Tag Archives: PSU recruitment through GATE 2021 Score


Graduate Engineers Recruitment in PSU by GATE 2022- Apply Now

Application for PSU Recruitment through GATE 2022 Govt. Jobs, Eligibility & Dates


The recruitment of graduate engineers through GATE to PSU started in the year 2012 by some of them and gradually spread through some of the most prominent PSU at present like BHEL, GAIL, SAIL, BSNL, DMRC, ONGC, BPCL, HPCL, DRDO, NHAI, IOCL, RITES and NHPC. Actually, the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) tests your technical skills as well as your analytical and logical skills. You got to be very strong in fundamentals if you want to score high in the GATE examination. A high GATE score ensures you a highly coveted job at PSU. As mandated by Government, now Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) recruit engineers through the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) only.

As every year, the Central/State Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) companies are in the process of recruiting suitable candidates for their Engineering Departments through the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2022 which is being conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur in the year 2022..

GATE scores are valid for three years for admission to M.Tech courses but not for recruitment purposes to PSU.. It has become a benchmark for PSU to screen and recruit highly educated, quality graduates Engineers as Graduate Engineers Trainees (GET), Officers, Management Trainees at various levels and in various disciplines/subjects, etc. Several State PSU and Government Departments.

All eligible engineering graduate job seekers desirable to pursue their careers in the PSUs should apply for the GATE and get a good score in the exam. This valid GATE scorecard will make engineers eligible for the selection in their desired PSU. The GATE has become a de facto recruitment examination for Engineers. The GATE is also one of the top recruitment examinations in India.

GATE 2022 :

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an examination conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.

The Organizing Institute for GATE 2022 is the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKGP) a national-level engineering entrance exam. The authority have released the latest brochure PDF on IIT Kharagpur’s official website

A candidate who is currently studying in 3rd or higher year of any undergraduate degree program OR has already completed any government approved degree program in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Science / Commerce / Arts.

Examination Pattern :

GATE 2022 will be conducted on 29 subjects and as an Online Computer Based Test (CBT) of 3 hours duration. The online examination paper will contain (a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) (b) Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions. The candidates must complete the entrance test within the scheduled 3.0 hours during which they have to answer 65 questions which carry a total of 100 marks General Aptitude (GA) is common for all papers (15 marks) and the rest of the paper covers the respective syllabus (85 marks).

What is New in GATE 2022 Exam?

GATE 2022 Exam Date has been released (as per the Source – PTI). The exam will take place on February 5, 6, 12, and 13, 2022. For GATE 2022 exam, two major changes have been introduced as given below. 

As per a meeting organized by National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE on May 22nd, Saturday, regarding discussions on GATE 2022 Exam major changes have been made for GATE 2022 Exam. There will be an introduction of two new papers for GATE 2022 Exam. Further, there will be an increase in the number of exam centers for GATE 2022 exam as well.

Graduate Engineers Recruitment in PSU by GATE 2022

Two New Papers for GATE 2022 :

  • After meeting the demands from the Shipping Ministry, two new papers, Marine Engineering & Naval Architecture (NM) as one of the papers, and Geomatics Engineering (GE) will be introduced in GATE 2022 Exam. 
  • Hence, there will be a total of 29 papers instead of 27 papers in GATE 2022 Exam. 
  • In 2021, IIT Bombay, the exam conducting institute had added Environmental Science and Engineering and Humanities and Social Sciences subjects that made a total of 27 Papers. These two papers saw over 14000 applications. 

New Exam Centres Added for GATE 2022

Many new exam centres for GATE 2022 have been included in the list. Places like Shirdi, Latur, Akola, and Dhule will be available for the students to select as exam centres. Many new exam centres were also added last year for GATE 2021 Exam. 

The other important details will remain usual as in GATE 2022 Exam.

  • ONE or TWO subject papers allowed: TWO Paper combinations have to be chosen from the given list of combinations of papers. The final allotment of TWO papers will still be subject to the availability of infrastructure and dates.
  • Changes in exam pattern: The detailed changes in the exam pattern are mentioned below. A new pattern of questions has been added. A fully Computer Based Test (CBT) will be held for GATE.
  • Changes in the subject syllabus: Students must note all the changes in the GATE syllabus mentioned below.
  • Exam centers in International cities may be removed depending on the travel restrictions.
  • Eligibility criteria are relaxed: Applicants who are currently in the 3rd or higher years of any undergraduate degree program are now eligible to appear for the GATE 2022 examination.
  • Reservation Quota for EWS Candidates: Previous year the Government has announced a 10% reservation quota for Economically Weaker Section (EWS or GEN-EWS) candidates who want to participate in the GATE exams.
  • Thumb ImpressionCandidates are no more required to upload their thumb impression while submitting the GATE online application form.
  • Virtual CalculatorCandidates will be given the virtual calculator at the time of the GATE exam. Candidates with Scientific Calculators are not allowed to enter the exam hall.

