Tag Archives: jobs in lucknow

PGCIL Recruitment 2023 for Officer Trainee Law by CLAT-2024: Apply Today

PGCIL Recruitment 2023 for Officer Trainee Law by CLAT-2024: Apply Today

PGCIL Recruitment 2023 – Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) has released a notification for recruitment to the Post of Officer Trainee (Law) in All India. Interested candidates can Apply Online on or before 29-Nov-2023


Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL), India’s Central Transmission Utility (CTU), is seeking dedicated and enthusiastic law graduates to become Officer Trainees (Law) through the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) (PG) – 2024 for the year 2023. This opportunity is advertised under Advertisement No. CC/09/2023. PGCIL has opened its doors to aspiring candidates, inviting online applications in the specified format for the recruitment of Government Job Vacancy of Officer Trainee (Law) for the year 2024.

Post NameOfficer Trainee
Recruitment TypeDirect Recruitment
Post TypeContractual
Educational QualificationGraduation
PGCIL Recruitment 2023 for Officer Trainee Law by CLAT-2024: Apply Today

PGCIL Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PostOfficer Trainee (Law)
No. of Vacancies10 (UR-5, EWS-1, OBC-2, SC-1, ST-1)
QualificationFull-time Three years LLB or Five years integrated Law/LLB course with not less than 60% marks or equivalent CGPA as per the formula provided by the Institute/ University.
Pay ScaleDuring training period: Basic Pay of ₹40000/- along with IDA, HRA, and Perks @12% of basic pay during the training period. After successful completion of the training, selected candidates will be posted in the pay scale E-2 Grade ₹50000-160000/-.
Age28 years as of 29/11/2023

CLAT 2024 

The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) (PG) – 2024 is organized by The Consortium of National Law Universities. Online registration for CLAT 2024 will conclude on November 3, 2023. For comprehensive information about CLAT 2024, please explore the CLAT 2024 website: https://consortiumofnlus.ac.in/clat-2024.

Selection Process for PGCIL Officer Trainee Law Recruitment 2023

The selection process for PGCIL Recruitment through CLAT 2024 can be summarized as follows:

  1. CLAT 2024 Examination: To be considered for PGCIL recruitment, candidates must first appear for CLAT 2024.
  2. Shortlisting for Interview and Group Discussion: Candidates are shortlisted for the interview and group discussion rounds based on their scores in CLAT 2024.
  3. Interview Round Criteria: Only candidates who meet the required cutoff in the PGCIL recruitment CLAT 2024 shall be called for the interview. While there are no qualifying marks for the group discussion round, the interview round has specific criteria. Unreserved category candidates must secure at least 40% marks in the interview, while OBC (NCL)/SC candidates require a minimum of 30% marks.
  4. Final Selection: The final list of selected candidates is determined based on their performance in CLAT 2024, the interview, and the group discussion.

Application Fee 

Application FeePayment Mode
₹500/-Online Payment
SC/ST/PWD/Ex-SMExempted from Application Fees

Apply Online for PGCIL Officer Trainee Law Recruitment 2023

Suitable and eligible candidates are encouraged to complete their online applications in the prescribed format on the Power Grid website from 09/11/2023 to 29/11/2023. Ensure to provide your CLAT (PG) 2024 details for the Power Grid Officer Trainee Law Recruitment by CLAT-2024.

  • Candidates must apply online exclusively through the official PGCIL website.
  • Before starting the application process, ensure you have scanned copies of the necessary documents ready.
  • A valid email ID and mobile number are mandatory for registration. Keep these contact details active as PGCIL will use them for essential communication, including updates about certificate verification.
  • Please be aware that all the particulars you provide in the online application, such as your name, chosen post, date of birth, address, and email ID, will be considered as final. Therefore, fill out the PGCIL online application form with great care because requests for modifications are unlikely to be entertained.
  • If applicable, the application fee can be paid through either online or offline modes, depending on the specific requirements.
  • After successfully submitting the application, remember to save and print your application number for future reference.

Details and Application Format

To learn more about and apply for the Power Grid Officer Trainee Law Recruitment by CLAT-2024, please visit the Power Grid recruitment website at https://www.powergrid.in/job-opportunities.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

UPSC Notification 2023: Apply Online for Assistant Professor & More Posts

UPSC Notification 2023: Apply Online for Assistant Professor & More Posts

UPSC Notification 2023 – UPSC Releases Notification for Assistant Professor and Other Posts in Employment News (14-20 October 2023) – Check PDF and Details Here


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), headquartered at Dholpur House, New Delhi, is calling for online applications until 02/11/2023, using the provided recruitment form. This recruitment drive aims to fill various Group-A and Group-B Government Jobs across different departments and organizations of the Government of India. The available positions include Directors, Medical Faculty, Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, and more. Interested candidates can apply for these Sarkari Naukri vacancies by submitting the prescribed online application form (UPSC Advt. No. 19/2023).

ORGANISATIONUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Advertisement No.:Advertisement No. 19/2023
No. OF POSTS25 Posts
CATEGORYGovernment Job
UPSC Notification 2023: Apply Online for Assistant Professor & More Posts

UPSC Notification 2023 Vacancies

Serial No.PostVacanciesDepartment/Ministry
1Assistant Director (Communication, Navigation & Surveillance)02 (UR)Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation
2Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Endocrinology)09 (SC-02, ST-01, OBC-04, UR-02)Department of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
3Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Pulmonary Medicine)03 (OBC-02, UR-01) (PwBD-01)Department of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
4Assistant Architect01 (OBC-01)Central Public Works Department, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
5Driller-in-Charge06 (OBC-01, EWS-01, UR-04)Central Ground Water Board, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti
6Engineer & Ship Surveyor-Cum-Deputy Director General (Technical)03 (UR)Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways
7Ship Surveyor-Cum-Deputy Director General (Technical)01 (OBC)Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways

Educational Qualification for UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 19/2023

Assistant Director:

  • Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering or Technology in Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Electronics and Telecommunication, or Electronics and Electrical from a recognized University or Institution.

Assistant Professor (Endocrinology):

  • Educational Qualification:
    • A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956).
    • Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956).
    • Post-Graduate degree in the concerned specialty or super specialty mentioned in Section A of Schedule VI from a recognized Teaching Institute i.e., Doctorate of Medicine (Endocrinology); or Diplomate National Board (Endocrinology); or Doctor of Medicine (Medicine/Pediatrics) with two years’ special training in Endocrinology; or Diplomate National Board (Medicine/Pediatrics) with two years’ special training in Endocrinology.

For more details regarding the educational qualifications for these positions, we recommend referring to the official notification provided in the notification link.

Selection Process

The selection for these positions will be based on either an interview or a written examination, depending on the specific requirements of each post. For certain positions, the selection process involves a Recruitment Test (RT) followed by an interview. For comprehensive information about the selection procedures for these positions, please refer to the notification link.

Application Fee

FeePayment ModeExemption Eligibility
₹25/-Cash/Online at SBISC/ST/PH/Women candidates are exempted

How to Apply for UPSC Government Jobs Advt. 19/2023 Vacancies?

Qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format through the UPSC Online website at https://upsconline.nic.in. The application window will be open from 14/10/2023 to 02/11/2023 for the recruitment of various Sarkari Naukri vacancies advertised in UPSC Recruitment Advt. 19/2023.

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. On the homepage, locate and click on the “ONLINE RECRUITMENT APPLICATION (ORA) FOR VARIOUS RECRUITMENT POSTS” link.
  3. A new page will appear on the screen.
  4. Fill out the application form and complete the payment of the application fee.
  5. Upload all the necessary documents as per the instructions.
  6. Submit the form and make sure to print the final submitted application form for future reference.

Details and online submission of the application

For detailed information about the positions, eligibility criteria, application instructions, and the online application format for UPSC Officers and Scientists Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment under Advt. No. 19/2023, please refer to the official notification available at https://upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Advt-No_19-2023_Eng_13102023.pdf.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

UPPSC RO ARO Recruitment 2023

UPPSC RO ARO Recruitment 2023: Apply For 411 Posts Online

UPPSC RO ARO Recruitment 2023 – The UPPSC RO ARO Notification for 2023 has been released, offering 411 vacancies. Explore comprehensive details regarding the UPPSC RO ARO Notification 2023, including online registration, eligibility criteria, application fee, syllabus, exam pattern, and more.


The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC), situated in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, is set to conduct the Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari समीक्षा अधिकारी (Review Officer) Etc., (General/ Recruitment) Examination 2023 at various test centers throughout Uttar Pradesh (UP) (Advertisement No. A-7/E-1/2023).

The UPPSC invites online applications in the prescribed format for various Government Officer job vacancies (Sarkari Naukri) in Group-B through the Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari समीक्षा अधिकारी (Review Officer) Etc., (General/ Recruitment) Examination 2023 (Advt. No.: A-7/E-1/2023). Don’t miss this opportunity! Apply now. ( Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha समीक्षा अधिकारी Adhikari Review Officer Recruitment Examination 2023 by UP PSC).

Post NameReview Officer (RO) and Assistant Review Officer (ARO)
Recruiting bodyUPPSC
Mode of applicationOnline
Selection processPrelims, Mains, Typing test
Job LocationUttar Pradesh
Last date of applicationNovember 9, 2023
UPPSC RO ARO Recruitment 2023: Apply For 411 Posts Online

UPPSC RO ARO Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

Post NameReview Officer/Assistant Review Officer
Pay Scale₹44,900-₹142,400 (Pay Level-7) to ₹47,600-₹151,100 (Pay Level-8)
Age21-40 years as of 01/07/2023
QualificationBachelor’s Degree or equivalent, along with special qualifications for certain posts. A Computer Certificate/Diploma is required for various vacancies.
RelaxationAge relaxation for reserved categories as per Government orders.
Post NameVacancies
Review Officer (RO) 334
Assistant Review Officer (ARO)77

