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Indian Navy SSC Officer IT June-2023 Course Entry – Apply Now

Indian Navy SSC Officer Information Technology (IT) (Executive Branch) Recruitment June-2023 Course


The Indian Navy invites Online Applications in the prescribed format from unmarried candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Information Technology (IT) entry of Indian Navy under Special Naval Orientation Course June-2023 (06/2023) Course at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala for recruitment of SSC Officer Information Technology (IT) for posting in Indian Navy stations (ST-24).

Organising BodyIndian Navy
PostShort Service Commission (SSC) – Information Technology
Form releasing date21st January 2023
Last date5th February 2023
Commencement of programJune 2023
job locationIndian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala
Indian Navy SSC Officer IT June-2023 Course Entry - Apply Now

Navy SSC Officer Information Technology Recruitment June-2023 Details

  • SSC Executive Officer (Information Technology – IT) [SSC X (IT)]: 70 vacancies for Men and Women, Age: Born between 02 July 1998 to 01 January 2004
  • Qualification: A candidate must have a minimum of 60% marks in English in class X or XII and M.Sc./ B.E./ B. Tech./ M. Tech. (Computer Science/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Engineering / Information Technology/ Software Systems/ Cyber Security/ System Administration & Networking/ Computer Systems & Networking/ Data Analytics/ Artificial Intelligence), or (b) MCA with BCA/B.Sc. (Computer Science/ Information Technology). NCC ‘C’ certificate holders will be given a relaxation of 5% in cut-off marks towards shortlisting for SSB
  • Physical Standards: Height and Weight: Minimum height Male – 157 CM, with correlated weight. Eye Sight – The minimum acceptable standard for distant vision 6/12, 6/12 correctable to 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/night blind.
  • Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹56100-177500

Required Documents

Following is the document list that will be required by the aspirants to fill out the form for Indian Navy SSC 2023. The candidates are advised to upload all the scanned forms in clear format. In case of any dull uploaded forms or blurry scanned images, then the form will get rejected.

  1. Coloured Photograph
  2. Date of Birth Certificate as per 10 &12
  3. Marks sheets (candidates appearing in final year) upto 5th & 7th semester for integrated BE/ B.Tech courses
  4. Marks sheets of all semesters (for candidates who have completed their degree)
  5. NCC ‘C’ certificate issued by National Cadet Corps.

How to Apply for Navy SSC Officer IT Course June-2023? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed form format available at the Indian Navy Recruitment website from 21/01/2023 to 05/02/2023 only for Indian Navy SSC Officer Information Technology entry of Indian Navy under Special Naval Orientation Couse June-2023 Entry.

  1. Visit the Indian Navy website.
  2. On the right side of the page, there is an option to ‘Register’
  3. Click on the register option
  4. There will be two options, choose according to your preference.
  5. Register yourself.
  6. Now fill out the form.
  7. Upload the scanned documents
  8. Before submitting the application form, check thoroughly all the information once again
  9. Submit the Online Form.
  10. Take a print of it for future references

View – Government Jobs in Indian Armed Forces

Detailed Information and Application Submission

For further details about the Indian Navy Information Technology entry of Indian Navy under the Special Naval Orientation Course June-2023 Entry batch and apply online on the prescribed form, kindly visit https://www.joinindiannavy.gov.in

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***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**