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GOI Cabinet Secretariat DFO Recruitment 2022 —> Apply Offline Now

Cabinet Secretariat has released the notification for a total of 38 posts of Deputy Field Officer. Read the below article for detailed information about GOI Deputy Field Officer Recruitment 2022.


Cabinet Secretariat officials have released the notification for 38  Deputy Field Officer (DFO) [Group ‘B’, Non- Gazetted] posts against advt. no.1/2022 in the Government of India. Offline applications are invited from Indian Nationals for direct recruitment of Deputy Field Officer (GD) in the Balochi, Bhasa, Burmese, Dari, Dzonkha, Dhivehi, Kachin], Russian, Sinhala languages in Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India Organization. उम्मीदवार इन पदों पर 22 जनवरी 2022 से 2 फरवरी 2022 तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं  संबंधित जानकारी व योग्यता के लिए नोटिफिकेशन देखें

GOI DFO Recruitment Vacancy Details

The candidates interested in the Deputy Field Officer posts in Cabinet Secretariat, GOI must check the vacancy details from here.


GOI Cabinet Secretariat DFO 2022 Salary

The post carries a minimum pay of ₹44,900/- in Level-7 of Pay Matrix and allowances as per CCS(RP) Rules 2016.

GOI DFO Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

Bachelor’s Degree with specified language as a subject OR Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with:-
(i) Two years Diploma in a specified language.
(ii) Native Level Proficiency*in specified language.

Age Limit

Candidate Age should be between 21 and 30 Years (as on the closing date).

Selection Process

The selection will be done on the basis of written exam and Interview.

The written exam will have two papers- Paper I and Paper II. The exam will be for 4 hours duration and will carry 200 marks questions. Those candidates who will qualify the written exam will have to appear for interview.

How to Apply for GOI Cabinet Secretariat Deputy Field Officer 2022?

Interested and Eligible candidates can apply offline for Cabinet Secretariat DFO 2022 Posts on or before 4th March 2022.

Steps To Follow

  1. Visit the official site @ davp.nic.in
  2. Now the homepage will open.
  3. In that, find the GOI Cabinet Secretariat DFO Notification and click on it.
  4. Read all available information carefully.
  5. If you are eligible, then apply for GOI Cabinet Secretariat DFO Recruitment 2022.
  6. Download the Application Form from the below-given link.
  7. Fill out the Application Form.
  8. Send the application along with requisite certificates and Two self-attested recent passport size color photographs with name & DOB on the back, which should be clearly super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF DEPUTY FIELD OFFICER (GD)”, by ORDINARY POST to Post Bag No. 001, Lodhi Road Head Post Office, New Delhi-110003.

Details and application format

Please visit cabsec.gov.in (or) davp.nic.in for details and online application format for GOI Deputy Field Officer Recruitment 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs….

**All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***