Tag Archives: FCI Manager Recruitment 2022

FCI Recruitment 2022

FCI Manager Recruitment 2022 Notification for 113 Grade 2 Posts – Apply Online

FCI Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF Out, 113 Manager Posts for Category 2


FCI Recruitment 2022. FCI invites online applications y from eligible candidates who fulfil the prescribed qualifications, age, experience etc. for the recruitment of the following Category-II Government Sarkari Rojgar Job Vacancy Posts of Manager (General/ Depot/ Movement/ Accounts/ Technical/ Civil Engineering/ Electrical Mechanical Engineering) and Management Trainees (MT) in Food Corporation of India (FCI) Depots and Offices spread all over India for the year 2022. (Advertisement No. 02/2022-FCI Category-II).

Food Corporation of India (FCI) has issued an official notification inviting eligible candidates for the post of Management Trainee at its various offices set up all across the country. Candidates who want to join FCI must apply for FCI Manager Recruitment 2022. Food Corporation of India going to start the FCI Recruitment 2022 with the commencement of the online application form 27th August 2022 and last date to apply online is 26th September 2022. The applications are invited in online mode.

FCI Manager Recruitment 2022 Notification for 113 Grade 2 Posts - Apply Online

FCI Category-II Manager/MT Recruitment 2022 Vacancies

  • Manager: 113 vacancies, Pay Scale: ₹40000-140000/-, Age: 28 years as of 01/08/2022
  1. North Zone Vacancies
    1. Manager (General): 01 vacancies
    2. Manager (Depot): 04 vacancies
    3. Manager (Movement): 05 vacancies
    4. Manager (Accounts): 14 vacancies
    5. Manager (Technical): 09 vacancies
    6. Manager (Civil Engineering): 03 vacancies
    7. Manager (Electrical Mechanical Engineering): 01 vacancies
    8. Manager (Hindi): 01 vacancies
  2. South Zone
    1. Manager (General): 05 vacancies
    2. Manager (Depot): 02 vacancies
    3. Manager (Accounts): 02 vacancies
    4. Manager (Technical): 04 vacancies
    5. Manager (Civil Engineering): 02 vacancies
    6. Manager (Hindi): 01 vacancies
  3. West Zone
    1. Manager (General): 03 vacancies
    2. Manager (Depot): 06 vacancies
    3. Manager (Accounts): 05 vacancies
    4. Manager (Technical): 06 vacancies
  4. East Zone
    1. Manager (General): 01 vacancies
    2. Manager (Depot): 02 vacancies
    3. Manager (Accounts): 10 vacancies
    4. Manager (Technical): 07 vacancies
  5. North-East Zone
    1. Manager (General): 09 vacancies
    2. Manager (Depot): 01 vacancies
    3. Manager (Accounts): 04 vacancies
    4. Manager (Technical): 01 vacancies
    5. Manager (Civil Engineering): 01 vacancies
    6. Manager (Hindi): 01 vacancies

Educational Qualification

The eligibility criteria for different posts under FCI Manager Vacancy 2022 is tabulated below:

Manager (General)The candidates must be Graduate degree or equivalent from recognized University with minimum
60% marks or CA/ICWA/CS
Manager (Depot)The candidates must be Graduate degree or equivalent from recognized University with minimum
60% marks or CA/ICWA/CS
Manager (Movement)The candidates must be Graduate degree or equivalent from recognized University with minimum
60% marks or CA/ICWA/CS
Manager (Accounts)Associate Membership of
a) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India; or
b) The Institute of Cost Accountants of India; or
c)The Institute of Company Secretaries of IndiaORB.Com from a recognized University AND(a) Post Graduate Full-time MBA (Fin) Degree / Diploma of
minimum 2 years recognized by UGC/AICTE;
Manager (Technical)B.Sc. in Agriculture from a recognized University.
B.Tech degree or B.E degree in Food Science from a recognized
University/ an institution approved by the AICTE;
Manager (Civil Engineer)Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent
Manager (Electrical Mechanical Engineer)Degree in Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from a
Recognized University or equivalent.
Manager (Hindi)Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi
with English as a subject at the Degree level.AND5 years experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or
translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa preferably of technical
or scientific literature

Age Limit

The upper age limit for the post of Management Trainee under Category 2 is 28 years. For the post of  Manager (Hindi) the upper age limit is 35 years.

CategoryUpper Age Limit
Manager (General)28 years
Manager (Depot)28 years
Manager (Movement)28 years
Manager (Accounts)28 years
Manager (Technical)28 years
Manager (Civil Engineer)28 years
Manager (Electrical Mechanical Engineer)28 years
Manager (Hindi)35 years

Selection Process

  • Manager (General /Depot /Movement /Accounts /Technical /Civil Engineering/Electrical Mechanical Engineering):- The selection process will be consisting of an Online Test, Interview and Training.
  • Manager (Hindi):- The selection process will be consisting of Online tests and an Interview
PostsSelection Process
For Manager (General/ Depot/ Movement/ Accounts/ Technical/ Civil Engineering/ Electrical Mechanical Engineering)Online Computer Based Test, Interview, Training
For Manager (Hindi)Online Computer Based Test & Interview

Exam Pattern

  • The Phase-I exam will be Objective type (Multiple Choice Questions).
  • Each question will carry equal 1 (one) mark.
  • There will be negative marking of one-fourth (1/4) of the mark assigned to that question.
  • If a question is left blank, there will be no negative marking for that question and no marks will be allotted.
  • The marks obtained in Phase-I will not be reckoned in the final merit ranking.

The Exam Pattern along with the number of Questions and maximum marks for each section is tabulated below. The duration of the Exam will be 60 minutes.

SectionNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksTime Duration
English Language252515 minutes
Reasoning Ability252515 minutes
Numerical Aptitude252515 minutes
General Studies252515 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

Application Fee

₹800/- to be paid online by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets, and UPI by providing information as asked on the screen. SC/ST/PwBD and Women candidates are exempted from payment of the Application Fee.

How to Apply for FCI Manager/MT Recruitment 2022?

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format for only one zone at FCI Recruitment websites from 27/08/2022 to 26/09/2022 only for FCI Manager and Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2022.

  1. Visit the official website of FCI.
  2. Enter your respective credentials for the registration process.
  3. After successful registration, candidates will be given a provisional registration number and password generated by the system. Candidates are advised to save these details for further use.
  4. Upload scanned photograph and signature as per the guidelines in the notification and enter submit.
  5. Now enter educational details and other relevant details.
  6. Click on the preview tab to preview and verify the entire application before submitting it finally.
  7. After verifying click on the final submit button and click on the payment tab to proceed with payment.
  8. After successfully paying the application fee the application process will be completed and candidates will receive a mail or message on the registered email ID/phone number.
  9. Save the application form or take a printout for future reference.

View More – Trainee Vacancies in Government Sector

Details and Online submission of application

Please visit https://www.recruitmentfci.in for vacancy details and apply online for FCI Manager and Management Trainee Vacancy Recruitment 2022. 

GovernmentRozgar.in wishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs

***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**