Tag Archives: Management Studies Vacancy positions

MNNIT Faculty Recruitment 2022

Assistant Professor Faculty Recruitment in MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj 2022 – Apply

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad [MNNIT Allahabad], India advertised for Assistant Professor Recruitment (Regular) from eligible and interested candidates. Check here


Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad at Prayagraj invites online applications for the recruitment of the following Faculty Govt Vacancy Positions of Assistant Professor (Grade-I/II) in various disciplines/departments of Institute of the MN NIT Allahabad at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) for the year 2022.  (Advertisement No. 01/2022).

Assistant Professor Faculty Recruitment in MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj 2022

About MNNIT Allahabad Assistant Professor Recruitment 2022

“Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) [MNNIT Allahabad], an institution of National Importance declared by an Act of Parliament and a premier technical Institution of the Country, offers several undergraduates, postgraduate and doctoral programs in technology, science, management & allied areas and also provides excellent ambiance for academic research and co-curricular activities”. MNNIT is recruiting Faculty at the level of Assistant Professor for the year 2022 after a gap of many years. This is a big opportunity for suitable job aspirants to become faculty in this prestigious institution.

MN NIT Prayagraj Assistant Professor Faculty 2022 Vacancies 

  • Assistant Professors : 145 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines
    1. Assistant Professor (Grade-II) : 30 vacancies (UR-13, EWS-03, OBC-08, SC-04, ST-02, PWD-02)[On contract] in Academic Level-10 ₹57700-182400/-
    2. Assistant Professor (Grade-II): 47 vacancies (UR-19, EWS-05, OBC-12, SC-07, ST-04, PWD-02)[On contract] Academic Level-11 ₹67700-208700/-
    3. Assistant Professor (Grade-I):68 vacancies (UR-22, EWS-11, OBC-18, SC-11, ST-06, PWD-04) in Academic Level-12 ₹78800-209200/-

Subjects/Disciplines/Departments where Faculty Vacancy Exists

Research/Job Area- 

Applied MechanicsMaterials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering,
BiotechnologyStem cell and tissue regeneration, Biomaterials.
Chemical EngineeringBiochemical / Bioprocess Engineering.
ChemistryCarbon nanomaterials & Fluorescence microscopy, Solid-State Chemist
Civil EngineeringPavement Design, Structural Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Foundation Engg.
Computer Sciences & EngineeringAl and Data Analytics, Systems Engineering.
Electrical EngineeringPower Electronics, Instrumentation & Control.
Electronics and Communication EngineeringVLSI, Signal Processing.
GIS [Geographic Information SystemlDigital Photogrammetry.
Humanities and Social SciencesEnglish Language Teaching / Linguistics., Business Economics.
MathematicsNumerical Analysis, Data Science.
Mechanical EngineeringAdditive Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Green Energy.
PhysicsCondensed Matter Physics.
Management StudiesFinancial Management, Human Resource Management.


Minimum qualifications and experience will be as prescribed in Schedule ‘E’ [ANNEXURE-A] of NIT Statutes (Amended 2017) (Ref. Gazette of India No. 651, dated July, 24, 2017), available on the website. All applicants must have Ph.D. in the relevant or equivalent discipline and shall have first class in the preceding degree. Preceding degrees means Bachelors degree and Masters degree as follows:-

For All Engineering Departments: [B. Tech. or any equivalent degree/M.C.A.] AND [M. Tech. or any equivalent degree], in relevant discipline.

Further, applicants who have completed Ph.D. degree directly after B. Tech or equivalent degree may also be considered, provided that such applicants have 75% or 8.0 CPI at B. Tech. level.

For Humanities/ Management/ Applied Sciences: [B.A./ B.Sc./B. Com. or any equivalent undergraduate degree] and [M.A./ M. Sc./ M. Com./ M.B.A. or any equivalent P.G. degree], in relevant discipline.

Applicants are required to go through the details of posts/specializations and instructions available on the website carefully before applying to ensure their eligibility for the post.

  • Age Limit– Fresh appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged except in the case of faculty with an exceptionally brilliant research career and with ongoing or approved externally funded research projects.

Application Fee

Applicants belonging to UR, EWS, and OBC (Non-creamy layer) category shall be required to online pay a non-refundable processing fee of ₹1000/-. SC/ST, PwD and Women applicants are exempted from payment of processing fees.

How to Apply for MNNIT Allahabad Assistant Professor Faculty 2022 Vacancies?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj website from 24/05/2022 to 30/06/2022 only for MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj Assistant Professor Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

After submission of the online application, the hard copy of the system generated application along with self-attested copies of documents, should be sent to The Registrar, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj – 211004, Uttar Pradesh, India on or before 07/07/2022.

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit http://mnnit.ac.in/index.php/announcements/429-regular-faculty-positions for details and online application format for MNNIT Allahabad Prayagraj Assistant Professor Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***