Vacancy at these department to be filled

OrganizationPost NameVacancies
U.P. SecretariatSamiksha Adhikari322
U.P. Public Service CommissionSamiksha Adhikari9
Board of Revenue, U.P.Samiksha Adhikari3
U.P. SecretariatSahayak Samiksha Adhikari40
Board of Revenue, U.P.Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari23
U.P. Public Service CommissionSahayak Samiksha Adhikari13
U.P. Public Service CommissionSahayak Samiksha Adhikari1

Selection Criteria for UPPSC RO ARO

The UPPSC RO ARO selection process is categorized into three stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination
  2. Main Examination
  3. Typing Test

Application Fee for UP PSC Review Officer Recruitment Examination 2023

CategoryApplication Fee
General/ OBC₹100/-
PH (Physically Handicapped)No fee
Online Processing Fee₹25/-

How to Apply for UPPSC Review Officer Recruitment 2023?

Appropriate and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications online through the prescribed format on the UP PSC recruitment website. The application window is open from 09/10/2023 to 09/11/2023 for the UP PSC Samiksha Adhikari Review Officer Recruitment Examination 2023.

  • Visit the official UPPSC website.
  • Find and click on the “Apply Online” link or the notification for the Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari Etc., (General/ Recruitment) Examination-2023.
  • Click the “Apply” button to start the application process.
  • Fill in the application form with your relevant details and complete the registration.
  • Upload scanned copies of your latest photograph and signature in JPEG/JPG format.
  • Pay the required application fee to finalize your UPPSC RO ARO application online.
  • Save a copy of the filled application form for future reference.

View Also – Government Jobs by other Public Service Commission

Details and online application for UPPSC RO ARO Notification 2023

For comprehensive information, guidelines, syllabus, and the online application link for the UP PSC Samiksha Adhikari Review Officer Examination 2023, please visit the Notification Section on the UP PSC website at https://uppsc.up.nic.in.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Apply online for 495 Engineering Executive Trainees at NTPC through GATE 2023.

NTPC Recruitment 2023 through GATE: Apply Online for 495 Engineering Executive Trainees

NTPC Recruitment 2023 – NTPC will recruit candidates for Engineering Executive Trainess through GATE 2023 score. Details here.


Maha Ratna NTPC Limited, India’s largest power Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), invites online applications from dynamic and high-achieving Graduate Engineers in multiple Engineering disciplines. This is a golden opportunity to become an Engineering Executive Trainee (EET) at NTPC through GATE 2023. (Advertisement No. 22/2022). Join them on this exciting career journey!

NTPC Recruitment 2023
Recruitment AuthorityNational Thermal Power Corporation
Posts NameEngineering Executive Trainee
Total Vacancies495
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Vacancy Announced onOctober 6, 2023
Application Start DateOctober 6, 2023
Application End DateOctober 20, 2023
Selection processGate Score Card – 2023
Document Verification
NTPC Recruitment 2023 through GATE: Apply Online for 495 Engineering Executive Trainees

NTPC Recruitment 2023 vacancies

Engineering Executive Trainees (EET): NTPC Limited offers a fantastic opportunity with 495 vacancies in various engineering disciplines, and the selection will be based on GATE-2023 scores. Aspiring candidates should be 27 years or below, hold a full-time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology/AMIE with at least 65% marks (55% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates) following their respective Institute/University norms. Successful applicants will be placed in the E-1 pay scale of ₹40,000-3%-140,000.

Engineering DisciplineVacanciesBreakdown (UR, EWS, OBC, SC, ST)
Electrical Engineering120UR-56, EWS-4, OBC-32, SC-18, ST-10
Mechanical Engineering200UR-87, EWS-19, OBC-59, SC-22, ST-13
Electronics/Instrumentation Engineering80UR-54, EWS-4, OBC-9, SC-5, ST-8
Civil Engineering30UR-13, EWS-3, OBC-8, SC-4, ST-2
Mining Engineering65UR-27, EWS-6, OBC-18, SC-9, ST-5

To become an Engineering Executive Trainee at NTPC in 2023, candidates must have taken the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2023. The selection process will be primarily based on their GATE-2023 performance.

View – All available Engineering Government Jobs through GATE

Selection Process

Candidates who are eligible must have participated in GATE 2023 and successfully passed the examination. Shortlisting for document verification will be done based on their performance in GATE 2023.

Application Fee for NTPC Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment 2023

Application FeePayment ModesFee Exemption
₹300/-Offline/Online ModesSC/ST/PWD/Ex.SM candidates

View – All available Government Jobs in Public Sector Units in India

How to Apply for NTPC Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment through GATE 2023?  

Engineer candidates who meet the requirements should apply online in the specified format on the NTPC website from 06/10/2023 to 20/10/2023. Make sure to apply with your GATE-2023 score for the NTPC Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment through GATE-2023.

