Recruitment of Junior Engineer (Agriculture) Vacancy by RSSB 2022 – Notification Released for 189 Posts
RSMSSB JE Agriculture Recruitment 2022: Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSMSSB) has released the latest notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineer (Agriculture) in the Agriculture Department of the Government of Rajasthan. Eligible candidates can apply online for the RSMSSB JEN Recruitment 2022 from the website All the details related to RSMSSB JE Agriculture Recruitment 2022 (Advertisement No. 07/2022) like Notification, Eligibility, Qualification, Age Limit, Salary, Apply Online, Important Dates, Application Fees, How to Apply, Exam Date, Admit Card, Answer Key, Syllabus, Results, Previous Papers, etc are given below.
RSSB Jr. Engineer Agriculture Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Junior Engineer (Agriculture): 189 vacancies (Non-Schedule Area – 144, Schedule Area – 45), Age: 18-40 years as of 01/01/2023, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10, Qualification: Graduation in Agriculture Engineering.
For complete information and to apply online for Recruitment of Junior Engineer (Agriculture) Vacancy by RSSB 2022, please visit the ‘Latest News’ link at the bottom of the RSSB website at
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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RPSC has released an official notification for 417 recruitment to senior teacher posts. candidates waiting to build a career in teaching profession can use this opportunity.
Rajasthan Public Service Commission has invited applications from candidates to apply for Senior Teacherposts under the Sanskrit Education Department. 417 vacancies have been released for various subjects such as Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official site of RPSC for Rajasthan Government job. The candidates will have to appear for the exam offline, however, the RPSC Senior Teacher Recruitment 2022 Online Application Process on 23rd May 2022.
Please refer the official notification for more details.
RPSC Application Fee:
The Rajasthani Public Service Commission application fee will be differing based on the category.
General Candidates – Rs. 350/-
OBC & MBC (NC)/ EWS Candidates – Rs. 250/-
SC/ ST Candidates – Rs. 150/-
Important Dates
Starting Date of Online Application : 23rd May 2022
Closing Date of Online Application : 21st June 2022
Eligibility criteria for Rajasthan Public Service Commission Senior Teachers Jobs 2022
Educational Qualification :
Education Qualification
For Sanskrit
Shastri or an equivalent traditional Sanskrit examination with Sanskrit medium, and Shiksha Shastri/ Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by National Council for Teacher Education.
For Hindi, English & Maths
Graduate or equivalent examination with the concerned subject as Optional Subject, and Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by National Council for Teacher Education.
For Science
Graduate or equivalent examination with at least two of the following subjects as Optional Subjects:- Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Micro-Biology, Bio-Technology and Bio-Chemistry and Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by National Council for Teacher Education.
For Social Science
Graduate or equivalent examination with at least two of the following subjects as Optional Subjects:– History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy, and Degree or Diploma in education recognized by National Council for Teacher Education.
RPSC Sr. Teacher Age Limit:
Minimum age Limit: 18 Years
Maximum Age Limit: 40 Years
RPSC Senior Teacher Jobs Age Relaxation:
Please refer to the official notification for detailed Age Relaxation.
They will be directed to the Online Application Portal.
Candidates need to register themselves and create their SSO ID.
They will be given three options to choose from- Jan Aadhaar, Bhamashah card and Google to register. Choose accordingly.
Follow the instructions appearing on the screen and choose the appropriate options.
If candidates are logging in through google then they will have to choose their email id from the option given (in case of multiple Gmail IDs). They need to enter their password.
The portal will verify the email id and then a link will appear on the screen. Click on the link and the candidates will be able to see their SSO ID Created.
Enter your password, and mobile number, and enter the Register button.
A pop-up will appear on their screen mentioning their Registration Successful along with their new SSO ID.
Now, they have to login into their accounts with the SSO ID and password.
Fill in all the details in the Application Form in their respective boxes.
Upload all the relevant documents.
Upload Photo and Signature.
Pay the Online Application Fees through Online Banking, Credit Card or Debit Card.
Detailed information and online submission of application
For complete information and online submission of application for RPSC Senior Teacher Recruitment 2022, please visit candidates can click on the link to reach the application portal.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Rajasthan Assistant Professor Vacancy For 337 posts. Candidates who want to apply for this Assistant Professor vacancy, can refer to this page and collect the necessary details on this page.
