Tag Archives: JobSearch2023

SPMCIL 2023 Manager Vacancy Recruitment

SPMCIL Recruitment 2023 Manager Vacancy Recruitment: Apply Online Now!

SPMCIL Recruitment 2023 is out for 37 posts of Assistant Managers. The article below has all the information on SPMCIL Recruitment 2023.


Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) has taken a momentous step towards bolstering its workforce by seeking out exceptional and skilled individuals. As part of its recruitment drive, the esteemed organization has extended a cordial invitation for online applications, utilizing a carefully crafted prescribed form. The primary objective is to fill 37 vacancies in the coveted position of Assistant Manager. These exciting opportunities are available in diverse domains and disciplines, including Technical Operations, Technical Control, Technical Support, Materials Management, and Information Technology, all earmarked for the year 2023. The advertisement for these esteemed Government Job Vacancies, designated as No. 04/2023, marks the company’s commitment to securing top-tier professionals, dedicated to furthering its mission and success.

SPMCIL Recruitment 2023 Manager Vacancy Recruitment: Apply Online Now!

SPMCIL Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  1. Assistant Manager (Printing): 07 vacancies 
  2. Assistant Manager (Electrical): 04 vacancies 
  3. Assistant Manager (Electronics): 03 vacancies 
  4. Assistant Manager (Mechanical): 04 vacancies 
  5. Assistant Manager (Metallurgy): 01 vacancies 
  6. Assistant Manager (Quality Assurance – Paper): 02 vacancies 
  7. Assistant Manager (Quality Assurance): 02 vacancies 
  8. Assistant Manager (Assay): 02 vacancies 
  9. Assistant Manager (Technical Control): 05 vacancies 
  10. Assistant Manager (Artist/Designer): 03 vacancies
  11. Assistant Manager (Materials Management): 03 vacancies
  12. Assistant Manager (IT): 01 vacancies 
Domain NameNo of Vacancies
Technical Operations19
Technical Control11
Technical Support03
Materials Management03
Information Technology01

Pay Scale: ₹40000-140000,

Age: 30 years as of 08/08/2023

Selection Process for SPMCIL Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023

The online examination will be conducted at various centers in Delhi /NCR /Noida /Ghaziabad /Faridabad /Hyderabad /Kolkata /Mumba i/Navi Mumbai /Thane /MMR Region /Bhopal.

The selection will be based on:-

  1. Online Exam
  2. Interview

Candidates applying for the SPMCIL Assistant Manager recruitment can check the online exam pattern below.

S.NoName of the TestNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksVersionTime
1Professional Knowledge6090Hindi & English language except English language sectionComposite time of 120 Minutes
2General Awareness1515
3English Language1515
4Logical Reasoning1515
5Quantitative Aptitude1515

Application Fee

Open Category₹ 600/-
Reserved Category₹ 200/-
Payment MethodOnline (Debit Cards, Credit Cards and Internet Banking)

How to Apply for SPMCIL Assistant Manager Vacancy 2023?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply online in the prescribed format available at SPMCIL Recruitment website only from 08/07/2023 to 08/08/2023 for SPMCIL Assistant Manager Recruitment 2023: Apply Now for 37 Vacancies.

  • Visit the official website of SPMCIL.
  • Click on “APPLY ONLINE” from the Home Screen.
  • Enter all the mandatory details, including your name, date of birth, address, and email address.
  • Upload the required soft copies of documents in pdf, doc, etc.
  • Complete & submit the application form.
  • Pay the application fees by the last day of registration.
  • Take a printout of the application form for future reference.

Latest Government Jobs in Delhi

Details and Online Submission of Application

Please visit https://www.spmcil.com/en/discover-spmcil/#career for details and online application format for Assistant Manager Vacancy Recruitment in SPMCIL 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

UPSSSC Vacancy Recruitment 2023

UPSSSC Auditor Recruitment 2023 for Accounts Auditor and Assistant Accountant Vacancy: Apply Online Now

UPSSSC Auditor Recruitment 2023 applications are going on for 530 Lekha Parikshak and Lekha Sahayak Posts. Candidates can apply till 1st August 2023 using the link below.


The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) is extending an invitation to Indian Citizens for 530 Group-B Employee category #SarkariNaukri vacancies in the positions of Accounts Auditor (लेखा परीक्षक) and Assistant Accountant (सहायक लेखाकार). This opportunity is available through the UPSSSC Accounts Auditor and Assistant Accountant (Common Selection) (Main) Recruitment Examination 2023. Eligible candidates can apply online using the prescribed recruitment form. The recruitment aims to fill positions in various Offices, Organisations, and Departments of the Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP). To participate in the selection process, candidates must first pass the Preliminary Eligibility Test PET-2022. Interested individuals can find detailed information and guidelines in the official advertisement with reference number 05/Exam/2023. Don’t miss this chance to seize a promising career in the government sector and contribute to the growth of Uttar Pradesh.

CommissionUttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board 
RecruitmentUPSSSC Accounts Auditor & Assistant Accountant Recruitment 2023
UPSSSC Auditor Notification 20236th July 2023
VacanciesAuditor & Assistant Accountant
Total Posts530 Posts
Qualification RequiredB.Com and O Level 
Age Limit21 to 40 Years
UPSSSC Auditor Application Form 202311th July 2023
Last Date to Apply1st August 2023
Application ModeOnline
Selection ProcessWritten Exam, DV and Interview
Application FeeRs 25/-
Type of ArticleRecruitment
UPSSSC Accounts Auditor and Assistant Accountant Vacancy Recruitment 2023

About UPSSSC Auditor Recruitment 2023

The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has come up with a recruitment examination notice no. 05/Exam/2023 for recruitment of  Group-B Government Job post of Accounts Auditor (लेखा परीक्षक) and Assistant Accountant (सहायक लेखाकार) from eligible and passed candidates through Preliminary Eligibility Test PET-2022.

UPSSSC Accounts Auditor and Assistant Accountant Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionNumber of VacanciesCategory-wise BreakdownDepartment/OrganizationPay Scale
Accounts Auditor138UR-63, EWS-13, OBC-31, SC-28, ST-03, FF-02, PWD-05, Ex.SM-06, Female-27, Meritorious Sportsperson-02Office of Director of Local Fund Accounts Audit Department, Prayagraj, UP Government7th CPC Pay Level-05 ₹29200-92300/-
Accounts Auditor391UR-155, EWS-39, OBC-107, SC-83, ST-07, FF-07, PWD-15, Ex.SM-19, Female-78, Meritorious Sportsperson-07Directorate of Cooperative Societies and Panchayat Accounts Audit, Lucknow, UP Government7th CPC Pay Level-05 ₹29200-92300/-
Assistant Accountant01URUttar Pradesh SC and ST Commission, Lucknow, UP Government7th CPC Pay Level-04 ₹25500-81100/-

Eligibility Criteria for UPSSSC Recruitment 2023

  • Age: Age: 21-40 years as on 01/07/2023
  • Pay Scale: As prescribed above
  • Eligibility: (i) Graduation in Commerce from a recognised university (ii) ‘O’ level certificate from DOEACC for computer Operation. (iii) The candidate will be allowed to appear in the exam based on the mark obtained in the Preliminary Eligibility Test- PET-2022.

Selection Process

The Selection Process for UPSSSC Auditor Recruitment 2023 includes the following Stages:

  • Shortlisting on the basis of UP PET- 2022 Score
  • Mains Written Exam
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

Application Fee

For General/OBC/EWS₹25/
For SC/ST₹25/-
Payment ModeOnline Mode
How to Pay Fee: Online –Debit Card / Credit Card / and through Internet Banking

View – Government Jobs for 12th pass candidates

Recruitment Exam Scheme

The preliminary test is the UP PET i.e. those who have passed UPPET 2022 are eligible to appear in the main examination. The main examination 2023 for the above mentioned recruitment posts will be held at various centers in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The scheme and other details of the main exam will be posted on the UPPSC website at a later stage.

How to Apply for UPSSSC Accounts Auditor/Assistant Accountant Recruitment 2023?

Suitable and desirable candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the UPSSSC recruitment website from 11/07/2023 to 01/08/2023 only for 530 Sarkari Naukri Vacancy for Accounts Auditor and Assistant Accountant in Uttar Pradesh.

  • Check the eligibility from the UPSSSC Auditor Notification 2023
  • Click on the Apply Online Link given below or visit the website upsssc.gov.in
  • Fill out the application form
  • Upload the required documents
  • Pay Fees
  • Print the Application Form

See Also – Available Government Jobs in Uttar Pradesh (UP)

Details and online submission of the application

Please visit the Notifications/Advertisement page at http://upsssc.gov.in for detailed information and the online application format for UPSSSC Accounts Auditor and Assistant Accountant Recruitment Examination 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

CGPDTM 2023 Recruitment for Examiners of Patents and Designs

CGPDTM Recruitment 2023: Examiner of Patents and Designs Vacancies

CGPDTM Recruitment 2023 -Recruitment of Examiner of Patents & Designs in CGPDTM 2023


Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment in 2023. There are 553 vacancies available for the position of Examiner of Patents and Designs in the General Central Service category, which falls under the Gazetted (Non-Ministerial) employee classification. These positions are offered by the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks (CGPDTM), a department under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Interested candidates are requested to apply in the prescribed format through the online application mode. This recruitment drive is being conducted on a regular basis. Please refer to Advertisement No. QCI/CGPDTM/001 for more information.

