IIIT Bhopal has Now recently fresh released the Latest recruitment notification for 13 Faculty Posts. interested Candidates completed all eligibility criteria in the vacancy details can read the details, Apply Online/Offline.
Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the recruitment of the following Govt Job Faculty Vacancy positions of Associate Professor (Regular) and Assistants Professors(On Contract basis) in the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. (Advertisement No. IIITBPL/Faculty Rectt./2022/243). The Institute also invites applications for filling up one (01) post of Assistant Registrar on direct recruitment basis. Candidates are required to submit their application in offline mode. Last date for submission of application form for the said posts is 10th June 2022 (Friday) upto 5.00 P.M.
Candidates residing in Jammu and Kashmir, North-Eastern region, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Island may send the hard copy so as to reach Institute latest by 20.06.2022 upto 5:00 P.M. Applications received after last date will be liable to be summarily rejected.
Associate Professor: 04 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-01) in the pay scale of academic level-13A2 starting ₹101500/- as per 7th PC, Age: 37 years
Assistant Professor: 08 vacancies (UR-05, OBC-02, SC-01) on a contract basis in the pay scale of academic level-10 ₹70900/- as per 7th PC, Age: 37 years
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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AIIMS Bhopal Announced Recruitment 2022 for 42 posts of Non Faculty Group “A”. Candidates Can Check the Vacancy Details, Age Limit & Other Related Information From Below
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)Bhopal invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian Nationals for recruitment of the following 42 various Group-A category Non-Teaching Non-Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts on a regular basis in AIIMS Bhopal. (Advertisement No. ADM-2(2)/AIIMS/Bhopal/Rectt.cell/Direct/2022/01).
How to Apply for AIIMS Bhopal Group-A Vacancies 2022?
Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed recruitment application form at the AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment website from 29/04/2022 to the first cut-off date will be for rolling advertisement 30 days from publication of advertisement in Employment News i.e. 30th May 2022. The second cut-off date is 30/09/2022 and the third cut-off date is 28th February 2023 only for Non-Faculty Non-Teaching Group-A Vacancy Recruitment of AIIMS Bhopal 2022.
Kindly visit http://www.aiimsbhopal.edu.in/jobs.aspx for detailed information and the online application format for Non-Faculty Group-A Vacancy Recruitment in AIIMS Bhopal 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala Recruitment 2022 – 23 Vacancy of Non-Teaching posts
Jagat Guru Nanak Dev University (JGNDU), Punjab State Open University (PSOU) at Patiala is a State University established by the Government of Punjab that invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following Non-TeachingGovernment Jobs in various disciplines of JGNDU PSOU Patiala (Punjab) for the year 2022. (Advertisement No. 09/2022).
Application fees (including GST) post at Sr. No.01 to 02 will be ₹1180/- General Category and ₹590/- for SC/ST & PWD candidates. For post at Sr. No.03 to 06 the Application fees (Including GST) will be ₹590/- for General Category and ₹295/- for SC/ST & PWD candidates.
How to Apply for PSOU Patiala Non-Teaching Vacancy 2022?
The last date for submitting the hard copy/printout of the online application and supporting documents is 09/05/2022 and should be sent to the Registrar, Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala (Punjab)
For more detailed information about JGNDU PSOU Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2022 and online application format, please visit https://psou.ac.in/jobs
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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The Recruitment Department of IIT Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh has Announced a Job -Notification for the Fresh job recruitment for (Non-Teaching Staff) Jobs vacancies on contract basis or regular basis .
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur (UP), an Institute of national importance, invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following 95 various Group-A, B and CTechnical and Administrative Non-TeachingGovernment Jobs vacancies in IIT Kanpur for the year 2021. (Advt. No. 01/2021).
Junior Superintendent (Centre for Nano Sciences): 01 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
Junior Superintendent: 14 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
Physical Training Instructor: 04 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400/-
Junior Technician: 17 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100/-
Junior Assistant: 31 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100/-
Driver Grade-II: 01 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100/-
Important Dates :
Start Date of Online Application submission : October 15, 2021
Last Start Date of Online Application submission : November 16, 2021 up to 5:00 pm
Application Fee
₹500/- for vacancies from serial no. 1-3 For Group A post and ₹250/- for Sl. No. 4-13 For Group B and Group C post
through the options of net banking and debit/credit cards. SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates are exempted from the fee.