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has invited online applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to 300+ Assistant Professor (Medical Education) posts under the State Medical Education Department, Govt of Rajasthan. Vacancies have been notified for 43 different subjects in both Broad and Super Specialties. Interested candidates can apply for the posts at the official website (Advt. No. 06/2021-22) till December 22.
Details of Vacancy :
Assistant Professor – 337 Posts
S. No.
Name of Posts
No. of Vacancies
General Medicine
General Surgery
Geriatric Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
P & SM
Skin &V.D.
T.B. & Chest
Dental and Prosthetic Head and Neck Cancer Surgery
For the selected applicants, the RPSC higher authorities will pay Rs 15600 – 39100 (AGP-6000) as mentioned in the RPSC Assistant Professor Notification 2021.
Rajasthan’s Non-Creamy Layer BC & OBC Candidates – Rs. 250/-
All PwD Candidate, Rajasthan’s SC/ST Candidates & Those Candidates whose family income is less than 2.50 Lacks – Rs. 150/-
Mode Of Payment :-
Candidates Should Pay the Application Fee through Online Mode.
Important Dates :
Application Started
Last Date of Application Submission
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: Candidates, age must be As of 01st July 2021, a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 40 years.
Educational Qualification:
In RPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021 notification, the required academic qualification is a Good academic record with at least 55% marks at the Master’s Degree (M.D, M.S, M.D.S, DNB, MBBS, PhD, D.M, M.Sc.) level in the relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university.
Detailed information and online submission of application
For complete information and online submission of application for Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment 2021 by RPSC, please visit wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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RPSC ASO Recruitment 2021: RPSC or Rajasthan Public Service Commission has recently released an official notification related to recruitment for the post of ASO or Assistant Statistical Officer. Read This Article Till End for more details.
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) invites Online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment for the following latest Govt Job vacancy of Assistant Statistical Officer (ASO) for Economic and Statistics Department of Rajasthan Government (Advt. No. 05/Rectt./A.S.O./RPSC/EP-I/2021-22). From 218 vacancies, 203 are for the Non Tribal Sub-Plan (Non TSP) area and remaining 15 vacancies are for the Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) area.
Assistant Statistical Officer (ASO): 218 vacancies (Non-TSP-203, TSP-15) in Economic and Statistics Department, Age: 18-40 years as of 01/01/2022, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 of pay matrix (Grade Pay ₹4200/-),
Qualification: At least a second class master’s degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics or Commerce OR Master degree in any of the above subject with one year diploma in Statistics from a recognized University established by law in India.
Higher Level Certificate Course conducted by DOEACC under control of the Department of Electronics, Government of India. or Certificate course on Computer concept by NIELIT, New Delhi. or Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)/Data Preparation and Computer Software (DPCS) Certificate organized under National/State Council or Vocational Training Scheme. or Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Computer Science/Computer Application from a University established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the Government. or Senior Secondary Certificate from a recognized Board of Secondary Education in the Country, with Computer Science/Computer Application as one of the subjects. or Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from a Polytechnic institution recognized by the Government. or Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information Technology (RSCIT) conducted by Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited.
The minimum age limit for the RPSC ASO Recruitment 2021 is 18 years and maximum is 40 years as on 01 January 2022.
Application Fee
₹350/- (₹250/- for Non-Creamy layer OBC / MBC and ₹150/- for SC/ST and family income less than 2.50 lakh candidates) to be paid online.
Important Dates
Apply Start: 1.12.2021
Apply Last Date: 20.12.2021
Exam Date: Notify Later
Selection Procedure for RPS Assistant Statistical Officer Recruitment 2021
The selection of suitable candidates for the vacancy recruitment of Assistant Statistical Officer 2021 by RPSC will be done through a competitive recruitment examination which will have objective type questions
Detailed information and online submission of application
For complete information and online submission of application for Assistant Statistical Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021 by RPSC, please visit wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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National Institute Of Ayurveda (NIA) Recruitment 2021 – 18 Vacancy for Associate Professor, Lecturer, Museum Curator, Pharmacist, Cataloguer, Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Multi Tasking Staff (MTS). Apply Offline Now!!!
