67th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination – Addition of 03 more vacancies and Date of Online Application Extended.
Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) invites Online Applications in prescribed format from Indian Citizens for the various 726 Bihar Administrative ServiceGovt Job officer vacancy posts in General Administration Department, Bihar Government for 67th Combined Competitive Examination (Preliminary) 2021.
67th Bihar Administrative and Allied Service Exam vacancies
67th Bihar Administrative and Allied Service Officer:726 vacancies
Bihar Administrative Service: 88 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Deputy Superintendent of Police: 20 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies: 09 vacancies in Pay Level-09
State Tax Assistant Commissioner: 21 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Junior Election Officer: 04 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Bihar Education Service (Administration Division): 12 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Employment Officer / District Employment Officer: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Labour Superintendent: 02 vacancies in Pay Level-09
District Audit Officer, Cooperative Societies & Equivalent: 05 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Assistant Director, Social Security: 12 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Assistant Director, Child Protection: 04 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Assistant Planning Officer/Assistant Director (Bihar Planning Service): 52 vacancies in Pay Level-09
Village Development Officer: 133 vacancies in Pay Level-07
Divisional Backward and Most Backward Welfare Officer: 139 vacancies in Pay Level-07
Urban Executive Officer (Bihar Municipal Service): 110 vacancies in Pay Level-07
Revenue Officer: 36 vacancies in Pay Level-07
Supply Inspector: 04 vacancies in Pay Level-07
Block Panchayati Raj Officer: 18 vacancies in Pay Level-07
Bihar PSC Administrative and Allied Service Eligibility
Age: 20/21/22 years to 37 years as of 01/08/2021 depending upon the service. Relaxation in age is available for women and reserved category candidates as per rules.
Pay Scale: Pay Level-9 and Pay Level-7 of 7the Pay Commission Pay Matrix
Qualification: Graduate or equivalent in any discipline
Preliminary Examination: Bihar PSC 67th Combined Administrative Preliminary Exam will be held in the second half of December 2021 tentatively.
Recruitment Examination Application Fee
₹600/- (₹150/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates ofBihar only) to be paid online.
How to Apply for the 67th Bihar Combined Competitive Exam?
Please visit http://bpsc.bih.nic.in for details and online submission of application in the prescribed recruitment form for Bihar PSC 67th Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination 2021. click here to see notification
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RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 North Central Railway (NCR), Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh is hiring 1664 Apprentice. Check qualification, age limit, vacancy details, and other details.
Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC), North Central Railway (NCR), Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh is inviting online applications from aspiring and talented persons for the post of Apprentice in various trades for 1664 vacancies. Interested candidates who are going to apply online for RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 must first register themselves at apprenticeshipindia.org as Registration No. is compulsory. Must Check Notification against Engagement of ACT APPRENTICES Zonal Notification No. RRC/NCR/02/2021 for the slot of 2021-22 Dated 12.10.2021.
RRC NCR Apprentice Vacancies Details
RRC NCR has released a total of 1664vacancies for the recruitment of apprentices under the Apprentice Act, 1961. The vacancy distribution table for various trades is shown below:
Mechanical Department (PRYJ)
Electrical Department (PRYJ)
Jhansi Division (JHS)
Workshop (Jhansi)
Agra (AGC) Division
Trade Name
Total Post
Trade Name
Total Post
Mech. Department – 364 Posts
Tech Fitter
Tech. Carpenter
Tech Welder
Tech. Painter
Electronic Department – 339 Posts
Tech Fitter
Tech. Carpenter
Tech Welder
Tech. Crane
Tech. Armature Winder
Tech. Machinist
Tech. Painter
Tech. Electrician
Jhansi (JHS) Division – 480 Posts
Mechanic (DLS)
Welder (G&E)
Work Shop Jhansi – 185 Posts
Stenographer (Hindi)
Agra (AGC) Division – 296 Posts
Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance
Draughtsman (Civil)
Stenographer (English)
Mechanic Cum Operator Electronics Communication
Health Sanitary Inspector
Multimedia & Web Page Designer
RRC NCR Apprentice Salary
The candidates who are shortlisted in the Merit List will be sent for training for 1 year. The monthly remuneration of Apprentice after appointment will be Rs. 18,000 – Rs. 56,900.
