Tag Archives: Govt Jobs For Graduation


Oil India Grade-A B C Officer Recruitment in Oil India Limited 2021- Apply Online

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2021: The recruitment drive will fill up to 35 officer posts in Grade C, Grade B and Grade A in Assam. Check details here


Oil India Limited invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible Indian Nationals for Recruitment and filling up the following various Grade-A, Grade-B, and Grade-C 35 Officers Govt Job vacancy job posts in various disciplines. (Advertisement No. EX RECT/2021/03).

About Oil India Limited Officer Recruitment 2021

Oil India Limited (OIL), a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking, is a pioneer national upstream Oil and Gas Company invites online application in the prescribed format for Grade-A, Grade-B, and Grade-C Officer vacancy recruitment for the year 2021.

Oil India Officer Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Grade-A: 01 vacancies in the pay scale of ₹50000-160000
    1. Confidential Secretary: 01 vacancies
  2. Grade-B: 28 vacancies on the pay scale of ₹60000-180000
    1. Senior Medical Officer: 04 vacancies
    2. Senior Security Officer: 01 vacancies
    3. Senior Officer (Electrical): 06 vacancies
    4. Senior Officer (Electronics & Communication): 02 vacancies
    5. Senior Officer (Land/Legal): 02 vacancies
    6. Senior Officer (Mechanical): 10 vacancies
    7. Senior Officer (Geophysics): 01 vacancies
    8. Senior Officer (Instrumentation) : 02 vacancies
  3. Grade-C: 06 vacancies in the pay scale of ₹80000-220000
    1. Superintending Engineer (Drilling): 01 vacancies
    2. Superintending Medical Officer (Radiology): 01 vacancies
    3. Superintending Medical Officer (Environment): 03 vacancies
    4. Superintending Medical Officer (Orthopedic Surgeon): 01 vacancies

Application Fee

₹500/- to be paid online. No fee for SC/ST/PwBD/EWS/Ex-Servicemen candidates.

Age Limit : (As on 10.10.2021)

As per the Oil India Limited Senior Officer Notification 2021, the age limit will be considered according to different categories. As per that notification, the Candidate’s age should be in between 27 years to 45 years. Check the official notification to know the age limit details clearly.

Important Dates for Oil India Limited Grade A, B & C Post: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application17:00 hours on 15.09.2021
Last date for Submission of Application23:59 hours on 10.10.2021
Oil India Limited Official Notification PDF
Oil India Grade-A B C Officer Recruitment in Oil India Limited 2021

Oil India Limited Grade A, B & C Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification :  

1. Superintending Engineer (Drilling) – Bachelor‟s Degree in Engineering of minimum 04 years duration with minimum 65% marks and having minimum 3 years post qualification experience
2. Superintending Medical Officer (Radiology) – MD (Radio Diagnosis) from a reputed Medical College/University recognized by Medical Council of India with working knowledge of computer tomography and/or MRI and should be familiar with the use of computers
3. Superintending Engineer (Environment) – a) Bachelor‟s degree in Environmental Engineering of minimum 4 years duration with minimum 65% marks OR Bachelor‟s degree in any branch of Engineering of minimum 4 years duration with Master‟s degree in Environmental Engineering of minimum 2 years duration with minimum 60% marks OR Master‟s degree in Environmental Science of minimum 2 years duration with minimum 60% marksb) Having minimum 3 years post qualification experience
4. Superintending Medical Officer (Orthopaedic Surgeon) – MS (Orthopaedic) / DNB (Orthopaedic) from a reputed Medical College/University recognized by Medical Council of India
5. Senior Medical Officer – MBBS from a reputed Medical College/ University recognized by Medical Council of India with minimum 02 years post qualification experience
6. Senior Security Officer – Graduate of minimum 3 years duration in any discipline from a University/Institute recognized by Govt. of India and approved by UGC/appropriate statutory authority with minimum 2 years post qualification experience
7. Senior Officer (Electrical) – Bachelor‟s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Electrical Engineering with minimum 65% marks (Excluding Electrical & Electronics Engineering/ Electrical & Communication Engineering/ Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering etc.)
8. Senior Officer (Electronics & Communication) – Bachelor‟s degree of minimum 4 years duration in Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Tele Communication Engineering with minimum 65% marks (Excluding Electrical & Communication Engineering/Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering etc.)
9. Senior Officer (Land/Legal) – Bachelor‟s degree of minimum 3 years duration in Law (LLB) with minimum 60% marks
10. Senior Officer (Mechanical) – Bachelor‟s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 65% marks (Excluding Automation/ Automobile/ Industrial / Power / Manufacturing/ Production / Mechatronics /Mining/ Marine/Robotics Engineering etc.)
11. Senior Officer (Geophysics) – PG in Geophysics / Applied Geophysics / Exploration Geophysics of minimum 02 years duration with minimum 60% marks (Excluding PG in Computational Seismology, etc.)
12. Senior Officer (Instrumentation) – Bachelor‟s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Instrumentation Engineering with minimum 65% marks (Excluding Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Power Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics, Instrumentation & Control Engineering etc.)
Confidential Secretary- a) Graduate with 01/02 years Diploma in Secretarial Practice or Modern Office Management/Secretarial Practice or Executive Assistant Diploma or equivalent with knowledge of computer application.b) Having minimum 02 years post qualification experience
Oil India Limited Online Application Form 

Selection Process : The Oil India Senior Officer Selection Process will be of the Following

Name of the PostSelection Process
Senior Security OfficerPersonal Interview
Confidential SecretaryPhase I – Computer Based Test (CBT)Phase II – Proficiency Test/Skill Test
Other PostsComputer Based Test (CBT)Group Discussion (GD)/Group Task (GT)Personal Interview
Oil India Ltd Syllabus & Exam Pattern: Click Here

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2021  [Quick Summary]

Organization Name:Oil India Limited
Advertisement No:EX RECT/2021/03 
Job Category:Central Govt Jobs 
Employment Type:Direct Recruitment Basis
Total No of Vacancies: 35 Senior Officer, Superintending Engineer, Superintending Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer, Senior Security Officer & Confidential Secretary  Posts
Job Location: Assam 
Apply Mode:Online

How to Apply for Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021 in Oil India? 

Eligible candidates need to apply online in the prescribed format on Oil India Limited website from 5/09/2020 to 10/10/2021 only for Grade-A, B, C Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2021 in Oil India Limited.

Steps To Apply :


-Candidates may visit Official website oil-india >> Current_openNew and click the APPLY ONLINE button under „Recruitment of Officers in OIL‟.

– Candidates will need to select the post he/she is applying followed by their personal details along with valid E-mail ID and Mobile Number while signing up.

– The candidate should fill up all the desired information on the registration/sign up page i.e. Personal details, Contact Details, etc. correctly.

– On completion of Step-I (Sign Up), after OTP authentication via Email & Mobile number a email/message will be received in candidate‟s registered email id/mobile conveying his/her “Application Number”/User name and “Password”. Candidates are advised to verify the correctness of the Email ID & Mobile Number before proceeding further.


–  After signing-up, candidate are requested to fill their Basic details (Address ), Qualification Details, Eligibility Details, Experience details etc. and upload photo/signature and scanned relevant certificates etc.

View – Government Jobs for Engineers.

Application Form and Details

Further details and online application format will be published on https://oil-india.com/Current_openNew.aspx Group-A, Group-B and Group-C Officer Recruitment in Oil India Limited 2021.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***