Recruitment OrganizationController General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks (CGPDTM)
Post NameExaminer of Patents & Desings
Advt No.CGPDTM Recruitment 2023
Salary/ Pay ScaleRs. 56100- 177500/- (Level-10)
Job LocationAll India
Last Date to Apply4 August 2023
Mode of ApplyOnline
CategoryCGPDTM Vacancy 2023
CGPDTM Recruitment 2023: Examiner of Patents and Designs Vacancies

About CGPDTM Recruitment 2023

The Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) plays a crucial role in overseeing the implementation of Industrial Property laws concerning Patents (Patents Act 1970), Designs (Designs Act, 2000), Trade Marks (Trade Marks Act, 1999), and Geographical Indications (Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act 1999) within the country.

In the year 2023, CGPDTM is looking to hire Examiners of Patents and Designs for the General Central Service category, under Group ‘A’ Gazetted (Non-Ministerial) employees. The exact number of vacancies is subject to change based on the actual requirements at the time of the final appointment process.

The Examiner of Patents & Designs holds a crucial position within the Patent Office, responsible for thoroughly examining patent applications. Additionally, they also act as Examiners under the Designs Act, 2000.

CGPDTM Examiner of Patents and Designs Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  • Examiners of Patents & Designs: 553 vacancies (UR-242, EWS-55, OBC-152, Sc-77, ST-27) (PWD-33) in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC ₹56100-177500/-, Age: 21-35 years as of 4th August, 2023.
    1. Bio-Technology: 50 vacancies
    2. Bio-Chemistry: 20 vacancies
    3. Food Technology: 15 vacancies
    4. Chemistry: 56 vacancies
    5. Polymer Science and Technology: 09 vacancies
    6. Bio-Medical Engineering: 53 vacancies
    7. Electronics & Communication: 108 vacancies
    8. Electrical Engineering: 29 vacancies 
    9. Computer Science & Information Technology: 63 vacancies
    10. Physics: 30 vacancies 
    11. Civil Engineering: 09 vacancies 
    12. Mechanical Engineering: 99 vacancies
    13. Metallurgical Engineering: 04 vacancies
    14. Textile Engineering: 08 vacancies
Food Technology2141715
Polymer Science and Technology1NIL3149
Bio-Medical Engineering831552253
Electronics & Communication Engineering156301146108
Electrical Engineering41831329
Computer Science & Information Technology931762863
Civil Engineering1NIL3149
Mechanical Engineering14527104399
Metallurgical Engineering001034
Textile Engineering102148

Selection Process 

The selection process for the posts of Examiner of Patents and Designs will consist of three phases as follows:

  • Preliminary Examination: 150 marks. 
  • Mains Examination: 400 marks. 
  • Interview: 100 marks 

The final merit list of qualified candidates will be prepared by giving 80% weightage to the cumulative marks obtained in Paper-I and Paper-II of the mains examination and 20% weightage to the marks obtained in the interview.

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Application Fee 

The application fee to be paid while applying for the CGPDTM Patent Examiner Recruitment is as follows

CategoryApplication Fee
General and OBC₹1000/-
SC/ST, PWD, Women and any other person₹500/

How To Apply for CGPDTM Examiner of Patents and Designs Recruitment 2023? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at CGPDTM Recruitment website from 14/07/2023 to 04/08/2023 only for CGPDTM 2023 Recruitment for Examiners of Patents and Designs.

  • First of all, visit to the Official Site.
  • You can find the CGPDTM Recruitment/Careers/Job Opportunities Section, which seems like in the above image.
  • Find the notification of CGPDTM for the above-said posts, and click on the advertisement.
  • Go through the CGPDTM official advertisement before applying for a job.
  • As a result of Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks, you will come to know which job is eligible.
  • Download the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks application form/fill up the online form correctly.
  • Recheck all the details, that you have entered in the application form of Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks.
  • Finally, submit the online CGPDTM application and/or send it to the given address before the last date ends.

Details and Online submission of application 

Please visit https://ipindia.gov.in OR at https://qcin.org for details and online application format for CGPDTM Examiner of Patents and Designs Recruitment 2023. The details advertisement document is also available at https://qcin.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Recruitment-Notification_Final-_-30062023-1.pdf.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**