GATE Exam 2022 – Highlights :

Organization Name Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur
Exam nameGraduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2022
Level of ExamAll India Level
Application ModeOnline
Job CategoryCentral Government Jobs
GATE 2021 Registration Starting date02nd September 2021
Last date to fill the Application form24th September 2021
Closing Date of EXTENDED online registration/ application process01st October 2021
Exam ModeComputer-Based Mode

Recruitment in Government Organizations through GATE 2022

Apart from PSU, some other Central Government and State Government organizations and Departments will also use valid GATE 2022 scores to select engineers for their requirements. For Example, Direct recruitment to Group-A level posts in Central government, i.e., Senior Field Officer (Tele), Senior Research Officer (Crypto) and Senior Research Officer (S&T) in Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, will be carried out on the basis of GATE score only.

The details of the scheme of recruitment of Engineers through GATE 2022 will normally be published in National Newspapers/Employment News by the concerned authority. State Government PSU like Power companies, PWD, Irrigation Department will also recruit engineers through GATE score 2022 only. The valid GATE score has become a de facto recruitment examination for Engineers.

Online Application Form for GATE 2022

Application for the GATE 2022 Examination has to be submitted online only from 02/09/2021 to 24/09/2021 and up to 01/10/2021 with a late fee. The application fee for GATE 2022 is ₹1500/- (₹750/- for Female/SC/ST/PWD candidates) and for an extended period fee is ₹2000/-  (₹1250/- for Female/SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online.

Details and Online Submission of GATE 2022 Application

Please visit  https://gate.iitkgp.ac.in for details and online submission of the application for GATE 2022.

If you have not filled the application for GATE 2022, please hurry up. Remember, Now Government Sector recruit Engineers through a valid GATE Score only. Several PSU and Government Departments have already advertised their requirements and intentions to recruit engineers through GATE 2022 only.

Please appear for GATE 2022 and use its score for getting employed in PSU/Govt. Department. Don’t Miss.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

