Tag Archives: LIC ADO Recruitment 2023 for 9394 Vacancies Across India

LIC ADO Recruitment 2023

LIC ADO Recruitment 2023 – Apply Online

LIC ADO Recruitment 2023 – Apprentice Development Officers (ADO) Vacancy Recruitment in LIC 2022-23


Online Applications in the prescribed form format are invited by Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) from eligible candidates who must be Indian Citizens for recruitment selection and appointment for following 9394 Government Job Vacancy of Apprentice Development Officers (ADO) in the jurisdiction of following 8 Zonal and various Divisional Offices in its organisation for the year 2022-23.

Recruitment AuthorityLife Corporation of India
Posts NameADO (Apprentice Development Officer) 
Total Vacancies9394 
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Vacancy Announced on21 Jan 2023
Application Dates21 January to 10 February 2023
Selection processPrelims Exam, Mains Exam and Interview
LIC Apprentice Development Officers Recruitment 2023 - Apply Online

LIC ADO Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  1. Central Zonal Office, Bhopal: 561 vacancies in 8 Divisional Offices
  2. South Central Zonal Office, Hyderabad: 1408 vacancies in 17 Divisional Offices
  3. North Central Zonal Office, Kanpur: 1033 vacancies in 12 Divisional Offices
  4. East Central Zonal Office, Patna: 669 vacancies in 11 Divisional Offices
  5. Southern Zonal Office, Chennai: 1516 vacancies in 12 Divisional Offices
  6. Western Zonal Office, Mumbai: 1942 vacancies in 18 Divisional Offices
  7. Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata: 1049 vacancies in 12 Divisional Offices
  8. North Zonal Office, Delhi: 1216 vacancies in 14 Divisional Offices
ZoneNumber of Vacancies
North Zone1216
North Central Zone1033
Central Zone561
East Central Zone669
Eastern Zone1049
South Central Zone1408
Southern Zone1516
Western Zone1942

Pay Scale

Regular pay scale will be ₹35650-90205 and  Stipend during the training period will of ₹51500/- per month.

Qualification for LIC ADO Recruitment 2022-23

Should possess a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University in India established under a statute/ approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.

Age : 21-30 years as on 01/01/2023. Relaxation in age as per rules.

Selection Procedure

The selection of the applicants will be done in three phases:

  • Phase 1: Preliminary Examination
  • Phase 2: Main Examination
  • Phase 3: Interview

LIC ADO Pre Exam 2023

Those who apply for LIC ADO Exam 2023 will be called to appear for prelims exam. The test will have three sections (with separate timings for each section) as follows:

Subject NameNumber of QuestionMarksTime
Reasoning Ability353520 min
Numerical Ability353520 min
English Language303020 min

English Language test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking.

LIC ADO Mains Exam 2023

Candidates who clear the prelims exam will be called for the mains exam. The candidates can check the mains exam details below:

LIC ADO Interview 2023

The marks obtained in the main examination only, will be considered for shortlisting for the interview. The marks obtained in main examination and the marks obtained in the interview, will be considered for the final merit listing of the candidates.

Application Fee

  • SC/ ST Candidates: Rs.100/-
  • All Other Candidates: Rs.750/-
  • The payment can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/ Visa/ Master Card/ Maestro), Credit Cards, UPI, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.

How to Apply for LIC ADO Vacancies 2022-23?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed application form available at LIC website only from 21/01/2023 to 10/02/2023 only for LIC Apprentice Development Officers Recruitment 2022-23.

  1. First of all, visit the official website of LIC.
  2. Click on the Careers tab on the homepage.
  3. Download the notification for the Recruitment of Apprentice Development Officer.
  4. Read the zone-wise recruitment notification.
  5. Then, click on Apply Online link available there.
  6. Fill in your personal details and upload the scanned documents.
  7. Complete the payment of the application fee and submit it.
  8. Finally, take a printout of the application form for further use.

Details and Online Application

Please visit https://licindia.in/Bottom-Links/careers for detailed zonal wise information and Fee Payment voucher along with link to the Online application form for LIC Apprentice Development Officers Recruitment 2022-23.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**