST-01
Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering07UR-03, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-01
Civil Engineering02OBC-01, SC-01
  • Scientist ‘B’: 11 vacancies (UR-6, EWS-1, OBC-2, SC-2) in the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹56100-177500, Age: 35 years
  • Scientist ‘B’: 06 vacancies (UR-2, EWS-1, OBC-2, ST-1) in the College of Military Engineering (CME), Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹56100-177500, Age: 28 years
  • Scientist/Engineer ‘B’: 06 vacancies (UR-2, EWS-1, OBC-2, SC-1) in Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of CPC Pay Matrix starting at ₹56100-177500, Age: 35 years

Selection Process for Scientist B Vacancies in DRDO 2023

Valid GATE ScoreMerit List – On the basis of GATE score in the ratio
of 1:10 subject to their availability in order of discipline-wise category-wise merit list.
Personal InterviewShortlisted candidates will be called for Interview.

Application Fee  for DRDO Scientist Recruitment 2023

Application FeePayment Method
₹ 100/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates)Online Payment

How to Apply for DRDO Engineer/Scientist-B Vacancy 2023? 

Prospective candidates who meet the criteria and possess the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications online using the provided recruitment form, exclusively through the DRDO RAC website. Applications are being accepted for the DRDO DST ADA CME Engineer/Scientist-B Recruitment 2023. The application window is open from 17/06/2023 and has been extended until 31/08/2023 (previously 08/07/2023).

  1. Visit the DRDO’s official website.
  2. Locate the ‘Online Apply‘ link.
  3. Complete the application form.
  4. Upload scanned copies of necessary documents.
  5. Process the application fee payment.
  6. Review your details before final submission.
  7. Finally, print a copy of the completed application form.

Detailed Information on the DRDO RAC website

Please visit https://rac.gov.in for complete details for DRDO ADA CME DST Engineer/Scientist-B Recruitment 2023 and a link to apply online. 

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

ISRO NRSC Recruitment 2022

NRSC Recruitment 2022 for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) & Other Vacancies – Apply Online

ISRO,NRSC Recruitment 2022 for 55 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) & Other Vacancies. interested candidates can apply for NRSC ISRO jobs as all the details of NRSC Jobs have been given below.


Indian Space Research Organization, National Remote Sensing Center recently passed employment notification (NRSC-RMT-1-2022) named as NRSC Recruitment 2022, the Board invites Online applications from eligible candidates for 55 Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Research Scientist (RS) & Research Associate (RA) posts. Candidates who are looking for ISRO NRSC Vacancy 2022 can use this opportunity and get a job if they fulfill all the criteria and qualifications for ISRO NRSC Jobs 2022. Selected candidates will be posted in Hyderabad, Telangana.

ISRO NRSC Recruitment 2022
National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) has published an advertisement for the JRF, Scientist Recruitment 2022. There are a total of 55 vacancies …

NRSC Recruitment 2022 Vacancy Details:

Post NamesVacancies
Research Scientist (RS)41
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)12
Research Associate (RA)02

Pay Scale/ Remuneration

  • Pay salary for NRSC JRF, Scientist Posts: 31000-47000/- per month + Dearness Allowance and House rent Allowance as applicable

Important Dates

  • Publish/ Starting Date for NRSC application submission: 25 April 2022
  • Last Date for NRSC Jobs form submission: 08 May 2022

Application Fee :

  • Kindly check Official Notification for more details.

Educational Qualification :

The candidate must have passed M.E / M.Tech in Remote Sensing / GIS / Remote Sensing & GIS / Geoinformatics / Geomatics / Geospatial Technology / Spatial Information Technology/ PhD in Botany/ Ecology/Forestry/ Environmental Sciences / Wildlife biology or equivalent from a recognized University/ Institution.

Age Limit :

Applicants must satisfy below specified age limit.

  • The minimum age limit of the candidates is 28 Years
  • The maximum age limit of the candidates is 35 years.
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per the existing rules.

Selection Process :

Candidates are selected based on their performance in following tests.

How to apply for NRSC Recruitment 2022 ?

ISRO, NRSC – JRF, RS, RA Applicants can apply online or New Registration through official website from 25.04.2022 to 08.05.2022

Steps To Follow

  1. Firstly, Visit the NRSC official website – nrsc.gov.in.
  2. On the main page, Check for the concerned notification.
  3. Download the NRSC Official advertisement and read it fully.
  4. Then, click on the apply online link.
  5. Keep all the necessary documents before applying online.
  6. Enter all necessary details.
  7. E-mail ID and Mobile Number of the applicant are to be furnished in the application compulsorily. Any request for change of e-mail id will not be entertained.
  8. Attach scanned copies of necessary documents.
  9. Finally, press submit button before the last date.