The candidate should have completed 15 years but not completed 24 years as of the closing date of application.
The upper age limit for SC/ST candidates is relaxable by 5 years.
The upper age limit is relaxable for OBC candidates relaxable by 3 years.
The upper age limit for PwD candidates is relaxed by 10 years.
The upper age limit for Ex-servicemen is relaxed by 13 years.
Application Fees
Application Fees
SC/ST/PwD/Women candidates
RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 – Selection Process
The candidates applying online for the post of Apprentice will be called for Document Verification. The selection will be done on the basis of scrutinization of application forms and marks scored in Matriculation and ITI. Candidates should also produce proof of Physical Fitness.
In case of a tie:
The candidate who is older in age will be given preference.
If the tie still persists, the candidate who passed the matriculation earlier will be placed in high order.
Download the application form and take a printout for future reference.
Details and Online Submission of Application
Please visit @rrcpryj.org/ for all the details and online submission of application for RRC NCR Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Notification No. RRC/NCR/02/2021 for the slot of 2021-22 Dated 12.10.2021
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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), an autonomous body, has been authorized by the IBA and has received mandates from Public Sector Banks to conduct the recruitment of XIth (11) CRP for Specialist Officer Cadre Posts in PSU Banks.
Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Banks and Financial Organizations as Specialist Officer Cadre Posts or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the Common Recruitment Process (CRP SPL-XI for Vacancies of 2022-23) for the following posts of Specialist Officers –
Information Technology (IT) Officer (Scale-I)
Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I)
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I)
Law Officer (Scale I)
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)
Marketing Officer (Scale I)
IBPS 11th CRP Specialist Officer Vacancy Details
Age: 20-30 years as on 01/11/2021, relaxation in age as per rules.
Qualification: As mentioned against each Specialist Cadre vacancy from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India.
Vacancies: 1828 vacancy posts in various Banks in various States.
Information Technology Officer (Scale-I): 220 vacancies, Qualification: 4 year Engineering/ Technology Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation OR b) Post Graduate Degree in Electronics/ Electronics & Tele Communication/Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Computer Applications OR Graduate having passed DOEACC ‘B’ level
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Hindi) Officer (Scale-I): 84 vacancies, Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Hindi with English as a subject at the degree (graduation) level OR Postgraduate degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects at the degree (graduation) level.
Law Officer (Scale-I): 44 vacancies, Qualification: A Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) and enrolled as an advocate with Bar Council
HR/ Personnel Officer (Scale-I): 61 vacancies, Qualification: Graduate and Two Years Full-time Post Graduate degree or Two Years Full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations/ HR / HRD/ Social Work / Labour Law.
Marketing Officer (Scale-I): 535 vacancies, Qualification: Graduate and Two Years Full-time MMS (Marketing)/ Two Years Full-time MBA (Marketing)/ Two Years Full-time PGDBA / PGDBM/ PGPM/ PGDM with specialization in Marketing
Pay Scale: JMG-I Scale ₹36000-63840/-
Important Dates for IBPS 11th CRP for Specialist Officer (SO) Recruitment
Online Registration – 03/11/2021 to 23/11/2021
Payment of Application Fees – Online 03/11/2021 to 23/11/2021
About IBPS 11th CRP Specialist Officer (SO) Cadre Recruitment
XIth (11th) Common Recruitment Process (CRP) Common Written Examination (CWE) (Preliminary and Main) for Recruitment of Specialist Officer (SO) Cadre Vacancy in Public Sector Banks will be conducted in the month of December 2021 (Prelim) and in January 2022 (Main) through online mode by the IBPS as a per-requisites for selection of personnel for 1828 Specialist Officer posts for the vacancies for 2021-22 in the various 11 Public Sector Banks and/or in any other Bank/ Financial Institution.
On completion of the Main Examination, depending on the state/UT wise vacancies to be filled in during the financial year 2022-23 based on the business needs of the Participating Organizations and as reported to IBPS, candidates shortlisted will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Organizations, based on merit-cum-preference keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, various guidelines issued by Govt. of India/Others from time to time, administrative exigency, etc.