Education Qualification
Intermediate, BSc, BE/B Tech, M.Sc, Masters Degree in relevant subjects as per the posts. Must have the computer knowledge along with experience in related work.
IIT Kanpur Non Teaching Recruitment 2021 : Selection Process
Institute reserves its rights to place a reasonable limit on total number of candidates called for selection process based on higher parameters over and above essential qualification.
Written test and/ or seminar/presentation to an expert panel followed by an interview for shortlisted candidates for job SL. No 1 to 5. Written test and skill test/ job oriented practical test and any other selection mode for rest of the posts.
How to Apply IIT Kanpur Non-Teaching Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021?
Candidates have to make sure that they are fully eligible for any particular post they are applying for and the original certificates/documents in support of the information furnished in the online application form are to be provided at a later stage of recruitment process. No deviation, whatsoever, from the filled-in details will be entertained under any circumstances.
For further information and online application form for Non-Teaching Government Jobs in IIT Kanpur 2021, kindly visit https://iitk.ac.in/new/recruitment . Candidates can check the recruitment notification for more details.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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54 Vacancy of Teaching, Non-Teaching, Academic (Non-vacational) Posts in Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University (MGAHV) Wardha, Maharashtra 2021
Applications through online mode in the prescribed format for recruitment to fill up the following various Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts in various subject/disciplines and some other Non-Teaching Government Job vacancies in various department/administrative office in the महात्मा गांधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय, वर्धा (Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha), Maharashtra. (Advertisement No. MGAHV/07-08-09/2021).
MGAHV Faculty and Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies :
Advt. no. MGAHV/09/2021 : All Candidates are required to deposit application fee on the online portal @Rs.1000/- for each position they apply through NEFT/Online Banking
Advt. no. MGAHV/08/2021 : All Candidates belonging to General/OBC Category applying for Group-A posts are required to deposit ₹1000/- to be submitted online through NEFT/Net Banking for faculty vacancies. And applying for other posts ₹ 500/- for each post they apply.
Advt. no. MGAHV/07/2021 : All candidates belonging to General/OBC/EWS Category applying for Group-A post are required to deposit application fee @Rs.1,000/-(One Thousand Rupees only) for each post they apply, through Online Payment Gateway ONLY (Fee once deposited will not be returned or adjusted) There is no fee for the posts on Deputation/Contract basis
No fee for SC/ST/PWD (Divyang)/Women candidates and in-services candidates (Regular employees) of MGAHV, Wardha.
Important Dates :
Starting Date For Submission Of Application : 25 September 2021
Last Date For Submission Of Application : 24 October 2021
Education Qualification :
Candidates should have passed 10th, 12th class, Graduate, Post Graduate (PG) or Equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institution
For more education qualification details go to the official notification
Age Limit :
The Candidate’s age limit should be Minimum 28 Years and Maximum 55 Years.
Age Relaxation:- SC/ST/OBC Candidates Relaxation as per Govt Rules & Regulations
System generated hard copy of the application complete in all respect should be sent to the Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Hills, Wardha – 442001 (Maharashtra) by Speed Post/ Registered Post only on or before 01/11/2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) Recruitment 2021 for 53 Teaching and Non Teaching Vacancies. The online registration process will be start from 10th September 2021 and scheduled to be close on 4th October 2021.
Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women (IGDTUW), a Delhi State Government University Teaching-cum-Research University for Women invites online applications in the prescribed form from Indian Nationals for recruitment to the following Group-A various Faculty Govt Job Vacancy positions in various departments at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Gr. I and for recruitment of Non-Teaching Govt Job Vacancies in IGTUW for the year 2021. (Advertisement No. GDTUW/RECRUITMENT/2021/2 ).
