Tag Archives: Junior Stenographer jobs


Himachal Vidhan Sabha Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021- Apply Now

HP Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2021: For 18 various posts on direct recruitment basis. All the details related  like Notification, Eligibility, Salary, Important Dates, Application Fees, How to Apply etc. are given below.


Secretariat Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly), Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)  invites online application in the prescribed proforma for the Recruitment of the following Group-B, Group-C, and Group-D various Government Job vacancies in Himachal Vidhan Sabha only (Advertisement No. 01/2021).

Himachal Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Reporter (Hindi) (Gazetted: 02 vacancies (UR), Pay Scale: ₹10300-34800 Grade Pay ₹5000/-
  2. Jr. Scale Stenographer Class-III: 02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01), Pay Scale: ₹5910-20200 Grade Pay ₹2800/-
  3. Clerk Class-III: 06 vacancies (SC-02, OBC-01, Ex.SM-02, EWS-01), Pay Scale: ₹5910-20200 Grade Pay ₹1900/-
  4. Jr. Scale Stenographer Class-III: 02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01), Pay Scale: ₹5910-20200 Grade Pay ₹2800/-
  5. Driver Class-III: 02 vacancies (UR-02), Pay Scale: ₹5910-20200 Grade Pay ₹2000/-
  6. Frash Class-IV: 02 vacancies (UR-01, OBC-01), Pay Scale: ₹4900-10680 Grade Pay ₹1300/-
  7. Chowkidar Class-IV: 01 vacancies (UR-01), Pay Scale: ₹4900-10680 Grade Pay ₹1300/-
  8. Cleaner Class-IV: 01 vacancies (UR-01), Pay Scale: ₹4900-10680 Grade Pay ₹1300/-

Post Details & Qualification

The candidate shall be eligible for appointment to Class-III post(s) if he/ she has passed Matriculation and 10+2 and for Class-IV post(s) if he/she has passed Middle or Matriculation from any School/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh. This condition is not applicable for the bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh.

Post NameVacancyQualification
Reporter (Hindi)2 (UR-2)Graduate + Steno + Typing
Jr Stenographer2 (UR-1, OBC Gen-1)12th Pass + Steno + Typing
Clerk6 (SC-2, OBC UR-1, ESM Gen-1, EWS Gen-1, OBC ESM Depend- 1)Graduate + Typing
Driver2 (UR-2)8th Pass + HMV Driving License
Frash2 (UR-1, OBC UR-1)8th Pass
Chowkidar1 (UR-1)8th Pass
Cleaner1 (UR-1)8th Pass + Conductor License

Age Limit :

  • Lowest Age: 18 years
  • Highest Age: 45 years

Note: Age relaxation applies to the candidate as per HP Vidhan Sabha Reporter, Stenographer, Clerk recruiting rules (if applicable).

Selection Process

The Selection Process of HP Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2021 includes the following Stages:

Application Fee  

Different application fees for different posts to be paid online by SBI Collect by Net Banking. No fee for PWD candidates. See detailed document for more information.

HP Vidhan Sabha Recruitment Application Fees
Application fee Details

How to Apply for Himachal Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2021?

Apply Online at the Himachal Vidhan Sabha recruitment website from 07/12/2021 to 10/01/2022 only for Government Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021 in Himachal Vidhan Sabha.

Steps To Apply

Details and Application Format

Kindly visit https://evidhan.nic.in/Jobs for initial information and online application format for Government Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021 in Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in National Institute of Ayurveda – 2021

National Institute Of Ayurveda (NIA) Recruitment 2021 – 18 Vacancy for Associate Professor, Lecturer, Museum Curator, Pharmacist, Cataloguer, Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Multi Tasking Staff (MTS). Apply Offline Now!!!


Offline Applications are invited in the prescribed format for the following various Group-B and Group-C Non-Teaching Non-Faculty Govt Job Vacancy in the National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA) at Jaipur (Rajasthan) (Advt. No. 2/2021). The detailed Vacancy Notification containing Essential Qualifications, Experience, Pay Scales, Age Limit, Last Date, Fees Payable, Reservations etc. are being published in Employment News and also in Institute’s Website. Read Below Article for more Information

NIA Jaipur Non-Teaching Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Panchakarma Vaidya: 01 vacancies (UR)
  2. Junior Stenographer (Hindi): 01 vacancies (UR)
  3. Junior Medical Laboratory Technologist: 01 vacancies (UR)
  4. Library Assistant: 01 vacancies (OBC)
  5. Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 03 vacancies (UR-02, OBC-01)
  6. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 11 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-04, PWD-01)

Application Fee

Application Fee is to be paid for each Post by Demand Draft only, in favour of ‘Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur’ for Panchakarma Vaidya ₹3500/- for General & OBC and ₹3000/- for EWS, SC & ST; and for all other posts: ₹2000/- for General & OBC and ₹1800/- for EWS, SC, & ST Applicants. However, no fee is payable by Physically Handicapped Applicants. 

Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in National Institute of Ayurveda

Eligibility Criteria

Post NameEducational Qualification
Panchkarma VaidyaMD (Ayurveda) in the Subject of Panchakarma from a recognized University and duly recognized by CCIM.
Junior Stenographer (Hindi)HSC from a recognised Central/State Board of Education & Ability to write 80 WPM in Hindi Shorthand and a30 WPM in Hindi Typewriting.
Junior Medical Laboratory Technologist10+2 with Science Subject and DMLT from any Government recognized institution with 1 Year relevant Experience.
Library AssistantSSC from a recognised Central/State Board of Education.
Lower Division Clerk12th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education.
Multi-Tasking Staff10th Standard from a Central/State Board of Education.

Age Limit

  • Applicant’s minimum age must be 25 years as of the application submission date. While the maximum age of the candidates should be 40 years. Age relaxation is applicable to the reserved categories as per the government rules and regulations.

Important Dates for NIA Jaipur Recruitment 2021

  • The offline application submission process starts on 27 November 2021.
  • The Closing Date for the applicants is 60 Days from the date of publication of the recruitment notification in Employment News.
  • The Closing Date for the applicants belonging to Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State, Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep is 70 Days from the date of publication in Employment News.

How to Apply for Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in NIA 2021?

The filled-in Application form in the prescribed format carrying a recent Passport Size Photograph pasted on the upper right corner duly attested by a Gazetted Officer along with attested copies of all testimonials and an Application fee should reach the “Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jorawar Singh Gate, Amer Road, Jaipur 302002” within 60 days of the advertisement published in weekly Employment News (70 days for the candidates from far-flung areas).

Details and Application format

For more information and application format for Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur 2021,  please visit http://www.nia.nic.in/news.html. Also check VACANCY NOTIFICATION NO. 2/2021

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***