Application Steps:

  • Visit the Official Website.
  • Use your GATE 2023 registration number for the application.
  • Read the instructions and complete the application form. After submission, a unique number will be generated.
  • Ensure that your name in the application matches the name on your GATE Score Card.
  • Pay the necessary fees.
  • Download and print the application for future reference.

Service Agreement Bond:

Selected candidates from the General, EWS, and OBC categories will be required to sign a service agreement bond of Rs. 5,00,000. For candidates from SC, ST, PwWBD categories, the bond amount is Rs. 2,50,000.

This bond obligates them to work for the company for a minimum of 3 years after successfully completing one year of training.

Details and application form

For more information and to submit your application online for the Engineering Executive Trainee Recruitment 2023 through GATE-2023 at NTPC, please visit the NTPC recruitment website: https://careers.ntpc.co.in/openings.php.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

Indian Army TGC Recruitment for Technical Graduate July 2024 Course (TGC-139th)

Indian Army TGC Recruitment for Technical Graduate July 2024 Course (TGC-139th) : 30 Posts

Indian Army TGC Recruitment – 139th Technical Engineer Graduate Course TGC in Indian Army course commence July 2024


Indian Army invites online applications in the prescribed format from unmarried male engineering graduates for the 139th Technical Graduate Course (139 TGC), commencing in July 2024 at the prestigious Indian Military Academy (IMA) in Dehradun. This course offers an opportunity for a Permanent Commission (PC) in the Indian Army, where selected engineers will serve in the esteemed Officer cadre Sarkari Naukri, dedicated to serving the nation.

DepartmentIndian Army
Posts139th Technical Graduates Course (TGC)
Total Posts30 Posts
EligibilityBE/B. Tech (Engineering Degree)
Age LimitBetween 20 to 27 years
Apply FeeNil
Last Date26 October 2023
SalaryRs.56,100/- to 2,50,000/- (Level-18)
Job LocationAll Indian
Apply ModeOnline
Indian Army TGC Recruitment for Technical Graduate July 2024 Course (TGC-139th) : 30 Posts

SSC Commissioned Officer in Indian Army 139 TGC Entry

Upon selection for the Technical Graduate Course (139th TGC), candidates will receive Short Service Commission (SSC) on probation, holding the rank of Lieutenant. This status is effective from either the course commencement date or the date of reporting at the Indian Military Academy (IMA), whichever is later. During the training period, candidates will receive full pay and allowances in accordance with the Lieutenant rank.

After successfully completing the training for the 139th TGC, cadets will be eligible for Permanent Commission (PC) in the Army, with a Lieutenant rank, at which point pay and allowances will be regularly provided.

Indian Army TGC Recruitment Vacancies of 139th TGC Engineers in the Indian Army

  • 30 vacancies in various engineering streams/disciplines (with related disciplines also)
Engineering StreamVacancies
Computer Sc. & Engineering/Computer Technology/IT/M. Sc. Computer Sc07
Miscellaneous Engineering Streams02


Candidates must be between 20 and 27 years of age as of 01/07/2024. This means candidates born between 02 July 1997 and 01 July 2004 (both dates inclusive) are eligible.

Educational Qualification Criteria:

Eligible candidates include those who have either completed the required Engineering Degree course or are in their final year of the Engineering Degree program.

Pay Scale and Stipend:

During the training period, selected candidates will receive a stipend of ₹56,100/-. Upon completion of training, they will be commissioned as Lieutenants, with a 7th CPC Pay Level-10 scale of ₹56,100-177,500. Additionally, officers will receive a Military Service Pay (MSP) of ₹15,500/- per month.

Apply Online for Indian Army 139 TGC Entry

Candidates who meet the suitable and desirable criteria are invited to apply online, following the prescribed format, exclusively through the Indian Army Recruitment website at https://joinindianarmy.nic.in. The application window for the Indian Army 139 Technical Graduate TGC Entry Course for Engineers will be open from September 27, 2023, to October 26, 2023.

  • Visit the official website to initiate the TGC 139 application process.
  • Upon accessing the Indian Army Registration page, candidates will encounter two options: “Login for existing users” and “Registration for New users.”
  • For new users, click on the “Registration” button located at the bottom of the page.
  • Afterward, carefully review all the instructions provided on the page. Click the “continue” button to proceed. The registration page will appear, prompting candidates to enter required information such as Aadhaar Number, Candidate’s Name, Parent’s Name, Date of Birth, Email Id, and Mobile Number. Click “Submit” to advance.
  • Subsequently, the “Apply Online” button will appear on the screen. Click this button to access the TGC application form. The application form will request various details, including Board of Class 10th, Highest Qualification, Enrolment number, and more.
  • Towards the end, candidates should mark the “I agree” checkbox at the bottom of the page and then proceed with the final submission.
  • Finally, download and print a copy of the TGC 138 application form for future reference and record-keeping.

View – Government Jobs for Engineers

Details and Online Submission of Application

Additionally, you can find more information about this entry scheme and access the online application form at https://joinindianarmy.nic.in for the Indian Army 139 Technical Graduate TGC Entry Course for Engineers, which is scheduled to commence in July 2024.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

NHB Recruitment 2023 for Managers and Officers

NHB Recruitment 2023 for Managers and Officers: Apply Online Today!!

