RITES Recruitment 2023 is out for 51 posts of Engineer (Civil) at its official website. Get all the details of RITES Engineer Recruitment 2023 in this article.
Rites Limited invites online applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following Govt. #Naukri job vacancy for dynamic and hardworking Engineers (Civil Engineering)in Rites Limited (Advt. No. 125/23, 130-131/23) on regular basis in rites Limited in the year 2023. RITES Ltd. is a Mini Ratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India is a premier multi-disciplinary consultancy organization in the field of transport, infrastructure, and related technology.
Vacancy No. 125/23 of Engineer (Civil): 30 regular vacancies (UR-18, OBC-08, SC-04), Age: 32 years as of 01/05/2023, Experience: 2 years, Pay Scale: ₹40000-140000/-, Last Date to apply online – 25/06/2023
Vacancy No. 130/23 of Graduate Engineer Trainee (Civil Engineering): 20 regular vacancies (UR-12, OBC-05, SC-03) (PWD-02) based on GATE-2023 score, Age: 21-30 years as of 01/06/2023, Stipend and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will be on training for a period of 2 Months. On completion of training period, the candidates will be engaged as Engineer in IDA pay – scale of ₹40000-140000 on probation for a period of 1 year, Last Date to apply online – 30/06/2023
Vacancy No. 131/23 of Engineer/Civil (Safety, Health and Environment): 01 regular vacancies (EWS-01), Age: 32 years as of 01/06/2023, Experience: 2 years, Pay Scale: ₹40000-140000/-, Last Date to apply online – 30/06/2023
Selection Method for Rites Civil Engineers Recruitment 2023
On the basis of applications received, for some particular vacancies and for eligible candidates will be required to appear in the written test or Interview. Based upon the performance in the Written Test, and fulfilling the conditions of eligibility; candidates shall be shortlisted for an Interview.
Application Fee
General/OBC Candidates : Rs. 600/- + Taxes as applicable
For EWS/ SC/ST/ PWD Candidates : Rs. 300/- + Taxes as applicable
Payment mode : Through Online
How to Apply for Civil Engineers Recruitment 2023 in Rites Ltd.?
Please visit the Career section at the Rites website and apply online at https://www.rites.com/Career for details and online application format for regular Job vacancy advertisement for Engineer (Civil Engineering) Vacancy Recruitment 2023 in Rites Limited.
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Hindustan Copper Limited Recruitment 2023 – Hindustan Copper Limited (Hindustan Copper) has released a notification at hindustancopper.com for recruitment to the Post of Senior Manager, Management Trainee in Kolkata – West Bengal. Interested candidates can Apply Online on or before 28-Feb-2023
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) is a listed profit-making vertically integrated, multi-Unit, Schedule-A Miniratna Central Public Sector Enterprise in the field of Copper production. Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) invites Online Applications in the prescribed format from self-driven, qualified Engineers for recruitment of the following #GovernmentJob Vacancy posts of Deputy Manager/Senior Manager (For SC/ST/OBC in a Special Recruitment Drive), Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET)/Management Trainees (MT) in various disciplines/cadres on a regular basis at its various units for the year 2023. (Advertisement No. Estt. /1/2015/2022-23)
Senior Manager (Geology): 01 vacancies, Age: 47 years as of 01/01/2023, Pay Scale: Grade E-4 ₹70000-200000/-
Deputy Manager: 06 vacancies (Survey-2, Electrical-1, R&D-2, M&C-1), Age: 40 years as of 01/01/2023, Pay Scale: Grade-E-2 ₹50000-160000/-
Management Trainees (MT): 13 vacancies, Age: 28 years as of 01/01/2023, Stipend and Pay Scale: during one year of training, the selected candidates will be given a starting basic pay of ₹40000/-. Upon successful completion of training, they will be absorbed as Assistant Manager at E-1 grade on Probation in the pay scale of ₹40000-3%-140000/-
Finance: 05 vacancies
HR: 05 vacancies
Law: 01 vacancies
M&C: 02 vacancies
Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET): 04 vacancies, Age: 28 years as of 01/01/2023, Stipend and Pay Scale: during one year of training, the selected candidates will be given a starting basic pay of ₹40000/-. Upon successful completion of training, they will be absorbed as Assistant Manager at E-1 grade on Probation in the pay scale of ₹40000-3%-140000/-
Electrical: 03 vacancies
Mechanical: 01 vacancies
Name of the Post
No of Posts
Senior Manager (Geology)
Deputy Manager (Survey)
Deputy Manager (Electrical)
Deputy Manager (R & D)
Deputy Manager (M & C)
Management Trainee (Finance)