Participating Banks for IBPS 10th Specialist Officer CRP
Each paper will be of 50 questions and will be of 40 minutes duration with a total of 125 marks of two-hour duration only.
The Preliminary examination will be conducted on 26th December 2021 at various test centres across India.
The Online Main Examination for IBPS 11th CRP for Specialist Officer (SO) Cadre for Professional Knowledge in the speciality is as given in the image. The exam will be held on 30th Jan 2022.
IBPS Bank Specialist Officer Cadre CRP Exam Structure
How to Apply for IBPS XIth CRP for Specialist Officer Vacancy Posts?
Suitable and desirable candidates need to apply Online in the prescribed format at the IBPS website from 03/11/2021 to 23/11/2021 only for IBPS 11th CRP Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment Examination 2021-22.
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PGIMER Recruitment 2021 : PGIMER has released 93 vacancies for the post of Senior Residents, Jr./ Sr. Demonstrators and Senior Medical Officer on 29th October 2021 on their official website. For more details, check the below information provided in the article.
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER) has invited online applications from the eligible persons Male and Females on a temporary or contractual basis for the recruitment of 93 vacancies of Senior Residents, Jr./ Sr. Demonstrators and Senior Medical Officer posts, for PGIMER, Chandigarh. The last date for accepting an online application for Sarkari Naukri through PGIMER Chandigarh Recruitment2021 is 17th November 2021.
PGIMER Recruitment 2021 – Vacancy Details
Name of the Posts
No. of Vacancies
Sr Residents
Jr./ Sr. Demonstrators
Senior Medical Officer
PGIMER Recruitment 2021 – Salary Structure
Name of the Posts
Senior Resident and Senior Medical Officer
Level-11 in Pay Matrix with a minimum of Rs.67,700/- + NPA.
Sr. Demonstrator (Medical)
Level-11 in Pay Matrix with a minimum of Rs.67,700/- + NPA.
Sr. Demonstrator (Non-Medical)
Level-10 in Pay Matrix with a minimum of Rs.56,100/-.
Jr. Demonstrator (Medical)
Level-06 in Pay Matrix with a minimum of Rs.35,400/- + NPA.
Jr. Demonstrator (Non-Medical)
Level-06 in Pay Matrix with a minimum of Rs.35,400/-.
Application Fees
For all others including General/ OBC/EWS: Rs.1500 /- plus Transaction Charges as applicable.
SC/ST category: Rs. 800 /- plus Transaction Charges as applicable
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD): Exempted from payment of a fee
Important Dates
Online Registration Starts
1st November 2021
Last Date of online registration
17th November 2021
Admit Card Availability
27th November 2021
Date of Computer Based Test
3rd December 2021
CBT Result
9th December 2021 (Tentative)
Publishing Eligibility Notice for interview & assessment
The upper age limit shall be determined as on the last date of submission of online applications
Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate only will be accepted for determining the age and no subsequent request for change will be considered or granted
No age relaxation would be available to reserved category candidates applying for unreserved vacancies
PGIMER Senior Residents & SMO Selection Process
Candidates must appear in the Computer Based Test (CBT). Eligible candidates who clear the CBT exam will be called for document verification. Selection will be done on the basis of entries filled in by him/ her in the Online Application Form and the marks scored in the CBT.
Candidates must make sure that they apply online before the closing date of 17th November 2021
Details and Online Application Format
Kindly visit pgimer.edu.in for detailed information, instructions and the Official Notification link.
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Rajasthan Police Department has published notification for the recruitment of General & Constable (TSP and non-TSP) vacancies. The candidates who are interested and eligible for the job post must check the article below for more information
In order to fill 4438 constable positions, Office of DGP, the Rajasthan Policeinvited the Indian Applicant for the Posts of Constable General, Constable Telecommunication & Constable Driver (अन्य क्षेत्र के अभ्यर्थी भी आवेदन कर सकते है।) This is a great chance for anybody looking for police constable employmentMale and Female Bharti in the state of Rajasthan in the year 2021.
Constable Drivers : Driving License (LMV/HMV) for 10th Class candidates who have graduated from a recognized Board.
