Tag Archives: IIT Dhanbad Junior Assistant Recruitment 2021

Advertisement for the post of Junior Assistant Last Date 31-8-2021, Click Here.

IIT ISM Dhanbad Junior Assistant Recruitment 2021 – Apply Now

Recruitment of Jr. Assistant Vacancy in IIT ISM Dhanbad 2021

Advertisement for the post of Junior Assistant Last Date 31-8-2021, Click Here. – www.governmentrozgar.in

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) (IIT ISM), Dhanbad (Jharkhand) formerly known as Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian Nationals for an appointment and recruitment for the following 73 Non-Teaching Government Job Vacancy posts of Junior Assistant in IIT ISM Dhanbad (Advt. No. 411002/6/2021-NFR).

IIT ISM Dhanbad Junior Assistant 2021 Vacancies

  • Junior Assistant: 73 vacancies (UR-25, EWS-10, OBC-21, SC-11, ST-06) (PWD-02), Pay Scale: Level-3 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age: 30 years, Qualification: i) Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized university with at least 55% marks. ii) Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point. iii) Having a typing speed of either 40 w.p.m. in English or 35 w.p.m. in Hindi on computers.

Application Fee

Recruitment fee of ₹500- to be paid through SBI collect link available on the IIT ISM Dhanbad website. SC/ST/Divyang/Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation and Female candidates are exempted from payment of recruitment fee.


How to Apply ISM Dhanbad Jr. Assistant Vacancy 2021?

The suitable should submit an online application in the prescribed format on the IIT ISM Dhanbad website on or before 31/08/2021 only for IIT ISM Dhanbad Jr. Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2021. Printout of the duly submitted application form with all attachments is also required to be submitted to the Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, Dhanbad – 826004 (Jharkhand) on or before 04/12/2019.

Details and Online submission

Please visit the Recruitment link at the IIT ISM Dhanbad website https://www.iitism.ac.in to get detailed information along with the Online Application Form for IIT ISM Jr. Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2021.