The NHB Recruitment 2023 information is now available on the official website. This post provides comprehensive details regarding the NHB Recruitment 2023.


National Housing Bank (NHB) invites online applications from Indian Citizens for the recruitment of 43 Government Job vacancies in various pay scales for Officers and Managers. These positions are available on both regular and contractual bases for the year 2023. NHB, established under an act of Parliament, is the premier financial institution for housing in India and operates as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Explore exciting career opportunities with NHB! (Advertisement No. NHB/HRMD/Recruitment/2023-24/02).

NHB Recruitment 2023: Overview
Particulars Details 
OrganizationNational Housing Bank
PostVarious Posts
Category Recruitment
Notification Date27 September 2023
Application ModeOnline
Online Registration Date28 September – 18 October 2023
Eligibility CriteriaDiffers as per the posts
Application FeeSC/ST/PwBD-Rs. 175/- (Intimation Charges only)Other than SC/ST/PwBD- Rs. 850/- (Application Fee including Intimation Charges)
Selection ProcessOnline Test and Interview
NHB Recruitment 2023 for Managers and Officers: Apply Online Today!!

NHB Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

  • Regular Vacancies
PositionVacanciesCategoryAgePay Scale
General Manager – Project Finance01UR40-55 yearsScale–VII ₹1,16,120-1,29,000/-
Deputy General Manager – Chief Financial Officer01UR40-55 yearsScale–VI ₹1,04,240-1,16,120/-
Assistant General Manager – Economist01SC32-50 yearsScale–V ₹89,890-1,00,350/-
Deputy Manager – Economist01OBC23-32 yearsScale–II ₹48,170-69,810/-
Deputy Manager – MIS03OBC-2, SC-123-32 yearsScale–II ₹48,170-69,810/-
Assistant Manager – Generalist16UR-9, EWS-1, OBC-3, SC-2, ST-121-30 yearsScale–II ₹36,000-63,840/-
Assistant Manager – Hindi01UR-121-30 yearsScale–II ₹36,000-63,840/-
  • Contractual Vacancies
Chief Economist01UR-162 years₹5,00,000 per month
Senior Application Developer01UR-125-35 years₹1,25,000 per month
Application Developer02UR-223-32 years₹85,000 per month
Senior Project Finance Officer07OBC-4, SC-2, ST-140-59 years₹3,50,000 per month
Project Finance Officer08UR-2, OBC-4, SC-1, ST-135-59 years₹2,50,000 per month

Selection Process for NHB Manager/Officer Recruitment 2023

The NHB Recruitment 2023 selection process comprises two stages:

  1. Online Examination: In this stage, candidates are required to prepare for subjects such as Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language.
  2. Interview: Candidates who pass the online examination will proceed to the interview round. For this stage, it is essential to be well-prepared in areas like general knowledge and current affairs.

For more comprehensive details regarding the selection process, please consult the official NHB Recruitment 2023 PDF.

Application Fee for NHB Jobs 2023

CategoryApplication Fee
Candidates are required to pay the application fee through online mode.

How to apply for Manager/Officer Recruitment 2023 in NHB?

Prospective candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format on the NHB website. The application window will be open from September 28, 2023, to October 18, 2023, exclusively for the Officers and Manager Recruitment 2023 at the National Housing Bank (NHB).

  • Visit the official NHB website to apply online.
  • Navigate to “Opportunities@NHB,” then select “CURRENT VACANCIES,” and click on “Click here to Apply Online.”
  • Register using your active email ID and mobile number.
  • Accurately fill out all the required details in the application form.
  • Note that no corrections can be made after the form is submitted.
  • Upload scanned copies of your photograph, left thumb impression, handwritten declaration, and signature.
  • Submit your application.
  • Make the application fee payment through online mode only.
  • Remember to print the application form for future reference.

View – List of all available Officer Government Jobs

Details and application format

For comprehensive information and access to the online application format for the Officers and Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2023 at the National Housing Bank (NHB), please visit https://nhb.org.in/opportunitiesnhb/.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

DVC Recruitment 2023 by GATE-2023 for Engineer Trainee. Apply for various Engineer Trainee positions in DVC through GATE 2023.

DVC Recruitment 2023 by GATE-2023 for Engineer Trainee: Apply Online today!!

The DVC Recruitment through GATE 2023 has officially been unveiled, offering 91 vacancies for Executive Trainees (ET). The Apply Online link for DVC Recruitment 2023 is currently live and accessible.


DVC Recruitment 2023: Join as Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) through GATE-2023 Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), a prominent Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), is actively seeking dedicated and enthusiastic Graduate Engineers who aspire to embark on a career journey as Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET) in 2023. This opportunity spans various engineering disciplines and relies on candidates utilizing their GATE-2023 scores.

