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NLC India Industrial Trainees Vacancy Recruitment 2023

NLC India Recruitment 2023: Apply Now for Industrial Trainees Vacancy

The NLC India Recruitment 2023 has been announced for 500 Industrial Trainee positions on the official website. Interested candidates can apply online by visiting the provided link. For complete information about the NLC India Limited Notification, please refer to the details below.


NLC India Limited (Formerly Neyveli Lignite Corporation) is pleased to announce the availability of exciting government #jobopportunities for Industrial Trainees in different disciplines and at various levels within NLCIL, Neyveli Units. To ensure that Project Affected Persons (PAPs) of NLCIL have exclusive access to these openings, we invite them to submit their applications online using the prescribed format. This is an excellent chance for PAPs to receive training and gain valuable experience within NLC India. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Refer to Advertisement No. 02/2023 for more information. Apply Online today!

Organization NameNLC India Limited
Post NameIndustrial Trainee [Specialized Mining Equipment (SME) Operations and Mines & Mines Support Services]
No.of Posts500 Posts
Advertisement Number02/2023
Application Starting Date9th June 2023
Application Closing Date8th July 2023
Mode of ApplicationOnline
CategoryCentral Government Jobs
NLC India Recruitment 2023: Apply Now for Industrial Trainees Vacancy

NLC India Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  1. Industrial Trainee [Specialised Mining Equipment (SME) Operations]: 238 vacancies, Stipend during training:  ₹18000/- (1st year), ₹20000/- (2nd  year) and ₹22000/- (3rd  year), Age: 37 years, Qualification: Full time Diploma in Engineering course of minimum 3 years duration
  2. Industrial Trainee (Mines & Mines Support Services): 262 vacancies, Stipend during training:  ₹14000/- (1st year), ₹16000/- (2nd  year) and ₹18000/- (3rd  year), Experience: 05 years, Age: 36 years, Qualification: ITI – Fitter or Turner or Electrician or Welding or MMV or Diesel Mechanic or Tractor Mechanic or Civil or Foundry or Cable Jointing Trades with NAC Certification  
Sl NoPost NameTotalQualification
1.Industrial Trainee e [Specialised Mining
Equipment (SME) Operations]
238Diploma (Relevant Engg)
2.Industrial Trainee (Mines & Mines
Support Services)
262ITI – Fitter or Turner or Electrician or Welding or MMV
or Diesel Mechanic or Tractor Mechanic or Civil or
Foundry or Cable Jointing Trades with NAC

Selection Process for NLC Industrial Trainees Recruitment 2023

The selection of candidates for NLC Recruitment 2023 will be made on the basis of the following stages:

  • Written Test
  • Medical Examination
  • Document Verification

Application Fee

Candidates are not required to pay any application fee this advertisement for recruitment of Industrial Trainees vacancies.  

View Also – Trainee Government Jobs

Apply Online for NLC Industrial Trainees Recruitment 2023

Candidates are required to Apply Online in the prescribed format through the NLC India Limited Website from 09/06/2023 to 08/07/2023 for Recruitment of Industrial Trainees in NLC India Limited 2022.

  • Apply Online by visiting the NLC website.
  • Click Careers -> Online Application link.
  • Candidates can register only once, using Registration Number, Name & Date of Birth.
  • Online registration starts on 09/06/2023.
  • Fill in the application form with the correct details and verify the same before submission.
  • Upload copies of the required documents.
  • Submit the application.
  • The application must be submitted on or before 08/07/2023.
  • Take a printout of the finally submitted application.

Details and online submission of application

For more details and online submission of application for Recruitment of Industrial Trainees in NLC India Limited 2023, please visit Careers pages at Neyveli Lignite NLC website at https://www.nlcindia.in/new_website/careers/CAREER.htm

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**