Age Limit
For Constable (General/ Band/ Tele Communication):
Male (General) Candidates: should born between 01-01-2004 to 02-01-1998
Female (General) Candidates: should born between 01-01-2004 to 02-01-1993
For Constable (Driver):
Male (General) Candidates: should born between 01-01-2004 to 02-01-1995
Female (General) Candidates: should born between 01-01-2004 to 02-01-1990
Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
For more information regarding age limit refer notification.
Physical Eligibility
There are some physical eligibility required in a candidate which is explained in the table below:
Common Area
Height – 168 cm· Chest : 81 cms (5 cm expansion)
Height – 152 cm· Weight : 47.5 kgs
Sahariya tribals of Bara district
Height – 160 cm· Chest : 74 cms (5 cm expansion)
Height – 145 cm· Weight : 43 kgs
Selection Process
For Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment 2021, first of all there will be a written examination, after that physical efficiency, medical test, document verification and finally the final merit list will be out.
There will also be negative marking and 2 hours will be given for the examination. Male candidates will have to run 5 kms in 25 minutes and female candidates will have to run 5 kms in 35 minutes.
How To Apply For Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment 2021 ?
Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment 2021 may be applied for online in prescribed format between 10 November and 3 December 2021 by following the procedures below:
Steps to Apply
Candidate should visit the Official Website of Rajasthan Police.
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Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur has released notification for filling up the assistant professor positions. The institution offers several UG, PG, and PhD programs to the students. Interested Candidates can read full details here.
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur is an Institute of National Importance invites applications from Indian Nationals working in India / Abroad for the following various Govt Job faculty vacancy positions of Assistant Professor in various subjects/disciplines. (Advertisement No. VNIT/Faculty-Recruitment/01/2021). Few posts are on a contractual basis and few are permanent.
There is a total of 103 positions in different departments. Out of these positions 42 are for general candidates, 10 for EWS, 27 for OBC, 16 for SC, and 8 for ST.
VNIT Nagpur Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Assistant Professor Grade-II on Contract basis in Academic Pay Level-10 ₹57700-175500/- (Entry Pay ₹70900/-)
Assistant Professor Grade-II on Contract basis in Academic Pay Level-11 ₹67700-208700 (Entry Pay ₹73100/-)
Assistant Professor Grade-I in Pay Level-12 in Academic Pay Level-12 ₹78800-209200 (Entry pay ₹101500/-)
VNIT Nagpur Faculty Recruitment : List of Departments
Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Chemical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Architecture & Planning, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Humanities, Centre for VLSI and Nanotechnology
Important Dates
Starting Date For Application : 29th October2021
Last Date For Application : 25th November 2021
Application fee
General Candidate need to submit Demand draft of 1000 INR in favor of DIRECTOR, VNIT NAGPUR
SC/ST/PWD/EWS- Exempted from fee
Indian nationals filling the application from abroad can submit US $25 for each post-application.
Eligibility Criteria
Assistant professor—Contractual- Level-10
Ph D is an essential qualification
Assistant Professor Grade-II: Contract basis- Level 11
PhD is an essential qualification
1 year post Ph. D experience
Assistant Professor Grade-I – Level-12
Ph. D is an essential qualification
3 years post Ph. D OR 6 years Total experience
Associate Professor: Pay level-13A2
Ph. D is an essential qualification
6 years post Ph. D at least 3 years at assistant professor level OR 9 years total work experience 3 years must be post PhD.
Associate Professor: Pay level-14A
Ph. D is an essential qualification
10 years post Ph. D experience, 7 years must be after Ph. D and 3 years at the position of associate professor
VNIT Nagpur Recruitment 2021 Age
Direct appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged.
Selection procedure
Selection will be done based on the credit points scored by each candidate based on their qualification, experience, academic performance, and interview. Candidature will be canceled if false information is provided by the candidate.
How to Apply for Faculty Recruitment in VNIT Nagpur 2021?
The duly completed application in the prescribed form along with the self-attested enclosures to be sent by Speed/Registered posts to “The Registrar, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, South Ambazari Road, Nagpur – 440011 (Maharashtra)” on or before 25/11/2021.
The envelope containing the application must be inscribed as Application for The Post Of …………….…………in The Department of…………….
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ITI Limited Recruitment 2021 : The ITI Limited has published the Notification for Recruitment To The Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE), Dy. Manager, Manager & Other Job Vacancy Are Listed Here.