Advertisement Number: PLR/ET-2023/12

DVC will be leveraging the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)–2023 scores for the recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET) in Mechanical, Electrical, C&I (Control and Instrumentation), Civil, and IT Engineering during the year 2023. Online applications in the prescribed format are invited by DVC Limited for the recruitment of 91 Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET) through GATE-2023 scores, fulfilling diverse operational requirements.

OrganizationDamodar Valley Corporation
Advt No.PLR/ET-2023/12
No. of Posts91 Posts
Post NameExecutive Trainee
Last Date30-10-2023
SalaryRs 56,100-1,77,500/-
Employment TypeFull Time
Application ModeOnline
CategoryJ&K Government Job
Selection ProcessGATE Marks, DV
Job LocationPlants/Stations of DVC
DVC Recruitment 2023 by GATE-2023 for Engineer Trainee: Apply Online today!!

About Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)

The Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) is a government-owned power generation entity operating in the Damodar River region spanning West Bengal and Jharkhand states of India. It was established to manage the Damodar Valley Project, which stands as independent India’s pioneering multipurpose river valley initiative. The original blueprint for the Damodar Valley Project was crafted by renowned Indian astrophysicist Meghnad Saha, who served as the key figure in river planning in India at the time.

DVC Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionVacanciesCategory-wise Vacancies
Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) – Mining10UR-05, EWS-01, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01
Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) – Mechanical29UR-12, EWS-02, OBC-08, SC-04, ST-03
Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) – Electrical37UR-14, EWS-05, OBC-12, SC-04, ST-02
Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) – Civil11UR-05, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-02
Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) – C&I02SC-02
Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) – IT02UR-01, SC-01

Age: 29 years as of 16/03/2022.

Pay Scale: Selected candidates will be placed on the 7th CPC Pay Level-10 of ₹56100-177500/-.

Selection Process for DVC ET Recruitment 2023

The DVC Recruitment 2023 Selection Process comprises the following stages:

  1. GATE-2023 Score Assessment
  2. Document Verification (DV)

Candidates’ eligibility for the subsequent stages of selection will be based solely on the marks obtained (out of 100) in the relevant GATE-2023 paper. Only those who qualify in the corresponding GATE-2023 paper will be considered. The qualifying marks for GATE-2023 will be determined by the GATE-2023 conducting authority.

Application Fee for DVC Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2023

The application fee is ₹300/- and should be paid exclusively through the online mode via SBI Collect. However, candidates falling under the categories of SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-SM and DVC Departmental Candidates are exempted from paying the application fees.

Apply Online for DVC Engineer Trainee 2022 Recruitment

Prospective candidates who meet the qualifications are required to submit their applications online using the prescribed format through the DVC Recruitment Website. The application window will be open from 01/10/2023 to 30/10/2023 for the recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees through GATE-2023 in DVC.

  1. Visit the DVC official website.
  2. Navigate to the “Careers” tab on the homepage and click on the “Apply” link.
  3. Register and log in to your account.
  4. Complete the application form by providing the necessary information and uploading required documents.
  5. Pay the applicable application fee.
  6. Submit the form and ensure to save or print a copy for your records.

Details and Online submission of application 

For additional information, kindly visit https://www.dvc.gov.in/cms-web/recruitment-notices for comprehensive details and to submit your application online for the Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees in DVC Limited for the year 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

BEL Recruitment 2023: Apply Online Link for 232 Probationary Engineer & other posts

BEL Recruitment 2023 for 232 Probationary Engineer & other posts: Apply Online Link

The BEL Recruitment 2023 Notification is now available for 233 different positions on the official website. You can submit your online application for BEL Probationary Engineer Recruitment 2023 until October 28, 2023.


Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a distinguished Navratna Public Sector Company and India’s leading Professional Electronics Company, is actively seeking dedicated Probationary Engineers, Probationary Officers, and Probationary Accounts Officers to join its workforce on a regular basis. These positions are available across multiple units, offices, and project sites throughout India.

The Computer Based Test (CBT) is tentatively scheduled for December 2023.

We invite passionate and aspiring professionals to apply online in the prescribed format for the recruitment of 232 government job vacancies. These positions include Probationary Engineers, Probationary Officers, and Probationary Accounts Officers in various disciplines for the year 2023. The vacancies are distributed as follows: UR-95, EWS-23, OBC-62, SC-34, ST-17 (Advertisement No. 17556/HR/All-India).

