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Army Technical SSC Officer Men-58th Women-29th (April 2022) course entry – Apply Online

Indian Army SSC Technical Officer 2021 Recruitment- Short Service Commission (Tech) Men 58th course and Women 29th Course vacancies. Check the gender, age limit & educational qualification required to be fulfilled before applying for the Indian Army .


Online applications are invited from eligible unmarried Male/Female Engineering Graduates and also from Widows of Defence Personnel who died in harness for grant of 58th entry for Men and 29th entry for Women for Technical Short Service Commission (SSC) entry in the Indian Army.

The course will commence in April 2022 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Duration of Training- 49 weeks.

Type of Commission

  • Grant of Commission: Selected candidates will be granted Short Service Commission on probation in the rank of Lt from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lt during training period. Pay & allowances will be paid after successful completion of training.
  • Confirmation of Short Service Commission: On successful completion of Pre Commission training at OTA, Officer will be confirmed Short Service Commission (Technical) in the rank of Lt.
  • Ante Date Seniority: One year ante date seniority from the date of commission will be granted to Engineering Graduates of Short Service Commission (Technical) in the rank of Lt.
  • No Ante Date Seniority for widows of Defence Personnel for SSC(NT): Widows of Defence Personnel selected for SSCW (NT) entry will be granted Short Service Commission in the rank of Lieutenant but will NOT be entitled to any ante date seniority.
Army Technical SSC Officers Men-58th Women-29th (April 2022) course entry

Army 58th/29th Men/Women Technical SSC Officer Entry Details

  • Army  SSC (Tech)-58 Men and SSCW (Tech.)-29:  189 vacancies (175 vacancies for male and 14 vacancies for Women) in various Engineering disciplines, Qualification: SSCW (Non-Tech) (Non-UPSC). Graduation in any Discipline. (ii) SSCW(Tech). BE/B Tech in any Engineering stream.
    • For SSC(Tech)-58 Men: 175 vacancies
      1. Civil; Building Construction Technology: 41 vacancies
      2. Architecture: 02 vacancies
      3. Mechanical: 20 vacancies 
      4. Electrical; Electrical and Electronics: 14 vacancies
      5. Computer Science & Engg; Computer Technology; M. Sc. Computer Sc.: 32 vacancies
      6. Information Technology: 09 vacancies
      7. Electronics & Telecommunication: 05 vacancies 
      8. Telecommunication: 03 vacancies 
      9. Electronics & Communication: 08 vacancies 
      10. Satellite Communication: 02 vacancies
      11. Electronics: 02 vacancies
      12. Micro Electronics and Microwave Engineering: 02 vacancies
      13. Aeronautical; Aerospace; Avionics: 05 vacancies
      14. Electronics & Instrumentation; Instrumentation: 04 vacancies
      15. Production: 01 vacancies
      16. Automobile Engineering: 03 vacancies
      17. Industrial; Industrial/ Manufacturing Industrial Engineering & Mgt: 02 vacancies
      18. Ballistics: 01 vacancies
      19. Bio Medical Engineering: 01 vacancies
      20. Transportation Engineering: 01 vacancies
      21. Textile: 01 vacancies
      22. Food Technology: 01 vacancies
      23. Agriculture: 01 vacancies
      24. Metallurgical; Metallurgy and Explosive: 01 vacancies 
      25. Nuclear Technology: 01 vacancies
      26. Opto Electronics: 03 vacancies
      27. Fibre Optics: 02 vacancies
      28. Bio-Technology: 02 vacancies
      29. Workshop Technology: 03 vacancies
      30. Laser Technology: 02 vacancies
      31. Rubber Technology: 01 vacancies
      32. Chemical Engineering: 01 vacancies
    • For SSCW(Tech)-29: 14 vacancies
      1. Civil/ Building Construction Technology: 03 vacancies
      2. Architecture: 01 vacancies
      3. Mechanical: 02 vacancies
      4. Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics: 01 vacancies
      5. Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Technology/ M. Sc. Computer Science: 04 vacancies
      6. Information Technology: 02 vacancies
      7. Aeronautical/ Aerospace/ Avionics: 01 vacancies
  • For Widows of Defence Personnel Only: 02 vacancies (Women-2)
    1. SSC(W) Tech : 01 vacancies
    2. SSC(W)(Non Tech)(Non UPSC): 01 vacancies

