Tag Archives: HAL Recruitment 2022

HAL recruitment 2022

HAL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 for 120 posts – Apply Offline

HAL Recruitment 2022 For Apprentice Post: 120 Vacancies, Check Eligibility, Age Limit And How To Apply


HAL Recruitment 2022: The Hindustan Aeronautics Limited has released the job notification to hire the candidates who completed 10th std for 120 Apprentice Posts. The eligible candidates can apply for the post through Offline (By Postal) from 17.08.2022 to 09.09.2022 for HAL Jobs 2022. The job seekers can download the HAL recruitment 2022 application form PDF from the official website or from the link which we have provided in the below and send the duly filled application form to the respective organization address along with the necessary documents. Those candidates who are interested in the following HAL job Vacancies can read the full notification before applying offline to know the education qualification, salary, age limit, application fee, application process, last date to apply and more.

HAL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 for 120 posts - Apply Offline

HAL Apprentice Recruitment 2022

Organization NameHindustan Aeronautics Limited
Job TypeHAL Recruitment
Posts NameApprentice
Total Posts120
Job CategoryCenter Govt Jobs
Publish/Starting Date17 August 2022
Last Date09 September 2022
Application ModeOffline Submission
Pay SalaryCheck Notification
Job LocationKarnataka

Posts & Qualification

Post NameEligibility Criteria
ApprenticeAspirants must have a certificate/ degree of 10th or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.

Age Limit

  • Age limitation as on 01 October 2022
  • Minimum age limitation for Candidates to apply HAL Jobs 2022 application: 15 Years
  • Maximum age limit for Candidates to apply HAL Jobs 2022 application: 18 Years

Selection Process

Candidates for admission will be shortlist based on 50% weightage in written test and 50% weightage in SSLC/10th class marks. In case of a tie, the candidate with higher written test marks will be selected and further, in case of a tie at this stage, candidate who was born earlier would be selected.

How to Apply HAL Apprentice Recruitment 2022

Interested and eligible candidates can send their application for HAL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 for 120 posts in the prescribed format to -Technical Training Institute (TTI), Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Suranjan Das Road, Vimanapura Post, Bangalore-560017 along with copies of SSLC/10th Marks card and other documents as mentioned in the notification. 

  • Go to the official HAL website.
  • Find the “Recruitment/ Career/ Advertisement menu” link and click on it.
  • Search for the Notification of Apprentice Jobs and click on it.
  • Alternatively, download the official notification and application form from the link provided at the end.
  • Read the official notifications carefully and verify your eligibility criteria.
  • Take a Printout of official application form and other necessary documents required.
  • Fill the required details correctly.
  • Enclose (Attach) all the necessary documents required and attest by self signature.
  • Finally, verify the registered details are correct and accurate, and then submit.
  • Next, make the payment as per the notified mode, if Hindustan Aeronautics Limited asks. Else, move to the next step.
  • Take photo copy of your application and cover it.
  • Finally, send the application form to the notified postal address mentioned in notification by post so as to reach the notified address before 09.09.2022. Envelope must be superscribed with APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …………

Details of HAL Apprentice Recruitment 2022

Please dowload the Official Notification (Download) from Official Website https://hal-india.co.in/ for details and Offline Application in the prescribed format (enclosed) to be send to Technical Training Institute (TTI), Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Suranjan Das Road, Vimanapura Post, Bangalore-560017.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**


HAL Design and Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2022 – Apply Online

Recruitment of Design & Management Trainee Vacancy in HAL 2022. This is state-level recruitment and full-time job. For all the candidates who want to apply complete information will be made available in our article.


Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) having headquartered at Bengaluru, invites online applications in the prescribed format for recruitment of following various Government Jobs Vacancy of Design Trainee and Management Trainee for its various Production, Overhaul & Service Divisions / Research & Design Centres /Offices across India for the year 2022 in HAL. (Advertisement No. HAL/HR/25(45)/2022/01).


HAL Design/Management Trainee Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  1. Design Trainee : 38 vacancies (UR-19, EWS-02, OBC-10, SC-05, ST-02)
    1. Aeronautical: 02 vacancies
    2. Electronics: 15 vacancies
    3. Mechanical: 21 vacancies
  2. Management Trainee (Technical) : 22 vacancies (UR-10, EWS-02, OBC-05, SC-03, ST-02)
    1. Computer Science: 04 vacancies
    2. Electrical: 04 vacancies
    3. Electronics: 04 vacancies
    4. Mechanical: 08 vacancies
    5. Production: 02 vacancies
  3. Management Trainee (IMM) : 05 vacancies (UR-02, OBC-02, SC-01)
    1. Electrical: 02 vacancies
    2. Mechanical: 02 vacancies
    3. Production: 01 vacancies
  4. Management Trainee: 20 vacancies (UR-09, EWS-01, OBC-05, SC-03, ST-02)
    1. Civil: 05 vacancies
    2. Human Resources: 05 vacancies
    3. Legal: 05 vacancies
    4. Finance: 08 vacancies 

Age :  28 years as on 02/03/2022

Stipend & Pay Scale: During the training period, the Trainees shall draw a Stipend comprising of Basic Pay of ₹40000/-. On successful completion of the training, the Trainees would be absorbed as Engineers/Officers in the Grade-II Scale of Pay of ₹40000-140000/-.

Application Fee

₹500/- (excluding NEFT/IMPS service charges) is to be paid as Application Fee. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD categories are exempted from the payment of Application Fee. Candidates are required to deposit the Application Fee to “Hindustan Aeronautics Limited – Recruitment Account” in State Bank of India bearing Account No. 30969511830 at any of the core banking branches of State Bank of India (SBI) in the prescribed challan format.

Selection Process

Selection process for HAL Design/Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2022 will comprise of All-India based Online Selection Test and Interview. Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria will be called for the Online Test. Candidates are required to appear for the Online Test at their own expense, on the date, time and venue, which will be mentioned in their Admit Card.

View – All open Trainee Government Jobs

How to Apply HAL Design/Management Trainee Recruitment 2022?

Apply Online in the prescribed format at HAL Recruitment website from 09/02/2022 to 02/03/2022 only for HAL Design/Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

Steps To Follow

  • Step-1: Candidate is required to click the link given at www.hal-india.co.in (Careers Section) for the Registration & select the name of the post for which he / she wants to apply.
  • Step-2: Eligibility Details are required to be filled up and photograph to be uploaded. On submission of Eligibility details, a unique Application number is generated and the Candidate is led to the Personal and Qualification details Page
  • Step-3: The Personal & Qualification details are required to be filled up. Before finally submitting the details entered, an “Edit” option will be given to the candidate for editing any details already entered, if required.

View – All open Government Jobs in Public Sector Units

Details and online  application

Please visit the Career Section at HAL Recruitment website https://hal-india.co.in/Career_Details.aspx?Mkey=206&lKey=&Ckey=1529&Divkey=4 for all the details, instructions, syllabus, and a link to apply online for HAL Design Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***