Recruitment AuthorityBharat Electronics Limited
Posts NameProbationary Engineer, Probationary Officer (HR),
Probationary Accounts Officer
Total Vacancies232
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Vacancy Announced onOctober 4, 2023
Application Start DateOctober 5, 2023
Application End DateOctober 28, 2023
Written Test DateTo be Announced
Selection ProcessComputer Based Test
BEL Recruitment 2023 for 232 Probationary Engineer & other posts: Apply Online Link

BEL Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionProbationary Engineer
Total Vacancies205
Age Limit25 years as of 01/09/2023
Pay ScaleE-II Scale ₹40,000-3%-140,000/-
Specializations (Vacancies)Electronics and Communication: 124
Mechanical: 63
Computer Science: 18
PositionProbationary Officer (HR)
Total Vacancies12
Age Limit25 years as of 01/09/2023
Pay ScaleE-II Scale ₹40,000-3%-140,000/-
PositionProbationary Accounts Officer
Total Vacancies15
Age Limit30 years as of 01/09/2023
Pay ScaleE-II Scale ₹40,000-3%-140,000/-

Selection Process

The BEL 2023 selection process consists of two phases:

  1. Written Test
  2. Interview

Here is the selection procedure that BEL follows to recruit Probationary Officers:

  1. Eligible candidates, whose online applications meet the qualifying criteria, will be provisionally shortlisted for the computer-based test.
  2. Following the computer-based test, candidates will be provisionally shortlisted for an interview based on their performance.
  3. The final selection will be based on the candidate’s performance in both the computer-based test and the interview.

Application Fee for BEL Probationary Engineer Account Officer Recruitment 2023

Application Fee (General)₹1,000/- (+GST @18%)
Total Fee (General)₹1,180/-
Payment ModeOnline
Fee ExemptionSC/ST/PWD/EX.SM candidates are exempted from payment of the application fees.

View – All Available Government Job vacancies in Public Sector

How to Apply for Probationary Engineer Officer Jobs in BEL 2023?

Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to submit their applications online in the prescribed format for the Probationary Engineers/Officers Vacancy Recruitment in BEL 2023 on or before October 28, 2023.

  • Visit the official website.
  • On the homepage, locate and click on the “Careers” section, followed by selecting “Recruitment – Advertisement.”
  • Find and click on the application link related to the recruitment for the positions of Probationary Engineer (Electronics/Mechanical/Computer Science), Probationary Accounts Officer, and Probationary Officer (HR).
  • Register by providing the necessary details, then click on the registration button.
  • Make a note of your registration number and password for future reference.
  • Log in again using the registration number and password you received during registration.
  • Fill in all the required information as prompted.
  • Complete the application process by paying the required fees.
  • Download and print the application form for your records.

View – Government Jobs for Engineers in various organisations/departments

Details and Application Format

For comprehensive information and access to the application format for Probationary Engineer, Probationary Officers, and Probationary Accounts Officer Recruitment in BEL 2023, please visit the Careers page on the BEL website at https://www.bel-india.in.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

CBHFL Recruitment 2023 for Managers - Apply Today!!

CBHFL Recruitment 2023 for Managers – Apply Today!!

CBHFL Recruitment 2023 – Manager Vacancy Recruitment in Cent Bank Home Finance 2023


Cent Bank Home Finance Ltd. (CBHFL), a renowned Housing Finance Company and subsidiary of Central Bank of India, is inviting applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates. We are recruiting Managers for various domains and levels at multiple locations across India for government job vacancies (Advertisement No. 01/2023). Apply Today for this exciting opportunity!

View – All Open Officer Government Jobs

CBHFL Recruitment 2023 for Managers - Apply Today!!

CBHFL Recruitment 2023 Vacancies

PositionVacanciesExperienceAgeQualificationSalary (CTC)
Assistant Manager09Minimum 4 years’ experience, including 2 years in managerial cadre, in HFC/NBFCs/Banks dealing in Mortgage loans25-40 yearsGraduate in any discipline from recognized university₹7,00,000/- per annum (Additionally, ₹50,000 p.a. over four years’ experience, subject to a maximum of ₹8,00,000 p.a.)
Manager – Law01Minimum 5 years of practice in law, preferably in Banking Law and Recovery Laws, or Minimum three years of experience in any Housing Finance Company/Banks/NBFCs dealing in mortgage loans25-40 yearsProfessional Degree in Law from a recognized university₹10,00,000/- per annum (Additionally, ₹1,00,000 p.a. over four years’ experience, subject to a maximum of ₹12,00,000 p.a.)
Manager02Minimum 5 years’ experience, including 2 years in managerial cadre, in HFC/Banks/NBFCs dealing in Mortgage loans25-40 yearsGraduate in any discipline from a recognized university₹9,00,000/- per annum (Additionally, ₹50,000 p.a. over four years’ experience, subject to a maximum of ₹10,00,000 p.a.)
Senior Manager02Minimum 5 years’ experience, including 2 years in managerial cadre, in HFC/Banks/NBFCs dealing in Mortgage loans25-40 yearsMBA/CA/CFA and other Professional Degree in Finance₹12,00,000/- per annum (Additionally, ₹50,000 p.a. over four years’ experience, subject to a maximum of ₹13,00,000 p.a.)

Selection Procedure for Cent Bank Home Finance Manager Recruitment 2023

The selection process for Cent Bank Home Finance Manager Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023 will involve shortlisting candidates for interviews. Shortlisted candidates will receive interview dates via email.

Application Fee

CategoryApplication Fee

Candidates are required to fill out the application form and submit a Demand Draft (DD) in favor of “Cent Bank Home Finance Limited,” payable at Mumbai, with the specified application fee based on their category.