Indian Telephone Industries Limited (ITI), the Country’s premier Telecom Company, multi-unit Central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) invites online applications in the prescribed format for its various offices for the following Govt Job vacancy posts of Engineering and Management Professionals as Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE), Marketing Executives and Managers in various disciplines. (Advertisement No. ITI/COMP/01/28/21/08) for the Location : Bengaluru.
Advertisement No. JK/PD/287 – The last date to apply – 15/11/2021
Marketing Executive: 02 vacancies, Age: 33 years, Qualification: MBA (Marketing), Experience: 05 years, Remuneration: Consolidated Remuneration of ₹18000/- per month😕
Advertisement No. – ITI/COMP/01/28/21/08 for Engineers and Managers Vacancies
Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) Grade-2: 03 vacancies in Civil Engineering, Age: 30 years, Experience: 02 years, Pay Scale: ₹8600-14600 (to be revised)
Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) Grade-2: 03 vacancies in E&C/ Electronics/ Telecommunication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology, Age: 30 years, Experience: 02 years, Pay Scale: ₹8600-14600 (to be revised)
Dy. Manager/ Manager Grade 4/5: 08 vacancies in E&C/ Electronics/ Telecommunication, Age: 40 years for Dy Manager / 42 years for Manager, Experience: 06 years for Dy. Manager and 09 years for Manager in the relevant area, Pay Scale: ₹13000-18250 for Dy. Manager and ₹14500-18700 for Manager vacancies (to be revised).
Important Dates
Date of Notification : 28.10.2021
Starting Date of Online Application : 28.10.2021
Last Date to Submit the Online Application : 11.11.2021
Last Date to Submit the Hard copy of Online Application : 15.11.2021
Application Fees
No application fees is required to be paid by the candidates.
Education Details
Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) : B.E. / B.Tech in Civil Engineering / E&C / Electronics / Telecommunication / Computer Science / Information Technology With 02 Years Relevant Experience.
Dy. Manager / Manager : B.E. / B.Tech in E&C / Electronics / Telecommunication with 06 years relevant experience for Dy. Manager and 09 Years Relevant Experience for Manager.
Age Limit
Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) : 30 Years, Dy. Manager : 40 Years, Manager : 42 Years
Selection Process
Selection of candidates in ITI Limited for the above mentioned posts will be through Interview.
How to Apply Recruitment of Engineers and Managers in ITI Limited 2021?
Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the ITI Limited recruitment website on or before 11/11/2021 (15/11/2021 for the posts of Marketing Executives) only for ITI Limited Engineer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021 and the hard copy of the system generated application should be sent along with documents and application fees at the designated address given in the detailed advertisement document.
Please visit https://itiltd.in/careers for detailed information and online application format for ITI Limited Engineer Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2021. Direct Link for Notification.
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Translation Officer Vacancy Recruitment in ISRO HSFC 2021. All interested candidates ISRO JTO Recruitment 2021 Candidates can apply in the prescribed format till 20 November 2021.
Human Space Flight Centre (HSFC) under Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) under the Department of Space, Government of India offers the Govt Job vacancy position of Junior Translation Officer in the ISRO Headquarters campus, Bengaluru. (Advertisement No. . HSFC/02/RMT/2021).
Junior Translation Officer: 06 vacancies (UR-05, ST-01), Age: 18-35 years as of 20/11/2021, Pay Scale: Pay Level-06 ₹35400-112400.
✅ Important Dates:
Start Date to Apply Online: 30-10-2021
Last Date to Apply Online: 20-Nov-2021
✅ Application Fee
The Application Fee is ₹250/- to be paid online using Internet Banking/Debit Card or offline by visiting any SBI Branch. Women, Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Ex-servicemen [EX], and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
✅ Educational Qualifications :
✔️ Master’s degree from a recognized University in Hindi with English / English and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the Degree level. ✔️ Recognized Diploma or Certificate Course in Translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa or two years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central or State Government office, including Government of India undertakings.
✅ Age Limit: 18 – 35 years as on 20th November 2021.
✅ Selection Process :
✔️ Written Test ✔️ Skill Test
How to apply for ISRO HSFC Translation Officer Recruitment 2021?
