Tag Archives: NIELIT STQC Scientist Scientific Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2020

NIELIT STQC Scientist Scientific Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2020, Recruitment to vacant posts for Scientist 'B' and Scientific Assistant 'A' in STQC on Direct Recruitment Basis (Advt. No: NIELIT/NDL/STQC/2020/1).

NIELIT STQC Scientist Scientific Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2020 – www.governmentrozgar.in

Scientific Job Vacancy Recruitment in STQC by NIELIT 2020  

Government Jobs in INDIA – www.governmentrozgar.in

Due to an increase in the number of vacancies, the application submission window is being re-opened.

Online applications are invited in the Prescribed format by the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) on behalf of Standardisation Testing & Quality Certification Directorate (STQC) an attached office of MeitY, for the recruitment of Government Job vacancy of Scientist ‘B’ and Scientific Assistant ‘A’ in STQC. (Advertisement no. NIELIT/NDL/STQC/2020/1).

The selection will be based on a written examination of Objective type (OMR based) consisting of questions from the Technical and Generic Areas. The duration of the written test will be 3 hours. There will be a total of 120 Objective Type Questions consisting of 65% of questions from the Technical Area of the respective stream and 35% of questions from the Generic Area. 

NIELIT STQC Scientist Scientific Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2020

NIELIT STQC Scientific Job Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

  1. Scientist ‘B’: 10 vacancies (UR-06, EWS-01 OBC-03) 18 vacancies (UR-12, EWS-01, OBC-04, ST-01) (Computer Science-05, Information Technology-03, Electronics-10), Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500, Age: 30 years as of 31/12/2020
  2. Scientific Assistant ‘A’: 39 vacancies (UR-24, EWS-03, SC-02, OBC-10)  63 vacancies (UR-26, EWS-06, OBC-23, SD-08) (Computer Science-16, Information Technology-13, Electronics-34), Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400, Age: 30 years as of 31/12/2020

Application Fee 

The application fees of ₹800/- shall be charged from the General/OBC category and ₹400/- from SC/ST/PWD/Women category through online mode only

How to Apply NIELIT STQC Job Vacancy Recruitment 2020? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the NIELIT website from02/12/2020 to 31/12/2020 reopened due to an increase in the number of vacancies from 10/06/2021 to 09/07/2021 only for NIELIT STQC Scientific Job Vacancy Recruitment 2020.

Details and online submission of application 

Please visit https://nielit.gov.in/recruitments for all the details and a link to apply Online for NIELIT STQC Scientific Job Vacancy Recruitment 2020.