Postal Address:

Government of India,
Department of Space, Indian Space Research Organization, National Remote Sensing Centre,
Balanagar, Hyderabad – 500037.

Details and application submission

Details and an online application form about ISRO NRSC Recruitment 2022 available at nrsc.gov.in. Download ISRO NRSC Notification PDF

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

CIMAP Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022

CIMAP Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online Now

CSIR – CIMAP Lucknow, announced notification Scientist and Senior Scientist posts. Candidates with the education qualification of Ph.D/ M.Sc can apply for these positions. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below.


CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP), Lucknow invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for the recruitment of Government Job vacancy posts of Scientists (Group-A) from enthusiastic young and dynamic Indian Nationals involved in Product Development/Technology Innovation/Applied Technology/Translation Research having excellent academic record/proven scientific achievements/requisite experience with the ability to undertake R&D in an innovative way in CSIR CIMAP. (Advertisement No. 1/2022)

CIMAP Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022 

CIMAP Scientist Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Scientist: 06 vacancies (UR-03,OBC-01, SC-01, EWS-01), Age: 32 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 ₹67700-208700/-
  • Senior Scientist: 04 (UR) vacancies, Age: 37 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 ₹78800-209200/-

Scientist : 6 posts

  • Scientist (Agronomy) : 2 posts
  • Scientist (Phytochemistry) : 1 post
  • Scientist (Plant Breeding) : 2 posts
  • Scientist (Bioprospection) : 1 post

Senior Scientist : 4 posts

  • Senior Scientist (Plant Biochemistry) : 1 post
  • Senior Scientist (Plant Functional Genomics) : 1 post
  • Senior Scientist (Precision Agriculture) : 1 post
  • Senior Scientist (Marketing and Business Development) : 1 post

Application Fee

The application fee is ₹100/- to be made online using Debit/ Credit Card/ Net Banking. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PWD/Abroad candidate and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of the application fee.

Detailed Eligibility:

Educational Qualification:

Scientist (Agronomy) :

  • M.Sc.in Botany/ Agronomy/ Soil Science followed by Ph.D. thesis submitted in the area of agronomy.
  • Desirable Qualification : Working experience and expertise in organic and natural farming techniques and good agricultural practices as evident from research
    publications in SCI journals.

Scientist (Phytochemistry) :

  • M.Sc. (Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Life Science/Chemistry) followed by Ph.D. thesis submitted in the area of plant phytochemistry/
  • Desirable Qualification : Working experience in area of isolation, identification and characterization of secondary plant products using high throughput approaches as evident from publications in SCI journals.

Scientist (Plant Breeding) :

  • M.Sc. (Botany / Plant Science / Biotechnology / Plant Physiology/ Biochemistry/Life Science) followed by Ph.D. thesis submitted in the area of cytogenetics/plant breeding.
  • Desirable Qualification : Working experience in the area of cytogenetics /plant breeding using high throughput approaches as evident from the publications

Scientist (Bioprospection) :

  • M.Sc (Botany/ Life Science/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/Chemistry) followed by Ph.D. thesis submitted in the area of bioprospection of secondary plant products on various diseases.
  • Desirable Qualification : Working experience in area of isolation of secondary plant products and establishing their mode of action for improved health as evident from publications in SCI journals.

Senior Scientist (Plant Biochemistry) :

  • Ph.D. (Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Life Science/Biological Science/Science) in the area of pathways and enzymes associated with
    secondary plant product biosynthesis with two years of post-doctoral research experience in the relevant area
  • Desirable Qualification : Working experience in plant biochemistry/ metabolic pathways/ enzymology as evident from high quality and impact factor research publications

Senior Scientist (Plant Functional Genomics) :

  • Ph.D. (Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Life Science/Biological Science/Science) in the area of recombinant biotechnology and functional
    genomics with two years of post-doctoral research experience in the relevant area.
  • Desirable Qualification : Working experience in the area of metabolic pathways and their engineering through modulation of expression of genes through overexpression or genome-editing approaches as evident from research publications

Senior Scientist (Precision Agriculture) :

  • Ph.D. (Agronomy/ Agricultural Physics/ Remote Sensing & GIS / Geoinformatics/ Computer Science/ Information Technology) in the area of Precision Agriculture with two years of post-doctoral research experience in the relevant area.
  • Desirable Qualification : Working experience in the area of precision agriculture using satellite imaging or unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with multispectral/hyperspectral/ RGB cameras as evident from research publications.

