IIT Kharagpur Announces Recruitment of Faculty Posts ! Apply Before 31 August 2022
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur (West Bengal) requires Faculty for its various academic units under Faculty vacancy recruitment for the year 2022. IIT Kharagpur invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian Nationals, NRI and OCI possessing excellent academic backgrounds, commitment to top-quality teaching and proven credentials for carrying out outstanding research and development for various teaching Departments/ Centres/ Schools at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professorof Practice. (Advertisement No.: R/10/2022)
Departments/ Centres/ Schools of Faculty Openings
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Department of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law
Vinod Gupta School of Management
IIT Kharagpur Faculty Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Professorwith consolidated remuneration: ₹190000-210000 per month, Experience: 15 years of teaching/relevant field experience
Associate Professor with consolidated remuneration: ₹150000-180000 per month, Experience: 10 years of teaching/relevant field experience
Assistant Professor Grade-I with consolidated remuneration: ₹120000-140000 per month, Experience: 5 years of teaching/relevant field experience
How to Apply for IIT Kharagpur Faculty Recruitment 2022?
Desired Candidates having requisite qualifications & experience are required to apply online in the prescribed format at the IIT Kharagpur Recruitment website on or before 10/08/2022 only for IIT Kharagpur Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur (West Bengal) requires (Regular)&(Contractual) Basis Faculty of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor for its various academic units under Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021.
IIT Kharagpur invitesOnline applications in the prescribed format from Indian Nationals belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD category, NRI and OCI possessing excellent academic backgrounds, commitment to top quality teaching and proven credentials for carrying out outstanding research and development for various teaching Departments/ Centres/ Schools at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor under Govt Job Faculty vacancy (Advertisement No.: R/12-13/2021).
IIT Kharagpur Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacancies
Special Faculty Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates (Advt. No. R/12/2021)
Professor in Pay Level-14A ₹159100-220200
Associate Professor in Pay Level-13A2 ₹139600-211300
Assistant Professor Grade-I in Pay Level-12 ₹101500-167400
Special Faculty Recruitment (Advt. No. R/13/2021)
Professor in Pay Level-14A ₹159100-220200
Associate Professor in Pay Level-13A2 ₹139600-211300
Assistant Professor Grade-I in Pay Level-12 ₹101500-167400
Assistant Professor Grade-II in Pay Level-10 ₹57700-177700 with basic pay of ₹70900 or ₹84800 in Pay Level-11 and upon experience will mode to Pay Level-12 with minimum basic pay of ₹101500
The IITkgp faculty recruitment is for the following sections:
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Department of Mining Engineering
Department of Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture
Electrical & Computer Sciences Division:
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence
Chemical Sciences Division:
Department of Chemical Engineering
Rubber Technology Centre
Architecture, Design & Planning Division:
1) Department of Architecture & Regional Planning
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Mathematics
Department of Geology & Geophysics
Department of Humanities & Social Sciences
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
Materials Science Centre
Cryogenic Engineering Centre
Centre of Excellence on Safety Engineering & Analytics {COE-SEA)
Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems
1) Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law
1) Vinod Gupta School of Management
Age Details : Candidates age limit should be less then 35 years.
Ph.D with First Class or Equivalent in relevant discipline with good academic record.
Experience required for the post
A minimum of 10 years teaching/research / industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in 11Ts, IISc Bangalore, 11Ms, NITIE Mumbai, and IISERs or at an equivalent level in any such other Indian or foreign Institution(s) of com arable standards.
Associate Professor
A minimum of 6 years teaching / research / industrial experience, of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in 11Ts, IISc Bangalore, 11Ms, NITIE Mumbai and IISERs or in any such other Indian or foreign Institution(s) of comparable standards.
Assistant Professor Grade I
At least 3 years teaching/research / industrial experience, excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Grade 11
Candidates with less than 3 years’ experience may be appointed on a contractual basis as Assistant Professor Grade Il. At the entry-level, they may be placed in Level 10 of Pay Matrix with basic pay of Rs. 70,900 or Rs. 84,800 in Level 11 of Pay Matrix depending upon the experience and shall move to level 12 of Pay Matrix with minimum basic pay of Rs. 1,01,500 on completion of 3 years of requisite experience and on assessment of satisfactory performance.
[ * ] Foreign Nationals (other than OCIs and PIOs) are encouraged to apply for faculty positions for fixed tenure not exceeding five years on a contract basis subject to clearance from the Government of India (Gol).
Selection Procedure : Interview
1. The applications are considered by the respective Departments/Centres/Schools.
2. Based upon the short-listing criteria, Professional experience, publications, in high impact factor journals, Sponsored research activities, area of research, recommendations of the Departments/Centres/Schools and feedback from reviewers etc, the applications are short-listed.
3. The short-listed candidates are then called for Seminar presentation in the respective Department/Centre/School and appearing before a Selection Committee for interview.
4. Short-listed candidates residing outside India may give the seminar as well interview through video-conferencing.
5. If selected, an offer is sent to the candidate from the Director/Registrar of the Institute.
How to Apply for IIT Kharagpur Faculty Recruitment 2021?
Desired Candidates having requisite qualifications & experience are required to apply online in the prescribed format at the IIT Kharagpur Recruitment website on or before 04/10/2021 only. (The last date to apply online for a special recruitment drive for SC/ST/OBC is 30/09/2021 only).
For all communications/enquiry regarding the candidate’s suitability, availability of research facilities, teaching expected, laboratory space, etc. the concerned Head of the Department/Centre/School may be directly contacted by the candidate. Their address, phone numbers and email are available on Institute webpage.
2. If a candidate is called for interview and appears for interview at IIT Kharagpur, the Institute pays for the travel from within India only, as per institute norms.
GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***