IGDTUW Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Professor: 12 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Scale-14 ₹144200-218200
Information Technology: 03 vacancies
Computer Science Engineering: 03 vacancies
Electronics and Communication Engineering: 01 vacancies
Mechanical & Automation Engineering: 02 vacancies
Architecture and Planning: 02 vacancies
English: 01 vacancies
Associate Professor: 17 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Scale-13A1 ₹131400-217100
Information Technology: 07 vacancies
Computer Science Engineering: 04 vacancies
Electronics and Communication Engineering: 01 vacancies
Mechanical & Automation Engineering: 02 vacancies
Architecture and Planning: 02 vacancies
Mathematics: 01 vacancies
Assistant Professor: 19 vacancies in 7th CPC Pay Scale-10 ₹57700-182400
Information Technology: 04 vacancies
Computer Science Engineering: 09 vacancies
Architecture and Planning: 04 vacancies
Physics: 01 vacancies
Chemistry: 01 vacancies
IGDTUW Non-Teaching Group-A Vacancies 2021
Controller of Examinations: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-14 ₹144200-218200
Deputy Registrar: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-12 ₹78800-209200
Assistant Registrar: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500
Assistant Controller of Examinations: 01 vacancies in Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500
Important Dates :
Last Date Of Online Submission – 04 October 2021 Last Date Of Offline Submission -11 October 2021
Application Fee :
The candidate is required to pay an application fee amounting to ₹1000/- in the case of UR/OBC candidate, and ₹500/- in the case of EWS/SC/ST category candidate. The candidates belonging to PwBD (Persons with benchmark Disabilities) category are exempted from the payment of the application fee.
Age Limit :
35 years as on first day of the month (01/07/2021) Age Relaxation as per GoI Rules.
Educational Qualifications :
Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade. Ph.D. degree in relevant branch and first class or equivalent for Faculty Positions.
The candidates are also required to send the printout of their online filled-in Application Form along with documentary evidence with the prescribed fee to the Additional Registrar (HR), Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, First Floor, Administrative Block, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006 latest by 11/10/2021 till 4:30 P.M.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
****All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website****
Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU) Aurangabad Recruitment 2021 – 8 Vacancy for Teaching and Non-Teaching posts | The last date for submission of Application Form is 11/09/2021
Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU), Aurangabad (Maharashtra) invites applications from the eligible candidates in the prescribed format for filling up of following various Teaching and Non-TeachingGovt Job vacancy posts in the MNLU Aurangabad. (Advertisement No. MNLUA/ADMN/ADVT/2021-2022/430).
Professor (Law): 01 vacancies (SC), Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-14 with entry pay of ₹144200/
Associate Professor of Management (Finance): 01 vacancies (UR), Pay Scale: Academic Pay Level-13A with entry pay of ₹131400/-
Non-Teaching Vacancies(Contractual)
Registrar: 01 vacancies (UR) on contract basis for 3 years in the pay scale of as per 7th CPC at Level-14 with rationalized entry pay of ₹144200/-
Librarian: 01 vacancies (UR) on contract basis for 3 years in the pay scale of as per 7th CPC at Level-14 with rationalized entry pay of ₹144200/-
Deputy Registrar: 01 vacancies (UR) on contract basis for 3 years in the pay scale of as per 7th CPC S-23 with rationalized entry pay of ₹67700/-
Internal Auditor: 01 vacancies (UR) on contract basis for 3 years in the pay scale of as per 7th CPC S-23 with rationalized entry pay of ₹67700/-
Assistant Accounts Officer: 01 vacancies (UR) on contract basis for 3 years in the pay scale of as per 7th CPC S-20 with rationalized entry pay of ₹56100/-
Administrative Officer: 01 vacancies (UR) on contract basis for 3 years in the pay scale of as per 7th CPC S-20 with rationalized entry pay of ₹56100/-
The application fee for the Candidates belonging to SC/ST category is ₹50 and for other categories, it is ₹100/- to be paid in favour of ‘Maharashtra National Law University Aurangabad’ payable at Aurangabad in the form of Demand Draft (DD) from any Nationalized Bank.
More Information
Address: Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Salary Type: Monthly
Gender: Male & Female
How to Apply for MNLU Aurangabad Faculty Non-Teaching Vacancy 2021?
The application in the prescribed format along with DD (Demand Draft) should reach the address through Indian Post (RPAD or Speed Post) to the Registrar, Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad, Near Raje Sambhaji Sainik School, Nath Valley School Road, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad 431005 (Maharashtra) by 5:00 PM on or before 11/09/2021.
For more detailed information about MNLU Aurangabad Faculty and Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment 2021 and application format, please visit https://mnlua.ac.in
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..