Tag Archives: New Delhi jobs

CSIR NPL Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022

CSIR NPL Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Now

CSIR Recruitment 2022 for the Post of Scientist has been announced by CSIR-National Physical Laboratory . Interested Candidates can read the details here Before the Registration.


CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for the recruitment of Government Job vacancy posts of Scientists (Group-A) from enthusiastic, young Indian researchers having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements along with the requisite experience and a high degree of motivation and desire to take up research as a career in the areas of Applied Physics / Applied Optics / Electronics/ Mechanical /Computer/ Instrumentation / Electrical / Chemistry etc. in CSIR NPL (Advertisement No. Rectt. 02/2022).

CSIR NPL Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022

CSIR NPL Scientist Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Scientist: 25 vacancies (UR-03,OBC-01, SC-01, EWS-01) (Regular-23, Backlog-02), Age: 32 years as of 30/05/2022, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 ₹67700-208700/-

Important Dates

  • Registration Start : April 23, 2022
  • Last Date of Registration : May 23, 2022

Application Fee

The application fee is ₹100/- to be made in the form of crossed Demand Draft / Pay Order drawn on any nationalized bank valid for at least 3 months in favour of “Director, National Physical Laboratory” payable at New Delhi. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PWD/Abroad candidate and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of the application fee. The following details must be filled up on back side of Demand Draft (i) Candidate’s Name (ii) Post Code Applied for.

CSIR NPL Scientist Eligibility

  • Candidates should have passed Post Graduation, Ph.D. from any recognized University in India.
  • Candidates should Read the Notification for Extra Details.

Age Limit

  • Minimum Age of Candidates : 18 Years
  • Maximum Age of Candidates : 32 Years
  • Candidates should read the Notification for Extra Age Relaxation according to Rules.

Selection Process

  • Written Test.
  • Interview.

How to Apply for NPL Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022?

Desirous and suitable candidates should apply in the prescribed format to be sent in an envelope super scribing “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SCIENTIST (Post Code No.____)” by post to the “Controller of Administration, CSIR- National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi-110012”, so as to reach on or before 30/05/2022 only for Scientists Vacancy Recruitment 2022 in CSIR NPL.

There are many Scientist vacancy recruitments recently, view all

Details and application format

Please visit https://www.nplindia.org/index.php/recruitments/ for details and application format for CSIR NPL Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***

SCI Court Assistant Junior Translator Recruitment 2022

SCI Court Assistant Junior Translator Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online Now

SCI has released the latest notification for the recruitment of Court Assistant (Junior Translator) in vernacular languages i.e. Assamese, Bengali, Telugu, Gujarati, Urdu, Marathi, Tamil, etc.. Eligible candidates can apply from April 18, 2022, to May 14, 2022

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian citizens who fulfill the essential qualifications and other eligibility condition for the recruitment of various Government job vacancies for the ex-cadre posts of Court Assistant (Junior Translator) in the Registry of Supreme Court of India (SCI), New Delhi for the year 2022. (Advertisement No. F.6/2021-SCA (RC)).

SCI Court Assistant Junior Translator Recruitment 2022 

SCI Court Assistant (Junior Translator) Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Court Assistant (Junior Translator): 25 vacancies (there shall be no provision of reservation in posts), Pay Scale: Pay Level-7 ₹44900-142400/-, Age: 18-32 years
    1. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Assamese): 02 vacancies
    2. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Bengali): 02 vacancies
    3. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Telugu): 02 vacancies
    4. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Gujarati): 02 vacancies
    5. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Urdu): 02 vacancies
    6. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Marathi): 02 vacancies
    7. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Tamil): 02 vacancies
    8. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Kannada): 02 vacancies
    9. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Malayalam): 02 vacancies
    10. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Manipuri): 02 vacancies
    11. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Odia): 02 vacancies
    12. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Punjabi): 02 vacancies
    13. Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Nepali): 01 vacancies

Application Fee

Candidates will be required to pay non-refundable Application/Test Fee of ₹500/- for General/OBC candidates and ₹250/- for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/PH candidates/dependents of freedom fighters plus bank charges through online mode only


Graduate with English and respective language + 2 Yrs Exp. of Translation + Proficiency in Computers

Selection Procedure

The candidates will first be subjected to Objective Type Written Test and Translation Test and those who qualify for both the tests will be called for English and language proficiency test on Computer to ascertain typing speed in English and respective vernacular languages.

The candidates who qualify in all the tests will then be called for an interview (Viva). The candidates who qualify for the Interview by securing minimum qualifying or more marks will be empanelled in the order of merit for appointment as Junior Translator.

How to Apply for Court Assistant Junior Translator in Supreme Court 2022?

Suitable and desirous candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the Supreme Court of India (SCI) website from 18/04/2022 to 14/05/2022 only for Recruitment of Court Assistant (Jr. Translator) in SCI 2022.

View – Latest Government Jobs in Delhi

Details and application format

For more information and online application format for Court Assistant Junior Translator Recruitment 2022 in Supreme Court, kindly visit https://jobapply.in/SC2022Translator/

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**