Tag Archives: Lady Medical Officer

Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in BFUHS Faridkot 2022

Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in BFUHS Faridkot 2022 – Apply Offline Now

Baba Farid University of Health Science has recently announced the latest recruitment for the Professor and Other posts. This BFUHS job notification 2022 will be available on the official website from 06.04.2022 to 27.04.2022.


Application in the prescribed format is invited by the Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS) on or before 27/04/2022 from the eligible candidates for filling up the following vacant Govt Job vacancy posts of Faculty at Guru Gobind Singh Medical College & Hospital, Faridkot and Advanced Cancer Institute, Bathinda constituent colleges/institution of the University in various subjects/disciplines related to health and medicine. (Advt. No. 03/2022).

Faculty Vacancy Recruitment in BFUHS Faridkot 2022

BFUHS Faridkot Faculty Recruitment 03/2022 Vacancies

  1. Faculty Vacancies
    1. Professor: 08 vacancies in various medical subjects/disciplines
    2. Associate Professor: 16 vacancies in various medical subjects/disciplines
    3. Assistant Professor:  42 vacancies in various medical subjects/disciplines
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancies
    1. Lady Medical Officer: 01 vacancies
    2. Lecturer (Clinical Psychologist): 01 vacancies
    3. Lecturer (Statistics): 01 vacancies

Application Fee

₹1500/- (₹750/- SC/ST candidates) plus GST @18% for the posts of Faculty in the form of a demand draft in favour of The Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot payable at Faridkot.

Eligibility Criteria

Education and Age Details

Post NameQualificationAge Limit
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant ProfessorPost GraduationMax. 50 years, 45 years, 40 years respectively
Lady Medical OfficerMBBS, DNB/ MD/ MS/ DM/ M.ChMax. 37 years
Lecturer (Clinical Psychology)MA in Psychology, Ph.D
Max. 37 years
Lecturer (Statistics)M.Sc in StatisticsMax. 37 years

How to Apply for BFUHS Faculty Vacancy Advt. 03/2022?

Applications in the prescribed format should reach on or before 27/04/2022 up to 5:00 p.m., in the office of the Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Sadiq Road, Faridkot, Punjab for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 03/2022 in BFUHS Faridkot 2022.

Details and Application Format

Please visit https://www.bfuhs.ac.in/careers/careers.asp for all the details and application form for BFUHS Faridkot Faculty Vacancy Recruitment No. 03/2022. Here are all the links to the BFUHS Vacancy 2022 Notification pdf, Application Form

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**