Tag Archives: GATE 2021-22 Recruitment

NMDC Executive Trainee Recruitment through GATE-2021

NMDC Executive Trainees Recruitment through GATE-2021 – Apply Now

NMDC Recruitment for Executive Trainee through GATE 2021: Apply Online before 25th March 2022


The National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) has released a short notice for the recruitment of Executive Trainee posts in various engineering disciplines. As per the NDMC notification pdf, the online applications for NDMC Executive Trainee recruitment through GATE 2021 will begin from 5th March 2022 and application process will close on 11:59 hrs 25th March 2022.

The interested candidates will be eligible to apply for the NDMC executive trainee recruitment through GATE 2021 with their GATE registration number/ID on the official website of NDMC. NDMC appoints bright, dynamic, and dedicated graduate engineers in the fields of Electrical, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering for the post of Executive Trainees.

Candidates who have Scorecards of GATE 2021 exam will only be eligible to apply for the NDMC  recruitment 2022.We have provided further details on the NDMC recruitment 2022 for executive engineers such as notification PDF, online application link, vacancy, eligibility, and salary in this article. 

NMDC Executive Trainees Recruitment through GATE-2021

NMDC Engineer Executive Trainee Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  • Engineer Executive Trainee: 29 vacancies (UR-13, EWS-02, OBC-08, SC-04, ST-02), Age : 27 years,  Remuneration : The Executive Trainees will be offered Basic Pay of ₹50000/- plus Dearness Allowances (IDA) as per rules of the Company. On successful completion of training of one year, the Executive Trainees will be designated as Assistant Managers in the scale pay of ₹60000-180000/- and initial Basic Pay will be fixed at ₹60000/- per month
  1. Electrical : 06 vacancies
  2. Materials Management : 09 vacancies
  3. Mechanical : 10 vacancies
  4. Mining Engineering : 04 vacancies

Application Fee

₹500/- is to be paid by using debit card/credit card/online net banking through SBI-Collect using Internet Banking integrated with the on-line application. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/Ex-servicemen categories and Departmental Candidates of NMDC Ltd. applying for the post will be exempted from paying Application Fee.

How to Apply Engineer Executive Trainee Recruitment in NMDC 2021?

Apply Online on prescribed format at NMDC website from 05/03/2022 to 25/03/2022 only for Engineer Executive Trainees Vacancy Recruitment by GATE-2021 in NMDC

NMDC Executive Trainee Recruitment  through GATE 2021: Important Dates

NDMC Ex. Trainee Online Applications Begins on5th March 2022
Last date for submission of online application in NMDC Ltd11:59hrs 25th March 2022
Group Discussion (GD) & InterviewTo be notified soon…

Details and Application Format

Please visit https://jobapply.in/NMDC2022GATE/ for more information and online application format for Engineer Executive Trainee Vacancy Recruitment through GATE-2021 in NMDC.

Note==>Many Government Jobs are open in PSUs, view all

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

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