Management Trainee (HR)
Management Trainee (Law)
Management Trainee (M & C)
Graduate Engineer Trainee (Electrical)
Graduate Engineer Trainee (Mechanical)
Application Fee for HCL Engineer Trainee Manager Recruitment 2023
Step 1: Go to the Hindustan Copper Ltd official website Step 2: In the official site, look out for Hindustan Copper Ltd Recruitment 2023 notification Step 3: Select the respective post and make sure to read all the details about the Deputy Manager, Management Trainee, More Vacancies, qualifications, job location, and others Step 4: Check the mode of application and apply for the Hindustan Copper Ltd Recruitment 2023
Details and Application Format for HCL Vacancy 2023
Candidates should visit the Career page at the Hindustan Copper Limited website Please visit https://www.hindustancopper.com/Page/Career_New for details and the online application format for Graduate/Management Trainee and Manager Vacancy Recruitment in Hindustan Copper Limited 2023.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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RCFL has invited online applications for the Officer/Engineer Posts on its official website. Check RCFL Recruitment 2023 application process, age limit, qualification and other details here.
The Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCFL) invites Online Applications in the prescribed format for the recruitment of the following Government Job of Officer (CCLB) and Engineer (Environmental) Grade E1 in the Officer’s category for the year 2023. (Advertisement No.: 01122022)
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCFL) a Government of India Undertaking, headquartered in Mumbai, is a leading profit-making company in manufacturing and marketing Fertilizers and Industrial Chemicals.
Officer (CCLB) Grade-E1: 04 vacancies(UR-03, OBC-01), Age: 35 years, Experience: Minimum 2 years post qualification executive cadre experience in the relevant lab (Fertilizer and Chemical Testing Lab), Pay Scale: E1 Grade ₹40000-140000/-
Engineer (Environmental) Grade-E1: 02 vacancies(UR-01, OBC-01), Age: 30 years, Experience: 2 years experience in the field of Environmental Management after acquiring the qualification, Pay Scale: E1 Grade ₹40000-140000/-
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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ISRO Recruitment 2022: Indian Space Research Organization is hiring Scientist/Engineerr. Candidates can check the vacancy, how to apply, the selection process and other details here.
ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB) of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) under the Department of Space, Government of India intended to recruit and fill up the Latest Government Sarkari Naukri vacancy position of Scientist/Engineer `SC’ in the Level-10 of 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix starting ₹56100 to the to young engineering graduates in the Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science disciplines through GATE-2021/2022 score card. (Advertisement No. ISRO:ICRB:01(1)(EMC):2022)
ISRO ICRB invites Online Applications in the prescribed format for the Recruitment 2022 of Scientists/ Engineers ‘SC’ in Electronics, Mechanical, and Computer Science Engineering disciplines in ISRO. This recruitment is being done by ISRO ICRB for constituent ISRO Centres (Group ‘A’ Gazetted posts) and in Autonomous Bodies (Group ‘A’ Non-Gazetted posts).
BE/B.Tech in First Class or equivalent with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters for which results are available) OR CGPA 6.84/10 and valid GATE-2021/2022 score.
Age Limit
28 years as of 19/12/2022 (Serving Govt. employees, Ex-Servicemen; Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, meritorious Sports persons are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders).
The qualification prescribed for ISRO Scientist / Engineer Recruitment is the MINIMUM requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for Interview.
Shortlisting of the candidates for Interview in the ratio of 1:7 shall be based on the GATE Scores awarded and not on GATE marks or GATE Rank.
The candidates will be assessed based on the following attributes, viz. Technical (Academic) knowledge [40 marks], General Awareness in relevance to the area of Specialisation (technical) [20 marks]; Presentation/Communication Skill [20 marks]; Comprehension [10 marks] and Academic achievements [10 marks], totaling to 100 marks.
Candidates will have to score minimum 60 marks in the Interview and PWBD candidates will have to score minimum 50 marks in the Interview.
For generation of the final panel, 50% weightage will be given to GATE Scores and 50% weightage to Interview marks.
