Tag Archives: join indian coast guard

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 02/2024 Batch

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2024 Batch Recruitment: Apply Now!

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2024 Batch Recruitment General Duty, Law & Technical Branch 02/2024 Batch Recruitment


The Indian Coast Guard, a prestigious branch of the Armed Forces of India, offers an exciting and motivating career opportunity as a Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer in the role of Assistant Commandant General Duty (GD), Law, and Technical (Engineering & Electrical/Electronics) for the 02/2024 batch entry.

Invites online applications in the prescribed format from enthusiastic and capable Indian male and female candidates for the recruitment of Group-A category Gazetted Officer Sarkari Naukri Vacancies in the Indian Coast Guard. These vacancies are available for Assistant Commandant positions in General Duty (GD), Law, and Technical (Engineering & Electrical/Electronics) for the 02/2024 batch. Join us for an adventurous career with the Indian Coast Guard.

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2024 Batch Recruitment: Apply Now!

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2024 Batch Recruitment Vacancies

Assistant Commandant 02/2024: 46 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500/- in 7th Pay Commission

PositionVacanciesQualificationPay MatrixAge
Assistant Commandant General Duty (GD) – Male25Candidates should have:<br> (i) Passed Bachelor’s degree from any recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate<br> (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with 60% aggregate in Mathematics and Physics.Pay Matrix Level-10 ₹56100-177500/-Born between 1st July 1998 and 30th June 2002 (Both dates included)
Assistant Commandant Technical (Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics)20Engineering degree from a recognized university in Electrical or Electronics or Telecommunication or Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control or Electronics and Communication or Power Engineering or Power Electronics with minimum 60% aggregate marks or equivalent.Born between 1st July 1998 and 30th June 2002 (Both dates included)
Assistant Commandant (Law)01 (SC)To qualify for this role, candidates must have:<br> – A degree in Law from a recognized university with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks.Born between 1st July 1994 and 30th June 2002 (Both dates included)

Application Fee for Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 02/2024 Batch

Applicable toAll candidates (except SC/ST candidates)
Mode of paymentOnline mode
Payment methodsNet banking, Visa/Master/Maestro/RuPay/Credit/Debit Card/UPI

How to Apply for Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2024 entry? 

Applicants who meet the necessary qualifications and possess the desired attributes are encouraged to submit their applications online using the prescribed form. The application process is open exclusively on the Indian Coast Guard Recruitment website at https://joinindiancoastguard.cdac.in, starting from 01/09/2023 and concluding on 15/09/2023. This window is specifically for the recruitment of Assistant Commandant positions for the 02/2024 batch in the Coast Guard.

  • Online applications are being accepted for the position of Coast Guard Assistant Commandant through direct recruitment.
  • Applicants must ensure that they meet all the essential eligibility criteria, including educational qualifications and age limits, by the deadline for submitting their Coast Guard Assistant Commandant application for their chosen post.
  • Candidates applying for Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2024 can submit their applications between September 1, 2023, and September 15, 2023.
  • Prior to submitting the recruitment application for Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2024, candidates are advised to carefully read the notification.
  • Ensure that you have all the required documents, including eligibility proofs, ID proof, address details, and basic information, before applying.
  • Have scanned copies of essential documents such as your photograph, signature, and ID proof ready for the Coast Guard AC Recruitment.
  • Before submitting the Coast Guard AC Application Form, meticulously review and cross-check all the provided information.
  • If the candidate is required to pay an application fee for the Coast Guard AC Recruitment, it must be submitted. Incomplete applications due to missing fees will not be considered.
  • After submitting the application, be sure to keep a printout of the final submitted form for your records.

Details and Online Application form

For comprehensive information and the online application submission process regarding the Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 02/2024 batch Recruitment, kindly visit https://joinindiancoastguard.cdac.in.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2023 batch Recruitment

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2023 batch Recruitment —> Apply Online

Coast Guard AC Recruitment 2022: Indian Coast Guard (ICG) has released the latest notification for the recruitment of Assistant Commandant (AC) General Duty (Pilot/ Navigator/ Women-SSA/ Engineering & Electrical/ Electronics), Commercial Pilot License (CPL-SSA), and Law for 01/2022 Batch.


The Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers a challenging and inspiring career as a Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer as Assistant Commandant General Duty (GD), Pilot and Technical (Engineering & Electrical) in 01/2023 batch entry in the Indian Coast Guard.

Online application in the prescribed format applications is invited from young and energetic Indian male candidates only for recruitment of following Govt Job Vacancy posts of Assistant Commandant General Duty (GD), Pilot and Technical (Engineer & Electrical) in 01/2023 batch in Indian Coast Guard.