Offline Applications are invited in the prescribed format for the following various Group-B and Group-CNon-Teaching Non-FacultyGovt Job Vacancy in the National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA) at Jaipur (Rajasthan) (Advt. No. 2/2021). The detailed Vacancy Notification containing Essential Qualifications, Experience, Pay Scales, Age Limit, Last Date, Fees Payable, Reservations etc. are being published in Employment News and also in Institute’s Website. Read Below Article for more Information
Application Fee is to be paid for each Post by Demand Draft only, in favour of ‘Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur’ for Panchakarma Vaidya ₹3500/- for General & OBC and ₹3000/- for EWS, SC & ST; and for all other posts: ₹2000/- for General & OBC and ₹1800/- for EWS, SC, & ST Applicants. However, no fee is payable by Physically Handicapped Applicants.
Eligibility Criteria
Post Name
Educational Qualification
Panchkarma Vaidya
MD (Ayurveda) in the Subject of Panchakarma from a recognized University and duly recognized by CCIM.
Junior Stenographer (Hindi)
HSC from a recognised Central/State Board of Education & Ability to write 80 WPM in Hindi Shorthand and a30 WPM in Hindi Typewriting.
Junior Medical Laboratory Technologist
10+2 with Science Subject and DMLT from any Government recognized institution with 1 Year relevant Experience.
Library Assistant
SSC from a recognised Central/State Board of Education.
Lower Division Clerk
12th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education.
Multi-Tasking Staff
10th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education.
Age Limit
Applicant’s minimum age must be 25 years as of the application submission date. While the maximum age of the candidates should be 40 years. Age relaxation is applicable to the reserved categories as per the government rules and regulations.
Important Dates for NIA Jaipur Recruitment 2021
The offline application submission process starts on 27 November 2021.
The Closing Date for the applicants is 60 Days from the date of publication of the recruitment notification in Employment News.
The Closing Date for the applicants belonging to Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State, Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep is 70 Days from the date of publication in Employment News.
How to Apply for Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in NIA 2021?
The filled-in Application form in the prescribed format carrying a recent Passport Size Photograph pasted on the upper right corner duly attested by a Gazetted Officer along with attested copies of all testimonials and an Application fee should reach the “Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jorawar Singh Gate, Amer Road, Jaipur 302002” within 60 days of the advertisement published in weekly Employment News (70 days for the candidates from far-flung areas). wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Rajasthan Police Department has published notification for the recruitment of General & Constable (TSP and non-TSP) vacancies. The candidates who are interested and eligible for the job post must check the article below for more information
In order to fill 4438 constable positions, Office of DGP, the Rajasthan Policeinvited the Indian Applicant for the Posts of Constable General, Constable Telecommunication & Constable Driver (अन्य क्षेत्र के अभ्यर्थी भी आवेदन कर सकते है।) This is a great chance for anybody looking for police constable employmentMale and Female Bharti in the state of Rajasthan in the year 2021.
Constable Drivers : Driving License (LMV/HMV) for 10th Class candidates who have graduated from a recognized Board.
Age Limit
For Constable (General/ Band/ Tele Communication):
Male (General) Candidates: should born between 01-01-2004 to 02-01-1998
Female (General) Candidates: should born between 01-01-2004 to 02-01-1993
For Constable (Driver):
Male (General) Candidates: should born between 01-01-2004 to 02-01-1995
Female (General) Candidates: should born between 01-01-2004 to 02-01-1990
Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
For more information regarding age limit refer notification.
Physical Eligibility
There are some physical eligibility required in a candidate which is explained in the table below:
Common Area
Height – 168 cm· Chest : 81 cms (5 cm expansion)
Height – 152 cm· Weight : 47.5 kgs
Sahariya tribals of Bara district
Height – 160 cm· Chest : 74 cms (5 cm expansion)
Height – 145 cm· Weight : 43 kgs
Selection Process
For Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment 2021, first of all there will be a written examination, after that physical efficiency, medical test, document verification and finally the final merit list will be out.
There will also be negative marking and 2 hours will be given for the examination. Male candidates will have to run 5 kms in 25 minutes and female candidates will have to run 5 kms in 35 minutes.
How To Apply For Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment 2021 ?
Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment 2021 may be applied for online in prescribed format between 10 November and 3 December 2021 by following the procedures below:
Steps to Apply
Candidate should visit the Official Website of Rajasthan Police. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Rajasthan Post Office Recruitment 2021 for the vacancy of Postal Assistant, MTS & other posts. Candidates Interested, must bookmark this article to know more about vacancies, eligibility criteria, selection process.
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur has invited applications from meritorious sportspersons for the post of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Postman and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) for the Govt Job Vacancy of Rajasthan Post Office Recruitment 2021, Against advt. no (Rectt/1-11/2021) on their official website. Sportspersons who possess required qualification can submit their duly-filled application latest by 06 December 2021.