Details and Online Application Submission
Please visit https://www.isro.gov.in/Careers.html for further information and complete details and online submission of application for ISRO Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Vacancy Recruitment 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Bharat Dynamics Limited Jobs 2022: Bharat Dynamics Limited invites applications for the recruitment of 37 Management Trainee Posts. Eligible applicants can Apply Online in the prescribed format through the official website from 29/10/2022 to 28/11/2022. The selection process for the posts will be done on the basis of written examination and interviews. The candidates who fulfill the eligibility can read more details about this notification on the Bharat Dynamics Limited website. Here are the details of the Bharat Dynamics Limited Jobs 2022 selection process, application fee, important dates, how to apply, age limit, education, and qualification as given below.(Advt. No.: C-HR(TA&CP)/Advt.2022-3).
₹500/- to be paid online through SBI e-pay (by Debit Card / Credit Card/ Net Banking/ UPI, etc..,). Candidates belonging to SC / ST/ PwBD/ Ex-Servicemen/ Internal Employees are exempted from payment of the Application Fee.
Please visit the Notification Section at Bharat Dynamics Limited https://bdl-india.in/careers-page for all the details, instructions, syllabus, and a link to apply online for Executive Cadre Management Trainee Job Vacancy Recruitment in Bharat Dynamics Limited 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Pay Scale : Candidates will be appointed in the IDA Pay Scale of ₹50000-180000 on a basic pay of ₹50000/- in Grade ‘A’ in Supervisory cadre, subject to medical fitness.
Age : 26 years (28 years for the post of Officer (Legal)) as of 01/07/2022.
Selection Procedure
The online test at several cities in India shall be for 120 marks of two parts viz., General Aptitude (Verbal Ability, G.K, Reasoning / Logical Deductions & Numerical Ability) comprising of 50 Questions and concerned discipline knowledge with 70 Questions. ¼ mark per wrong answer per question shall be deducted. The questions shall be objective type Multiple Choice Questions with total time duration of 2 hours. For Officer (Marketing), the discipline knowledge will be based on the essential education qualification viz. Chemical / Mechanical / Electrical / Civil.
Final selection will be based on 85% of Written Test Marks and 15% of Interview Marks.
And check for the CPCL Recruitment or Careers to which you are going to apply.
Open Engineer, Officer Jobs notification and check Eligibility.
Check the last date carefully before starting the application form.
If you are eligible, Fill the application form without any mistakes.
Pay the application fee (If applicable) and submit the application form before the last date (21-Sep-2022) and capture the Application form number/acknowledgment number.
Please visit https://cpcl.co.in/company/people/careers/ for details and a link to apply online for Recruitment of Officer Engineers in Chennai Petroleum Corporation 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
***All the candidates please drop your Comment in comment box. If candidates have any Query Regarding this Post, So please ask with us. For more details keep in touch with our website**
All the details related to SSC JE 2022 Exam are given in the article below, if you’re preparing for SSC JE 2022 or about to start your preparation, we suggest you to read the article till the end.
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold a Computer Based Online Combined All India Open Recruitment Examination in the month o November 2022 (for Computer Based Examination, Paper-I) for recruitment to the Government Sarkari Rojgar Job vacancy posts of Junior Engineers Group-B (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Quantity Surveying and Contract) in the these government organisations –
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) holds an annual Computer-Based all India recruitment examination to recruit Junior Engineers Group-B (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Quantity Surveying and Contract) in various Central Government Departments for the year 2022.
Details of the Junior Engineer Exam 2022 vacancies
The Junior Engineer vacancies have been advertised by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) as per the Indents submitted by the respective Indenting Departments/ Offices of Government of India for the recruitment process 2022. There may be withdrawal/ alteration of the vacancies by the Indenting Departments/ Offices at any time.
Junior Engineers: Number of vacancies will be notified at a later stager (last time there were 1601posts in different streams in various departments)
Age Limit: 18 to 30/32 years as on 01/01/2022 for different departments, Relaxation in age as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Degree/Diploma in Civil or Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from an institution recognized by Govt. of India or equivalent qualification.