View – All Manager Government Jobs

How to Apply for CBHFL Manager Vacancy Recruitment 2023?

Prospective candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to submit their application forms, along with application fee details and necessary documents, to the CBHFL Corporate Office at the following address: Cent Bank Home Finance Ltd Central Bank of India Building, MMO, 6th Floor MG Road, Flora Fountain, Fort Mumbai – 400023

The deadline for submission is October 15, 2023.

View – Government Jobs in Banking Sector

Details and Application format

To obtain additional details and access the application format for the Cent Bank Home Finance Manager Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023, kindly visit the CBHFL website at https://www.cbhfl.com/career.php.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**

UPPSC Recruitment 2023: Apply Online for 84 Homeopathic Medical Officer and Other Government Jobs

UPPSC Vacancy 2023: Apply Online for 84 Homeopathic Medical Officer and Other Government Jobs

UPPSC Vacancy 2023 – Various Job Vacancy Recruitment 2023 by UP PSC


The Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh (UPPSC) in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh (UP), has released a recruitment advertisement for Group-A and Group-B government job vacancies. These vacancies aim to fill positions across various departments and organizations of the Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP). This recruitment drive is advertised under Advertisement No. D-4/E-1/2023.

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (PSC), located in Prayagraj, invites online applications in the prescribed format for various government job (Sarkari Naukri) vacancies. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply and seize this opportunity.

UPPSC Recruitment 2023
Recruitment AuthorityUttar Pradesh Public Service Commission
Posts NameHomeopathic Medical Officer and Other Posts
Total Vacancies84
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Vacancy Announced onSeptember 26, 2023
Application Start DateSeptember 26, 2023
Application End DateOctober 26, 2023
Last Date of Submission f Hard CopyNovember 2, 2023
Selection processWritten Test & Interview
UPPSC Vacancy 2023: Apply Online for 84 Homeopathic Medical Officer and Other Government Jobs

UPPSC Vacancy 2023 Vacancies

PostVacanciesDepartmentAge (as of 01/07/2023)Relaxation for Reserved CategoriesPay Scale
Deputy Director01 (OBC)Training Division, State Planning Institute, U.P.21-40 yearsAs per Govt. ordersPay Level-11 of 7th CPC ₹67,700-₹2,08,700/-
Assistant Chemist02 (UR)Geology and Mining Department, U.P.21-40 yearsAs per Govt. ordersPay Level-10 of 7th CPC ₹56,100-₹1,77,500/-
Homoeopathic Medical Officer54Uttar Pradesh Ayush (Homoeopathy) Department21-40 yearsAs per Govt. ordersPay Level-10 of 7th CPC ₹56,100-₹1,77,500/-
Professor27Uttar Pradesh Ayush (Homoeopathy) Department21-40 yearsAs per Govt. ordersOld Pay Level-12 ₹78,800-₹2,09,200/-

Selection Process

The UPPSC 2023 selection process consists of two phases: a Written Test and an Interview. Here are the key points regarding the Written Test:

  1. Each question in the Written Test offers four answer alternatives.
  2. For every incorrect answer, a penalty will be imposed by deducting a portion of the marks assigned to that question.
  3. If a candidate provides multiple answers to a question, even if one of them is correct, it will be considered incorrect, and the penalty will apply (equivalent to one-third, or 0.33 marks).
  4. Leaving a question blank, without providing any answer, will also result in a penalty for that specific question.

Application Fee for UP PSC Job Recruitment 2023

CategoryApplication FeeOnline Processing Fee
PH (Physically Handicapped)No Fee₹25

How to Apply for UPPSC Various Jobs Vacancy 2023?

Prospective candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply online using the prescribed format on the UP PSC recruitment website. The application window for UP PSC Various Jobs Vacancy Recruitment No. D-4/E-1/2023 will remain open from September 26, 2023, to October 26, 2023.

  • Visit UPPSC Official Website: Start by visiting the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC).
  • One Time Registration (OTR): Candidates must complete the One Time Registration (OTR) process. Once completed, an OTR Number will be generated.
  • Application Process: Using the generated OTR Number, candidates can initiate the Application Process for the desired posts.
  • Access Application Form: Log in with the OTR Number to access the Application Form.
  • Complete Application Form: Fill in all the necessary details in the Application Form, including personal information, academic qualifications, professional details, and other relevant information.
  • Payment: Proceed to the payment section to complete the Application Fees payment using various online payment modes.
  • Preview and Submission: Review the completed UPPSC Professor Application Form 2023 thoroughly. Once satisfied, submit the form.
  • Save and Print: Save a copy of the submitted application and print it out.
  • Hard Copy Submission: Send the printed application, along with required documents, to the following address: The Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, 10, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Prayagraj, U.P., Pin Code-211018.

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Details and online  application

Kindly access the Notification Section on the UP PSC website at https://uppsc.up.nic.in to find comprehensive information, instructions, syllabus, and the online application link for UP PSC’s various job vacancy recruitment in 2023.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**