ISRO Recruitment 2022: Indian Space Research Organization is hiring Scientist/Engineerr. Candidates can check the vacancy, how to apply, the selection process and other details here.
ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB) of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) under the Department of Space, Government of India intended to recruit and fill up the Latest Government Sarkari Naukri vacancy position of Scientist/Engineer `SC’ in the Level-10 of 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix starting ₹56100 to the to young engineering graduates in the Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science disciplines through GATE-2021/2022 score card. (Advertisement No. ISRO:ICRB:01(1)(EMC):2022)
ISRO ICRB invites Online Applications in the prescribed format for the Recruitment 2022 of Scientists/ Engineers ‘SC’ in Electronics, Mechanical, and Computer Science Engineering disciplines in ISRO. This recruitment is being done by ISRO ICRB for constituent ISRO Centres (Group ‘A’ Gazetted posts) and in Autonomous Bodies (Group ‘A’ Non-Gazetted posts).
Name Of the Organization | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) |
Name Of the Exam | Scientist Engineer |
Total Number of Vacancies | 68 |
Post Name | Scientist/Engineer ‘SC'(Electronics), Scientist/Engineer ‘SC'(Mechanical), Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Computer Science) |
Notification Date | 28th November 2022 |
Apply Online Starts | 29th November 2022 |
Last Date to Apply | 19th December 2022 |
Mode of Application | Online |
Job Category | Engineering Jobs |
Selection Process | GATE 2021/2022 Score | Interview |

ISRO Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
- Scientist/Engineer SC – Electronics (Code: BE001): 21 vacancies
- Scientist/Engineer SC – Mechanical (Code: BE002): 33 vacancies
- Scientist/Engineer SC – Computer Science (Code: BE003): 14 vacancies
Post Name | Number of Vacancies | Tentative Centres/Units of posting |
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC'(Electronics) | 21 | HSFC, URSC, LPSC & ISTRAC – Bengaluru IPRC – Mahendragiri MCF – Hassan NRSC – Hyderabad SAC – Ahmedabad SDSC SHAR – Sriharikota VSSC – Thiruvananthapuram Post No. BE002 |
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC'(Mechanic) | 33 | HSFC, URSC, LPSC – Bengaluru IPRC – Mahendragiri LPSC – Valiamala SAC – Ahmedabad SDSC SHAR – Sriharikota VSSC – Thiruvananthapuram |
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC'(Computer Science) | 14 | HSFC, URSC, LPSC, & ISTRAC – Bengaluru IPRC – Mahendragiri LPSC – Valiamala MCF – Hassan NRSC & ADRIN – Hyderabad SAC – Ahmedabad SDSC SHAR – Sriharikota VSSC – Thiruvananthapuram |
BE/B.Tech in First Class or equivalent with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters for which results are available) OR CGPA 6.84/10 and valid GATE-2021/2022 score.
Age Limit
28 years as of 19/12/2022 (Serving Govt. employees, Ex-Servicemen; Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, meritorious Sports persons are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders).
- See Also – Government Jobs for Engineers
Selection by GATE Score
The suitable ad desirable candidates will be screened-in for an Interview on the basis of valid GATE-2021 or GATE-2022 Scores.
Application Fee
- Gen / OBC / EWS : Rs.250/-
- SC / ST / PH : Rs.250/-
- Pay the Exam Fee through Online Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking OR Pay E Challan Mode.
How to apply for ISRO Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Recruitment 2022?
The Online Submission and Registration for application have been hosted on the ISRO website from 29/11/2022 to 19/12/2022 for Scientist-Engineer-Vacancy SC Recruitment in ISRO 2022.
- The qualification prescribed for ISRO Scientist / Engineer Recruitment is the MINIMUM requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for Interview.
- Shortlisting of the candidates for Interview in the ratio of 1:7 shall be based on the GATE Scores awarded and not on GATE marks or GATE Rank.
- The candidates will be assessed based on the following attributes, viz. Technical (Academic) knowledge [40 marks], General Awareness in relevance to the area of Specialisation (technical) [20 marks]; Presentation/Communication Skill [20 marks]; Comprehension [10 marks] and Academic achievements [10 marks], totaling to 100 marks.
- Candidates will have to score minimum 60 marks in the Interview and PWBD candidates will have to score minimum 50 marks in the Interview.
- For generation of the final panel, 50% weightage will be given to GATE Scores and 50% weightage to Interview marks.
Details and Online Application Submission
Please visit for further information and complete details and online submission of application for ISRO Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Vacancy Recruitment 2022. wishes you best of luck. Keep following our web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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