Pay Scale: Level-6 ₹35400-112400/- of pay matrix of 7th CPC
Required Educational Qualification
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Central Water Commission
Diploma or Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Central Public Works Department (CPWD)
Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institution
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Department of Posts
3 years Diploma or equivalent in Civil Engineering from an institute recognized by the Central/ State Government
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Military Engineer Services (MES)
Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University Or(a) 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institute or University; and(b) 2 years of work experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Civil Engineering works
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Farakka Barrage Project
Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Border Roads Organization, Ministry of Defence
Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute or(a) 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board; and(b) 2 years of work experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Civil Engineering works
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Central Water Power Research Station
Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board
Junior Engineer (Civil)
National Technical Research Organization
Diploma in Civil Engineering from recognized University/ Board/ Institution
Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical)
Military Engineer Services (MES)
Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Board; Or(a) 3 years diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized Institute/ University/ Board; and(b) 2 years of experience in Planning/ Execution/ Maintenance of Electrical or Mechanical Engineering work
Junior Engineer (Electrical)
Central Public Works Department (CPWD)
Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board/ Institute
Junior Engineer (Electrical)
Farakka Barrage Project
Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board/ Institute
Junior Engineer (Electrical)
Central Water Power Research Station
Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/Board
Junior Engineer (Electrical)
Directorate of Quality Assurance, Naval
Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board; or(a) 3 years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institution; and(b) 2 years of experience in the relevant field
Junior Engineer (Electrical)
National Technical Research Organization
Diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognized University/ Institution
Junior Engineer (Mechanical)
Central Water Commission
Degree/ Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute
Junior Engineer (Mechanical)
Farakka Barrage Project
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board/ Institute
Junior Engineer (Mechanical)
Central Water Power Research Station
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board
Junior Engineer (Mechanical)
Directorate of Quality Assurance, Naval
Degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Board; or(a) 3 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institution; and (b) 2 years of work experience in the respective field
Junior Engineer (Mechanical)
National Technical Research Organization
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from recognized University/ Board/ Institution
Junior Engineer (Quantity Surveying & Contracts)
Military Engineer Services (MES)
3 years Diploma in Civil engineering from a recognized University/ Institute/ Board or equivalent; or(a) Passed Intermediate examination in Buildings and Quantity Surveying Sub-Division-II of the Institute of Surveyors (India)
SSC Jr. Engineer Recruitment 2022 Exam Fee
Candidates who want to apply for the prestigious SSC JE 2022 Examination have to pay fees declared by the Staff Selection Commission. The candidates can either pay the application fees online (payment through Credit, Debit Cards, UPI, Net Banking) or Offline (Through SBI Branch Challan). The amount which the candidates have to pay has been mentioned below for SSC JE 2022.
The Junior Engineer Recruitment Examination 2022 will consist of two papers i.e. Paper-I (Computer Based Examination) and Paper-II (Descriptive Type). The recruitment examination date of Computer Based Examination (Paper-I) will be in the month of November 2022. Schedule of Paper-II (conventional) to be notified later.
Paper – I(Online Test)
General Intelligence & Reasoning General Awareness Part –A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) OR Part-B General Engineering (Electrical) OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical)
Find the Notification file and SSC JE Apply Online Link.
When the application form will be displayed read the instruction very carefully.
Registration will be in two parts.
Online Registration Part-1
The first part will consist of basic information
Fill the details with relevant information
You will get the registration number
Take a printout of that registration number
To pay the fee in cash you must take the printout of the challan generated online after the completion of registration part one
If you want to pay online you can directly move to registration part two
Online Registration Part-2
The candidate will have to provide registration number and date of birth to open registration part two
Go to the Second Registration part
Scan and attach a photograph
A photograph should be between 4 kb and 12 kb
Photograph must have 100px width and 120px height
Scan and attach the copy of the signature
Signature should be uploaded in JPG format
Click the submit button
Take a printout of the application form for future use
Details and application format of SSC Jr. Engineer Exam 2022
For further details and Online application form for SSC Junior Engineer Recruitment Examination 2022, please visit at SSC website at https://ssc.nic.in
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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GAIL Recruitment 2022 Notification for 282 Non-Executive Posts is Released – Apply Online for GAIL Careers
GAIL Recruitment 2022: Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) has released the latest notification for the recruitment of various non-executive posts in the disciplines of Chemical, Electrical, Civil, Laboratory, Fire and Safety, Finance and Accounts, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Official Language, Telecom/ Telemetry, Store and Purchase, Marketing, and Human Resource. Eligible candidates can apply online for the GAIL India Recruitment 2022 from the official website. All the details related to GAIL Recruitment 2022 are given below.