Important Dates 

Date of Advertisement : 18 September 2021

Start Date of Application Submission : 28 September 2021 Up to 1500 Hrs

Last Date of Application Submission : 27 October 2021 Up to 03:00 PM or 1500 Hrs

Age  Limit (as on 01/04/2021)

  • For SSC(Tech)- 58 Men and SSCW(Tech)- 29 Women – 20 to 27 years as on 01 Oct 2021 (Candidates born between 02 Oct 94 and 01 Oct 2001, both days
  • For widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness Only. – SSCW (Non Tech) [Non UPSC] and SSCW(Tech) – A maximum of 35 years of age as on 01 Oct 2021.

Pay Scale & Stipend

A stipend of training is ₹56100/- during the training at OTA, Chennai for selected candidates. On completion, selected candidates will be commissioned as Lt in the pay scale of 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500.

Education Qualification

Educational Qualification for SSC(Tech) (Men and Women): Candidates who have passed the requisite Engineering Degree course or are in the final year of Engineering Degree course are eligible to apply. Candidates studying in the final year of Engineering degree course should be able to submit proof of passing by 01 April 2021 and produce the Engineering Degree Certificate within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Such candidates will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training at Officers Training Academy (OTA) as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay & allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite degree certificate.

Educational Qualification for Widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness:

  • SSCW (Non Tech) (Non UPSC). Graduation in any Discipline.
  • SSCW (Tech). B.E./ B. Tech in any Engineering stream.
  • Note. Candidate studying in final year of Degree must ensure that she submits the proof of passing Degree exam by 01 April 2022 to Directorate General of Recruiting, failing which her candidature will be cancelled.

Selection Process :

  • Shortlisting of Applications
  • Interview
  • Medical Exam

 Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cutoff percentage will be interviewed at one of the Selection Centres viz. Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centres through candidate’s registered e-mail id and SMS only.

Allotment of Selection  Centre is at the discretion of DG Rtg, IHQ of MoD (Army) and NO request for changes are entertained in this regard. Candidates will be put through a two-stage selection procedure at the SSB. Those who clear Stage-I will go to Stage-II. Those who fail in Stage-I will be returned on the same day. The duration of SSB interviews is five days.

Medical Examination 

Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers. 

How to Apply for Army 58th/29th Technical SSC Officer Entry 2021? 

Apply Online on Recruitment proforma at Indian Army website https://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in only from 28/09/2021 to 27/10/2021 for Army 58th/29th Technical Entry SSC Officer Entry April 2022 batch.

Steps to Apply :

  1. Visit the Official Website of Indian Army.
  2. Click on Officer Entry Appln/ Login’ and then click Registration’ (Registrations not required, if already registered on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in).
  3. Fill the online registration form after reading the instructions carefully.
  4. After getting registered, click on Apply Online’ under Dashboard.
  5. A page ‘Officers Selection – ‘Eligibility’ will open. Then click Apply shown against Short Service Commission JAG Entry Course.
  6. A page ‘Application Form’ will open. Read the instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill details as required under various segments.
  7. Personal information, Communication details, Education details and details of previous SSB.
  8. Save & Continue’ each time before you go to the next segment.
  9. After filling details on the last segment, you will move to a page Summary of your information’ wherein you can check and edit the entries already made.
  10. Only after ascertaining the correctness of all your details, click on Submit Now.
  11. Candidates must click on ‘Submit Now’ each time they open the application for editing any details.
  12. The candidates are required to take out two copies of their application having Roll Number, 30 minutes after final closure of online application on last day.

Online Submission of Application and Details

Furthermore, detail regarding 58th/29th Men/Women Technical Entry SSC Officer Vacancy entry scheme April 2022 in the Indian Army and online application form can be seen at https://joinindianarmy.nic.in and Indian Army SSC Recruitment 2021 Notification PDF

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

 ***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***