Tag Archives: Madhya Pradesh Government Jobs 2022


MPRDC Job Vacancy Recruitment 2022 –> Apply Online and Offline

MPRDC Recruitment 2022MADHYA PRADESH ROAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MPRDC) has published notification for Manager (Technical) vacancies. Interested and eligible candidates can read Notification and Apply online before the last date.


Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC) Limited (MP State Highway Authority) invites online application in the prescribed format for the following various Technical and Non-Technical Government Job Vacancy for the year 2022 in MPRDC. (Advertisement No. 14742-46-47-48/MPRDC/858/HR/2022).

MPRDC Job Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. General Manager: 02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01) on contract, Pay: ₹90000/-+CPI or (Last Pay (-) Pension)
  2. Dy. General Manager: 18 vacancies (UR-06, OBC-05, EWS-01, SC-02, ST-03) (PWD-01) (Civil-16, Design-01, Architect-01) on contract, Pay: ₹75000/-+CPI or (Last Pay (-) Pension)
  3. Assistant General Manager: 37 vacancies (UR-06, OBC-05, EWS-01, SC-02, ST-03) (PWD-01) (Civil-31, Design-02, Architect-02, Electrical-02) on contract, Pay: ₹50000/-+CPI or (Last Pay (-) Pension)
  4. Assistant General Manager (MIS): 01 vacancies (UR-01) on contract, Pay: ₹50000/-+CPI or (Last Pay (-) Pension)
  5. Manager (Technical): 58 vacancies (UR-17, OBC-16, EWS-04, SC-08, ST-11) (PWD-03) (Civil-57, Electrical-01) on contract, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 ₹56100-177500
  6. Manager (F&A): 02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01) on contract, Pay : Pay ₹40000+CPI
  7. Manager (MIS): 01 vacancies (UR-01) on contract, Pay : ₹40000+CPI
  8. Accountant: 07 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01) on contract, Pay : Pay ₹25000+CPI

Application Fee

₹250/- to be paid online by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.

How to Apply for MPRDC Job Vacancy Recruitment 2022?

Application for the post of General Manager should be submitted in the prescribed format at the office of Chief General Manager (Administration), 45-A, Area Hills, Bhopal on or before 28/01/2022 only and for other posts the application be submitted online through MP Online website in the prescribed format from 14/01/2022 to 05/02/2022 for Government Job Vacancies in contract basis in MPRDC 2022.

Details and Application Format

Please visit the Recruitment page at the MPRDC website http://mprdc.gov.in/recruitment.html for detailed information and a link to Apply Online for MPRDC Contract basis Government Job Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

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