PSU Recruitment through GATE 2022 : Schedule Summary

Name of PSUNotification Date Discipline
DRDOMarch to AprilElectronics Engg & Comm. Engg, CS & Engg, Mechanical Engg, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Aerospace Engg, Mathematics, Chemical Engg
THDCJanuaryMechanical & Automation Engineering/ Electrical (Power)/ Electrical & Electronics/ Power Systems & High Voltage/Power Civil Engineering
BPCLFebruaryMechanical Engineering
Power GridJanuaryElectrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics & Communication
NLC India LtdJanuaryMechanical, Electrical & Electronics & Communication, Civil & Structural, Electronics, Instrumentation & Control, CS, IT, Mining
NTPCJanuaryMechanical, Industrial, Production, Thermal, Mechanical & Automation, Power, Electrical, Electrical, Instrumentation & Control, Power System & High Voltage, Power Electronics, Mining, Electronics, Electronics and Telecommunication, Electronics and Power and Instrumentation
Vizag SteelJanuaryMechanical, Electrical & Metallurgy Engineering
CELJanuaryElectronics & Communication, Electrical, Material Science, Mechanical
MDLFebruaryMechanical & Industrial & Production, Production & Management & Industrial, Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Electrical & Instrumentation
IOCLFebruaryChemical, Petrochemical, Civil, CS & IT, Electrical, Electronics & Mechanical Communication, Electronics, Electronics & Telecommunications, Instrumentation, Electronics & Instrumentation
SAILMay to JuneMechanical, Metallurgy, Electrical, Chemical, Instrumentation & Mining Engg.
BHELFebruaryIndustrial & Production, Manufacturing (NIFFT Ranchi), Mechanical Production & Tool, Production Technology, Mechatronics, Manufacturing Process and Automation, Power Plant Production, Production and Industrial, Thermal, Manufacturing Technology, Power, Electrical & Electronics, Electrical, Instrumentation & Control, High Voltage Power Systems & High Voltage, Electrical Machine & Power, Power Plant, Energy, Power
GAILJanuaryChemical, Petrochemical, Technology, Mechanical, Production & Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechanical & Automobile, Electrical & Electronics, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Instrumentation, Electrical & Electronics, CS, IT, Electronics & Communication & Telecommunication, Electrical & Telecommunication
HPCLJanuaryMechanical, Mechanical & Production, Civil Electrical & Electronics , Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication, Applied Electronics, Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Control, Electronics & Instrumentation, Instrumentation & Process Control, Chemical, Petrochemical, Petroleum Refining &  Petroleum Refining
HALJanuaryMechanical & Industrial, Mechanical & Production, Civil, Electrical & Electronics, Electrical & Instrumentation, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation & Control, Instrumentation & Electronics, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation, Electronics & Instrumentation and Telecommunication
BEMLJanuaryMechanical, Electrical & Electronics, Metallurgy
OIL IndiaJanuaryMechanical, Geophysics, Geology
BBNLJanuaryElectrical and Electronics, Electrical, Information Technology, Computer Science, Electronics and Communication
BAARC: OCES, DGFSFebruaryMechanical Engineering. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engg. Electronics & Communication Engg, CS, Metallurgical Engg, Chemical Engg, Instrumentation Engg
WBSEDCLLast week of FebruaryElectrical Engg, Electrical & Electronics (Combined), Power Engg, Civil Engg, Construction Engg, IT, CS, Electronics, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics & Communication
Tata PowerMarchElectrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Controls and Instrumentation, Power Engineering
BSNLMarchTelecom, Electronics, Radio, Computer, Electrical, Information Technology, Instrumentation, M.Sc (Electronics) Or (Computer Science)
DRDODecemberTo be notified
RCFLMarchMechanical, Chemical or Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering
RITESMarchCivil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunications
Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of IndiaAprilComputer Science, Electronics and Communications, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry, Telecommunication, Electronics
ONGC Ltd.AprilMechanical, Petroleum, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Telecom, E&T, PG in Physics with Electronics, Instrumentation, Chemical, Applied Petroleum, PG in Geo-Physics, PG in Mathematics, PG in Petroleum Technology, PG in Chemistry, Auto, Computer, Information Technology, PG in Geology, PG in Petroleum, Geo-Science, PG in Geological Technology, MCA, “B’Level Diploma as per Dept of Electronics, GO
Haryana Power UtilitiesAprilElectronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics & Electrical, Communication, Civil, Computer Science, Information Technology, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics
MidhaniAprilMechanical, Electrical, Metallurgy
NFLTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Materials, CS, IT or Civil Engineering
MECLJanuaryGeophysics, Geology
NHAIJuneCivil Engineering
NPCIL through GATEMarchMechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Chemical, Electronics & Communication, Civil Engineering
DMRCTo be notifiedElectrical, Electronics
IRCONTo be notifiedCivil, Electrical
BSPCLTo be notifiedElectrical & Electronics, Mechanical, Production, Industrial Engg, Production & Industrial Engg, Thermal, Mechanical & Automation, Power Engg, Civil Engg, Electronics & Instrumentation & Control Electronics, Electronics & Tele-communication, Electronics & Power, Power Electronics , Electronics & Communication, CSE, IT
IPRTo be notifiedPhysics, Applied Physics, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engg, Electrical Engg, Electrical & Electronics Engg.
PSTCLTo be notifiedElectrical & Electronics, Mechanical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation & Control, Civil, Computer Science, IT
NBCC Ltd.To be notifiedCivil Engineering
NHPCTo be notifiedElectrical & Electronics, Power Systems & High Voltage, Power Engg, Civil Engg, Mechanical, Production, thermal, Mechanical & Automation Engg, Geology, Applied Geology
KRIBHCOTo be notifiedChemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Computer, Electronics & Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd (MRVC Ltd)To be notifiedCivil Engineering
GSECLTo be notifiedElectrical, Mechanical, C & I, Metallurgy and Environment Engineering
Coal India LtdTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Mining and Geology
BNPMTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Communication and Chemical Engineering
National Textile CorporationTo be notifiedTextile Engineering
Rail Vikas Nigam LtdTo be notifiedCivil, EE, ECE
EdCIL IndiaTo be notifiedCivil, Electronics & Communication Engineering
KRCLTo be notifiedCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engg, Electrical Engg, Electrical & Electronics Engg, Electronics Engg, Electronics & Telecommunication Engg
NALCOTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Metallurgy, Mining, Chemical, Civil Engg
OPGC LtdTo be notifiedMechanical, Electrical, Civil, C & I
DDAApril to MayCivil, Mechanical Engineering & ElectricalHPCL
***Kindly refer to original Date, Notifications, Detail info for Job Advertisements on Respective Official websites only

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