Update all the required details in ISRO Online Application Form. Upload the Scanned Copies of necessary certificates/documents along with your recent Photograph (If Applicable).
Pay the Application Fee as per your Category. (If applicable only)
At last click on submit button to complete ISRO Recruitment
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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MP Metro Recruitment 2021 : (MPMRCL) has issued the new job notification for the recruitment of General Manager, DGM, Manager & AM posts. Applicant who are interested in this MPMRCL job vacancy can check details here.
Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited (MPMRCL), a joint venture of the Government of India and the Government of Madhya Pradesh is implementing Bhopal and Indore Metro Rail Projects in the state of Madhya Pradesh (MP). MPMRCL invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following Govt Job Vacancies on a Deputation/Contract/Re-employment basis for 5 years. (Advertisement No. 689/HRD/MPMRCL-010/2021 & 695/HRD/MPMRCL-011/2021 ).
MPMRCL Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Advertisement No. 689/HRD/MPMRCL-010/2021
General Manager (HR & Admin): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Deputy General Manager (Finance): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Deputy General Manager (Procurement): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Manager (Security): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract/Re-employment
Manager (Legal): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Manager (Finance & Accounts): 02 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Assistant Manager (Finance): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Assistant Manager (PRO): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Assistant Manager (HR): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Advertisement No. 695/HRD/MPMRCL-011/2021
General Manager (Design): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
General Manager (Civil Underground): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
General Manager (Design): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Joint General Manager (Design): 02 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Senior Deputy General Manager (Contract Management): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Senior Deputy General Manager (Civil Track): 02 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Senior Deputy General Manager (Contract Elevated): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Manager (Design): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Manager (Civil Track): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Manager (Civil Elevated): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Assistant Manager (Design): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Assistant Manager (Liaising): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Assistant Manager (Civil Depot): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Assistant Manager (Civil Elevated): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Assistant Manager (Civil Track): 01 vacancies on Deputation/Contract
Important Dates
Notification Released Date
Starting Date of the Online Application
Last Date to Submit the Application
Eligibility Criteria for MP Metro DGM & Other Vacancies
Educational Qualification
Applicant should hold Graduate/ Postgraduate degree in a relevant field from a recognized University.
Finally, take a printout of online application for reference.
Detailed information and application format
For details and application format, visit the MPMRCL website at mpmetrorail.comfor MP Metro Rail Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021. Click Here to view Official Notification.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur has announced Teaching Faculty jobs 2021 for the post of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor.
Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh) renamed as Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (VBSPU), was established as an affiliating university under the U.P. state university act 1973.
Applications through online mode in the prescribed form format are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment and filling up the following Teaching Faculty Govt Job vacancy posts on regular basis in Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (VBSPU), Jaunpur (UP) (Advertisement No. 01/2021).
VBSPU Teaching Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Professor: 13 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines in Academic Pay Level-14 with rationalized entry pay of ₹144200/-
Associate Professor: 19 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines in Academic Pay Level-13A with rationalized entry pay of ₹131400/-
Assistant Professor: 08 vacancies in various subjects/disciplines in Academic Pay Level-10 with rationalized entry pay of ₹ 57700/-
Application Fee
₹1000/- for General and OBC candidates to be paid online. ₹500/- for SC/ST/DA/EWS candidates to be paid through RTGS/NEFT/IMPS of Punjab National Bank Account no 4539000100038627 IFS code-PUNB0453900, Vishwavidyalaya Branch, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Education Qualifications
Candidates should have Ph.D, BE / B.Tech / M.Tech / ME / MBA Degree/ Master Degree with 55% Marks and NET / SLET Exam Passed, or equivalent from a recognized Board/University/Institution.
for more details please go to the official notification
Age Limit
Candidates age limit should be minimum 18 years and Maximum 42 years
Age Relaxation :- SC/ST/OBC/PWD/PH Candidates Relaxation as per Govt Rules & Regulation
Selection Process
Candidates will be selected based on Interview
How to Apply for VBSPU Faculty Vacancies 2021?
Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed recruitment form on or before 15/11/2021.
Step 7:- Send printout of system generatedhard copy application along with enclosures by registered / speed post to the Registrar, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur-222003, U.P (On or before 22-11-2021)
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