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2023 batch Recruitment

Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 01/2023 Vacancies

  • Assistant Commandant (GD)/ Assistant Commandant (Pilot) : 50 vacancies (UR-17, EWS-02, OBC-09, SC-08, ST-14)
    • Assistant Commandant General Duty (GD) – Male – Qualification: Candidates who have passed Bachelor’s degree in from any recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with 60% aggregate in Mathematics and Physics., Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100/- in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: Born between 1st July 1998 and 30 June 2002 (Both dates included)
    • Commercial Pilot License (SSA) – Male/Female – Qualification: Should have passed 12th class or equivalent with physics and mathematics as subjects with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics (ii) Should possess current Commercial Pilot License issued/ validated by Director General Civil Aviation, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100/- in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: Born between 1st July 1998 and 30 June 2004 (Both dates included).
  • Assistant Commandant Technical (Engineering – Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics) : 15 vacancies (UR-05, OBC-05, SC-04, ST-01)
    • Assistant Commandant Technical (Mechanical): – Qualification: Degree in Engineering with 60% aggregate marks or Section A and B passes with 60% marks from the Institution Of Engineers in (A) Naval architecture Or Mechanical or Marine Or Automotive Or Mechatronics Or Industrial and Production Or Metallurgy Or Design Or Aeronautical Or Aerospace Engineering (B) Electrical or Electronics Or Telecommunication Or Instrumentation Or Instrumentation & Control Or Electronics and Communication Or Power Engineering or Power Electronics., Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100/- in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: Born between 1st July 1998 and 30 June 2002 (Both dates included)
    • Assistant Commandant Technical (Electrical/Electronics):  – Qualification: Engineering degree of recognized university in Electrical or Electronics or Telecommunication or Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control or Electronics and Communication or Power Engineering or Power Electronics with minimum 60% aggregate marks or equivalent, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 ₹56100/- in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: Born between 1st July 1998 and 30 June 2002 (Both dates included)

Important Dates

  • Application Begin : 18/02/2022
  • Last Date for Apply Online : 28/02/2022 up to 05:00 PM Only Last Date Complete Form : 28/02/2022

Qualification Details

Post NameQualification
GDGraduate with 50% Marks + Physics & Maths in 12th Class
CPL (SSA)Possess Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)
Tech (Engg)Engg. Degree in related field
Tech (Elect)Engg. Degree in related field

Age Limit:

  • Check Official Notification given below

Coast Guard Assistnat Commandnat Selection Process

The Selection Process of Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant (AC) Recruitment 01/2023 includes the following Stages:

  • Stage-I Written Exam (CGCAT)
  • Stage-II (PSB)
  • Stage-III (FSB)
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

How to Apply for Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2023 entry? 

Apply Online in the prescribed form at the Indian Coast Guard Recruitment website https://joinindiancoastguard.gov.infrom 18/02/2022 to 28/02/2022 only for Coast Guard Assistant Commandant  01/2023 batch Recruitment.

Details and Online Application form

Please visit https://joinindiancoastguard.cdac.infor details and online submission of application for Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2023 batch Recruitment. 

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


Coast-Guard Navik / Yantrik Recruitment 2/2022 batch – Apply Online Now !!!

 Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2022 Notification for the recruitment to the post of Navik (General Duty), Navik (Domestic Branch), and Yantrik in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force. All the details like Notification, Eligibility, Qualification, Age Limit, Salary, Important Dates, Application Fees, How to Apply, etc. are given below.


Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian Nationals possessing educational qualifications and age as prescribed below, for recruitment to the Government Job vacancy post of Navik (Domestic Branch), Navik (General Duty) and Yantrik (Diploma Engineers) in the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) (an Armed Force of the Union) under Ministry of Defence, Government of India for 02/2022 batch entry.

Coast Guard 2/2022 batch Navik Yantrik Recruitment Vacancies 

  • Navik (General Duty – GD): 260 vacancies (UR-112, EWS-28, OBC-72, SC-37, ST-11) in the Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 starting ₹21700 in 7th Pay Commission pay matrix, Age: 18-22 years, Qualification: 10+2 passed with Maths and Physics 
  • Navik (Domestic Branch – DB): 35 vacancies (UR-12, EWS-02, OBC-09, SC-05, ST-07) in the Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 starting ₹21700 in 7th Pay Commission pay matrix, Age: 18-22 years, Qualification: 10th Class with 50% marks  (45% marks for SC/ST and outstanding sportsperson of National level who have obtained 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in any field sports events) in an aggregate 
  • Yantrik: 29 vacancies in the Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 starting ₹21700 in 7th Pay Commission pay matrix, Age: 18-22 years, Qualification: 10th pass and Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical/Electronics/Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering.
    • Yantrik (Mechanical) : 13 vacancies (UR-04, EWS-01, OBC-02, ST-06)
    • Yantrik (Electrical) : 09 vacancies (UR-06, OBC-02, SC-01)
    • Yantrik (Electronics) : 07 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-01, ST-01)
Coast Guard GD DB Yantrik Vacancy Details 02_2022

Important Dates:

  • Apply Start4.1.2022
  • Apply Last Date14.1.2022
  • Exam DateJan 2022

Age Limit for Coast Guard GD, DB, Navik and Yanitrik Recruitment:

  • 18-22 Years
  • [Age Relaxation as per Rules]
  • Navik (GD) and Yantrik : Born between 01 Aug 2000 to 31 Jul 2004 (both dates inclusive)
  • Navik (DB) : Born between 01 Oct 2000 to 30 Sep 2004 (both dates inclusive)

Educational Qualification:

Navik (General Duty): 10+2 passed with Maths and Physics from an education board recognized by the Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE).

Yantrik: 10th class passed from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) and Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering of duration 03 or 04 years approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)OR
10th& 12th class passed from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) AND “Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering of duration 02 or 03 years approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).

Selection Process of Coast Guard GD, DB and Yantrik

The Selection Process of ICG Navik GD, DB, and Yantrik include the following Stages:

View – All Government Jobs for 10th Pass Job Seekers and Government Jobs for 12th Pass candidates.

How to Apply for Coast Guard 2/2022 Navik Yantrik Vacancy?

Submit the application through online mode in the prescribed format at the Indian Coast Guard recruitment website from 04/01/2022 to 14/01/2022 only for Coast Guard 2/2022 Navik Yantrik Vacancy Recruitment.

Steps To Follow

View- All open Government jobs in Indian Armed Forces

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit https://www.joinindiancoastguard.gov.in  for details and apply online for Coast Guard 2/2022 Navik Yantrik Vacancy Recruitment.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***