OPaL Recruitment 2021– OPAL latest vacancy notification, they are announced 13 vacancies in following functions such as Marketing, Material Management, Information Technology & Company Secretary. For More Details aspirants need to read this article.
ONGC Petro additions Limited (OPaL) is a multi-billion joint venture company promoted by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and co-promoted by GAIL and GSPC at Vadodara (Gujarat). OPaL is looking for competent personnel at Executive cadre, having a proven track record in Petrochemicals or related industry for various roles in the ONGC Petro additions vacancy in various Technical/Support functions for the year 2021. Applications through Onlinemodewill be accepted.
OPaL Executive Function Vacancies
Marketing: 09 vacancies
Material Management: 01 vacancies
Information Technology: 02 vacancies
Company Secretary: 01 vacancies
Selected candidates will be offered an attractive remuneration on a CTC basis. In addition to CTC, the company (OPaL) also offers Mediclaim and Group Insurance benefits.
Important Dates
Online Application Available from : 20.11.2021
Last Date to Submit the online Application : 12.12.2021
Educational Qualification & Age Limit
Check advertisement for educational qualification & age details.
Selection Process
Mode of selection may be based on test/ interview.
Please visit the Career section at https://opalindia.in/career.php for more information and apply online for OPaL Executive Vacancies Recruitment 2021.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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RFCL NFL Recruitment 2021 Out – Salary up to Rs. 1, 40,000 | Arts/ Science/ Commerce/Law/ Engineer can Apply. Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the requirements of essential qualification, age etc. Last date of submission of online application, unless change in date is notified is 23.11.2021.
National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) is a Mini-Ratna, premier profit-making Central Public Sector Undertaking engaged in manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers. Ramagundam Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (RFCL) is a Joint Venture Company formed by National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), Engineers India Limited (EIL), and Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited (FCIL). NFL and RFCL provide excellent career growth opportunities for Engineering Professionals.
Online application in the prescribed format invited from energetic young qualified Indian Nationals for Ramagundam Plant, Telangana of National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) and Ramagundam Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (RFCL) for Recruitment of Executive level Government Job vacancies of Management Trainees (MT) executive levels in various disciplines to be posted at their Hq. and offices Pan India. (Advertisement No.: 082021)
Management Trainee (Chemical) – Full time regular Engineering Degree (B.Tech./B.E./B.Sc. Engg.) in Chemical Engineering or Chemical Technology from recognized Institute with minimum 60% marks with AMIE in Chemical Engineering.
Management Trainee (HR) – Minimum 60% marks in 02 years full time MBA/PG Degree or Diploma, from Universities/ Institutes recognized by UGC/AICTE, with specialization in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations / Human Resource Management/ HR.
Management Trainee (Welfare) – Full time regular Degree in Arts/ Science/ Commerce or in Law of any University with a Full time regular Post Graduate Degree or Diploma with minimum 60% marks.
RFCL NFL Recruitment 2021 Age Limit:
Candidates do not exceeding Minimum Age Limit of 18 years to Maximum Age Limit of 27/29 years of age as on Cut Off Date.
Note: the cut-off date for determining eligibility criteria in respect of age, minimum educational qualification, Experience etc. shall be 30.09.2021 and will remain unchanged irrespective of any reason whatsoever.
RFCL NFL Recruitment 2021 Selection Process:
It should be noted that candidature of all the applicants would be provisional based on information furnished by candidate in his/her online application and applicant would be allowed to be appear in online examination on the presumption that they meet the eligibility criteria for the post which they have applied for.
Their candidature would, however, be subject to meeting of advertised eligibility criteria and verification of certificates & testimonials etc. at the time of document verification, as & when called for.
Candidates will be required to appear for computer based online objective type test, on the day, date, time & venue as mentioned in the Admit card, which shall tentatively be issued well in time before the date of Online Exam.
How to Apply for NFL and RFCL Management Trainees Vacancy 2021?
Step 1: Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online from 03.11.2021 up to 23.11.2021 à Recruitment in RFCL à Careers à up to 5:30 PM on NFL‟s website: www.nationalfertilizers.com Recruitment of Management Trainees in Chemical, Chemical Lab, HR and Welfare Disciplines in RFCL -2021.
Step 5: Once the payment is made, candidates should download and retain a photocopy of their e-receipt and Online Application Form finally submitted as they would be asked to produce them for reference to produce it at the document verification or at any stage of selection process.
Step 6: Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Failed Transaction amount will be automatically refunded to same A/c from which payment was originally made, within 15 working days.
Step 7: Making Payment- Click on “Make payment” which will take you to Payment Gateway, which has been authorized to collect the application fee /processing charges on behalf of NFL.
Step 8: Take print out of the Online Application Form finally submitted and retain for future reference.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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ITI Limited Recruitment 2021 : The ITI Limited has published the Notification for Recruitment To The Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE), Dy. Manager, Manager & Other Job Vacancy Are Listed Here.
Indian Telephone Industries Limited (ITI), the Country’s premier Telecom Company, multi-unit Central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) invites online applications in the prescribed format for its various offices for the following Govt Job vacancy posts of Engineering and Management Professionals as Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE), Marketing Executives and Managers in various disciplines. (Advertisement No. ITI/COMP/01/28/21/08) for the Location : Bengaluru.
Advertisement No. JK/PD/287 – The last date to apply – 15/11/2021
Marketing Executive: 02 vacancies, Age: 33 years, Qualification: MBA (Marketing), Experience: 05 years, Remuneration: Consolidated Remuneration of ₹18000/- per month😕
Advertisement No. – ITI/COMP/01/28/21/08 for Engineers and Managers Vacancies
Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) Grade-2: 03 vacancies in Civil Engineering, Age: 30 years, Experience: 02 years, Pay Scale: ₹8600-14600 (to be revised)
Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) Grade-2: 03 vacancies in E&C/ Electronics/ Telecommunication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology, Age: 30 years, Experience: 02 years, Pay Scale: ₹8600-14600 (to be revised)
Dy. Manager/ Manager Grade 4/5: 08 vacancies in E&C/ Electronics/ Telecommunication, Age: 40 years for Dy Manager / 42 years for Manager, Experience: 06 years for Dy. Manager and 09 years for Manager in the relevant area, Pay Scale: ₹13000-18250 for Dy. Manager and ₹14500-18700 for Manager vacancies (to be revised).
Important Dates
Date of Notification : 28.10.2021
Starting Date of Online Application : 28.10.2021
Last Date to Submit the Online Application : 11.11.2021
Last Date to Submit the Hard copy of Online Application : 15.11.2021
Application Fees
No application fees is required to be paid by the candidates.
Education Details
Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) : B.E. / B.Tech in Civil Engineering / E&C / Electronics / Telecommunication / Computer Science / Information Technology With 02 Years Relevant Experience.
Dy. Manager / Manager : B.E. / B.Tech in E&C / Electronics / Telecommunication with 06 years relevant experience for Dy. Manager and 09 Years Relevant Experience for Manager.
Age Limit
Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) : 30 Years, Dy. Manager : 40 Years, Manager : 42 Years
Selection Process
Selection of candidates in ITI Limited for the above mentioned posts will be through Interview.
How to Apply Recruitment of Engineers and Managers in ITI Limited 2021?
Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the ITI Limited recruitment website on or before 11/11/2021 (15/11/2021 for the posts of Marketing Executives) only for ITI Limited Engineer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021 and the hard copy of the system generated application should be sent along with documents and application fees at the designated address given in the detailed advertisement document.
Please visit https://itiltd.in/careers for detailed information and online application format for ITI Limited Engineer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021. Direct Link for Notification.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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