Senior Scientist (Marketing and Business Development) :

  • Ph.D. in any Science subject in the areas of agriculture business/ agricultural economics/ agriculture management followed by two years post-doctoral research experience in relevant area
  • Desirable Qualification : Experience in marketing/business plan development, coordination and execution for herbal products. Excellent communication skill and experience in data management.

Selection Process CIMAP Recruitment 2022:

  • The selection for the above mentioned posts will be based on shortlisting of candidates and interview.
  • The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview.
  • The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates.

How to Apply for CIMAP Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022?

Desirous and suitable candidates should apply online on prescribed format in the prescribed format from 11/04/2022 to 17/05/2022 only on the CIMAP recruitment website only for Scientists Vacancy Recruitment 2022 in CSIR CIMAP.

Details and online application format

Please visit https://www.cimap.res.in/english/index.php/notice-board/vacancies for details and the online application format for CIMAP Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

The Printout of the application, generated after online submission, duly accompanied by self-attested copies of the requisite certificates/mark sheets of date of birth, educational qualifications, experience, re-prints of publications and community certificate, if any, addressed to the ″Administrative Officer, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Post Office-CIMAP, Lucknow – 226015 (UP)″ should reach CIMAP office by speed post/registered post on or before 31/05/2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**


Union Bank Specialist Officers Recruitment 2021-22 –>Apply Online Now

Union Bank of India Jobs 2021 is conducting the recruitment drive for as many as 25 vacancies. Interested candidates are advised to check this article and apply for the same within the last date.


Union Bank of India has officially released an advertisement for recruitment for the post of Teams of Digital, Analyst, Economist, Research, API Management, and Digital Lending and FinTech Specialist Officers/ Domain Experts.

Union Bank of India (UBI) invites Online applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for selection and recruitment for engagement of 25 various Specialist Officers/Domain Expert on a contract basis in the Union Bank of India (UBoI) and its offices through India under Union Bank of India Recruitment Project 2021-22 (Specialist Officers). (Advertisement No. 03/2021).

The location of the posting shall be Mumbai. The nature of employment will be contractual. Initially, the Contractual Engagement will be for the period of 3 years, with a periodic performance review. The term of engagement may be extended at the sole discretion of the Bank for a period of one year at a time subject to a maximum of five years.

Union Bank Specialist Officers Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Digital Team
    1. Senior Manager (Digital): 01 vacancies, Age: 30-40 years
    2. Manager (Digital): 01 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years
  2. Analytics Team
    1. Manager – Data Scientist: 02 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years
    2. Manager – Data Analyst: 02 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years
    3. Manager – Statistician: 02 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years
    4. Manager – Database Administrator: 01 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years
  3. Economist Team
    1. Senior Manager (Economist): 02 vacancies, Age: 30-40 years
    2. Manager (Economist): 02 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years
    3. Senior Manager (Industry Research): 02 vacancies, Age: 30-40 years
    4. Manager (Industry Research): 02 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years
  4. API Management Team
    1. Senior Manager (API): 02 vacancies, Age: 30-40 years
    2. Manager (API): 02 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years
  5. Digital Lending & Fintech. Team
    1. Senior Manager (Digital Lending & Fin-tech): 02 vacancies, Age: 30-40 years
    2. Manager (Digital Lending & Fin-tech): 02 vacancies, Age: 25-35 years

The remuneration will be offered based on candidate’s qualifications, experience and overall suitability for the respective posts based on the negotiations and shall not be a limiting factor for suitable candidate. The compensation will be on CTC basis.

Important Date

  • Publish/ Starting Date for Union Bank of India application submission: 20 December 2021
  • Last Date for Union Bank of India Jobs form submission: 07 January 2022

Application Fee

₹800/- (₹150/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online mode only along with the application form. 

Posts & Qualification

Post NameEligibility Criteria
Specialist Officers, Domain ExpertsAspirants must have a certificate/ degree of B.ComB.EB.ScB.TechBCAEngineeringGraduateM.ScMBAMCA or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.

Age Limit

  • Age limitation as on 01 December 2021
  • Minimum age limitation for Candidates to apply : 25 Years
  • Maximum age limit for Candidates to apply : 40 Year

Selection Process

The selection will be based on shortlisting and interview only.

How to Apply for Union Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment 2021? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format for Union Bank Specialist Officers/Domain Expert Vacancy Recruitment 2021 at the Union Bank Recruitment website from 18/12/2021 to 07/01/2022 only.

Details and Application Format

For more information and online application format for Union Bank Specialist Officers/Domain Expert Vacancy Recruitment 2021-22, please visit the Recruitment page at Union Bank website https://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/english/recruitment.aspx

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***