Aspirants must have a certificate/ degree of Engineering, Graduate or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognized institute/ Board.
Total Vacancy
GAIL Recruitment 2022 – Age Limit
The age limit for GAIL recruitment is a maximum of 28 Years. The crucial date for the calculation of the age is 15.9.2022. The age Relaxation will be given as per the Rules of the Government.
Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) has officially released an advertisement for recruitment for the post of Non-Executive. Candidates who are looking for GAIL Vacancy 2022 can use this opportunity and candidates will be required to Apply Online through the GAIL website: https://gailonline.comonly.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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BIS New Recruitment 2022 Out – 100 Engineering Graduates Vacancies
Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian nationals with proven academic credentials, professional achievements, good working knowledge of technology-based skills, strong communication and interpersonal skills and leadership qualities for engaging with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as Graduate Engineers (GEs) on contract basis Government Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts in various disciplines in BIS for the year 2022. The engagement is purely on a contract basis for a period of Two years. (Advertisement No. 06 (GE)/2022/HRD)
About BIS Contract Engineer Vacancy Recruitment 2022
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), a statutory body under the administrative control of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Govt. of India, is recruiting Graduate Engineers (GEs) through Contract-based engagement and recruitment through interviews at the Regional level for the year 2022.
BIS Contract Engineer Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
Graduate Engineer: 100 vacancies on Contract, Qualification: Master’s Degree in relevant subject or B.E./B. Tech. in EEE/ FCT/ MCM, Job Location: Graduate Engineers shall be posted anywhere in India depending upon the requirement, Remuneration: A consolidated monthly remuneration of ₹50000/- per month.
Organization Name
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
Name of the Post
Graduate Engineers
No. of Vacancy
Apply Online Start Date
6th August 2022
Last Date to Apply
27th August 2022
Apply Mode
Location of Job
All Over India
BIS Recruitment 2022 Selection Process
All the applications received shall be scrutinized and shortlisted. Candidates will be shortlisted in the light of their qualifications, experience and other details provided in the application form.
Mere fulfillment of qualification or short listing shall not confer any right to be engaged as Graduate Engineer. Shortlisted candidates will be called for practical assessment, written assessment, technical knowledge assessment and interview. BIS reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof.
How to Apply for Administrative/Technical Vacancies in BIS 2022?
Details and online submission of applications are available on the BIS recruitment website at https://bis.gov.in for Graduate Engineer on contract vacancy recruitment in BIS 2022.
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is a leading “Navratna” Government of India Public Sector Enterprise that is looking for exciting career opportunities in energy sector and willing to contribute towards India’s energy future by being part of HPCL growth journey. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the following various Government Job vacancies of Engineers and Officers in various disciplines in HPCL for the year 2022.
An Amount of ₹1180/- + payment gateway charges if any (Application fee of ₹1000/- + GST@18% of ₹180/- + payment gateway charges if applicable) to be paid by Online Payment Mode of Debit/Credit card/UPI/Net Banking.
The selection process may comprise of various shortlisting and selection tools like Computer Based Test, Group Task, Personal Interview, Moot court (only for Law Officers) etc.
All the candidates claiming to fulfil all the eligibility criteria will be called for Computer Based Test.
Computer Based Test will be of objective questions with no negative marking and will comprise of two parts.
General Aptitude consisting of English Language, Quantitative Aptitude Test & Intellectual Potential tests (Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation).
Technical / Professional Knowledge comprising of questions related to Qualifying degree / Educational background required for the applied position.
Candidates qualifying in the Computer Based Test in order of merit & predetermined ratio will be advised According to category-wise and discipline- wise merit list in Computer Based Test, eligible candidates will be called for Group Task & Personal Interview.
Candidates must secure minimum qualifying marks in each of the stages i.e. Computer Based Test, Group Task and Personal Interview to be considered for further selection process.
Computer Based Test + Group Task + Moot Court (only for Law Officers) + Personal Interviews + Work Experience (only for QC / Blending / Law / Experienced Electrical) & offer of appointment would be as per the category & discipline-wise vacancies available
How to Apply for HPC Officer Engineer Vacancies 2022?
GovernmentRozgar.inwishes you best of luck. Keep following our www.governmentrozgar.in web site for latest Fresher, Medical, Engineer, Banks, SSC, UPSC, PSC, PSU Government Jobs, State Govt Jobs…
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