Rajasthan Post Office Recruitment 2021 – Vacancy
A total of 22 vacancies has been released for Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Postman and MTS for various zones in Jaipur. Candidates who are wishing to apply can refer to the table below for vacancy details:
Candidates will have to pay the application fees Rs 100/- through e-challan before 27th November 2021. for more fees details please go to the official notification.
Rajasthan Post Office Recruitment 2021 – Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who have participated in International/State/UT/Inter-University/School but could not win any medals in the same order of preference.
In case of tie, following rules must be take into consideration:
Candidates who have won more medals or secured a higher position.
Candidates who are older in age will be placed higher.
If tie still persists, name of candidate in alphabetical order will be followed.
How To Apply for Rajasthan Post Office Recruitment 2021 ?
The eligible candidates can apply offline for the posts in the prescribed format and send the application by affixing their recent passport size photograph to “The Assistant Director (Rectt.), O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Rajasthan Circle, Sardar Patel Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur – 302007” on or before 06 December 2021. By Speed Post or registered post only.
4. Fill the details carefully and paste recent passport-size photo on the application form.
5. Send the enclosed application form and supporting documents in an envelope/cover to be superscripted as ” APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF POSTAL ASSISTANT /POSTAL ASSISTANT (SBCO)/SORTING …… UNDER MERITORIOUS SPORTS QUOTA IN RAJASTHAN POSTAL CIRCLE.” post applied for: ____________, sports discipline :_______________ to the address specified in the notification before 6th December 2021.
Offline submission of application and Details
For Details of posts, qualifications, instructions, and offline application format relating to Rajasthan Post Office Recruitment 2021, please visit Official website and click here to view advertisement . wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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RPSC SO Recruitment 2021 Notification out for Statistical Officer Posts | Check Application Process
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) invites Online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment for the following latest Govt Job vacancy of Statistical Officer (SO) for Planning Department (Economic and Statistics) of Rajasthan Government (Advt. No. 04/Rectt./S.O./RPSC/EP-I/2021-22).
Rajasthan PSC recruitment examination requires hard work, dedication, and extensive studious candidates.
Statistical Officer (SO): 43 vacancies in Planning Department, Age: 21-40 years as of 01/01/2022, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 of pay matrix (Grade Pay ₹4800/-), Qualification: Post Graduate/ Master’s Degree in Statistics or with Statistics.
Application Fee :
₹350/- (₹250/- for Non-Creamy layer OBC / MBC and ₹150/- for SC/ST and family income less than 2.50 lakh candidates) and Correction Charge – ₹ 300/- to be paid online.
Eligibility Criteria for RPSC Statistical Officer Recruitment 2021 Notification:
Educational Qualification (a) At least second class Master’s degree in Economics, or (b) At least second class Master’s degree in Statistics, or (c) At least second class Master’s degree in Mathematics with paper in Statistics, or (d) At least second class Master’s degree in Commerce with Statistics, or (e) At least second class M.Sc (Agriculture) Statistics from a University established by law in India or Foreign qualifications recognized as equivalent thereto by the Government. and A certificate (RS-CIT course conducted by Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited) awarded by Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota or any other certificate awarded by a competent authority declared equivalent to above certificate by the Department of Information, Technology and Communication, Government of Rajasthan.
Experience:- Experience of handling official Statistics at least for one year in a Government Department or reputed Commercial concern or University.
Age Limit :
(Minimum) 21 years to 40years (Maximum). There will be age relaxation for reserved category candidates as per government norms (As on 01/January/2022)
Important Dates :
• Starting Date – 03-September-2021
• Last Date – 02-October-2021
• Fee Payment Last Date – 02-October-2021
Selection Procedure for RPSC Statistical Officer Recruitment 2021
The selection of suitable candidates for the vacancy recruitment of Statistical Officer 2021 by RPSC will be done through a competitive recruitment (1) MCQ Based Examination which will have objective type questions of 100 marks (2) Interview and (3) Document Verification.
The date of the recruitment examination will be informed later on.
Detailed information and online submission of application
For complete information and online submission of application for Statistical Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021 by RPSC, please visit In a bid to apply for RPSC Statistical Officer Recruitment 2021 Notification You will have to click on ‘Apply Online’ or log in through website and then fill up the online application by clicking on one-time registration OTR on the recruitment portal. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs..
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