Tag Archives: NPCIL Recruitment 2022

NPCIL Recruitment 2022

NPCIL Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online

NPCIL recruitment 2022: Apply for 243 Scientific Asst, Pharmacist and other posts till January 5


Kakrapar Gujarat Site of Nuclear Power Corporation India Limited (NPCIL) under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. invites online applications in the prescribed recruitment proforma for the following 243 various Latest #SarkariRojgar #GovernmentJob Vacancy posts of Scientific Assistants, Stipendiary Trainees, Paramedical, Assistant Grade-1 and Steno Grade-1 Posts at NPCIL Kakrapar Gujarat Site at NPCIL  in Maharashtra to share the challenging spectrum of responsibilities. (Advertisement No. KAKRAPAR GUJARAT SITE/HRM/01/2022)

Recruitment OrganizationNuclear Power Corporation of India Limited
Recruitment TypePermanent Jobs
Educational Qualification12th, ITI, Diploma, Graduate,` B.Sc etc
Total Posts243
Application modeOnline
Start Date to Apply online06-12-2022
Last Date to Apply online05-01-2023
Selection ProcessWritten test based
NPCIL Recruitment 2022 - Apply Online

NPCIL Kakrapar Gujarat Site Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Scientific Assistant/C (Safety Supervisor) – Safety: 02 vacancies
  2. Scientific Assistant/B – Civil Engineering: 02 vacancies
  3. Stipendiary Trainees/Scientific Assistant (ST/SA) (Category-I): 68 vacancies (Mechanical-21, Electrical-13, Instrumentation-4, Electronics-13, Chemical-8, Chemistry-3, Physics-6)
  4. Stipendiary Trainees/Technician (ST/TN) – Plant Operator: 59 vacancies  
  5. Stipendiary Trainees/Technician (ST/TN): 73 vacancies (Fitter-31, Electrician-12, Electronics-12, Instrumentation-4, Welder-1, Machinist-6, Turner-5, AC Mechanic-2)
  6. Nurse-A: 03 vacancies (Female-2, Male-1)  
  7. Pharmacist/B: 01 vacancies  
  8. Assistant Grade-I: 24 vacancies (HR-12, Finance-7, CMM-5)  
  9. Steno Grade-I: 11 vacancies 

Application Fees


Selection Process

  • Written Exam
  • Skill Test/Type Test/Interview
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

How to Apply for NPCIL Kakrapar Gujarat Site Recruitment 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed proforma at the NPCIL recruitment website from 06/12/2022 to 05/01/2023 only.

  1. Visit the official website
  2. On the homepage, click on Careers tab
  3. Click on “Click here to view details & Apply Online” against Recruitment of Scientific Assistant, Stipendiary Trainee, Paramedical & Non-Technical Posts at Kakrapar Gujarat Site
  4. Register yourself and proceed with the application process
  5. Select desired post, complete application, upload documents and submit
  6. Take a print of the form for future reference

Details and Online submission of the application 

For more detailed information and online submission of the application for NPCIL Kakrapar Gujarat Site Job Vacancy Recruitment 2022, please visit https://npcilcareers.co.in/MainSite/default.aspx

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

NPCIL Recruitment 2022 - Executive Engineer Trainee Vacancy

NPCIL Recruitment 2022 – Executive Engineer Trainee Vacancy – Apply Online Now

NPCIL has released notification for the 225 Executive Trainee Posts on its official website. Check NPCIL recruitment 2022 application process, age limit, qualification and other details here


Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), a Government of India Enterprise is planning to recruit Engineering Graduates as Executive Trainees (ET-2022) in Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical,  Electronics, Instrumentation, and Civil Engineering disciplines through GATE 2020/2021/2022 scores.

Online application in the prescribed format is invited from eligible engineer graduates to recruit them for Govt Job Vacancy of Executive Trainees in NPCIL. (Advertisement No: NPCIL/HRM/ET/2022/02)

NPCIL Recruitment 2022 - Executive Engineer Trainee Vacancy

About NPCIL Executive Engineer Trainee Vacancy 2022

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL), a premier central Public Sector Enterprise, under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India (GoI) has invited application from Engineering Graduates after a gap of two years for the recruitment for the posts of Executive Engineer Trainees (ET-22) in various engineering disciplines for the year 2022 through the score of GATE 2020/2022/2022 only. This NPCIL Executive Engineer Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2022 give a good chance to the bright engineers who have a good GATE score to serve India directly through NPCIL.

NPCIL Executive Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Executive Trainee (ET-2022): 225 vacancies (UR-88, EWS-21, OBC-63, SC-34, ST-19) (PWD-08) in various engineering disciplines, Age: 26 years as on 28/04/2022, Stipend : ₹ 55000/- per month,  will be posted in the pay level-10 of 7th CPC pay matrix starting ₹56100/- as Scientific Officers ‘C’, Qualification : BE/B. Tech./B. Sc. (Engineering)/5-year Integrated M Tech with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in one of the 6 engineering disciplines mentioned above from a recognized University/ Deemed University or Institute recognized by AICTE/UGC. Applicants must have a valid GATE 2020/2021/2022 Score in the same engineering discipline as the qualifying degree discipline.
    1. Mechanical: 87
    2. Chemical: 49
    3. Electrical: 31
    4. Electronics: 13
    5. Instrumentation: 12
    6. Civil: 33

Interested candidates should possess a valid GATE 2020/2021/2022 score in any of the disciplines mentioned above at the time of applying online in NPCIL. Candidates will be shortlisted for Personal Interview on the basis of valid score obtained in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2020/2021/2022.


Candidates interested in joining NPCIL as Executive Trainees (ET-2022) must have valid score card of appearing for GATE 2020/2021/2022 examination, which is being conducted by any of the IITs in India every year. View – Getting Engineer Government Jobs through GATE

Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee of ₹500/- is chargeable only to Male applicants belonging to General, EWS and OBC categories. Women candidates, candidates belonging to SC/ST category, PwBDs, Dependents of Defence Personnel Killed in Action (DODPKIA) and employees of NPCIL are exempted from payment of application fee.

How to Apply for NPCIL Executive Trainees Recruitment 2022? 

Suitable and desirable engineer candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed proforma at NPCIL website from 13/04/2022 to 28/04/2022 only for Recruitment of Executive Engineer Trainee in NPCIL 2022.

Details and Online submission of application 

For more detailed information and online submission of application for Recruitment of Executive Engineer Trainee in NPCIL 2022, please visit https://npcilcareers.co.in/MainSite/default.aspx