Tag Archives: Meghalaya IIM Shillong Faculty Jobs 2022

IIM Shillong Recruitment 2022

IIM Shillong Faculty Special Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online

IIM Shillong Recruitment 2022 :  for the Special Advertisement to fill up Backlog vacancies of SC/ST/OBC/PWD for Faculty Positions in different Academic Areas. The last date for submission of the application is 15th April 2022 (extended)


Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Shillong, Meghalaya invites online applications in the prescribed format for recruitment to fill up Backlog Vacancies of SC/ST/OBC-NC/PWD for Faculty Positions as Professor, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in the various subjects/discipline through Special Advertisement for Backlog Vacancies. (Advertisement No. IIM/Admn/118/14/2021/1853).

IIM Shillong Faculty Special Vacancy Recruitment 2022

IIM Shillong Special Faculty Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Professor:  vacancies in Level-14A (under 7 Pay Commission) ₹159100-220200/-
  2. Associate Professor:  vacancies in Level-13A2 (under 7 Pay Commission) ₹139600-211300/-
  3. Assistant Professor Grade-I: vacancies in Level-12 (under 7 Pay Commission) ₹101500-167400/-
  4. Assistant Professor Grade-II: vacancies in Level-10 (under 7 Pay Commission) Initial Basic Pay ₹70900/-

Areas/Disciplines of IIM Shillong Faculty vacancy

  1. Economics & Public Policy
  2. Information Systems & Analytics
  3. Finance & Control
  4. Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources
  5. Operations & Quantitative Techniques
  6. Strategic Management
  7. Sustainability & Liberal Studies (including Business Communication & Business Laws)

1. Post Name:- Professor

  • Salary:- Level-14A Initial Basic Pay Rs. 159100/-
  • Educational Qualification:- Ph.D. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree, with a very good academic record throughout.
  • Experience:- Minimum 10 years teaching/ research/ industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IIMs, IISc Bangalore, NITIE Mumbai, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign institution/institutions of comparable standards. He/ She should have high research, training, and consulting credentials.

2. Post Name:- Associate Professor

  • Salary:- Level-13A2 Initial Basic Pay Rs. 139600/-
  • Educational Qualification:- Ph.D. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree, with a very good academic record throughout.
  • Experience:- Minimum of 6 years experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor, and ability to interact with a diverse student body and executives, and ability to undertake research independently. Candidates from Industry (Government/ PSU/ Research Organization) having experience of 6 years at the level equivalent to Assistant Professor may also be considered.

3. Post Name:- Assistant Professor Grade-I

  • Salary:- Level-12 Initial Basic Pay Rs. 101500/-
  • Educational Qualification:- Ph.D. in the appropriate branch with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree, with a very good academic record throughout.
  • Experience:- Minimum 3 years of teaching/research/industrial experience (exclusive period of doing Ph.D.). However, in exceptional cases of candidates with excellent academic credentials, this experience requirement may be waived. A fresh Ph.D. may be considered for the position on a contract basis. Candidates from Industry (Government/ PSU/ Research Organization) having experience of 3 years at the level equivalent to Assistant Professor may also be considered.

Selection Process

Shortlisted applicants may be required to forward by email the scanned copies of the documents such as Educational Qualification Certificates & Mark Sheets, Experience Certificates, Caste Certificate (if applicable), Disability Certificate (if applicable), and other documents and testimonials for verification.

How to Apply for IIM Shillong Special Faculty Recruitment 2022?

The suitable and desirable candidates should apply in the online form in the prescribed format at the IIM Shillong recruitment website only on or before 15/04/2022 for Special Recruitment Drive for Faculty Vacancy in IIM Shillong 2022.

Candidates already in Service are required to forward the printout of the Online application through Proper Channel to the Chief Administrative Officer, IIM Shillong, Umsawli, Shillong – 793018, Meghalaya or they may produce a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their current employer, at the time of interview

Details and online application format

Please visit https://www.iimshillong.ac.in/vacancy/ for details and the online application format.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***