Tag Archives: NIELIT STQC Recruitment

NIELIT STQC Scientist Scientific Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2020, Recruitment to vacant posts for Scientist 'B' and Scientific Assistant 'A' in STQC on Direct Recruitment Basis (Advt. No: NIELIT/NDL/STQC/2020/1).

NIELIT STQC Scientist Scientific Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2020 – www.governmentrozgar.in

Scientific Job Vacancy Recruitment in STQC by NIELIT 2020  

Government Jobs in INDIA – www.governmentrozgar.in

Due to an increase in the number of vacancies, the application submission window is being re-opened.

Online applications are invited in the Prescribed format by the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) on behalf of Standardisation Testing & Quality Certification Directorate (STQC) an attached office of MeitY, for the recruitment of Government Job vacancy of Scientist ‘B’ and Scientific Assistant ‘A’ in STQC. (Advertisement no. NIELIT/NDL/STQC/2020/1).

The selection will be based on a written examination of Objective type (OMR based) consisting of questions from the Technical and Generic Areas. The duration of the written test will be 3 hours. There will be a total of 120 Objective Type Questions consisting of 65% of questions from the Technical Area of the respective stream and 35% of questions from the Generic Area. 

NIELIT STQC Scientist Scientific Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2020

NIELIT STQC Scientific Job Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

  1. Scientist ‘B’: 10 vacancies (UR-06, EWS-01 OBC-03) 18 vacancies (UR-12, EWS-01, OBC-04, ST-01) (Computer Science-05, Information Technology-03, Electronics-10), Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500, Age: 30 years as of 31/12/2020
  2. Scientific Assistant ‘A’: 39 vacancies (UR-24, EWS-03, SC-02, OBC-10)  63 vacancies (UR-26, EWS-06, OBC-23, SD-08) (Computer Science-16, Information Technology-13, Electronics-34), Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 ₹35400-112400, Age: 30 years as of 31/12/2020

Application Fee 

The application fees of ₹800/- shall be charged from the General/OBC category and ₹400/- from SC/ST/PWD/Women category through online mode only

How to Apply NIELIT STQC Job Vacancy Recruitment 2020? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the NIELIT website from02/12/2020 to 31/12/2020 reopened due to an increase in the number of vacancies from 10/06/2021 to 09/07/2021 only for NIELIT STQC Scientific Job Vacancy Recruitment 2020.

Details and online submission of application 

Please visit https://nielit.gov.in/recruitments for all the details and a link to apply Online for NIELIT STQC Scientific Job Vacancy Recruitment 2020.