Tag Archives: Finance and Accounting Jobs

IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022

IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 —> Apply Online Now

Faculty Recruitment job notification announced by Indian Institute of Management, Sambalpur for the Post of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor . Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Details Before Apply


The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Sambalpur (IIMS), Odisha invites applications from suitable and desirable candidates for Regular Faculty Govt Job Vacancy of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors in the various subjects/disciplines under Special Recruitment Drive for Reserved Categories of SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates in IIM Sambalpur.

IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Subjects Area

  1. Finance & Accounting Management
  2. Human Resource Management / Organizational Behavior
  3. Information Systems Management
  4. Marketing Management
  5. Strategic Management
  6. Operations Management / Quantitative techniques
  7. General Management / Public Policy
  8. Economics
  9. Business Communication

IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Vacancies

  1. Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-14A ₹159100-220200
  2. Associate Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-13A2 (₹139600-211300)
  3. Assistant Professor Grade-I in the Pay Scale of  Academic Level-12 ₹101500-167400


Professor :

Essential Qualification:

Ph.D. degree or equivalent in the discipline, with a first class or equivalent at the
preceding degree with a very good academic record throughout. Minimum of 10 years teaching/research/industry
experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITS, IISc Bangalore, IIMS, NITIE
Mumbai and IISERs or in foreign university of comparable standards. Successful track record of teaching, training,
research and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals (At least 3 papers in A/A* or 6 paper in B class journals
in ABDC ranking during last 4 years).
The candidate should have guided as chair for at least 3 Ph.D. /FPM students and must have conducted at least 3
research /Consultancy projects for Large sponsored organization. Apart should have Cases published in Harvard/Ivey

Associate Professor:

Essential Qualification:

  1. Ph.D. degree or equivalent in the discipline, with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree with a very
    good academic record throughout.
  2. Minimum of 6 years Teaching/Industry/Research experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of
    Assistant Professor.
  3. Successful track record of teaching, training, research and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals (At least
    2 papers in A/A* class or 4 papers in B/C class journal in ABDC ranking during last 4 years).
    Desirable: The candidate should have guided as chair for at least 1 Ph.D. /FPM students and must have conducted at
    least 1 research Consultancy projects for Large sponsored organization. Apart should have Cases published in
    Harvard/Ivey publications.

Assistant Professor:

Essential Qualification:

  1. Ph.D. degree or equivalent in the discipline, with a first class or equivalent at the preceding degree with a very
    good academic record throughout.
  2. At least 3 years industrial/research/teaching experience, excluding, however, the experience gained while pursuing
    Ph.D. Fresh PhD may be considered for the position on contract basis.
  3. Successful track record of teaching, training, research and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.

How to Apply for IIM Sambalpur Special Faculty Vacancy 2022? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the IIM Sambalpur recruitment website for IIM Sambalpur faculty special recruitment drive 2022 on or before 09/02/2022.  

Detailed vacancy information

Please visit https://www.iimsambalpur.ac.in/en/opportunity for details and submission of application for IIM Sambalpur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive Vacancy 2022.

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***


IIM Udaipur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 — Apply Online Now

Faculty Recruitment job notification announced by Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, Rajasthan for the Post of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor . Before You Apply Please Read details here…


The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Udaipur (IIMU), Rajasthan invites applications from suitable and desirable candidates for Regular Faculty Govt Job Vacancy of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors in the various subjects/disciplines under Special Recruitment Drive for Reserved Categories of SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates.

IIM Udaipur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Subjects Area

  1. Business Policy and Strategy
  2. Economics  
  3. Finance and Accounting
  4. Marketing
  5. Operations Management, Quantitative Methods and Information Systems
  6. Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management

IIM Udaipur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive 2022 Vacancies

  1. Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-14A ₹159100 – 220200
  2. Associate Professor in the Pay Scale of Academic Level-13A2 (₹139600 – 211300)
  3. Assistant Professor Grade-I in the Pay Scale of  Academic Level-12 ₹101500 – 167400
  4. Assistant Professor Grade-II  in the Pay Scale of  Academic Level-10 ₹57700 – 98200 and in  Academic Level-11 ₹68900 – 117200

Qualification :- Candidate should have As per IIM Udaipur official notification. from any recognize university and Institute.

Selection Procedure :

1. Calling a candidate for interview merely indicates that it is felt that he/she with others may be suitable for the post and conveys no assurance whatsoever that he/she will be recommended or selected, or his/her conditions specified in the application will be accepted.

2. Candidates will be short-listed for Interview based on the information provided by them in their online applications.

3. They must ensure that such information is true. If at any subsequent stage or at the time of Interview any information given by them or any claim made by them in their online applications is found to be false, their candidature will be liable to be rejected.

How to Apply for IIM Udaipur Special Faculty Vacancy 2022? 

Apply Online in the prescribed format at the IIM Udaipur recruitment website for IIM Udaipur faculty special recruitment drive 2022 on or before 09/02/2022.

Detailed vacancy information

Please visit https://www.iimu.ac.in/media/jobs-at-iimu for details and submission of application for IIM Udaipur Faculty Special Recruitment Drive Vacancy 2022. view detailed notification here..

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website***